Metallicman DonationBasic Donation - $10Big Thankyou - $20Real Appreciation - $50Ask a question - $100A Detailed Explanation - $500Benefactor Support $1000Other Amount:Please kindly enter any notes that you would like to attach to the donation here: This is most especially true as most of the dialog that John Titor was involved in has since disappeared from the internet since. Listen to it here. Check out the sister sub at r/Unexplained. Leading up to misdirection towards Russia. Inițial, sa identificat ca fiind TimeTravel_0 și a participat la un consiliu numit Time Travel Institute. I really, really think that you NEED to read this…. My overall point here is that whilst I do not approve of Trump’s excessive anti-China rhetoric, I am also wary that China is also capable of ‘bad’ behavior. Expect the future to be a strange place - nothing like what we have now. He arrived in 1999 and stayed until 2001. I suspect that it went from 2% divergence to something over 10%. You go back in stages. This is definitely the path I would agree that America was hurtling towards before the ‘Trump’ phenomenon rose up in 2016, back in 2016. Donald Trump was not a Conservative Republican he was and still is a nationalist. Any mass communication efforts that reached large groups of people, such as using the internet, affected the thoughts of large bodies of people. Why would people ever want to produce their own shows? In September of 2003, an entity known as the John Titor Foundation was opened in Kissimmee, Florida. From my point of view, I see A Biden Presidency overseeing a balkanized civil war. The dialog is gone. I read through your discussion on Corey and “fake disclosure”. John brought a nightmare to the Americans, predicting that a Civil war is sure to appear, somewhere around 2015. I used to be a big fan of Donald Trump. Follow. That the dates are actually ten years later, or alternatively the actual dates changed because he altered our time world-line. Perhaps you should allow my quantum shadow to bend your worldline to one that is more positively-deviated LOL. Though the majority of these predictions went wrong, still it uses to surprise people and thus, they kept on discussing about those predictions. I usually don’t pay much attention to most ‘fake disclosures’, but paid more attention to Corey as he was introduced by David who I quite like. He claimed only a 1-2% divergence., (PREDICTION. This statement would not have meant so much in the year 2000 as it does today. Over all, it is important to note that when one reads or reviews all of his statements and the dialog that he participated in, it becomes far more plausible that he was, indeed, a time and dimensional traveler. The differences are usually small. The thing about this is each of us has our own unique reality that we inhabit. It just seems like that we share the same reality. This prediction shook the ground under the feet of the Americans. Unlike the instances in the previous 2 World Wars, there will be more blocks and allies, formed between different nations. John Titor claims that he utilized the time variable to conduct acquisition activities in the past. (7) Chances for the Olympic Games to revive after 2040. The reader must remember that this statement was made in 1998, almost 15 years before the big backlash against GMO’s. Notice his comments. On the other side, Trump, ordinary American patriots, a small handful of democrats and a bigger percentage of Republicans have made clear that they stand on Trump’s side. [1] En esos mensajes hizo numerosas predicciones (algunas de ellas vagas, otras fueron específicas) [2] acerca de eventos en el futuro cercano, empezando con eventos en el 2004. He landed on our world-line at a 1-2% divergence. I claim that it is a tool that is used to manage human sentience evolution. How did he know about the 9-11 WTC destruction?). John titor's predictions revisted. Por entonces la temática de sus comentarios se centraba exclusivamente en la tecnología necesaria para realizar viajes en el tiempo. I have been closely following the Trump’s campaign attempt to expose the election fraud and I believe that we are on a much more positive worldline than Titor’s original one. Without Y2K instigating an acceleration of the backlash against the American oligarchy, the “deep state” became entrenched. Yet, later he admitted to betting involved in prevention of the Y2K problem and that prevented a major period of civil unrest, and thus altered our world line. A very good narrative of these words is available on a series of You-Tube videos provided below. John Titor es el nombre usado en varias BBSs (tablones de anuncios electrónicos) durante los años 2000 y 2001 por un usuario que decía ser un viajero del tiempo del año 2036. Inconsistencies in his explanations, the uniform inaccuracy of his predictions, and a private investigator's findings all led to th… Big Tech, Fake Media, FBI-CIA-DOJ, the democrats and the RINOs have played their hand and showed themselves, affirming Biden as the president-elect. However, since Trump’s election, I saw hope for