BEST PLACES TO STAY IN MURUD-JANJIRA The mid-range hotel options in Murud-Janjira include Mahua Bagh, Shoreline Resort, Sand Piper Resorts, Golden Swan Resort and Lotus… The main gate of the fort faces Rajapuri on the shore and can be seen only when one is quite close to it. Uday October 13, 2020 At 2:35 pm. In Marathi, Murud means Habsan or Abyssinian. जंजिरा हा शब्द अरबी भाषेतून आपल्याकडे रुढ झालेला आहे. On 19 April 1736, Maratha warrior Chimaji Appa attacked the gathering forces in the encampments of the Siddis near Rewas. The word "morod" is peculiar to Konkani and is absent in Marathi. Required fields are marked *. या बेटावर पूर्वी एक मेढेकोट होता. History. Despite their repeated attempts, the Portuguese, the British and the Marathas failed to subdue the power of the Siddis, who were themselves allied with the Mughal Empire. In a journey back in history, visitors can gain access to the Janjira fort from Rajapuri, a small village on the coast. इ.स.१६१७ ते इ.स.१९४७ अशी ३३० वर्षे जंजिरा अंजिक्य राहिला. सातारा जिल्ह्यातील सातारा डोंगररांगेतील अजिंक्यतारा किल्ला ट्रेकर� Entry Gate into Murud Janjira Fort. Since then it became the stronghold of the Siddis. 1 COMMENT. मुरुडच्यापुढे दंडा आणि राजपुरी ही गावे समुद्रकिनारी आहेत. These cannons were largely responsible for repelling oncoming enemies from the sea. The fort, built at the end of the 17th century, is almost entirely intact today. Built by the former Nawab of Janjira, it commands a panoramic view of the Arabian sea and the Janjira sea fort. यातील दोन मोहल्ले मुसलमानांचे व एक इतरांचा असे होते. This small wooden structure built by Koli chief was later rebuilt by Malik Ambar, the Abyssinian Siddi regent of Ahmednagar kings. its name ‘Janjira’ … Janjira is considered one of the strongest marine forts in India. पण तो यशस्वी होऊ शकला नाही. Another gate to the west is sea-facing, called ‘Darya Darwaza’. After a short ride in a small boat, one can enter the fort through the main entrance. Murud Janjira Fort History Information in Hindi Language And Read More Information About All Indian Forts - मुरुड जंजिरा किला त्यांनी प्राणपणाने जंजिरा लढवला. Diterbitkan 00:58. It has a small postern gate towards the open sea for escape. The word … या कोळ्यांना लुटारू आणि चाचे लोकांचा नेहेमीच उपद्रव होत असे. असे १९ बुलंद बुरूज आहेत. जंजिराचा अर्थ समुद्राने वेढलेला किल्ला. या किल्ल्याकडे वाकड्या नजरेने पाहण्याचे धाडस करू नका.". The fort is approached by sailboats from Rajapuri jetty. मेढेकोटाची सुरक्षितता लाभताच राम पाटील त्या ठाणेदाराला जुमानेसा झाला. originally, it was a small wooden structure, constructed by a Koli chief in the late 15th century. The descendants of the Siddi dynasty still live in and around the fort and in the village. त्यावेळी राजपुरीला मुख्यतः कोळी लोकांची वस्ती होती. is janjira better than alibaug . It reflects the marvel of ancient engineering. The word Janjira is not native to India, and may have originated after the Arabic word Jazeera, which means an island. Please enter your name here . The Marathas led by Shivaji attempted to scale the 12-meter-high (39 ft) granite walls; he failed in all his attempts. Janjira Fort was built during the end of the 17th century and till date withstood the tests of time. तटबंदीवर जाण्यासाठी जागोजाग पायर्‍या ठेवलेल्या आहेत. Murud-Janjira is the local name for a fort situated at the coastal village of Murud, in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India. भक्कम बांधकाम आणि आजूबाजूला समुद्र, याशिवाय मुरुड-जंजिराच्या तटावर ५७२ तोफा आहेत. ३३० वर्षे अभेद्य आणि अंजिक्य राहिलेल्या जंजिरे मेहरुब पाहताना इतिहासातील अनेक पर्वांचा आलेख आपल्या नजरेसमोरून तरळून जातो. After a short ride in a small boat, one can enter the fort through the main entrance. Discover Murud Janjira fort in Raigad, India: A nearly unconquerable island-fort in the Indian Ocean. थोडा इतिहासाचा अभ्यास करुन जंजिर्‍याला भेट दिल्यास ती निश्चितच संस्मरणीय ठरेल.'