Explain some of the main differences (e.g., style, name for God, theology/perspective, and approximate date of authorship) between the Yahwist (J) and the Priestly (P) sources, using the creation accounts in Genesis 1–3 to illustrate your discussion. Anyway, to add to John’s and KW’s comment it might be stressed—John’s point #3 does this—that there is no textual support for equating Yahweh with Yam. Thank you for all your hard work and I’ll be using you to further my studies! Some scholars believe that the Yahwist account is the earlier written account, while the Priestly account was written perhaps 500 years later and was intended to ritualize the creation account and combat some of the teaching infiltrating the Jewish culture from nearby Middle Eastern religions. Steven, your essays are very readable, very cogent and I will spend time carefully reading them. Only two of these strands, the Yahwist and the Priestly, are found in the primeval history, and they are easily distinguished. I have been all over your site reading articles today. One theory about YHWH is sort of the opposite of this one — that YHWH seems to have taken the place of *Baal Hadad*. First creation story. . Test. The basis for this theory is various similarities in descriptions of the two gods (such as bovine and storm god imagery), which include OT verses that have YHWH battling with none other than Yam! Often people refer to the Genesis creation story as myths, but this is not technically correct in reference to Genesis 1. 3 God said, ‘Let there be light,’ and there was light. Please keep up the great work and again, thanks for putting in this effort! Thank you very much for this site! I appreciate your work very much. Creation Story Yahwist And Priestly Account. I grew up in a Christian School/and Home, and I remember seeing some of the textual differences you elucidate here–and I often felt as if I was the only person…. This in and of itself reorients the Yahwist text towards the more optimistic tenor of the Priestly writer’s account. The Yahwist additionally narrates stories about man’s primeval beginnings as a series of increasingly violent and disobedient acts (Gen 3-11), however, now placed within a later Priestly interpretive framework that attempts to diminish and amend the Yahwist’s rather disappointing view of … . In fact mankind, male and female, is created in God’s image; mankind is portrayed as God’s representative (re-presentation in image and likeness) on earth. In this story Moses and Elijah are the central characters instead of David. With the complex narrative of "Adam and Eve" there comes opinions from many on the true meaning of what is told. It’s only been within the last four months that I …, Brilliant site! The first creation story (Genesis 1-2:3) always and only refers to God as Elohim. In Flashcards. Sin and Loss of Eden (Gen. 3) ... Yahwist and Priestly. Four Part Story. Examination of the inconsistencies from a scholar himself brings it to a whole new level. Brilliant site! Creation of Humans (Gen. 2) Yahwist. They also refer to Baal, Asherah and the Divine Council. Let there be 4. Not the storyteller that the Yahwist was, the Priestly writer is more interested in discerning order and structure in God's plan for the world. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Asherah#In_Israel_and_Judah. This concern for order extends all the way from his story of creation, through the genealogies, into the categories of sacred and profane, pure and impure, clean and unclean. Mingling the Two Stories. I’ll be sure to check out your new posts daily. There are three main things that will be explains in this paper. The Priestly (P) account, Gen 1:1 – 2:4b, was written around the … This is wonderful! Can a mortal see God face-to-face and live OR not? There has been an on going debate about creation and evolution for hundreds of years and there is multiple sides to each debate. And interesting, these Psalms are personifying Yam! . Relevance. Being Honest to the Bible’s Texts, Their Authors, and Their Beliefs, Brief Interview with Wipf & Stock about my, Defending the Biblical Texts: What It Entails and Why Secularists Ought to Care. This sad state of affairs becomes the catalyst for the flood, which actually solves nothing since the end of J’s flood narrative states that mankind still inclines his heart toward evil (8:21). I assume you do come back to old posts, cos that’s what I’ve just done. Tower of Babel (Gen. 11) Yahwist. 2 Now the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep, with a divine wind sweeping over the waters. Another difference is how human roles are defined for life on Earth. Priestly. Term Paper on Compare Yahwist Priestly and Magician's Nephew Assignment The Priestly narratives begin with Genesis and the Creation. Comparison of Genesis' first Creation Story with Enuma Elish, a Babylonian creation story. . In short, these competing traditions tell the story of the world’s beginnings (as well as Israel’s history) differently. Maybe the Divine Council was assimilated into the religion of Jerusalem and developed by the priests of the city. We both have recently “escaped” a religious cult. There are two creation stories in Genesis because two different sources, the Yahwist and the Priestly Source each wrote his own story. I would additionally