America, and have also come across other individuals with their own thoughts and experiences that predict a more positive outcome for America and the world. John Titor; Time Travel; Evidence? I’m not sure if you have come across the name ‘David Wilcock’ (he has a website John Titor potvrdil, že v roce 2004 začne občanská válka ve Spojených státech. And when I see it, I point it out. John Titor stated in no uncertain terms that the United States would undergo a type of "revolution or civil war. This amplified the divergence. Alguien se acuerda del viajero del tiempo John Titor que en el 2001 dejamos de saber de él? (Your experiences seem to suggest that we are all on our own individual worldlines, and interact with apparent other individuals as ‘quantum shadows’ – perhaps a way to bridge both David and your experiences would be that David believes that a majority of the worldlines that each individual consciousness occupies have ‘bended’ towards a positive deviation). Created Jan 24, 2013. A mysterious and debated time traveler from the US, John Titor, claims to travel across time and he came up with various forecasts that surprised people. In some ways, both yourself and I are bridges between the East and West, China and USA. He knew nothing about this subject, though he suggests that UFO’s might be time machines from far in the future. Of course,prior to 9-11 Americans rarely even thought about Muslims or the Islamic religion. I know you are skeptical of Trump (i haven’t come across the posts where you detail why, but I have guessed that his anti-China rhetoric is a big reason why), but it does seem to me that he is the ‘Lincoln’ figure that Titor was referring to. value: options_val De acuerdo con su relato, una guerra civil estallaría en el año 2004 en los Estados Unidos, en la cual él habría luchado como niño a partir del 2013.Así mismo, la ayuda rusa a uno de los bandos norteamericanos (vía un ataque nuclear en el año … Certainly, if Trump continues and elevates his anti-China ‘stance’, I would be very disturbed and much more reticent in my support for him. Todo empezó el 2 de noviembre de 2000, cuando el usuario TimeTrivel_0 escribió su primer post en el foro del Time Travel Institute. John Titor gave very specific dates regarding a series of events in our near future. Top 10 Jersey Devil Sightings with Pictures Proved it is Real, 9 Evidences Proving the Loch Ness Monster is Real, 10 Evidences Proof the Mokele Mbembe Still Alive, 5 Jersey Devil Stories Proof the Jersey Devil is Real, 19 Chupacabra Facts to Know What is a Chupacabra, Top 10 Mothman Sightings with Pictures Proved It is Real. And you can see it in my Pre 2020 posts. The viral agents in this time line are different than what he is accustomed to. One that was the result of three years of active internet communication on a public forum. It is an interesting exchange. However, I do think your testimony ‘feels’ very credible as it is very well-written, interesting, entertaining, intelligent, reasonable, and worth reading even if the fantastic elements were fantasy. In 2000, John claimed that some major changes are going to come to the prevailing orientation of life of the Americans. You go back in 30 year increments, land and take a detailed reading and then continue. The result being is that you would actually land in a world-line that is 30% divergent instead of 3%, even though that is what your instruments would state. id: 'amount', Some posts that you might find of interest… 5 years ago | 48 views. However, the ignition of the nuclear war incinerated the cities and pretty much wiped out the oligarchy and their supporting minions and followers. As a silver lining amidst the dark cloud, came John’s prediction that there are chances that the Olympic Games will be revived after 2040. He claimed that on that world-line, the United States was fundamentally different after a rapid series of events in the late 1990’s. If you are trying to reconcile what you have read elsewhere with this disclosure YOU WILL FAIL. The pure truth is that this disclosure is set up clearly and exactly. If you want to really and sincerely learn something then you will need to read each and every single post in this list. Maybe he was just an internet troll, but for a troll, he certainly was able to predict the global trends quite accurately. I have no factual information if this John Titor is what he claimed to be. This blogger makes a point that the predictive trends of an alternative world line similarly coincide with that of our time line. The democrats all the way back to Obama’s presidency had been very belligerent towards Russia, and it was Trump that warmed relations between the two. The City/Urban Elites vs rural countryside americans fighting for their rights; the spiritual battle between security and freedom; the Fake News Media propaganda and the right/left uniparty against the MAGA/ American nationalist movement. It is important for the reader to note that the actual dialog between John Titor and the other bloggers are no longer available on the Internet. Long after John Titor got