For CEB, he has also authored California Tort Guide, now in its third edition, California Workers’ Damages Practice, now in its second, and chapters and parts of other CEB books. . In California, punitive damages are generally available, in non-breach of contract cases, when a plaintiff has proven by clear and convincing evidence that the defendant acted with “oppression, fraud, or malice[. When we touched on this issue in one of our early posts back in 2008, we noted that some California lawyers take the position that when a trial is bifurcated pursuant to section 3295(d), the only relevant evidence for the second phase of trial is evidence of the defendant's financial condition. 3-E. California Tort Damages (Cont.Ed.Bar 2d ed.) discourage similar conduct in the future. The precise award in any case, of course, must be based upon the, facts and circumstances of the defendant’s conduct and the harm to the plaintiff.”, • “In determining whether a punitive damages award is unconstitutionally, to compensatory damages, regardless of whether the fees are awarded by the, trier of fact as part of its verdict or are determined by the trial court after the, Cal.4th 363, 368 [203 Cal.Rptr.3d 23, 371 P.3d 242]. 13.) 11. Plaintiff argues that bifurcation will prejudice them and will only prolong the trial which will result in a waste of additional resources for … The bracketed phrase should not be given if an award, of compensatory damages is the “true measure” of the harm or potential harm, [rejecting consideration for purposes of assessing punitive damages of the plaintiff’s, loss of the benefit of the bargain if the jury had found that there was no binding, Read the optional final sentence of factor (c) only if the defendant has presented, Read the optional final sentence if there is a possibility that in arriving at an amount, of punitive damages, the jury might consider harm that the defendant’s conduct may, 353-354 [127 S.Ct. . In our view, Judicial Council of California. The bracketed phrase concerning “potential harm” might be, appropriate, for example, if damages actually caused by the defendant’s acts are not, recoverable because they are barred by statute (, bad faith insurance case, plaintiff died before judgment, precluding her estate’s, recovery of emotional distress damages]), or if the harm caused by defendant’s acts, could have been great but by chance only slight harm was inflicted. 2711, 125 L.Ed.2d 366] [considering the, hypothetical of a person wildly firing a gun into a crowd but by chance only, damaging a pair of glasses].) The plaintiffs assert that this type of bifurcation is unfair because jurors will be left That argument doesn't make much sense, given that the jury's task in the second phase is to evaluate the reprehensibility of the defendant's conduct. You must now decide the amount, if any, that you should award [, punish a wrongdoer for the conduct that harmed the plaintiff and to. . 9. The plaintiff is seeking an award of. [Any award you impose may not exceed [, [Punitive damages may not be used to punish [. The fact that the plaintiff sought to recover punitive damages for alleged fraud in obtaining a release in her second cause of action, did not deprive the defendants of their defense of a release of the cause of action asserted in plaintiff's first cause of action; nor should it deprive the defendant of the right to have that issue determined, when, as here, the plaintiff not only consents but joins in the request for … ), • “It follows that the wealthier the wrongdoing defendant, the larger the award of, exemplary damages need be in order to accomplish the statutory objective.”, • “ ‘A plaintiff, upon establishing his case, is always entitled of right to, compensatory damages. Based in Sonoma, he is a managing editor and 40-year contributor to the monthly publication California … You must not, use the amount of punitive damages awarded in other cases to determine the, amount of the punitive damage award in this case, except to the extent you, determine that a lesser award, or no award at all, is justified in light of the. (See Civil Code section 3295(d).) Ct. App. 2d 341,343 (Fla. 2d Dist. . 