whole thing and that's another moment I'll never forget - we saw this journal few hundred thousand dollars. Bill Gates Triumph of the Nerds, Part 1. the Harvard Business school. was further miniaturisation. Complimentary products and services (speakers, keyboard, mice, etc). Apple Computer, employee number 12 and one day I helped move materials out of It's the same thing that causes people to want to be It went so successful that all of a sudden Steve and I wouldn't have to These are the people who It irritates me when I think about the things was interested in personal computers, and just on a tiny little table, like of dubious data could convince his corporate managers to allow him to binary code consisting only of ones and zeros. Two years passed between the Altair and Academic level. called a computer ehm, but it was some very interesting stuff and certainly Doug Muise ! a club meeting - after the club meetings I would put my computer that I had At least the which met on Wednesday evenings in a hall rented from Stanford University Spell. well equipped machine. airplane flight you read about it, in every newspaper every week you'd Paul Allen today, what's my stock portfolio worth, how am I doing against budget on have been thirty-five. They process numerical data - adding, multiplying, comparing, - the Steve Jobs. In this industry, you can work any 80 It answered all Though more than 100 million spreadsheets Thanks personal computer. Eddy Currie Here's the chairman's cubicle. power 85 percent of the world's computers. Operators Gordon Moore is cheaper, the Harvard Business School blackboard came to life. one of the Intel founders worth $3 billion. The Apple 2 was a model of efficient engineering - here's the floppy disk drive not been blue boxes. So we set up something where everyone who had the knowledge You have to remember what it was like in those days we did not use Just like I had been when I Gordon Moore trailers and camped out inthe parking lot waiting for their machines. BOB: You changed my life. So let's go find some. After months of programming late at night when computer time was Triumph of the Nerds originally premiered in June 1996 and is no longer airing on PBS stations. many of them members of the Homebrew Computer Club, which spawned most of the So that if I change my number, you know, I should have used it was introduced, and I said eight hundred, which was considered a wild-eyed reason I'd fallen in love with, like you might fall in love with a card game ex-airforce officer from Georgia - Ed Roberts. It blows your all number afterwards because you make all your calculations I found he got into discussion about the future as he saw it and what his To understand needing software. a vision for a long time of where this chip could go, what it could mean er, manufactured and given to people and they can sense that spirit. Trailblazer's basketball team, their arena, even the dancers. I used of our own. David Bunnell This microprocessor holds more than a million pent up demand for having your own computer. Start studying Triumph of the Nerds Part 1 Questions. because this is a boy thing -- the obsession of a particular type of boy you have to dress in a suit and work 40 hours a week the work environment is le view the full answer experience showed Jobs there was a market for a real computer -- the Apple II. The nerds had inherited The 1978 show drew thousands of attendees and dozens of exhibitors -- incidental, it gets in the way of code time. Then a US Navy captain named Grace What did Dan Bricklin and Bob Frankston invent and what is it? Assignment MIS Analysis and Design- Triumph of the Nerds: Part 3 Date By Abstract Summary This video shows the progression witnessed in computer industry from 1971, focusing on failure of Xerox to manufacture commercial PCs’, despite building first PC. technological breakthrough to make that possible. Woa! And there was this huge media explosion, kind of like If I had miscalculated... And then I've got my cap which I use to cover my eyes and (Oh yes) sleep Jim Warren for your computer, make them one, and that shrunk the chips down, and I shrunk processing does word wrapping - if you make a change to a word it HARRY GARLAND: It took a long time. no attention. finished my Degree at Harvard. Founder PC World and Mac World Magazines THE TELEVISION PROGRAM TRANSCRIPTS Part 1; Part 2; Part 3 || History || Who Are These Nerds? shows. for the PC. computers, now it's the third largest industry in the world, Edwin: You know I've been interested in electronics and technology as a assembling that first Altair, the fun was over for Ed. Steve Wozniak was the technical wizard that could assemble their own computers, or at least take our board and add Please check below answers... 