9. During the religious turmoil, England entered a period of economic turmoil. The latter part of Flamsteed's life passed in a turmoil of controversy regarding the publication of his results. Many people ask, particularly in times of turmoil, "Why am I like this? Sentences Containing 'turmoil' inspired to unimaginable exaltation by the chaos of turmoil and racket that was driving everybody else mad. His visages have an air of rapt suavity, devotional fervency and beaming esoteric consciousness, which is intensely attractive to some minds and realizes beyond rivalry a particular ideal - that of ecclesiastical saintliness and detachment from secular fret and turmoil. There was another terrible crash and something huge collapsed. This would mean setting the stage for a fresh period of turmoil and a potentially endless succession of wars. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. tumult of battle had long been replaced by the turmoil of industry. Because of all the turmoil in our lives, I had no training at all for this birth. The state of turmoil caused by these religious and political disputes was increased by the possibility of Albert's early death and the necessity in that event for a regency owing to the youth of his only son, Albert Frederick. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. But the question was soon forgotten in the turmoil caused by the Crimean War. You put an end to several days of emotional turmoil over whether I should make a similar comment myself. The storyline enraged long time viewers and threw the Kane family into turmoil. Falling behind with mortgage payments is a relatively common financial problem during times of economic turmoil. These cookies do not store any personal information. In the turmoil of the seventeenth century, the Duchy of Lancaster fell on difficult times. There they discover that the lands are in turmoil due to the evil power of the White Witch who has turned many creatures into stone and has created a permanent icy cold winter. 5. There was turmoil in her pale blue eyes. When the weekend arrived we once again went through the turmoil of renting and car and leaving the Big Apple in weekend traffic. a period of political turmoil. Her calm acceptance faded, replaced by turmoil. If you are just announcing you are gay and coming out of the closet with this truth, it can create some turmoil with family and friends. There are people, both young and old, who thrive on creating turmoil. 2. You can also find multiple synonyms or similar words of Turmoil. turmoil = disturbances His age was beginning to show, his one sign of inner turmoil, the strong line of his jaw melted a little, one became aware of telltale creases forming under his ears, one noticed not his jet-black hair but the gray patches growing at his temples. Its shallow social base, however, meant it was very vulnerable in a period of growing social turmoil. Stratified sampling with considerable turmoil in not they make. , As soon as the gun-carrying man entered the restaurant, turmoil broke out as customers screamed and dived for the floor. 5. ‘The recent turmoil in the US energy market has created a unique opportunity for the new firm.’ ‘It's a story with a common enough theme - the stranger who brings turmoil into our lives.’ ‘If his ransom demands aren't met, he'll create armies of clones to throw the world in turmoil.’ But the question was soon forgotten in the turmoil caused by the Crimean War. See More. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. 36. 2. They passed through much persecution, in consequence of the rising of 1745, but, after the death of their King Charles, they became as loyal as any other religious body, managing their own affairs with no more turmoil than is caused by the coexistence of the Anglican and the Laudian prayer-books, with their different forms of the communion. 3. to Louis XIII., had fallen into oblivion during the age of Voltaire and the turmoil of the Revolution; and meanwhile, every advance of Russia had been marked by further encroachments of the Orthodox clergy in Palestine on the ancient rights of their Latin rivals. The election of elderly Grand Masters became prevalent, the turmoil and chances of frequent elections being acceptable to younger members. The whole place was in turmoil. Even though their years of dedication ended in turmoil, they are who started Habitat for Humanity and the ones responsible with launching a program that makes a difference in the lives of those in need. In the turmoil over the " ` Trent' affair," it was Sumner's word that convinced Lincoln that Mason and Slidell must be given up, and that reconciled the public to that inevitable step. The last Celtic " bishop of Alban " died at this time; and when the dynasty of Malcolm Canmore was established after an interval of turmoil, English ecclesiastics began to oust the Celtic Culdees from St Andrews. Keep your child away from the turmoil between you and your co-parent. Abidjan was thrown into turmoil because of a protest by taxi drivers: 14. In 1637 Scotland was in a state of turmoil. Inner turmoil seems to have. She shifted uncomfortably at the internal turmoil. Find more ways to say turmoil, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. From the political turmoil of the ancient world, confidence in God rings out. During the turmoil in the foreign-exchange markets the guilder remained strong: 13. The whole reign was a period of wasteful turmoil, of party strife, of treachery, of reaction. It is not uncommon for the emotional turmoil of the experience to cause disturbances in eating or sleeping. Excessive stress and emotional turmoil that may affect hormone levels. Before I could consider calling After, the phone rang, tossing our day into further turmoil. The confines of the sun are visibly in a state of turmoil, for which a sufficient cause can be assigned in the relative readiness with which the outer portions part with heat to space, and so condensing produce a state of static instability, so that the outer surface of the sun in place of being fixed is continually circulating, portions at high temperatures rising rapidly from the depths to positions where they will part rapidly with their heat, and then, whether perceived or not, descending again. Strange how such a placid moment could stir up such emotional turmoil. You can see the inner turmoil even when few or no words are exchanged, forgetting you're watching an actress. Europe is fragmented into petty fiefdoms and is in turmoil after the Viking raids. turmoil caused by this simple gesture roused great fires. use "turmoil" in a sentence As Walker puts it: "These pieces reveal a soul in turmoil. At Pirna the Elbe leaves behind it the stress and turmoil of the Saxon Switzerland, rolls through Dresden, with its noble river terraces, and finally, beyond Meissen, enters on its long journey across the North German plain, touching Torgau, Wittenberg, Magdeburg, Wittenberge, Hamburg, Harburg and Altona on the way, and gathering into itself the waters of the Mulde and Saale from the left, and those of the Schwarze Elster, Havel and Elde from the right. 7. Define turmoil. My sense of turmoil at embarking upon something new, untrie She expected to feel the turmoil she'd felt before at his transition. All Rights Reserved. This turmoil has sapped my. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. And, although Rondinelli had not come, the signory sent angry messages to ask why the Dominicans delayed the trial. turmoil of modern life - an ideal place to relax, and become refreshed. And this seething life, the turmoil and the noises of the city, agonize me. She leapt up and closed the door behind her, turmoil in her breast. I have no doubt that these recent months of turmoil in the markets will have a salutary effect upon the venture philanthropists. , Because of the financial turmoil in our country, many people are losing their homes due to bank foreclosure. You look like a nice safe guy, not some whacko, so is it okay if I crash here for the night? If anything, the past few days demonstrated even more turmoil in Democratic ranks. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Such a conditional and tentative policy, on the part of a second-rate power, in a period of universal tension and turmoil, was most difficult; but Griffenfeldt did not regard it as impossible. This may con tinue for weeks before the final crash takes place. She also sensed his turmoil, a moment of insecurity that made her want to pounce for the win. The Million Dollar Listing guys on the popular Bravo reality show present an interesting combination of business savvy and dramatics, all while managing to stay afloat despite turmoil in the California real estate market. Definition of turmoil noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. In a season of war and turmoil Oswald won the crown of the northeast English kingdom, stretching to the Forth, with its capital at Eadwinsburgh (?