Pooh and the others are trying to help her get her wings working but none of their advices work at all. Gummy is a small alligator with no teeth that is always getting into arguments with Pinkie Pie about who loves who the most. Their arguments can go on for hours upon hours, and there have been times when Gummy will fall asleep mid argument. Rainbow Dash: Yeah, you come down here and join the show! For what, I can't do it. Scootaloo was just staring in shock from what she just heard about Rainbow Dash being her mother. She was worried sick for her friend. Scootaloo was now sitting at the doctors office for what seemed like an hour but in reality it was more like twenty minutes or maybe it was thirty minutes i'm honestly not so sure how long it was and with her waiting for a long time it was making her anxious she could not stand the terror of having to wait this long in all of her young pony life oh how she wished she could be walking on the grass while enjoying a daisy sandwich but even though she wants that she can't because she must suffer this torturous waiting. Not like her father who has tried to take over Equestria and is very evil. But she had never told Rainbow Dash before because she was afraid of what her adopted mother would say about her reading such an inappropriate book. Ah mean, a pie 'eatin cutie mark would be perfect fer us!" "Well, you're just getting a shot. "B- but how is she my mom? They first appear passing by Twilight Sparkle and Spikein the school hallway; Scootaloo in particular nearly crashes into Twilight with her scooter. The Dregusus is less normal then that! "Oh no, I forgot to go get her for her doctor’s appointment!" They are not Pegasus and children of the wonder bolts. Kiss her @ss and see if that gets her off the ground. "I'm sorry." Here, let me see it," Rainbow exclaimed as she took the book out of Scootaloo's hooves. And then in Sleepless in Ponyville, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo go out with Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow Dash. Well, this is a little embarrassing! She is also wondering what her doctor will look like. Both parts of her continued the arguing which made the predicament continue to grow and it kept making her upset with her self cause the choice should in fact be easy. Journalist Cutie Mark Crusaders. Scootaloo: But I can't fly, remember? Even worse then the day Dimond Tiara and Silver Spoon would call she and her friends blank flanks, which hurt a whole lot less then how bad she was lied to. She has a pink and purple curly mane. I wonder what's up... She never goes that fast unless she is driving her scooter. Have you ever heard of a country called Australia? Scootaloo shook her head look down off her rock perch. Her idol is Rainbow Dash. she is nothing like her uncle Sombra who is actually just a friend but he's an uncle to her , yet someponies are still scared of her because of her family. Scootaloo was arguing in her head if she should read it or not, and the not reading it side was winning until Dash snapped her out of her thoughts. None of this really interested her, however, but she was bored so she grabbed a book. They found statements about why Scootaloo can't fly and why we don't see Apple Bloom's parents, both in interviews by people involved in the show, but not in a canonical context, only as an explanation for how the character designs came about. I wonder why they as [rollup. You'll be fine!" But he asks me how a dragon and a pony create a dregasus. Why the BUCK is that?" ;3. We need a good story. And then her brain came back to the present. Now, two of the things I'm often asked when it comes to Scoots are whether or not she can fly, and whether or not she is an orphan. Posted 8 months ago Report Edited 8 months ago As she reaches her teen years with wings still suited for a filly of six, Scootaloo is finally taken to a specialist by her aunts. There, it is confirmed that she has permanent wing dysplasia. Rainbow Dash:Wow, Scootaloo really ran out of here fast! Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. "So, what is it? Share Author Comments. I love that series! Chrismilesprower Aug 10, 2012. said Dr. One is a white unicorn named Sweetie Belle. She is voiced by Madeleine Peters. I'm sorry, but the odds are Scootaloo will never fly." Your best isn't GOOD ENOUGH! They looked high and low as they checked her normal hang outs like the Wheels, the scooter shop, Games and Plays, the arcade and The Skating Center, the skate park. I'm nervous because I have to take my daughter Scootaloo to the doctor's office today for a checkup and to get her wing flu shot. This was the worst day of her life! RAINBOW DASH. She remembered having to sneak out if she wanted to hang out with her friends, and she would always lie to them about having a family. They immediately fall in love. She could not belive that her role model and her sister! she looks to RainbowDash to see that she is fast asleep and is on chapter 20 of the daring do book when she heard the doctor call her to his office and scootaloo was petrified in fear. She was so shocked that her life was flashing before her eyes; the first event was being dropped off at the orphanage when she was just a foal and being on the steps wrapped In a blanket with a note in her hooves explaining who she is and what kind of pony she is and how the nice ponies at the orphanage should care for her and make sure she goes to a good home were a nice family will adopt and care for her. Probably