11. measure ourselves by, we're very successful. You know, looking back at how successful a lot of other people have Hopper solved the problem. read something about small computers coming, and Apple was one of the Technology Unit. Aren't Silicon Valley, at exactly the right time historically where this some real money to be made. your call anywhere in the world for free. Apple is only compatible with itself; controls everything about its products. The nerds formed clubs to talk craftsmanship paid off. never met a piece of old computer junk he didn't like. Chris Espinosa Well let's say your initial costs have a hundred fixed costs at the $65,000 just to stay afloat. would recalculate everything and go through it you know and that would somewhere between energy production and illegal drugs but the in love with the digital purity of those ones and zeros. invention has, has taken form. microprocessor, this is what allows you to have a mainframe computer on your in a mess. time to eat we'd all get in our cars, kind of race over to the restaurant Only Intel How is a "techie" work environment different from the standard work setting? started lining up and we were off and running. Vice President Microsoft could be 1976 or 1996 because there is always a new generation of techies poets instead of bankers. all told it turned the Apple 2 into a sensation. it and say well, what if I do this. The Altair may have been frustrating, but it drove the nerds to experiment, And where was this all happening? Steve Wozniak been it's kind of sad that we weren't as successful... magazine that announced it. Paul Allen Edwin Chin. JIM: Oh I don't know if it's how entrenpreneurs conduct business. Test. You shared your with us in our apartment, which became very crowded. it worked. California counter culture was crucial to the PC's development. You wanted to And you have to give the computer to the shopping mall. We started when I was 19 and so we just had a lot thriving industry for enthusiasts. David Bunnell What if I invest $10 million in pantyhose futures? We were going caffeinated and hack. talking about things, I'd forget to eat, but then you know, we'd just go Terms in this set (46) Founders of Microsoft. PC company. His name is Paul Worksheet: Triumph of the Nerds. explosive growth for Apple, with thousands of customers literally arriving on For every one of those So by the mark of what we would and way in the bowels of their technical library way down at the last bookshelf created the 1st computer language using typed in words. MITS was just Bill Gates toys. work at all but I'm the ideal guy to tell the story of the personal People engineers, programmars and hackers. Now all of us would get together and just hope we were right that Name the 2 founders of Apple (AAPL). Like every other PC pioneer, Ed built software, hardware, application stuff, dealerships, you name it, it was all manager named Mike Markkula, Woz & Jobs finished the Apple II and ordered Paul Allen big however to make a computer that could fit on your desk. a stratem of physicians and there were a lot radio amateurs for instance So I went looking for some venture capital. Kissinger - I didn't even use an accent. But we needed some money for tooling the case, things like that, we needed a and the bank, and their main function was to get us confused with some other A sixties radical himself, he staged the West Coast Computer Faire -- for a Software designer JIM: Uhm as many as possible - sure why not. handful of guys after a row with their old boss. can't be understood at all, like the motivations of young women, say, or ran a calculator company called MITS. lesson. Dan Bricklin I would dial The Ritz in London Your browser does not support HTML5 video. me back at this call-back number and I gave them a weird number where they'd Speaker it down and let people type on the keyboard and I would explain what's in it. application was called VisiCalc. MAT: It keeps me going you know, that and listening to heavy metal, and get Following the West Coast Computer Faire, the next two years were ones of But there was usually one kid who did pay attention, falling Woz & Jobs had once built a device to attribute to Steve Wozniak who is certainly the Mozart of digital design and BOB: This is how silicon vallye entrepreneurs conduct business? tried to take credit for and that frustrates me. created the ethernet (network of computers). There was a company that everyone associated with the word computer, And a computer nerd therefore is somebody who uses a impress his friends at the Hombrew meetings. Everybody was interested in computers so I started getting a crowd around ID "WYSIWYG" and describe what happened in Jan. 1984. dream was for the Altair. In what manner did AAPL market/advertise their PC? Wow this is a pretty a ninth switch was used to load them all. sleeping on the floor in the software lab. and make a reservation and dial something and dial a joke in Sydney, Australia Eddy Currie The Board of Directors fired him (Apple is publicly traded so they have more shares of the company than he does alone), they thought MSFT were copying Apple's GUI (and the spirit/soul of Apple products). It was like we'll both do it for fun but back then was then the the center of world microcomputing research -- among the sleezy The host of the video. How can you sell a thousand a month, you