point out that, as the wife of El (who YHWH also replaced), she could be considered the biggest threat to the newly-developed Israelite concept of a “one true god” (and maybe her worship also threatened the patriarchal system of the YHWH priesthood). It is important to keep in mind that these accounts are not historical, nor even imagined to be historical by our writers. I grew up in a Christian School/and Home, and I remember seeing some of the textual differences you elucidate here–and I often felt as if I was the only person…. I was referred here by a friend. (Gen 14:22, 17:1, 21:33; Ex 6:2-3; Ps 82:1 vs Deut 32:8-9; Ps 29:1, 89:6-8), #63. Source(s): major differences yahwist priestly stories creation: https://shortly.im/S0hUp. The first point is the Meaning of the Creation Story in which will be divided into two categories. Learn. . . Not the storyteller that the Yahwist was, the Priestly writer is more interested in discerning order and structure in God's plan for the world. By reading the Creation stories many differences between the Priestly and Yahwist accounts can be noticed. The book of Exodus is also divided between the Yahwist and P, and the usual understanding is that the Priestly writer(s) were adding to an already-existing Yahwist narrative. The difference between the Priestly version and the Yahwist version of the creation story lies in different cosmology. In relation to animals and plants, the Priestly version says that all plants are meant to be eaten, and animals have a different purpose than humans. Thanks for the post. Through it one is able to begin to make sense of the disjointedness of a large portion of the Old Testament. Are certain foods impure/unclean and forbidden to eat OR not? To which god was Balaam subservient: Yahweh OR El? And Noah had three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth. When does the slaughter of the firstborns and the Passover occur: on the eve of the day that Moses last speaks to Pharaoh OR 4 to 14 days later? Be Blessed, This sample paper is crafted by Elizabeth. . I look forward to your posting of contradictions, I am hoping you will purposeful in your postings, meaning that you are going somewhere with this, even though posting contradictions could be a stated purpose, i feel it should have relevant spiritual direction instead of a flat purpose. The Priestly account corresponds roughly to Genesis, Chapter 1, while the Yahwist account corresponds to Genesis, Chapters 2. The following contradictions that will be posted are the points of convergence where this new PJ text came into conflict with each other. God created/made 2. We then hear of a story relating how the Canaanites have become cursed (9:18-27), how the mighty Babylonian empire emerged from Nimrod, a fierce warrior and hunter (10:8-12), and finally how the peoples were dispersed and given different languages due to their hubristic enterprise of building monuments that vaunted their names to the heavens (11:1-9)—in short, not a flattering portrait of nascent humanity. CEO Compensation and America's Growing Economic Divide. This concern for order extends all the way from his story of creation, through the genealogies, into the categories of sacred and profane, pure and impure, clean and unclean. I can’t believe you’re putting this level of effort into this. I have also read Richard Friedman’s book but it is a bit much for me. A flood story (Gen. 6-9) Yahwist and Priestly. 6 Instead, water flowed out of the ground and watered all the surface of the soil. 6 Instead, water flowed out of the ground and watered all the surface of the soil. This is wonderful! Additionally, God bestows  blessings upon the primordial pair and establishes a holy day. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), Click to share on LinkedIn (Opens in new window), Click to share on Tumblr (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), The Priestly writer’s reworking of the Yahwist material of Genesis 1-11, My finding of your site might be considered a beacon in the night! They are however linked together by the "Older Federation Story." Also, how both creation stories help humankind develop a better interpretation of God. There are two creation stories in Genesis because two different sources, the Yahwist and the Priestly Source each wrote his own story. 0 0. Exile by traveling to Jerusalem. This creation account is immediately followed by the Priestly writer’s genealogy from Adam to Noah (Gen 5:1-32) which emphasizes, in drastically contradictory terms to the Yahwist’s genealogy of increased violence, how the creation of humanity’s earliest generations all proceed from the original creation in “likeness and image.” Even Smith, whose translation says “Yw,” doesn’t believe that “Yw” is Yahweh. Regardless of where YHWH came from, the degree of contention with worshippers of Baal could simply be due to Baal Hadad worship being the hardest to root out of Israel as the priestly class attempted to re-direct all worship to YHWH. On the other hand, it No. I look forward to engaging with you as you continue in your…. (Ex 11:1-8 vs Ex 12:1-11), #335. Uses Yahweh throughout the According to the documentary hypothesis, the Elohist (or simply E) is one of four source documents underlying the Torah, together with the Jahwist (or Yahwist), the Deuteronomist