Anyone have tips? It is usually directed at me. and now he is happy. but I find it to be a very rewarding experience when it actually happens. Measurements are approximately 18" x 14" x 14". A chinchilla needs dustbaths and a lot more stuff that rabbits and GP's go without. I have 2 chinchillas for about 7 months and when I just got them, "they were babies" I use to put classic or very soft music to them to calm them down, that helped a lot! She has not made a single sound nor is she not wanting to eat. (sorry if any typos, I'm basically blind from tiredness hah). Most of them love reasons I call them chinchilla crack (like cat nip). I recorded my chinchilla making some sounds I can't identify. after doing this a couple of times he won't even try to jump off the couch (never let him do it in the first place, they learn fast) x. As for all the little chirping/grunting sounds he is making, it sounds like he is ok with you being in his cage and showing him attention. there could be a reason that he does not trust u when u got to pet him. Actually, Chins aren't nocturnal. During 18 years (the age of my oldest chins), I carefully watched their behavior and their sounds, which I want to present below. okay i have 2 chinchillas one is mine one is my boyfriends mine is friendly and nice his is shy we have had them for 4 months now and mine is still in good health however his is missing lots of fur cries all of the time his foot is swelling and now the base of his tail is also swelling. Hi, I just got a chinchilla a week ago and at night she makes a weird sound similar to a soft owl call. I’m pretty experienced with chinchillas and I know when they down like touch, but mushu often jumps into my arms at the worst moments! Tonight he has been doing it for at least one time per hour and he's been waking me up! They have a much more sensitive skeleton as they have a floating rib cage Lol. She's definitely my boss and a sensitive female, but so loveable and affectionate, too! i am guessing they do have nightmares. While they are facing each other, the male provokes her by chattering his teeth and she answers with a loud and angry grumble (knurren.mp3). Introducing two chins can be a long process and you must be diligent and patient. Jennifer L. Is it something worth taking him to the vet for or should I give it time and see if there's any change? Does anyone believe that this could just be a random quirk and I should just keep an eye on it or is it serious? I appreciate your website and all your sounds and details, but your information seems biased, especially your sound description, which are simply logical guesses at your chinchilla's psyche. They are just scared of life, that's all. I took him to a vet and I actually thought it was respitory but the vet did not say it was but gave medicine for him. So, same with you. I'm on facebook if you'd like to talk! Thanks for the kind words. So far Mr Charlie Chin Chewla has used it as a throwing toy only, but I think it will grow on him. I'm new to the "chinchilla world.". I am a big fan of your website - you helped me put my chinchillas together! Thank you! Do u have anyu other pets? When i try to feed him a treat he pushes my hand away, just wondering what I can do to get him use to me. share. They are very active at say.. 3 am or so. Thanks! My best advice would be don't be scared when they fight just sit back and let it happen and they will naturally fight it out. Did you get any feed back on this? Ship Airline Internationally " Dolly" Snow White female. Chinchillas are very spirited animals. They look diffrent from the one in your picturs, darker, less furry tail and they were cheaper. I only have 1 Chinchilla, and my Chinchilla does it to me :) Yours is probably trying to talk to you. Flower Town Chinchilla's is a registered Ontario company and we are required to charge taxes on all Canadian orders as per government regulations. Good Brands are, Mazuri, Oxbow, Brytin. Literally, no sound what-so-ever. TRY LAVING YOUR HAND STILL IN THE CAGE AND ALLOWING RGE CHIN TO GET TO KNOW YOU. The Spruce/Nusha Ashjaee Dust Baths . Usually they make that "squeaky toy" noise when they want attention, but since you say your chinchilla doesn't like being pet, I'm not entirely sure why she would be doing that. So, yes, I guess chinchillas DO purr! This sound (tmn.mp3) is used quite often whenever a chinchilla feels annoyed or cramped by another one. He's not really scared, because he returns to his spot up close, within 10 or so seconds. Before you ask no he was not abused, The guy I got him from has another one the other one is very friendly and not shy at all Chilli has been this way since he has had him. I am just reading this site for the first time, so I apologize for responding so long after your post. A chinchilla needs dustbaths and a lot more stuff that rabbits and GP's go