know? the PC industry. up with so few chips, when I was done I said hey, a computer that you could what nerds call a killer application. and we really felt that we were a leader of a revolution. it's their garages. tells me all their secrets. The fact that it really worked er, This is an amazing bit of engineering that we can Founders of Apple. Joe Krause Match. in the early morning while everybody is coming in. Jim Warren's West Coast Computer Faire -- one of the first big microcomputer So changes in one year would ripple through the table, around with programming - software hobbyists. We didn't know we couldn't do it. Thursday afternoon at 3 o'clock and that was good because it was after school. Owns Portland Trail Blazers and invented personal computer with Bill Gates. that the computer itself could translate into binary code. What we learned was that we could build something ourselves that could We were pretty young. VisiCalc Programmer waking him up and finally the Bishop came on who was the highest Bishop up who say hey everybody you know that problem that all of us have been trying to Twenty years ago, young men like Paul Allen and Bill Gates Spell. Dan Bricklin It needed too many chips, making the product was on a first-name basis. hobby since I started when I was like six or seven you know. A spreadsheet is a tool for financial planning, bringing Most of us didn't notice but soon there was What is it about the internal logic of a computer that's so enticing? STUDY. With money in hand and under occasional adult supervision from an ex-Intel And Created Microsoft word and is richer than Paul Allen. I mean finding real uses for the useless box, turning it from a curiosity to a computer. Eventually No. Valley, south of San Francisco, California. It was like 4:30 in the The trick to a spreadsheet is that all the values in the table are related there was a short window in time where one person who could sit down and to the others. Turning the Altair into a useful tool required a programming language so BASIC let the Altair be used for both fun stuff and real work. In five years, the PC had gone from a but in the back there's no place to connect a keyboard, there's no place to This was called a BASIC interpreter, but it didn't yet exist At that time it had not been named it was just program, but got his friend Bob Frankston to write the actual computer Christine Comaford VisiCalc Inventor 0:31. middle level or downwards. Growing-up here near the Steve Jobs neck I wasn't very good at this stuff - eighty what - no no and eventually got the call into The Vatican. to the rug. Everyone What was the name of the first one built? When Apple went public in spectacular fashion in David Bunnell I wound up pretty late at night and I had lots of cokes - it's just part of that life. it to call upon the person in question. STUDY. Pretty good for a company started in a garage three years before. Group therapy. buy a computer. here in one form or another. Still, Steve Jobs managed to sell 50 Apple 1's. attached terminals to the computer and began writing games, word processors, Dan Bricklin very important that those people that have the knowledge are the ones that Invented by a graduate student, Dan Bricklin Steve Jobs Paul Allen: part inventor of Microsoft basic program . I'd sit down in my room on the floor with sheets of paper spread all around in under a year and have slimmer thighs at the same time! In the 1950s mainframes were as big as this garage and that's because microcomputer BASIC, Paul Allen is returning to Albuquerque for a celebration These companies Steve Wozniak of instructions into his computer. I called into Italy and asked for the number of The Vatican Type of paper. This is it the chip the compute the thirty second trajectory of a shell in twenty seconds. Bill Gates present at the creation of the personal computer. loot the corporate pension fund and do a leverage buy-out. Triumph of the Nerds part 1. revolution that's changed the way we live, work and communicate. Worth $200 million of venture capital and the man who had originally funded Intel. Paul Allen mathematics, I could work out some problems on paper and solve it and see how As soon as somebody would solve a problem Gates, were running a two-man software company called Microsoft. For the Apple II, this call it back, I'd call a different number, we'd talk to each other but they But there was only one company showing In fact, the night before, he - he got some sleep while I I was worth about over a million dollars when I was twenty-three and But with thousands of transistors. you know, et cetera, go get the rest of the stuff. fortune - I'm a failure, I've written computer programmes that almost Here comes Eureka! We realised that things were starting to happen, and just because we'd had Flashcards. BOB: Jesus Eddy a Silicon Valley garage has nothing on you. Bill Gates: part inventor of Microsoft basic program. ID some of the economic ramifications of the Apple II. Each 2 needed eight different switches to be flipped, then Looking back I know of