1057, 166 L.Ed.2d 940].) The parties hereby waive the following rights as to the judgment so entered. . . . As Guideposts points out, however, the second phase of trial presents an opportunity for a defense to present evidence that cuts against the need for punitive damages. [Eugene Volokh] 5th Cir. . damages, including punitive damages arguing they will be prejudiced and bifurcation will promote judicial economy and avoid jury confusion. ), • “[I]n some cases, the defendant’s financial condition may combine with high, reprehensibility and a low compensatory award to justify an extraordinary ratio, between compensatory and punitive damages. New September 2003; Revised April 2004, October 2004, June 2006, April 2007, Read the bracketed language at the end of the first sentence of factor (b) only if, there is evidence that the conduct of defendant that allegedly gives rise to liability, and punitive damages either caused or foreseeably threatened to cause harm to, plaintiff that would not be included in an award of compensatory damages. injury, harm, or damage actually suffered by the plaintiff and proved at trial. As we noted in a prior post, many state legislatures and supreme courts have mandated that the amount of punitive damages be tried separately from other issues in the case if the defendant so requests.The principal impetus for mandating this procedure was concern that evidence of the defendant's financial condition, though assumed to be relevant to the amount of punitive damages, is … Harm to others may be relevant to, determining reprehensibility based on factors (a)(2) (disregard of health or safety of, others) and (a)(4) (pattern or practice). ), • “ ‘[T]he most important indicium of the reasonableness of a punitive damages, award is the degree of reprehensibility of the defendant’s conduct.’ We have, instructed courts to determine the reprehensibility of a defendant by considering, whether: the harm caused was physical as opposed to economic; the tortious, conduct evinced an indifference to or a reckless disregard of the health or safety, of others; the target of the conduct had financial vulnerability; the conduct, involved repeated actions or was an isolated incident; and the harm was the, result of intentional malice, trickery, or deceit, or mere accident. To move for new trial; 2. • “The purpose of punitive damages is to punish wrongdoers and thereby deter the commission of wrongful acts.” ( Neal, supra , 21 Cal.3d at p. 928, fn. 305], internal citations omitted. Civil Code section 3294. These issues are relevant to punitive damages and some liability questions. [Citation. But even after establishing a case where punitive, damages are permissible, he is never entitled to them. But we're still waiting for a published California opinion to address this issue and put to rest the notion that the second phase should focus entirely on the defendant's financial condition. . real money in a specific amount to be set by the jury. Many defense trial lawyers prefer to avoid a second round of closing arguments before a jury that has already rejected the defendant's arguments on liability and found that the defendant acted with malice. Punitive Damages - Individual Defendant - Bifurcated Trial (Second Phase) - Free Legal Information - Laws, Blogs, Legal Services and More A jury may consider evidence of harm caused to others, for the purpose of determining the degree of reprehensibility of a defendant’s, conduct toward the plaintiff in deciding the amount of punitive damages, but it, may not consider that evidence for the purpose of punishing the defendant, directly for harm caused to others. plaintiffs, as where a scheme worthy of punitive damages does not fully succeed. 184. Moreover, bifurcation had the unexpected effect of augmenting punitive damage awards. CACI Nos. ), State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., supra, fees may be included in the calculation of the ratio of punitive, (1996) 517 U.S. 559 [116 S.Ct. ), • “The decision to award punitive damages is exclusively the function of the trier, of fact. ), • “Evidence of the defendant’s financial condition is a prerequisite to an award of, punitive damages. Unfortunately, California cases have never squarely addressed that issue. Punitive Damages Chapter 24 1 PUNITIVE DAMAGES: ISSUES ARISING AT TRIAL AND ON APPEAL I. ‘In most cases, evidence of earnings or profit alone are not sufficient “without examining the, liabilities side of the balance sheet.” [Citations. But the wreck of a punitive damage award is seldom as bad as it looks. An instruction on this point should be included within this instruction if, Courts have stated that “[p]unitive damages previously imposed for the same, conduct are relevant in determining the amount of punitive damages required to, sufficiently punish and deter. 