without. she only does it while sleeping, The first time he made that nosie it scared me half to dealth! It sounds like a screeching girl or something. Try not to move quickly, even when you're not close to the cage. can someone tell me their character traits? what is the problem with our chins? any advice would be great....and another one chin, she is very shy, always has been, she's playful when shes awake, but she doesnt want you to touch or hold her....she'll climb on you, but then hops away again once you pay attention to her. I hope this helps. IM NOT SURE HOW YOUR CAGE IS SET-UP BUT MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SOMETHING IN THERE SO YOUR CHIN HAS SOMEWHERE TO SAFELY HIDE. I have two female chinchillas both are about five months old. It is also safe for them, there is nothing to get their tail stuck in and it is a hard plastic so they don't eat it. I'm experiencing the same sound from my male. He will run around his cage and squeek and grunt while I feed him, just talk to him, or even if I am just sitting in the room. Rache has made a first class job of them and I am really pleased. hide. hi... i got my chinchilla yesterday 4th July hes 3 n called "Gizmo" n its my first time ever having one ive got 2 female gerbils in a cage next to him there only babies tho, but last night he made a loud noise like an owl whenever i called his name he stopped but then started again, but at about 9:30 this morning i went to go n try petting him 1st he was in his tube he let me stroke his head but when he got out he started making grunting noises and chattering his teeth so i left him alone then he started hiding in the bck of the cage making sorta soft grunting noises then the sound of a piglet. It sounds urgent. Best to get a Cage made specially for chinchillas. If this doesn't help, try changing to a different brand of dust. I haven't bought my Chinchilla yet but have studied them thoroughly. And what will, make him stop barking? I don't want my baby to lose his balls.. but... any ideas on how he will stop humping stuff? Please help me, I think the Chinchilla is sad. I have each door on his cage closed but do you have any other ideas to make sure he doesn't escape? The following is his article (edited a bit) with the chinchilla sounds he recorded. I thought he was fatally hurt or something! They're the best pets! what does this mean? Chins love attention. Hi there! Chins do occasionally bark if they want attention, especially at night, so that could also be why they go back to acting normal once they see you get close. My baby chinchilla makes noise nonstop, but my friend has the sibling and they are silent. Nothing to worry about though =]. Do chinchillas purr? What does the laughing sound mean? but when i take my hand out, his ears go back up and he will come back to the cage opening like "where did you go?" Interact with her. Sometimes they bark in the middle of the night for unknown reasons. Have you tried moving the cage to another location to see if there is something causing the sneezing in the current location? Thanks!! I have a few tips I've learned that at least work to put my chin at ease, although some are just skittish and will never be keen on being touched and held: Lay your fist or open palm in the cage, a comfortable distance from him and stay still and only talk calmly. THE CHIN NIPPING AT YOU ARE WARNING BITES TO BE LEFT ALONE. They are a curvy “blobby” shape and each one is different but I’ve tried to keep the size the same. However, a chinchilla may become fearful because of that noise which is new. (During zoom calls, etc) Is there any way I could change that? Don't give her more then 2 or 3 a day to much sugar for a chin. The example was made using Stylecraft Special DK and a 3.25mm hook. I DO NOT KNOW WHAT THE NOISE IS BUT YOU COULD BE CORRECT. I have a 4 month-old girl whom I've had just 2 weeks. The damage can be quite extensive to the point of maiming and death. i cant say that for everyone but mines a good boy he was loud the first month or so but i think they all will get into a routine. Is that enough exercise for him? I think they sometimes even have nightmares. I got them in March. It is when the chinchilla's teeth cause severe pain, they drool and drop their food. So I know a decent bit . Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Don’t pet him let him come to you. I tend to stop thinking there's anything wrong with him and I even thought that maybe he did all this to get attention from me in middle of the night when I'm sleeping. I think, in the wild this sound is used to alert the entire group. It means something like “Ouch!” or “Scram!”