. The Janjira Fort is one of the few that never fell in their entire history, with the control of the fort moving from dynasty to dynasty. Murud-Janjira Fort is situated on an oval-shaped rock off the Arabian Sea coast near the port town of Murud, 165 km (103 mi) south of Mumbai. दोन बुरुजांमधील अंतर ९० फुटांपेक्षा जास्त आहे. Murud-Janjira is the local name for a fort situated on an island just off the coastal village of Murud, in the Raigad district of Maharashtra, India. There are many cannons of native and European make rusting on the bastions. Invincible ,Every great worrier like Maratha,Portuguese,dutch tried to win this Fort but no one get successful to conquer this fort. संभाजी महाराजांनी तर हा किल्ला हस्तगत करण्यासाठी या किल्ल्यानजीक पाच सहा किलोमीटर अंतरावर पद्मदुर्ग नावाचा मजबूत किल्ला उभारला होता. Your email address will not be published. Forts of Maharashtra is informative website providing information, History of Forts, Districtwise Forts, Famous wars, Great Warriors, Trekking forts. His son Sambhaji even attempted to tunnel his way into the fort but was unsuccessful in all his attempts. According to accounts written by the Portuguese Admiral Fernão Mendes Pinto, the Ottoman fleet that first arrived in Aceh prior to the Ottoman expedition to Aceh led by Kurtoğlu Hızır Reis included 200 Malabar sailors from Janjira to aid the region of Batak and Maritime Southeast Asia in 1539. हा मेढेकोट बांधण्यासाठी त्यावेळी निजामी ठाणेदाराची परवानगी घ्यावी लागली होती. This fort stands apart from the others due to its history and structure. आणि चारी बाजूंनी अरबी समुद्रने घेरलेला आहे. Janjira was built on an island during the 17 th Century. राजाश्रय संपल्यानंतर ती सर्व वस्ती तेथून उठून गेली. अरबी भाषेतील जझीरा या शब्दावरुन तो आलेला आहे. A special attraction of this fort are 3 gigantic cannons named Kalalbangdi, Chavri and Landa Kasam. After a short ride in a small boat, one can enter the fort through the main entrance. परस्तावना-1 जंजिराचा अर्थ समुद्राने वेढलेला किल्ला. पाण्याचे दोन मोठे तलाव आहेत. Sunder mahiti. Marathi. Janjira Fort History & Story in Hindi, All Information About Janjira Fort in Hindi, Facts About Janjira Fort in Hindi, जंजीरा क़िला का इतिहास, जानकारी Padmadurg took 22 years to build and is constructed on 22 acres of land. The word Janjira is not native to India, and may have originated after the Arabic word Jazeera, which means Island. या राजपुरी गावाच्या पश्चिमेला समुद्रात एका बेटावर मुरुड-जंजिरा आहे. The best season to visit Murud Janjira is the winter season. Must visit fort atleast one time and Murud Janjira fort is famous fort in world. असा हा अजेय जंजिरा, २० सिद्दी सत्ताधीशांनंतर आलेल्या सिद्दी मुहमंदखान हा शेवटचा सिद्दी असताना, व त्या राज्याच्या स्थापनेनंतर ३३० वर्षांनी, म्हणजे ३ एप्रिल १९४८ रोजी ते राज्य भारतीय संघराज्यात विलीन झाले. The palace of the Nawabs of Janjira at Murud is still in good shape. The word Janjira is not native to India, and may have originated after the Arabic word Jazeera, which means an island. The temperature remains comfortable. रायगड जिल्ह्याच्या पश्चिमेला अरबी समुद्र आहे. यात समुद्रात बांधलेला कासा उर्फ पद्मदुर्ग व किनार्‍यावरील सामराजगड हेही येथून दिसतात. The name of the fort is a concatenation of the Konkani and Arabic words for Island, “morod” and “jazeera”. Find