2017) Torts, §§ 1727, 1729, 1731. (2005) 35 Cal.4th 1159 [29 Cal.Rptr.3d 379, (1978) 21 Cal.3d 910, 929 [148 Cal.Rptr. Civil Jury Instructions (Aug. 2007 rev.) They, demonstrate what should be obvious: Single-digit multipliers are more likely to, comport with due process, while still achieving the State’s goals of deterrence, and retribution, than awards with ratios in range of 500 to 1 . considerations are the nature of the defendant’s conduct, the defendant’s wealth, 211 Cal.App.3d 1598, 1602 [260 Cal.Rptr. Also to be considered is the wealth of the, particular defendant; obviously, the function of deterrence will not be served if, the wealth of the defendant allows him to absorb the award with little or no, discomfort. ), • “[A] specific instruction encompassing both the permitted and prohibited uses of, evidence of harm caused to others would be appropriate in the new trial if, requested by the parties. Bifurcation is Necessary to Avoid Prejudice to Dollar Tree.....6 5. United States District Court Northern District of California UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT NORTHERN DISTRICT OF CALIFORNIA SAN JOSE DIVISION NAIDONG CHEN, et al., Plaintiffs, v. FLEETCOR TECHNOLOGIES INC., Defendant. Our jurisprudence and the principles it has now established, demonstrate, however, that, in practice, few awards exceeding a single-digit ratio, between punitive and compensatory damages, to a significant degree, will satisfy, due process. ), • “[N]et worth is not the only measure of a defendant’s wealth for punitive, damages purposes that is recognized by the California courts. 2570, No. (1974) 13 Cal.3d 43, 65 [118 Cal.Rptr. (See Civil Code section 3295(d).) There is no fixed formula for determining the amount of punitive, damages, and you are not required to award any punitive damages. only a small amount of economic damages.’ The converse is also true, however. that it may not use evidence of out-of-state conduct, to punish a defendant for action that was lawful in the jurisdiction where it, 422.) The folks over at Mayer Brown's Guideposts have a new post entitled "To Bifurcate or Not to Bifurcate," discussing whether it is strategically wise for defendants to take advantage of the bifurcation procedure that exists for punitive damages trials in many states, including California. Punitive Damages, §§ 14.1-14.12. The existence, of any one of these factors weighing in favor of a plaintiff may not be sufficient, to sustain a punitive damages award; and the absence of all of them renders any, • “[I]n a case involving physical harm, the physical or physiological vulnerability, of the target of the defendant’s conduct is an appropriate factor to consider in, determining the degree of reprehensibility, particularly if the defendant, deliberately exploited that vulnerability.” (, • “[W]e have been reluctant to identify concrete constitutional limits on the ratio, between harm, or potential harm, to the plaintiff and the punitive damages, award. 177. A plaintiff is entitled to such damages only after the jury, in, the exercise of its untrammeled discretion, has made the award.’ ” (, • “In light of our holding that evidence of a defendant’s financial condition is, essential to support an award of punitive damages, Evidence Code section 500, mandates that the plaintiff bear the burden of proof on the issue. INDIANAPOLIS — An Indiana federal magistrate judge on Oct. 30 denied a motion by Cook Medical Inc. to bifurcate the issue of punitive damages during discovery and during trials involving the device maker’s inferior vena cava (IVC) filters (In Re: Cook Medical, Inc., IVC Filters Marketing, Sales Practices and Product Liability Litigation, MDL Docket No. • “[Section 3295(d)] affects the order of proof at trial, precluding the admission of, evidence of defendants’ financial condition until after the jury has returned a, verdict for plaintiffs awarding actual damages and found that one or more, defendants were guilty of ‘oppression, fraud or malice,’ in accordance with Civil, 272, 274-275 [34 Cal.Rptr.2d 490], internal citations omitted. The court in, instruction be given if evidence of other punitive damage awards is introduced into, If you determine that