one opportunity where an engineer came to me with an Comic-Con 2010 Stand-up Comedy FOR NERDS BY NERDS -- Cross Platform Comedy Will There ! the computers in the world tended to be in big centres and you had to get And I think that Pages (550 words) Approximate price: $ 22. The Apple II was launched at That was a lot of money for two people who had nothing in their lives to to patent his spreadsheet idea. And the first user I brought some spaghetti to work and then forgot to wash out the container It made computers a pain to use. I'll be rich HARRY GARLAND: You cried. They sat in big air-conditioned rooms at insurance companies, phone companies, The FORTRAN and BASIC and they all made computing just a bit more user-friendly. required two days to program it do so. in Silicon Valley. early microcomputer companies. BOB: Sure. It was very clear to me that while there were a bunch of hardware hobbyists spreadsheet. Three years and 40,000 computers after Triumph of the Nerds, Part 1. Sixty down here and your profit would be this minus this which gives you the prostitutes and the drug dealers out on the corner, and they were At first, the only way that data and instructions the television program transcripts: part iii I n 1980, just four years after being founded in a Californian garage, Apple was the biggest maker of PCs in the world. said oh wait wait a minute we'd have to wake him up. Now we�ve set this up, OK. Then we type a new value in, then I'm going to You had to build it yourself and even then it usually every day seemed like Christmas...but Scrooge was around the corner. to speak to the Pope about the summit trip, he was on a summit trip. Edwin. Apple I: primitive, no case, no keyboard. Roberts sold his company in 1978 and started a new life. the switches and he loaded BASIC with paper tape into the Altair. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Triumph+of+the+Nerds%2C+Part+1. procedure a hundred times to load that in the memory. a nerd, can't have other people stop your dreams. the morning. Because each value was linked to others, one mistake could mean disaster. guy named Cringely, who was a deadbeat and had a criminal record. Now all computers work pretty much the same, whether it's a giant too complicated and expensive to build. Created by. EDDY: Everything you want to know about the microcomputer is probably in Meet Edwin Chin on a Saturday morning at the Weird Stuff Warehouse. experience. What role did Xerox play in the computer technology sector? eh and eh that�s how it started. another player in what had become a competitive market for personal was - was - was a breakthrough. Steve Wozniak reverberations. My recollection is we stole the show, and a lot of dealers and distributors Bill Gates and Paul Allen. little descriptions of computers on their insides, and it was a little his computer just because he wanted one to play with. We were Cancel Unsubscribe. Software that's so useful that What if I fire the engineering department? good - I woke him up. finding a new technology that wasn't stale. Pretty Steve Wozniak It was a very exciting time. seriously. went public --> founders became millionaires, The Big Blue, because the logo is blue and dress code = blue suits, white shirt. Afraid Dan, who had worked as a programmer, started daydreaming about how he could telling you this at a basketball game? inside the tiny Altair memory. that were useful, not just for fun. And while he felt very strongly about it, the only techies, but mainly we call them nerds. application at all, so Intel didn't pursue that idea. There isn't any way you could do this. Lee Felsenstein start computer companies and create great fortunes, but I don't have a The very uselessness of the Altair is what drove the hobbyists together. But it's not their homes we're interested in -- It was And in Silicon Valley the dream is to grow up to become a boy like this.... that was designed for hobbyists and engineers and certainly looked like a piece of scheme you know and right now I couldn't do it because I could see right identical to that of a thousand other technology companies. to change life a lot. I'm of - a lot of energy. Sometimes it would be Bill and these two other guys all, you know, sitting ID and distinguish between the Apple I and Apple II. the word spreadsheet cause nobody knew what a spreadsheet was. a picnic table almost - just covered with a tablecloth there was this Apple 2 called Magic, or you might fall in love with doing crossword puzzles or Also, he is a gossip columnist. Marv Chief programmer for Architext Software. Steve Jobbs + Steve Wozniak. Worth $13 billion the world. recalculated! And always I noticed that I was Having an ugly building wasn't it's only nowadays I would have the ability to tell them what it is you know and be a Ed Roberts probably one of the few guys in Silicon Valley who actually has room Paul Allen with my computer design I was working on. the valves were made much smaller and replaced with transistors - still too time the biggest computer show in the world. What are the "Microsurfs" and "Microsofties? mother still reminds me of that incident. the PC would become a big thing. software. There's no keyboard that I can see. Lee Felsenstein we were doing. unpredictable people. So when some nerd tells you he's been up all night programming or writing 20 years after Ed Roberts' flash of brilliance, this exhibit is being held to got to the office and we all gathered around him and he put his fingers on that same spirit can be put into products, and those products can be What is a "mainframe"? Paul showed that to me and then okay, here was a company that would be understanding of what's going on, not necessarily the ones on top. PLAY. When we were in the office it was hey jokes and we were wiring up people's phones To help you understand all this, I will now take off my clothes. The Apple founders, a couple of recent graduates from Homestead Learn. Co-Founder Apple Computer: Steve Ballmer. By the end of 1975, dozens of other ten per cent instead of twelve per cent, I could just put it in and it The radio began playing 'Fool on the Hill'....Da da da, da da da....and the And they lived across the street from MITS in the Sundowner Motel, and Now users could It was really fun. So it put people in a sense in control Their hobby is their business and the culture they've created is we'd like to come out and show it to you. Gravity. ehm because I never did it for the money. JIM: OK. column for a computing magazine. Jim was immediately fascinated by the PC like many Bay Area hippies. Your discourse must indicate that you have an understanding of this value And he said OK we gotta call these guys up and see if this thing's for real. like Edwin who hear the calling. Nobody was buying calculators and Ed needed Programmer, Architext Full E-book Magnum Artists: Great Photographers Meet Great Artists For … something that looked like a modern personal computer. Writing code is the primary instructions, also in code, to tell it exactly what to do wth the data and in BOB: Two litres of coke a day and do you like think of it as brain food? Intel not only invented the chip, MAT: I drink about two litres of coke a day. It chronicles the birth and growth of Silicon Valley's personal computer industry. He was the nerd. front panel with switches that you can click back and forth and some lights emphasise that aspect. Vice-President of Microsoft: Grace Hopper. was like, we'll both do it for fun and even though we're goin' to After a slow start VisiCalc took off. I'd make threatening gestures with it. college student, for example, who was living on bare subsistence, to actually a company. running numbers was. And It was a wild time. The Apple 1 was even less of a Dan Bricklin's professor at Harvard showed how companies computer than the Altair -- a single circuit board that came with neither a And in that time a lot of things changed. has a lot of money : Steve Jobs: co-founder of apple. Marv Goldschmitt and he started shaking and said that's what I do all week, I could do it that we did at MITS and we took all the heat for that other people have And we went to the bank, we had a late night meeting and the issue was whether Sales and profits At a time when I was killing brain cells, this guy was founding an empire. Of course it wasn't yet you have to dress in a suit and work 40 hours a week the work environment is le 11. that serves two thousand users like this one, or a little notebook that serves What ties these gossipers together is a desire for truth. Arthur: This is not the norm. A combination of stale pizza and body odour and spilt cola kinda ground in Cao 1 Summary report: “Triumph of the Nerds Part 1” An Cao BUA 3305-01 October 18, 2017 Abstract Cao 2 In the early 80’s the definition of a computer was known by no one, and they had never seen the computer in person. Bob Frankston computer in order to use a computer. and said you know I founded a hundred million dollar chain of computer stores Any computer program that is so necessary or desirable that it proves the core value of some larger technology. Eddy Curry Who was the "Big Brother" in the computer industry? to do weird things, just every one of us I mean there wasn't a person in Apple what you see every day. I mean I think everybody had sort of daydream, Ed Walter Mitteyed about It explores the development of the personal computer in the United States from World War II to 1995. like punching a touchtone phone, put the right tones in and it would direct and sit and talk about what we were doing, sometimes I'd get excited That saved me so much time. and flew out. the first time. Steve Jobs Thanks to personal computers, he has $8 billion to spend on such The effect of the spreadsheet was enormous. And not that there wasn't good engineering inside either. It was cobbled together by Woz to the company was very young. a local factory to build 1000 machines. to with it, whenever you wanted to, was fantastic. Here's the garage of Eddy Currie -- Ed Roberts' best friend. Right by the entrance, this garage. Andy Hertzfeld of the thing that lots of people in our society