and the Priestly source.The Elohist is so named because of its pervasive use of the word Elohim to refer to the Israelite god.. According to archaeologists, it was originally written circa 1120 BCE. I am certainly learning a lot and enjoying it every step of the way. Thanks! That is in its present form the Hebrew text, both on linguistic and thematic grounds reveals that it was composed of different, and often competing, textual traditions. Where were the Israelites from the 2nd to 40th year of the Wilderness period: traveling southward from Kadesh toward the Gulf of Elath, then northward back to Kadesh, #106. Thanks for this resource. Denn. … Yahwist and Priestly. Cite this Comparison Essay: APA Format. In the older story of the Garden of Eden, "the earthling" is created to serve the earth. Asherah as well was involved with the infighting between the 2 gods which may be the reason that she too is demonized in the bible. Four Part Story. This source cannot be dated; it may be a mere set of additions to the Priestly source, but it is also possible that this text once was a full history that was later split into sections. Get Your Custom Essay on Yahwist Creation Story Just from $13,9/Page. I again look forward to your post, and hope for the best while it is a relevant and meaningful position you are taking, I am hoping that it will show it accentuation to be positive, although under the divine right of free will, even negative accentuation can be heard. (Ex 7-9 vs Ps 78:44-51, 105:27-36), #231. As such, I have realized more and more that not only the CULT was completely false, but many parts of the Bible is too. In any case, I’m glad for the resource. Examination of the inconsistencies from a scholar himself brings it to a whole new level. Creation Accounts Genesis Chapters 1 & 2 Genesis 2:4b-25 (Yahwist) Description of the Creation of Humans: Man formed out of clay & God blew life into his nostrils. And God saw that the earth was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted The purpose, as outlined in some of my earliest posts, is to educated on the compositional nature of the Bible, i.e., how it was assembled, by whom, to whom, for what purpose, etc. The assumption was that the Israelite priests escaped the [Assyrian?] Lv 4. The Priestly version stresses on God as transcendent and humanity's authority. Story of Abraham. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge with us so freely, and in such an accessible and well-written way. In any case, the second Creation story (Genesis 2) belongs to this source. RE: What are the major differences between the Yahwist and Priestly stories of creation? Don't use plagiarized sources. The Priestly Creation Story Introduction. Identified verse by verse and explained using the most up-to-date scholarly information about the Bible, its texts, and the men who wrote them — by Dr. Steven DiMattei. Hmmm… curious to how this topic got started here on this post. Lets face it being nonobjective is just not something 99% of the human race is not good at, so that is a big number when it comes to espousing non purposeful assumptions and or hypotheses on the internet or wherever. Cite this Comparison Essay: APA Format. It is the oldest source, whose narratives make up half of Genesis and the first half of Exodus, plus fragments of Numbers. The Priestly (P) account, Gen 1:1 – 2:4b, was written around the … Though the name of the site is contradictionsinbible I think it is…. For instance, the Yahwist’s primeval history is a story of increasing disobedience, violence, and corruption. THE YAHWIST CREATION STORY GENESIS 2:4b-25 2 4b At the time when Yahweh God made earth and heaven 5 there was as yet no wild bush on the earth nor had any wild plant yet sprung up, for Yahweh God had not sent rain on the earth, nor was there any man to till the soil. There are two creation stories in Genesis because two different sources, the Yahwist and the Priestly Source each wrote his own story. My finding of your site might be considered a beacon in the night! 8 Simple Ways You Can Make Your Workplace More LGBTQ+ Inclusive, Fact Check: “JFK Jr. Is Still Alive" and Other Unfounded Conspiracy Theories About the Late President’s Son. How come othe…, Thanks Steven, I’ve enjoyed reading your posts. I should have looked for new comments before posting mine, because John Kesler beat me to it. I’m a little familiar with the documentary hypothesis and all the J P stuff. Your presentation is reasonable and easy to follow, and so are your conclusions. The Giants (Gen. 6) Yahwist. These texts must date to before 1200 BCE since Ugarit collapsed about that time and had virtually ceased to exist by 1000BCE. The Yahwist account of creation story speaks of the creation of man and woman. In contrast, the Yahwist version stresses on God as immanent and humanity's free will. Holding begins his attack on the idea that there are two creation stories in Genesis by reclassifying one of the accounts as a "family history," thereby removing it from the genre of a creation story altogether. See more. Your illustration makes the Bible so much more interesting to a non-believer, like myself. THE YAHWIST CREATION STORY GENESIS 2:4b-25 2 4b At the time when Yahweh God made earth and heaven 5 there was as yet no wild bush on the earth nor had any wild plant yet sprung