Management strategies for western flower thrips in vegetable greenhouses in Iran: a review. Distribution Sydney basin, Newcastle, Bowral, Canberra, Port Macquarie, Buronga, Jervis Bay References Hill, M. 1994. Western flower thrips, formally limited to western North America, has become virtually cosmopolitan since the 1970s. Adults are usually 1 to 2 mm (3/64 to 5/64") long (1.2 to 1.4mm [3/64 to 1/16"] long for western flower thrips). DESCRIPTION. At 20°C–30°C the life cycle is 15–25 days. Biological control: The predatory mite Neoseiulus cucumeris (Oudemans) has been investigated for suppression of melon thrips (Castineiras et al. Western flower thrips, , first arose as an important invasive pest of many crops during the 1970s–1980s. Western flower thrips has a high reproductive rate and a life cycle that is almost continuous, particularly in greenhouses. WFT hosts . Western flower thrips are about 1 mm long, with the female larger than the male. At 25°C, it takes 13 days. Gaum WG, Giliomee JH, Pringle KL, 1994. All life stages can be found year-round. At higher temperatures thrips develop more quickly requiring a shorter length of time between sprays. The western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) develops in six stages: egg, two larval instars, prepupa, pupa, and finally the adult insect. ... Thrips Life Cycle: The life cycle depends on the species of thrips as well as the location, host plant, and other factors. Under very high magnification, you can see their unusual wings, which have sparse, very long hairs. Adult thrips overwinter in plant debris, bark, or other materials. The tremendous growth in international agricultural trade that developed then fostered the invasiveness of western flower thrips. Chilli thrips have a rapid life cycle, and can develop from egg to adult in slightly less than two weeks under our Southern California climate. Color of adults western flower thrips varies greatly; there are light, dark, and intermediate "morphs." Symptoms vary widely among different host plants and include leaf spots, necrotic areas, mottling and ring spots. These pests are complex and can be difficult to get under control if you do not completely understand their life cycle. Life Cycle - In Italy, 5 to 7 generations usually occur each year. Western flower thrips breeds on a wide range of flowering plants including weeds, vegetable crops and fruit trees. Western flower thrips (WFT) is probably the most important insect pest for the cut flower industry, causing economic loss to chrysanthemums, gerberas, anthuriums, lisianthus, dahlias, roses and other crops. Figure 5. Egg and pupal stages are hidden. A typical scenario plays out whereby a grower sees an alarming number of thrips feeding on flowers, and after some treatment (whether biological or chemical), the thrips disappear. The eggs hatch in 2 to 14 days, depending on temperature. Female adult western flower thrips live up to 30 days and lay 2-10 eggs per day. Description and Life Cycle. Western flower thrips has a short life cycle and high female fecundity, which enhances the potential to develop resistance. The eggs of the western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) are laid in leaves, flower petals and in the soft parts of stalks. At 20°C, development from egg to adult takes approximately 19 days. The male is always pale yellow and has a narrower abdomen . 1997). Under warm conditions the life cycle is completed in 24-35 days and glasshouse thrips can breed throughout the year. The Western flower thrips is one variety of thrips that can cause extensive damage on over 500 species of plants. Western flower thrips life cycle takes 10 days at 20°C: eggs are laid in slits made in leaves and growing points; 2 larval stages, a pre-pupal and pupal stage; pupation occurs in the soil. The life cycles of thrips species are essentially similar, and under greenhouse conditions the life cycle is continuous and all stages can be found at any time. Egg to adult development is completed within 12 to 22 days, depending on temperature and host plant species. Topsoviruses have over 600 plant species hosts. Life history. In most parts of NSW they can exist outside year round. In contrast to most other thrips species, chilli thrips complete their entire life cycle on the plant. Bulletin of Entomological Research, 84(2):219-224. The western flower thrips [Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)] is an invasive pest insect in agriculture. Western Flower Thrips. western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis. Damage The most severe damage is caused by the laying of eggs. They can easily overwinter and attack plants early in the season. Thrips are elongated, tiny insects. Therefore, the higher the temperature, the shorter the interval between sprays. At 30°C the life cycle is approximately 12 days while at 20°C it is 19 days. Primary economic damage is due to Western Flower Thrip’s (WFT) function as a vector for the topsoviruses tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and impatiens necrotic wilt virus (INWV). This species of thrips is native to the Southwestern United States but has spread to other continents, including Europe, Australia (where it was identified in May 1993), and South America via transport of infested plant material. mate and feed. Eggs are inserted into young leaf, leaf stem or flower tissue singly, and the tip of one end of the egg remains visible at the surface. United States: Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Louisiana, and Texas. Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis, is still one of the most destructive insect pests of commercial greenhouses feeding on a wide variety of horticultural crops. This is the reverse of injury susceptibility to western flower thrips, so in areas with mixed thrips populations growers cannot rely solely on plant selection to avoid damage. Western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, first arose as an important invasive pest of many crops during the 1970s–1980s. At temperatures between 20 and 25°C, western flower thrips requires only 2–3weeks are to develop from egg to adult, but at higher temperatures it takes less than 10days. Life Cycle: Females lay eggs in tender plant tissue. First thing is to recognize that temperature is … Like all insects, the rate that western flower thrips completes a life cycle depends on temperature. Western Flower Thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) are very small and slender insects with fringed wings and are a common insect found in greenhouses and gardens.Thrips range in color from translucent white to yellow to green to black and brown. WFT damage potential is due not only to its ability to directly damage greenhouse-grown crops by feeding on leaves and flowers, but also because they may vector destructive tospoviruses. Adult. Unfortunately for the home gardener, their detection is difficult due to their relative small size, under a millimeter in length, i.e. Distribution . Western flower thrips are the most prevalent thrips affecting our spring bedding plant crops in Michigan. Biology, Life Cycle, and Behavior Depending on environmental conditions and nutrient levels, WFT females lay 150-300 eggs during their lifetime. Second-instar larvae also feed on plant tissue, usually in flowers. To reduce resistance, it is recommended that growers spray three times consecutively with the same insecticide. They are inserted into the plant tissue with a saw-like ovipositor. Description and life cycle. Out-of-doors it is a pest of several field … Eggs are inserted in leaves, bracts, and petals and hatch in about a week into larvae, which feed in flower buds or terminal foliage. These larvae are found in the protection of perianth of the flower or within developing terminal foliage. IHD, Knoxfield, Victoria. The western flower thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, has spread until it now has a worldwide distribution, and is the primary vector of plant diseases caused by tospoviruses. WFT life cycle . Adult western flower thrips are minute, slender-bodied insects possessing two pairs of long, narrow wings, the margins of which are fringed with long hairs. First instar larvae begin feeding on egg eclosion. The three spray strategy. Thrips are a major problem in greenhouse horticulture. The tremendous growth in international agricultural trade that developed then fostered the invasiveness of western flower thrips. 300 eggs. - The full developmental cycle takes 15 days at 25_C and up to 40 days at 15°C. This species is a key pest in the greenhouse production of flowers and vegetables. Life cycle can vary between 13 and 40 days dependent on temperature. Western flower thrips (WFT), Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) is a native insect of the western part of North America that was first reported in 1895.In the 1970s and early 1980s, this species spread throughout North America (Beshear 1983). A female lives for 30 to 45 days and can produce 150 to 300 eggs during her lifetime. When feeding occurs on developing shoot tips or flower buds it is likely to cause distorted growth. Western Flower Thrips. Gholami, Z., Sadeghi, A., 2016. The bodies of adult thrips can be yellow, orange, brown, or black. The life cycle of chilli thrips is similar to that of other common thrips species, such as the western flower thrips. The general life cycle of western flower thrips is similar to that of other species in the family Thripidae, consisting of an egg, 2 active feeding larval instars, 2 relatively quiescent pupal in stars, and the adult. The length of the life cycle and life expectancy of the adults depend on temperature and food quality. Egg Make 3 consecutive applications at either 3-5 day intervals when temperatures are greater than 20 o C or at 6-12 day intervals when temperatures are less than 20 o C. There are thousands of species of thrips which feed on a wide variety of plants and insects. The length of the life cycle varies and is affected by temperature. The western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis) has spread worldwide as a result of global trade.It directly damages numerous crops in Florida as a result of adult and larval feeding activities. Populations decline at higher temperatures (>30°C). Joe Funderburk, UF/IFAS Entomology Specialist. The Situation: In southern California, the native western flower thrips (WFT) Frankliniella occidentalis is the most common vector responsible for transmission of an exotic plant virus, Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus (TSWV).The pathogen was discovered on tomatoes in 1915 in Australia, and has been spreading around the world ever since.