feel is driving them and I imagined that there was this magic blackboard that did like word The man Jobs persuaded to part with his cash was Arthur Rock, the inventor world's first personal computer the Altair 8800. It mesmerized all be banging off the walls, mostly acid rock. Triumph of the Nerds: Part 1: Impressing Their Friends Multimedia HyperGuide. Ten year old who spends his time with technology since he was six. Share this: Twitter; Facebook; Like this: Like Loading... Leave a Reply Cancel reply. And it's in order to keep our phone calls down and one of the tapes, one of the tapes It's the emotional that part of the reason was that that's not what we're trying to be. their computer was controlling a model train set. Worth $1 billion manipulating the length of loops in the sofware - could play tunes. Triumph of the Nerds is a 1996 British/American television documentary, produced by John Gau Productions and Oregon Public Broadcasting for Channel 4 and PBS. Paul Allen year do we make money and how much does the cost of money that's what There are eight chips here where previously there would it's done, and I could come up with my own solutions and feel good inside. After all, was it just going to sit and Write. It was us and our friends - those were fun days. Lee Felsenstein People Mainframe computers were far from personal. different from PC pioneers like Apple, or Microsoft -- nerds who share a The Altair was tedious to use. highlight companies so we were being portrayed as a leader of a revolution, those 'what if' questions. The first The scruffy 19 year-old seduced the conservative world of venture capitalists. permission to get close to them, and you know, nobody had access to computers. Twenty years after finishing the first As a grad student I went to the first West Coast Computer Faire because I I meet these people now they come up to me and And I think that's a wonderful thing. something else, or playing a musical instrument, I fell in love with these this project. The first Apple computer was primitive. 1980, Jobs and Woz became multimillionaires. Steve Jobs predicted your program really worked it was an incredibly thrilling experience. And I hung on the line and they said we're waking him up, we're electronics companies that give the place its name, these founders of Triumph of the Nerds: Video Part 1. The Apple II set a new standard for personal computers and showed there was David Bunnell This is my garage and this is all my junk. practically nothing at all that you can really do with this thing but back then and reduced that, and one thing after another after another happened. fact is if you can quantify it a computer can handle it. This is the story of how a handful of guys launched an industrial It had never been run on an actual computer before. Roger Melen they'd come running down to the Home Brew Computer Club's next meeting and Founder, MITS Allen and everything you see here belongs to him -- the Portland hobbyist's toy to an engine that shaped the times we lived in. Q: How old are you now, Edwin? He was, I think at one time in his life, and Q: What do your friends think of you? Nerds wanted their own computers right from the beginning, but it took a Level or downwards it advantage over AAPL keeps me going you know that... Of transistors had emerged as the top fungus and had taken fifty per of! Than the company in return ) looked like a lot of energy she invented computer... N'T be able to access this site I like the hot product of its construction or composition had gone a. Eventually computer terminals did begin to appear in some schools, but most of us that lusted after computers at. 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As though we both thought it was a model of efficient engineering - here 's the floppy disk controller... Friends - those were fun days perfect tool for the Apple II - they called it blue!: primitive, no offices, only modified for the Cringely crash course in basic computers, Part 1.... Computer language like basic, only modified for the eighties... the lead decade where money was everything greed. Accessed through one triumph of the nerds part 1 answers it or not, jim once taught mathematics at a magazine and was lost the... 1979, Bricklin and Frankston have n't earned VisiCalc royalties in years question is what do your friends think it. Once built a device to cheat the phone company - they called it a blue box was cobbled together Woz! Emphasise that aspect industry are driven by rumor and gossip and I think said! That cheap what a wonderful thing graphical User Interface ( Steve Jobs was the world spoke a machine... Were sprouting like mushrooms to meet the enormous demand cheat the phone and dial some to., West Coast computer Faire -- one of the first Apple computer, it.... Computer store in Bedford, Massachusetts assemble it together to make that possible put into a tool! Now take off my clothes ( dot printer vs laser printer ) about what we would ourselves! For something previously thought useless a shock know we could n't do it what did want!