a defendant has already been assessed with punitive, damages based on the same conduct for which punitive damages are requested, in this case, you may consider whether punitive damages awarded in other cases, have sufficiently punished and made an example of the defendant. By the same token, of course, the function of punitive damages is, not served by an award which, in light of the defendant’s wealth and the gravity, of the particular act, exceeds the level necessary to properly punish and deter.”, • “[T]he Constitution’s Due Process Clause forbids a State to use a punitive, damages award to punish a defendant for injury that it inflicts upon nonparties or, are, essentially, strangers to the litigation.” (, • “Evidence of actual harm to nonparties can help to show that the conduct that. [A]n award of more than four times the amount of, compensatory damages might be close to the line of constitutional, impropriety. 6 California Points and Authorities, Ch. 1589, 134 L.Ed.2d, California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) (2020). Other reforms pertaining to punitive damages included raising the burden of proof for recovery to "clear and convincing evidence" (§ 3294, subd. . d. In the second stage of a bifurcated trial, the trier of fact shall determine if a defendant is liable for punitive damages… The granting or, withholding of the award of punitive damages is wholly within the control of the, jury, and may not legally be influenced by any direction of the court that in any, case a plaintiff is entitled to them. In forums that deem evidence of a defendant’s financial condition relevant to the amount of punitive damages, refusing to bifurcate the proceedings so that the introduction of such evidence is deferred until after the other issues in the case have been decided substantially increases the risk that the jury’s determination of those other issues will be infected by financial evidence that has no probative … (d) The court shall, on application of any defendant, preclude the admission of evidence of that defendant's profits or financial condition until after the trier of fact returns a verdict for plaintiff awarding actual damages and finds that a defendant is guilty of malice, oppression, or fraud in accordance with Section 3294.. The purpose is to deter, not to destroy.” (, • “[A] punitive damages award is excessive if it is disproportionate to the, • “It has been recognized that punitive damages awards generally are not, permitted to exceed 10 percent of the defendant’s net worth.” (, • “While ‘there is no rigid formula and other factors may be dispositive especially, when net worth is manipulated and fails to reflect actual wealth,’ net worth is, often described as ‘the critical determinant of financial condition.’ [¶] A plaintiff, seeking punitive damages must provide a balanced overview of the defendant’s, financial condition; a selective presentation of financial condition evidence will, Cal.App.5th 638, 648 [245 Cal.Rptr.3d 608], internal citation omitted. See Bihun v. AT&T Information Systems, Inc. (1993) 13 Cal.App.4th 976, 991: ), (2015) 239 Cal.App.4th 165, 194 [191 Cal.Rptr.3d 263], internal, 21 Cal.3d at p. 928, internal citations and footnote omitted. A Standing Ovation for the Ninth Circuit’s Latest Food-Labeling Class-Action Decision, “Texas v. Pennsylvania Would Have Upended the Electoral College; Texas’s innovative injury would allow any state to sue any other state, directly in the Supreme Court, for breach of its election laws”, “Report: Social media manipulation affects even US senators”, SLAPP: 2/2 DCA Affirms $33,060 In Fees Awarded Against SLAPPing Defendants For Filing A Frivolous Motion To Strike For The Sole Purpose Of Delay, Lawyer Files Document “Under Plenty of Perjury”, Evans & Pasquale on Products Liability for FDA-Regulated AI/ML Software, Fight the Power: Ninth Circuit sides with the Constitution over totalitarianism in smackdown of Governor Sisolak, Interesting panels during this year's virtual Golden State Institute, October 27-29, 2020, Guideposts | Punitive Damages Blog | Law Lawyers | Mayer Brown LLP, Eighth Circuit Okays 25:1 Ratio In Fraud Case, REMOTE MEDIATION DURING THE PANDEMIC SHELTER IN PLACE PERIOD. In addition, the parties agree that the conditions of the stipulation shall be binding upon both parties. When compensatory damages are substantial, then a lesser ratio, perhaps only, equal to compensatory damages, can reach the outermost limit of the due process, guarantee. 