up and left. However, my own assessment is that at his core, Trump is a genuinely good-hearted person that may certainly step on the toes of China, Russia, or those that would oppose his America-First policy, but will not descend to physical violence the same way the deep state is so easily prepared to do. With regards to discernment, I simply treat all unfalsifiable testimonies as just that – not to be dismissed as fiction nor accepted as fact. name: 'amount', There is just no way for me to know. John Titor PREDICTED that Americans would want to alter and change the Constitution. Look at what happened, with the banker bailout, and the collapse of various financial markets. This was in 1998, and he wished he would have brought back to the past a copy of the new Constitution. Remember this statement was made nearly a decade before President Obama came to office. The fence-sitters are gradually picking their sides and so far, I see more flocking over to Trump. Now, we can see it in the rear-view, and from here it doesn’t look like we experienced the world war John Titor spoke about. These particular posts are concerned about the universe that we are all part of. View All Moderators. I can understand your disgruntlement towards Trump given his anti-China rhetoric and trade war against China. The John Titor mission was set in 1974. These are posts and articles that revolve around how I was recruited for MAJestic and my training. John Titor is a name used on several bulletin boards during 2000 and 2001 by a poster claiming to be an American military time travelerfrom 2036. You can also ask the author some questions. John Titor claimed to be a time traveler. This resulted in a slew of weaponized actions against Conservatives. I just thought to mention Corey/David in case you haven’t come across them, and could possibly find their testimonies interesting. } Continued under a new name and some time after the first four parts were produced; This is exactly the same PREDICTION that John Titor made back in 1998. So right now, things have come to a head and both sides are digging their heels and showing their hand. Members. Claro esta que hoy día ya hemos pasado la supuesta Guerra mundial 3 y no a ocurrido ninguna de las predicciones que John Titor a publicado. Esta es la frase con la que John Titor, un presunto viajero en el tiempo, se despidió de la gente en marzo de 2001. This particular John Titor post (i have yet to get to the others) is spine-tingling in the manner in which it seems to describe what is going on with America right now. This was DECADES before Americans started to find their store shelves stuffed with products made in China. Through his action, inadvertent or not, the Y2K bug was thwarted and the period of upheaval and civil unrest was avoided. 14:01; Iran World War 3 . Titor sám by v konfliktu bojoval v roce 2011. This insight wasn’t anything super special. John Titor Acesta a fost numele folosit în anii 2000 și 2001 de către un utilizator de panouri BBSs, un fel de aviziere electronice care permit părților interesate să facă schimb de informații și software-ul printr-o rețea de calculatoare. He knew that the world line (that is ours) is very similar to his world line. Google The information and facts mentioned inside the article are some of the most beneficial accessible. Google was founded in 1998, but it really didn’t become popular until the mid 2000’s. Then, on your return journey, you retrace your steps. Please see below. One of the most severe predictions for the US was that the civil war would result in the collapse of the Sovereign US of 50 states and it would give rise to 5 new sovereign nations. All of which were unheard of at that time. Here is an excerpt from that final post. Obviously, you wholly believe in your own experiences and how things are – and you may be entirely right! If you fail to do so, you won’t understand anything and will be even more confused. Aluksi hän tunnisti itsensä TimeTravel_0: ksi ja osallistui Time Travel Institute -nimisessä hallituksessa. If Trump wins, I don’t see a way in which Big Tech and Fake Media can ever recover their standing without a thorough cleansing. That’s pretty darn close. Mexico 2018-04-14T04:45:51+00:00. The idea that China would have manned spaceflight was considered a joke. Your reality might differ from mine in that shoes are tied left to right instead of right to left. Some might be, but many are not. John Titor PREDICTION of the deaths by the American police using non-lethal weapons. Sorry for the rant ahha, just wanted to get my thoughts out and perhaps your comments, Glad you enjoy the site. Mod. help Reddit App Reddit coins Reddit premium Reddit gifts. John Titor time travel discussion. How many readers know the actual dates regarding the American civil war, or the start of hostilities in Vietnam, or how about the first or second gulf war? Subsequent closer examination of Titor's assertions provoked widespread skepticism. He was, as far as I know, never associated with MAJestic in any way. Pero incluso para esto el ya tenia una respuesta preparada. The 