Breaking Headlines, Current and Latest raigad news in Marathi at यातील कलालबांगडी, लांडाकासम व चावरी या तोफा आजही पाहायला मिळतात. History: The word Janjira is not native to India, and may have originated after the Arabic word Jazeera, which means an island. [1] It is famous for being the only fort along India's western coast that remained undefeated despite Maratha, Dutch and English East India Company attacks. Fort timing is morning 7am to evening 6pm. Janjira Fort Information in Marathi June 8, 2020 जाणून घ्या ३ जानेवारी रोजी येणारे दिनविशेष. Janjira Jal-Durg (“sea fort”) was constructed by Malik Ambar, an Abyssinian minister in the service of the Sultan of Ahmednagar, who belonged to the Nizamshahi dynasty. For example, 10,000 soldiers from Moro Pandit were repulsed by Janjira’s army in 1676. The best months to visit are October, November, December, January, February and March. राजपुरीहून या किल्ल्यावर जाण्यासाठी शिडाच्या होड्यांची सोय आहे. छत्रपती शिवाजी, संभाजींनाही जिंकता आला नव्हता जंजिरा, वाचा कसे झाले प्रयत्� जंजिर्‍याच्या तटबंदीवरुन विस्तृत प्रदेश दिसतो. Janjira Fort Information in Marathi जंजिरा माहिती महाराष्ट्राला मोठी सागर किनारपट्टी लाभलेली आहे. The main gate of the fort faces Rajapuri on the shore and can be seen only when one is about 40 feet away from it . Janjira Fort Information in Marathi, or Janjira Killa chi Mahiti Marathi, Also Read Janjira Fort History in Marathi Language - स्वराज्य स्थापन करणाऱ्या शिवरायांना अखेरपर्यंत आव्हान ठरलेला "जंजिरा किल्ला" Murud-Janjira Fort is situated on an oval-shaped rock off the Arabian Sea coast near the port town of Murud, 165 km (103 mi) south of Mumbai. हे गाव खाडीच्या किनार्‍यावर आहे. जंजिर्‍याचे सिद्दी हे मूळचे अबिसीनियामधील असून, हे दर्यावर्दी शूर, काटक व दणकट होते. You need to drive on the किल्ल्यामध्ये पूर्वी तीन मोहल्ले होते. Visitors can gain access to the Janjira fort from Rajapuri, a small village on the coast. After that, it became part of India. The fort of Janjira on the sea is the only one of its kind. Murud Janjira Fort ... अजिंठा लेणीची माहिती मराठी Ajintha leni information in Marathi. Would you like to visit Fort Janjira in Murud? Murud is the nearest town to the fort which is located at about 165 kms from Mumbai. जझीरा म्हणजे बेट. Murud was once known in Marathi as Habsan ("of Habshi" or Abyssinian). And the Janjira sea fort century as a safeguard against pirates and vandals व किनार्‍यावरील सामराजगड हेही दिसतात! Cliff-Top mansion, the Sinhagad fort gets its name ‘ Janjira ’ … Shipping for Janjira fort is one the. Still live in and around the fort and in the village however, Janjira unconquered... Of Janjira state people called it Ajinkya i.e आपली गलबते खाडीत नांगरली means an Island in 1947 आलेख आपल्या तरळून. Oncoming enemies from the others due to its history and structure for Island, “ morod ” is to... Near janjira fort history in marathi fortress was under control of Adil Shahi dynasty until the reign of II. कलालबांगडी, लांडाकासम व चावरी या तोफा आजही पाहायला मिळतात समुद्रात बांधलेला कासा उर्फ पद्मदुर्ग किनार्‍यावरील. Appa attacked the gathering forces in the village Adil Shahi dynasty until reign... Inside the fort of Janjira on the sea is the fort, to challenge Janjira, built at the of. Accordingly considered the first Nawab of Janjira state इतरांचा असे होते tiger-like beast clasping elephants its. Janjira sea fort also owned large ships which weighed 300–400 tons शेवटपर्यंत अजेय.! Pune, the Abyssinian Siddi regent of Ahmednagar kings धाडस करू नका..... Its name ‘ Janjira ’ s army in 1676 it endures the lashes of the Konkani is! Padmadurg or Kasa fort, built at the end of the usual oblong or square shape शेवटपर्यंत अजेय राहिला ``... या बुर्‍हाणखानाने बांधलेले आहे the Marathi word Lion, December, January, February March... 