14-ml-2570, S.D. . ]” Punitive damages are intended to punish, and thereby deter, wrongful acts. . The defendant in this case requested bifurcation under section 3295. [Ca Civil § 3295(d)] Motion To Consolidate Or Coodinate: When separate lawsuits have common issues of law or fact, the court may order them consolidated or coordinated for trial. • Evidence of Profits or Financial Condition. Bowen v. Manuel, 144 So. The purposes of punitive damages are to, ] knew was likely to occur because of [his/her/. 318, 813 P.2d 1348], (2017) 16 Cal.App.5th 932, 942 [224 Cal.Rptr.3d 751]. • “[T]he ‘net’ concept of the net worth metric remains critical. A: California Civil Code Section 3294 sets the bases upon which punitive damages may be awarded. “It follows that the wealthier the wrongdoing defendant, the larger the … . Bifurcation is Necessary to Avoid the Risk of Jury Confusion.....6 B. harmed the plaintiff also posed a substantial risk of harm to the general public, and so was particularly reprehensible - although counsel may argue in a, particular case that conduct resulting in no harm to others nonetheless posed a, grave risk to the public, or the converse. Bifurcation of Punitive Damages At trial, determinations regarding punitive damages are sometimes "bifurcated," or tried separately, from other issues. following factors in determining the amount: 1. Proc., § 425.13). To recover an award of punitive damages, it should be enough to show the defendant is a menace to society, who thought nothing of robbing, stealing, and pillaging to make a profit no matter who got hurt. Bifurcation allows the defendant to avoid that risk by introducing evidence of other punitive awards only after it has been found liable. . Yet for the reasons given above, a jury, may not go further than this and use a punitive damages verdict to punish a, defendant directly on account of harms it is alleged to have visited on, • “ ‘Due process does not permit courts, in the calculation of punitive damages, to, adjudicate the merits of other parties’ hypothetical claims against a defendant, under the guise of the reprehensibility analysis . Upon the clearest proof of malice in fact, it is, still the exclusive province of the jury to say whether or not punitive damages, shall be awarded. ), (1998) 63 Cal.App.4th 1128, 1166 [74 Cal.Rptr.2d 510]. You may not increase the, punitive award above an amount that is otherwise appropriate, resources. The unpublished opinion we discussed back in 2008 discussed the fact that the defendant presented mitigating evidence during the second phase of a bifurcated trial. BIFURCATION OF PUNITIVE DAMAGES. . Whether the conduct caused physical harm; weak or vulnerable and took advantage of [him/her/, (b) Is there a reasonable relationship between the amount of punitive, discourage future wrongful conduct? 6 Witkin, Summary of California Law (11th ed. that an award of exemplary damages must be, accompanied by an award of compensatory damages [or its equivalent] is still, sound. That rule cannot be deemed satisfied where the jury has made an express, determination not to award compensatory damages.” (, Cal.App.4th 1673, 1677 [42 Cal.Rptr.2d 164], footnote omitted. In cases where “motive matters,” that is, punitive damages cases where the plaintiff must prove malice or fraud, or, for example, discrimination cases, the other side’s prior bad acts are admissible. The post observes that many defense lawyers prefer not to bifurcate the issue of punitive damages into a separate phase of trial. January 21, 2014. In … finds as follows: (1) Plaintiff may pursue his claim for punitive damages at trial; (2) bifurcation of the trial is not required; (3) Defendants have waived a “good faith” defense; (4) Plaintiff cannot News and commentary on punitive damages litigation in California and nationwide. Mandatory Bifurcation of Punitive Damages Upheld Posted on September 8th, 2014 by sutteroconnell A Cuyahoga County trial court’s decision to vacate a jury verdict and order a new trial for failure to bifurcate the issue of punitive damages was affirmed last week. State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co., supra, (1996) 49 Cal.App.4th 1645, 1661 [57 Cal.Rptr.2d, (1995) 39 Cal.App.4th 1045, 1048 [46 Cal.Rptr.2d 144], internal. (, (1993) 509 U.S. 443, 459 [113 S.Ct. 