up, for Yahweh God had not sent rain on the earth, nor was there any man to till the soil. Gravity. The Yahwist version states that some plants should not be eaten and animals are men's companions. I look forward to engaging with you as you continue in your…. Are the elders allowed in the Tent of Meeting OR not? Studying the places where the Bible’s different textual traditions converge is an excellent way of doing that. It is understood the answer, though, lies in the text. 5 years ago. Interesting thread s John. I understand where you’re coming from, in stating that YHVH came from the south region. Leena. There are two creation stories in Genesis because two different sources, the Yahwist and the Priestly Source each wrote his own story. It justifies and underlies the celebration of a worship cycle of seven days. God creates, establishes, and puts everything into motion, and then rests. By reading the Creation stories many differences between the Priestly and Yahwist accounts can be noticed. Are you saying that Yahweh is mentioned in the Ugaritic/Ras Shamra tablets? The Priestly version of the world’s primeval beginnings is vastly different. And in fact, there are several passages that—like other ancient Near Eastern parallels (see #2)—portray Yahweh and Yam in conflict with one another, not as identical. This Site Might Help You. Denn wrote: According to those texts, YHWH was one of the council, but after assimilation, became the God of Judah. Thank you for…. The Yahwist (or Jawist) is the J of JEDP—the supposed earliest contributor to … Yahwistic Style uses the sacred name of Yahweh (Lord) for God. 1 decade ago. But you actually make it work. He was a primal force of chaos, set up in the myths as kind of a villain to be defeated. My heart was telling me that there was much more to look for than what I had been taught; so I was trying Wikipedia, Google and suddenly I came ac…, I want to say that this website has been absolutely invaluable to me. This source cannot be dated; it may be a mere set of additions to the Priestly source, but it is also possible that this text once was a full history that was later split into sections. this version of primeval history and craft a new one that better reflected his own theological agenda, and the needs and concerns of the audience to which his text was originally addressed. I think its one of the best and most informative web pages about the topics of the historicity of the Bible and the documentary analysis! And he does it all in seven days. Favorite Answer. The reason for the Bible’s well-known screeds against Baal, according to this theory, is simply because the priests were assigning aspects of Baal to YHWH, so they would also want to denigrate the original god that they were supplanting. Many of these passages are revamped Yahweh vs the Red sea themes where the red sea is now portrayed as (the primordial) Yam. Creation vs. Evolution. I read somewhere that the two stories were written after Solomon’s death, one from Judah, one from Israel. society, including the priestly class emphasis on order and the majesty of God and creation examples: first Creation story (see Genesis 1:1—2:4), the Book of Leviticus Summary Chart of Four Pentateuch Sources Date Place Divine Name Religious features Literary features Yahwist United Monarchy (~950 BC) Jerusalem? Yahweh conquers the sea (yam) and the sea monsters: Psalm 74:13, Isaiah 51:9-10, Job 26:12 (cf. Billions of people use the internet everyday, and of those finding your website, I pray they suffer no disillusionment as it is often the case, some people take connotations and run with them, whether or not negative or positive is the indicated purpose of those connotations. And for the most part these once separate textual traditions can still be identified and even separated out. While humans are told to serve the Earth in the Yahwist version, humans are told to subdue the Earth in the Priestly version. (Lev 11; Deut 14 vs Mk 7:18-19; Rom 14:14; Acts 10:10-15), #27. According to those texts, YHWH was one of the council, but after assimilation, became the God of Judah. Match. As it happens, however, these two texts were redacted together by later scribes, most likely in an effort to preserve both of these textual traditions. Like Marduk who gets proclaimed “God of gods” in the Enuma elish after slaying the chaotic sea waters (Tiamat)—when no other god could or would—so too Yahweh is proclaimed the same after his “slaying” (dividing) of Yam (Ex 15:11). I just want to point out that Denn is touching on the subject addressed by this Contradiction: http://contradictionsinthebible.com/are-yahweh-and-el-the-same-god/, including Dr. DiMattei’s additional remarks about Deut. The Yahwist source takes its name from the fact that God is called Yahweh from the beginning, whereas in the other sources the divine name is only revealed in Exodus. See Judges 5, Deuteronomy 33, Habakkuk 3. 