. I sugest that you look them up and research more about their diets and needs and figure out for yourself what is best. Like, go up and say hi, wait for her to come to you, give her an oat or whatever small treat, like a half a raisin, poke your hand through the cage, and then if she seems still comfortable open the cage and pet her. As usual, simple, well made and easy to read. Its a little bit weird. They get on top of each others back to show that they are greater than the other. you have to have alot of paitents but the love they give back is amazing! Can you help me? I thought that maybe she was upset at me for ignoring her (I haven't paid as much attention to her for the past few weeks on account of a new job), but then she didn't show much interest in her dust bath either which she usually loves. SIDE NOTE: CHINS ARE HIGHLY SOCIAL ANIMALS. Please e-mail me (see link at left), and be as specific as possible. What could it be? Not at all like a dog's, but a bark nonetheless. Remember they dont like loud noises or quick movements. It would be easier to have him out of the ball if I could put a harness on him and he could crawl around on me while I walk around. Option B: fluffy tail. Their habits are based around time of day, so be sure to keep them somewhere, where they can tell the change of day, they're most active around times like twilight and dusk/dawn. Most likely he’s lonely and confused. She's now much more at ease, especially with me, since I think she feels she can get away if she feels the need. It doesn't really sound like any of the noises on here. AN OLDER CHIN MIGHT BE TRYING TO GET OUT FOR THE SAME REASON OR TO FIND SOMEWHERE SAFE TO HIDE. She is basically saying gtfo, lol. I DO AGREE THAT EACH CHIN IS DIFFERENT. I HAVE 4 AND NONE OF THEM ARE THE SAME OR HAVE THE SAME TEMPERMENT. I ordered two of these for my little furball (a chinchilla) and he absolutely loves them. And I noticed he was covered in urine immediately after the trip, so I'm thinking he got really scared, either by the noise or the experience, and did that urine defense move. Introducing two chins is very touchy and I have seen photos of the losing chin in a fight. So I guess that's good. he runs free throught the house for about 2 hours before bed and just goes in and crashes after his bath. Barking noises are common and we often hear them with no apparent reason. I would really appreciate it! They like each other but from a distance. when I try to pick him up and when I move him. They also need a square glass container with high walls filled with biodegradeable cat litter, which they use as a toilet. FLEECE PRINT: CORNER HAMMOCK: FLEECE TUBES These tubes are 6" in diameter and include metal hardware to attach to your cage. Here we post fun projects, free patterns and educational articles and videos, as well as information about … He makes the loudest dog toy squeak at night and sometimes in the morning. haha. very slowly she started to associate my tone with her getting a treat. One of my chins would often sound like one of those big honking dog toys when he barks. If their food dish is empty they let me know right away. On occasion, our chinchillas will bark if there's a particularly loud car going by the house or if there's an unusual noise outside. I have a question, my chinchillas are both very different. He doesn't like to be held much but he is always sleeping in my hoodie and comes with me to work and everywhere. I’m not sure what this means and if anyone could help me that would be great:). Melinda: At night, they may "whoot" because theyre hungry. I think, just like each chin has its own personality, they each have their own voice, too. Hah. once she was used to the crackling sound of the plastic from the cone she would greet me with the cage doors closed. I usually go pet her a bit or at least talk to her. I just purchased a baby chinchilla from a pet store, Pearl. Ariel, its a good idea to make sure your chinchilla gets at least an hour or so of playtime outside his cage. Most vets today know more about small animals than a few years ago. He is very affectionate and a happy chin, but he will not let me pick him up "with my hands" except if hes on my foot and I lift it wtih him on it. What should I do? Be careful not to change her diet too suddenly, though. I get a lot of annoyed grumbles and kecks! my chinchilla makes what sounds like a whimpering noise and im new with owning a chinchilla and i dont know what to do or what it means when he does that, can anyone give me some friendly and helpful advice? For starters, if you live in a hot country or a country where there are hot summers, you’ll need air conditioning. I can pet him if he is in the cage and my is on the outside through the wholes in the cage. You could probably get him a friend like a stuffed animal or a real chinchillas, but know you’re gambling a lot. Ours make such sounds sometimes when the TV is loud or when there's bad weather. He then started making a unusual sound I have never heard him make before. I'm worried and wonder if it is normal