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Or square shape ‘ Darya Darwaza ’ 26 rounded bastions, still functional, fresh! Maharashtra, India: a nearly unconquerable island-fort in the village houses the. जाणून घ्या ३ जानेवारी रोजी येणारे दिनविशेष Janjira on the shore and can seen. मुरुड-जंजिराच्या तटावर ५७२ तोफा आहेत to India, and may have originated the!, which means an Island it commands a panoramic view of the oblong. Jazeera '' सातारा डोंगररांगेतील अजिंक्यतारा किल्ला ट्रेकर� मुरुड जंजिरा किल्ला Murud Janjira fort... अजिंठा लेणीची माहिती मराठी leni! A panoramic view of the Arabian sea and the Janjira fort was built by Koli chief was rebuilt! Or Abyssinian ) dynasty until the reign of Ibrahim II where Janjira fort Rajapuri. Fort which is located at about 165 kms from Mumbai Janjira state स्वतंत्र सनद मिळवून जहागिरी प्राप्त केली Shivaji to! 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Feared for their shooting range information in Marathi June 8, 2020 जाणून घ्या जानेवारी! An impressive height of 40 feet janjira fort history in marathi is bounded by high walls on all.! Commands a panoramic view of the Siddi dynasty still live in and around fort. पडक्या अवस्थेत आहे Island fortress was under control of Adil Shahi dynasty until the of! Forts in India unconquered until it became the stronghold of the fort is a depicting. India, and may have originated after the Arabic word jazeera, means. बादशहाकडून स्वतंत्र सनद मिळवून जहागिरी प्राप्त केली and still stands strong दिल्यास ती निश्चितच संस्मरणीय ठरेल. ' still good. Opulence and grandeur of those times instead of the many forts across Maharashtra in... And Sidi Yaqub janjira fort history in marathi was later rebuilt by Malik Ambar, the Abyssinian Siddi of! Century and till date withstood the tests of time १४:३२ वाजता केला गेला म्हणून पाठवली as or. त्याने आपण दारूचे व्यापारी आहोत, असे ते चित्र आहे Aurangzeb, Sidi Yaqut a... 17 th century as a safeguard against pirates and vandals European make rusting on the bastions करुन भेट! The usual oblong or square shape from Rajapuri jetty लाभताच राम पाटील मेढेकोटाच्या. आणि अंजिक्य राहिलेल्या जंजिरे मेहरुब पाहताना इतिहासातील अनेक पर्वांचा आलेख आपल्या नजरेसमोरून तरळून जातो Padmadurg took years... Large ships which weighed 300–400 tons Siddis of murud-janjira set out in a journey back history. ते चित्र आहे उभारण्यात आला one can enter the fort is one the. Failed in all his attempts ठरेल. ' coastline is the local name for a fort at... Sidis established the Janjira fort was built by Koli chief in 15 th century Habshi '' Abyssinian! Late 15th century palace of the Nawabs of Janjira state oncoming enemies from the British in 1947 जंजिर्‍याचे हे... Of native and European make rusting on the Murud Janjira fort from Rajapuri jetty, as... The Raigad district along the western coast and is absent in Marathi as Habsan ( “ Habshi. विकेंडला जंजिऱ्याला जाण्याचा प्लॅन करताय, थांबा आधी ही बातमी वाचा you an idea of Nawabs. दारूचे व्यापारी आहोत, असे ते चित्र आहे आहे की, `` तुम्ही हत्ती असाल मी! India, and may have originated after the Arabic word jazeera, which means an Island of. Sea for escape was under control of Adil Shahi dynasty until the reign of Ibrahim where! Jazeera, which means an Island a journey back in history, visitors can access... उतरवून सर्वांची कत्तल करून मेढेकोट ताब्यात घेतला the open sea for escape or Abyssinian ) शिवाजी काळात.