2) The KTU text in question appears in a “damaged section of the Baal Cycle,” and thus we cannot be certain what it originally said. This is how our author viewed mankind of his day and he retrojected his perception of man back into the story of mankind’s archaic beginnings. Anonymous. What are the major differences in the creation story of the yahwist and priestly sources? It is extremely refreshing to find such a detailed and substantiated examination of the Bible that doesn’t have an agenda behind it and only seeks to explain what is in it. I had been a Christian many years. Seedy3, unless there’s another text that I’m unaware of that makes the Yw-Yamm connection, you are referring to KTU 1.1 IV 14 from the Ugaritic (Ras Shamra) texts. As pointed out by both KW and John, the polemic against Baal throughout the biblical literature is there precisely because the Israelites/Canaanites worshiped interchangeably Yahweh and Baal—it was they who were perceived in “identical” terms and functions! How the historical and spiritual relate, that’s the discussion. (Ex 4:10 vs Ex 6:12, 6:30), #107. And although not personified, Yahweh essentially also conquers Yam in the Yahwist version of the Red sea story (see #120-122) and the song of Exodus 15. A redactor combined these two sources. Source(s): https://shrinks.im/basXa. It was discovered in 1875 CE. Thus, the final editors of the Pentateuch have retained two unique accounts of the creation story, the Yahwist (J) account and the Priestly (P) account." Compare and contrast this epic with the Priestly writer’s creation story in Genesis 1. If he can tell us one of the accounts isn't really a creation story he … My knowledge about the history of the Old Testament, its compilation have increased much after coming to your site. Thank you for all your hard work and I’ll be using you to further my studies! Also, how both creation stories help humankind develop a better interpretation of God. Most of the remainder of Genesis is from the Yahwist, but P provides the covenant with Abraham (chapter 17) and a few other stories concerning Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Sorry about the break. Is only a small goat/sheep permissible as the sacrificial animal for the Passover OR are older cattle included as well? I can’t believe what I am learning. The Yahwistic and the Priestly creation narratives have very different cosmologies, and define very different roles for humans within the creation. So Ps 74-15 (cf. See this link for Mark S. Smith’s translation: http://tinyurl.com/nuavmja. However it’s research to this extent that truly opened my eyes. 4 years ago. “All the cattle died” OR the cattle are still alive? What is written on the stone tablets that are placed in the Ark: the instructions for building the Tabernacle OR the Ten Commandments? One use of the term relates to the JEDP theory—Yahwism, in that context, is the use of the name Yahweh in the Pentateuch. If one were to read these two texts separately, as they once existed, J’s and P’s unique features and emphases would be more easily discernable. I just wanted to say thank y…, Dear Dr. DiMattei: Genesis 1 as a Test Case, The Growing Problem of Biblical Illiteracy in Our Country, The Biblical Texts on Their Own Terms Versus the Bible on Its Terms: Genesis 1 and 2 as a Case Study, Morals Don’t Come From God: For This I Know Because the Bible Tells Me So, #350. Yahwist vs Elohist essaysThe stories of the Yahwist and the Elohist have many similarities as well as differences. God said 3. Dr. DiMattei, excellent read, thank you for the time and energy put forward in your work, you have clarified and confirmed some of my own thoughts. Table of Nations (Gen. 10) Yahwist. But what is told is difficult to unravel. The second creation story always refers to God as Yahweh, or Yahweh Elohim, but never as Elohim alone. society, including the priestly class emphasis on order and the majesty of God and creation examples: first Creation story (see Genesis 1:1—2:4), the Book of Leviticus Summary Chart of Four Pentateuch Sources Date Place Divine Name Religious features Literary features Yahwist United Monarchy (~950 BC) Jerusalem? To follow, and define very different roles for humans within the last four months that i …, site... Look forward to engaging with you as you continue in your… and Loss of Eden ( Gen. 5 ).... Creation story ( Gen. 3 ) there are two creation stories help humankind develop a better interpretation God! 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Two categories you mentioned this in and of itself reorients the Yahwist and Priestly stories creation::! And evolution for hundreds of years and there were no contradictions in it all! Those years tried to understand the Bible so much for putting in this effort Nostradamus a. 78:44-51, 105:27-36 ), # 107 read about the history of the ground and watered all cattle. I will spend time carefully reading them humankind develop a better interpretation of God Yahweh! Us so freely, and i think it can be helpful, humans are told to the... Have looked for new comments before posting mine, because John Kesler beat me it. The ground and watered all the cattle are still alive … what are the points of convergence this. For Mark S. Smith ’ s only been within the creation stories in Genesis because two different sources the! Was the P story most likely written ( OR at least finalized ) what... It can be noticed into two categories in and of itself reorients the account! Four months that i …, Brilliant site harmonious and there was light,. Biblical history and the earth was a formless void, there was darkness over the deep with! Story Yahwist and Priestly and live OR not Instead, water flowed out of the sites came.