behavior. Is that weird? This item is suitable not only for rats but also for chinchillas ferrets and small guinea pigs. But the older one is also making high pitched squeaking noises towards the younger one. He sees you as a provider, and although you still feed him, you can’t be there for him when he needs it. I know they like routine so everyday I’ve been doing the same routine as his previous owner. My chinchilla is laying down beside my laptop right now staring at me in a very relaxed sleepy way which makes me more happy then anything in the world. Me and my wife used zip ties to secure the wire as it is semi-permanent and won't damage the coating on your cage bars thus preventing your chinny from ingesting any harmful coating from the bars. last summer her sister died of a heat stroke and i have been considering getting a second chin, so give her a companion. My youngest chin (about 1 year old) makes a sound very similar in tone, intensity, and pattern to "wakeup2.mp3". I've been busy with work and there's times where my chinchilla will have to be inside his cage all day I dont have as much time to cuddle with him and give him affection like I used to well I went to get him out of his cage today to let him run around and he made the warning call sound and even bit me when I tried to get him out how can i make him happy i hate seeing him so angry and distant with me am i missing somthing? Try and see if he moves his tale from side to side to, then it can be because he want to mate a female. If your chinny is comfortable with you and his environs he will act out as if he is the boss. If I make a sudden movement from across the room, it sometimes makes my chin hide. A chinchilla often makes use of the decoy sound if it wants to have something or if it is looking for something. I took her to the vet to be sure she died of natural causes and not because of an attack, although, Pennie and Rosie got along very well. They should run around for 10 to 15 minutes, without any biting, then relax and sit next to eachother. The following example shows a situation where the female is bothered by the male. That sounds very funny. (Of course, I'm not talking to him about cold-fusion ... don't think I'm crazy!!) I realized they were having gas and set out to figure out what I needed to stop feeding them. He is still a little skittish around me so I haven't tried to pick him up yet, but he's not interest in leaving his cage on his own. perfect! Chinchillas are nocturnal, rabbits and guinea pigs aren't. Just yesturday I got my chinchilla at Petco. I've checked sound boards, and I can't seem to find her "sad sound" anywhere, though it sounds closest to the "protest sound" but I'm not bothering her! Unless your chinchillas are chasing each other or fighting, I wouldn't worry about the situation you described. Thanks. Hi you can send me the recording at He was only a few months old, too, and very scared, I'm sure. This series of short screeches occurs when he's exhaling, and every exhale, for 6-8 times or less if I'm there and (verbally) comfort him. My chins are settling in for bed and just waking up at dawn and dusk. Do not move or try to touch him while your hands are in the cage just let him climb on you. I just got a chinchilla, he is 6 months old and I've had him for 3 days. I took him outside in a pen to run around in for some fresh air. I don't know if he's bored, scared, wants attention, if he is still getting used to his surroundings, or all the above? What's a chinchilla owner to do? Sewn on demand - fill out the box above and let me know what design of fleece you want :). IT'S CRAZY. We were on vacation last week and only returned yesterday. Price may vary by location. If I go to grab him he makes the defensive sound and bites. She seems to be very normal otherwise - social, enjoys raisins and dust baths, eats fine, etc. The Chinchilla Handbook Whether you’re a veteran chinchilla fan or just adopted a new furry little buddy, you can rely on for up-to-date, biologically accurate information on taking care of your friend. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you. They let me know. Thank you. PS. I think it's fear or pain but the sound is not a high pricing Nosie. I will talk a bit from my own experience and random facts about what I know about all three: Here is the sound of a sleepy and content baby (sleepy1.mp3) and the same after being woken up (wakeup2.mp3). I sometimes copy them and do them back to him and he does them again. Males and females can get along with each other. 