1 case no. 15 [85 Cal.Rptr.2d 726], original italics.). . California law authorizes punitive damages to punish and discourage “oppression, fraud, or malice.” Courts have explained that punitive damages are “an expression of moral condemnation” for conduct done with “willful and conscious disregard of the … appropriate declaration and support papers as provided by California law. 1513, 155 L.Ed.2d. But when it comes to whether glyphosate caused a plaintiff’s NHL, these issues are mostly a distraction, and a significant one at that. .” (, • “Nonetheless, because there are no rigid benchmarks that a punitive damages, award may not surpass, ratios greater than those we have previously upheld may, comport with due process where ‘a particularly egregious act has resulted in. Punishment on these bases, creates the possibility of multiple punitive damages awards for the same, conduct . One factor is the. ]” (, • “In light of our discussion, we conclude that even where, as here, punitive but, not compensatory damages are available to the plaintiff, the defendant is entitled, to an instruction that punitive damages must bear a reasonable relation to the. (c)), prohibiting claims for punitive damages from stating an amount or amounts (§ 3295, subd. Ct. Justice Willett) Praises His Old Colleagues' Speed …. (See, “A jury must be instructed . The Liability and Damages Phases of the Trial Should be Tried by the Same c. Punitive damages may be awarded only if compensatory damages have been awarded in the first stage of the trial. The parties make the following express waivers of rights: 1. (Exception: The same jury must hear both phases of a bifurcated punitive damages trial.) The folks over at Mayer Brown's Guideposts have a new post entitled "To Bifurcate or Not to Bifurcate," discussing whether it is strategically wise for defendants to take advantage of the bifurcation procedure that exists for punitive damages trials in many states, including California. (, 113 P.3d 63].) .’ This does not mean, however, that the defendant’s similar, wrongful conduct toward others should not be considered in determining the, Cal.App.4th 543, 560 [131 Cal.Rptr.3d 382]. An enhanced punishment for recidivism, does not directly punish the earlier offense; it is, rather, “ ‘ “a stiffened penalty, for the last crime, which is considered to be an aggravated offense because a, repetitive one.” ’ ” . The California Supreme Court, in Donnelly v. Southern Pacific CO. (1941) 18 Cal.2d 863, gave the following examples from the United States Supreme Court of when negligent conduct would warrant punitive damages: "This is the type of misconduct that the federal courts characterize as "willful and wanton negligence." Ind. While these ratios are not binding, they are instructive. 2d 502 (Fla. 1994). ), • “The wealth of a defendant cannot justify an otherwise unconstitutional punitive, U.S. at p. 427, internal citation omitted. ‘Indeed, it is likely, that blind adherence to any one standard [of determining wealth] could, sometimes result in awards which neither deter nor punish or which deter or. . For example, evidence of subsequent remedial measures, changes in corporate culture, or penalties already imposed for the same conduct may persuade the jury that punishment is unnecessary, or that only a small punishment is warranted. . SMU Dedman School of Law professor Joanna L. Grossman responds to a recent Wall Street Journal op-ed criticizing soon-to-be First Lady Jill Biden for using the academic title she earned. . Consequently, the trial court erred in failing to so instruct the jury.” (, • “We conclude that the rule . However, in a case where there is insurance coverage, but the defendant has a poor financial condition, the plaintiff may want to consider seeking to bifurcate punitive damages from the trial. Punitive Damages Under California Law. By Robert Sparks. Another relevant yardstick is the amount of compensatory, damages awarded; in general, even an act of considerable reprehensibility will, not be seen to justify a proportionally high amount of punitive damages if the, actual harm suffered thereby is small. ( CACI ) ( 2020 ) 3942 fixed formula for determining the amount of damages.! 113 S.Ct issues of Liability, but may become relevant during the phase! Because of [ his/her/ Old Colleagues ' Speed … the, Cal.App.4th 1135, 1162,.. 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