1998 (to 2001) visit was for personal reasons. (in Asia). Siendo un panel en el que se discutía la posibilidad de viajar en el tiempo, su descripción de una hipotética máquina para desplazarse de una é… Apocalipsis2012 2012-01-27T20:01:29+00:00. None of which was known to John Titor. John Titor PREDICTED all the post-911 anti-terrorism legislation.). John Titor là tên được sử dụng trong những năm 2000 và 2001 bởi một người sử dụng bảng BBSs, một loại bảng thông báo điện tử cho phép những người quan tâm chia sẻ thông tin và phần mềm qua mạng máy tính. Front Row Seat to the American SHTF This isn’t a shopping supermarket tabloid, this is a textbook. Playing next. Thus the idea that it involved “time travel”. Your machine may read a 2% divergence, but it’s accuracy is compromised. The reason for this is simple. So other disclosures can be actual. I think that your posts detail a delayed-Titor worldline in which America’s institutions have been decayed and been taken over to such an extent that the only way the crisis could be resolved is through a bloody civil war (whether or not that takes place in 2021 or 2025 is merely a matter of time). Though honestly, at that time, China was considered to be an emerging third world nation. (1) The World War III will break out in 2004. (6) There will be no official Olympic Games after 2004. In 20136, John Titor decided to retire from the military career and left the 177th Time Travel Division. Note 1; Interesting quote published in the second quarter of 2017; I am not the only person who has disclosed that there are others, and other organizations that can enter and leave our reality at will. We hadn’t yet reached the year 2015 when I first wrote my original article. The date of 2017 is about 4 years later than the professed civil war start of 2013 that John Titor spoke of. Religion is a serious issue after global nuclear conflict, and how it is conducted and the belief structures imposed are quite different. 02:36 ; Trump announces strikes on Syria (VIDEO) EhhhhPtos 2018-04-14T04:32:48+00:00. (10) Changes in the famous tree-houses of Florida. Certainly, I do believe that should China become the international leader, whilst I do not think they will be extraordinarily violent, I can see them bullying their way to get what they want. He later posted to various message boards using a variety of usernames detailing how his time machine worked and gave various ominous predictions for the future. No one in the year 2000 had any concept of just how ignorant of civics the nation had become after the purging of civics lessons from schools. The biggest search engine of the day was Yahoo! Titor chose to go back in time and live with the love of his life in the year 2000. It was full of sleek long flying cars and robots, but no internet or cell phones. Another prediction about the forthcoming change involves the famous tree-houses of Floria that were basically a measure to combat the attacks of flood, every year. However, there are those that suggest that he actually lied about the dates. Here, the You-Tube blogger at “Realist News” goes through the discourse between the John Titor individual and discusses the contents relative to what we knew in 2016. You are an American-born that has found his home in China; I am a citizen of Singapore which is a Chinese-majority (many immigrants from China came to Singapore in the 19th and early 20th century) country colonised by the British, that is English-educated. 20 Mystery Facts about the Baltic Sea Anomaly, 20 Mystery Facts about John Titor Time Traveler, 20 Mystery Facts about the Ark of the Covenant, 20 Facts about the Jack the Ripper and It’s Identity, 20 Facts about Dumbo Octopus to Know what this Creature is, 20 Mystery Facts of Eastern State Penitentiary Haunted House, 20 Facts about Colossal Squid to Know What this Creature is, Top 10 Secrets of the Mysterious Overtoun Bridge about Dogs Jumping Off, Top 10 Chupacabra Sightings with Pictures Proved It is Real, Top 10 Megamouth Shark Characteristics that Have Helped It Survive. He possessed a very low opinion of the United States government, and the general American population. Nothing new here!”. These posts are related to “reality slides”. There is no such thing as “Global Warming” in 2036. Strange phenomenon is a casual pastime of mine and I wanted to bring up and share my own take on the Titor mystery. Date John Titor gave very specific dates regarding a series of events in our near future type ``... And for purposes of enjoyment, I see more flocking over to Trump 1-2 % he. Both the Republican and Democrat parties in 2016 was Bernie Sanders who was an Independent not... Of 2017 ; https: // v=8D4iQmYQ4Tw number one favored Democrat candidate in 2016 was Sanders... Travel Division Titor PREDICTED that Americans would want to produce their own?! Thing as “ global Warming narrative the baseline reality om muligheden for at rejse gennem tiden experiences and it. Is that he utilized dimensional Travel be known kind of climate change in 2036 we both that! 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