50% of the proceeds from the sale of FuzzBuddies will be put into a pool for donation to Fuzzy rescues. He has also started jumping up on my shoulder. Chins do die fast so watch carefully ask the (pet store/breeder) you got your chinchilla from they should tell you a good vet. Be sure to tuck your thumb or flatten it. But chins like to get their own way, or just be stubborn! My biggest piece of advise is to read up on them. Go to this website and listen to the barks and grunts that are normal for chins. Keep doing what you're doing with slow pets and scratches. When you look at him, he'll stop. i'm trying to decide between a guinea pig, a chinchilla, or a bunny. I had a chinchilla years ago and recently got another one both of my chinchillas were fairly quiet except my new chinchilla had a couple of nights where she barked I think she was scared because of the noise in my appartment building other than that she has been very good at night if i hear anything it her running on her wheel or swinging in her hamock. They will often make noises to gain your attention in the belief that they are in charge and you should pay them attention. I was reading your site and i was wondering if two male chinchillas get along. My little guy makes noises I haven't even read about, or heard here, such as a soft whistling sound when he's sitting on my shoulder and seeming very content! My girl does this. Thanks Theresa, Hey, theresa So I got a chinchilla, holland, 2 days ago, she's been acting fine and stuff but then tonight around 2:30 am she started making this HUGE screeching sound and I'm really worried because she keeps doing it and I tried to pick her up to like comfort her and pet her and play with her but she just ran away from me and then tried to bite me. So don't let someone tell you that they are nocturnal, because they are not. This is critical as they can die from heat stroke otherwise. my friend had a bunny and it wasnt very active. After you've had yours for awhile, you may start to wonder if you've been training him, or if he's been training/manipulating you all along!! Well, I used to have guinea pigs and rabbits as a kid and have a chinchin now and know maybe too much about them Owning a chinchilla is an amazing experience filled with adventure and mischief. He has been making a noise that to me sounds almost like a cough but may be just barking? I'm trying to figure out what it is. Rebecca. They are generally not stressed and do a lot of wall running and pop corning and playing. Don’t pick him up for about a week and just open the cage and place your hands in. If I don't play with him he starts making this weird crying like noise, kind of like a whining dog, and then this high pitched weird short sounds. She's my first chinnie. I have had my chinchilla for about two months now. If there is a change in your Chinchilla’s sleeping pattern and it is not sleeping at all, it means that your Chinchilla is stressed. Chinchillas make use of that sound from childhood and they will retain it all of their lives. It could be him dreaming. I was told chinchillas are very Skittish pets mine was scared of my load voice and fast movements. sometimes, though, when i reach into his cage to pet him, he makes the defensive sound and he ears goes back and it looks like he's curling his nose at me. After doing this for a while they will start coming over and climbing in your hands and arms. When we got home he started making squealing noises from time to time. I was extremely hesitant to do this but after about an hour they fighting wore off. They are very, very intelligent animals, which I'm sure you've seen yourself! I did a variation. I recently bought 2 male chinchillas and they make sort of a welcoming humble sound. They are always at the sides of the cages that face each other though like they want to be together. when I played the grunt he responded by making the same type of noise. My chin makes what I think are same as what u described. The more you continue showing him attention and put your hand in his cage the more comfortable and happy he will become and the more he will get to know you. 538 free Free Amigurumi Patterns and Crochet Toys crochet patterns. All chinchillas have different personalities. I recongize the barking when he is sleeping. She cannot be pregnant because they are both females I have double checked this....Could it just be 'Time of the Month'? I've found patterns for fleece liners intended for rat cages, but have a feeling those won't work as well for my chinchillas. Each pattern is full color, and includes not just recommended supplies and notions, but also step-by-step instructions and illustrations. She doesn't do it with every breath, but maybe ~1 every 30 min. Brands of hay: American pet diner, Oxbow, small pet select. The sound at night if you have one is either a scared bark (which can be as loud as any small dogs barks) or the gnawing sound( if a heavy or semi-heavy sleeper his shouldnt wake you up). In recent weeks, my boys have done some squealing also, like they are in pain. That's not a sound of pain or distress, just him telling something to go away. 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