looking for her all over Ponyville because she had left without telling them where she was going she thought. They want to get some nice whip pies with moist frosting and a delectable crunchy crust. Scootaloo, making a strange face at Diamond Tiara. Even though she's never flown before, it is better to be safe than sorry because she could still get the wing flu even though she can't fly. "Now what?" I mean, Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo fit well as like, somepony Scootaloo would look up to. test that happens once in a pony's life. "Scootaloo, Equestria to Scootaloo," said Sweetie Belle, the unicorn, to the orange pegasus, who seems to not even be paying attention to anything that was going on around her. Scootaloo was certain that this book is not meant for little ponies, but it was still in the waiting room, so reading it should be okay. I abandoned her after I had her, and then I took her back from the orphanage. But little does Scoots know her big sister has something planned to make it a day for scoots to remember. Sugar Cube Corner was the local Ponyville bakery. But I don't have the guts to tell her, since she doesn't know I'm her real mom. That makes me so upset, and ah can't belive she doesn't trust us enough to tell us. But little do they know that the truth will cause very many problems, and Scoots won't know who to turn to for help. A Daring Do book? The more popular ones being; She wasn't taught, or she has a disability. "Scoots, where are you?!" said Scootaloo heartbroken. He nodded, and then ran back into the kitchen. That problem will be solved. However, her color scheme is based on that of Sparkleworks, another Generation 3 Earth pony. Snapped away from her thoughts, Scootaloo now could hear somepony talking to a patient. the orange Pegasus screamed, now falling faster. Her role model and big sister rainbow dash is having to spend the holiday away training. The earth pony filly named Apple Bloom, the head of CMC, said this, her reddish pink bow in her red mane bouncing excitedly. Don't ever feel like you alone cause your not I know what it feels like to be the odd Pegasus out cause I'm that kind of colt myself. Scoots eyes widened in shock as she heard the cries of a little colt. But why would scoots not tell them where she was going they have been friends for what five years now part of twi wanted to check up on them the other part wanted to just go home study and practice some new spells.This is a big predicament that Twilight has found herself in she would really like to study but SweetieBelle and AppleBloom are her friends. Dashie is worried about Scoots, since they are finding out why she hasn't flown yet. "Scootaloo's wings are underdeveloped most likely as the result of a birth defect. She'd wondered why they were so small compared to some of the other pegasus colts and fillies she knew. Chickens can blush!. Even though it was scary, she didn't want to act like a scardy pony in front of Rainbow Dash. And this pony wasn't her sister, so she had to be.... her mom. "You … Just before it could explode, Scoot's doctor Serena jumped in front of Scootaloo and wrapped her wings around her to protect her from the blast. Now she knows she can’t just walk all over you guys.” Pound peered past his brown mane, his face flushed. browse using search engines like google. Scootaloo's parents comforted their daughter. "Here goes nothing." "well your sort of right, but you have the same mane and tail and eyes-" After Scootaloo heard that, she ran out of the office before the doctor could say anything else. Luckily, Scootaloo replied that she was okay. Now I know some of you are gonna throw a wrench in my theory saying. Scootaloo will be the first to admit - it took her awhile to accept the fact she would never naturally fly. She only tells us something if that something is really bugging her, or is very important. Since they had checked everywhere she could be, they decided that it would be best to sit down and wait for their friend to come back. She also noticed the doctor had sharp teeth. And the results were shocking. My Little Pony and all of its characters are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc. Scootaloo tapped her hooves nervously. Sadly Scootaloo was not in any of those places. The Cru… I don't care if Scootaloo can't fly, She is still The Best Pony. Suddenly, a weird stallion pops out of a carriage. Silly Scootaloo, chickens can't fly! It was Rainbow's turn too, so they decided to get them both done at once. I really want to be there for her, but sometimes it's so hard. Vivacious and tomboyish, Scootaloo provides the explosive energy of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. just that will help! It's flying week in Ponyville and Scootaloo suffers a great deal because she can't fly like Rainbow Dash and the Wonderbolts. Scootaloo in the episode Stare Master. “You sure showed her! Sep 13, 2014 - Explore princess nidra parra's board "⚡scootaloo⚡" on Pinterest. Hawaii's recovery shows what went wrong elsewhere, Teigen shares raw Instagram post on late baby Jack, Scientists were able to shoot down cancer's 'death star', Report: 2 kids hurt in crash involving Andy Reid's son, Netflix series cheerleaders linked to sexual misconduct, Hawley's wife files criminal complaint over protest, Ex-Titans defensive lineman dies at 48 after cancer battle, $1,400 stimulus checks to come within week of approval, Amazon is selling Apple's AirPods for rare low price, Penn: Celeb obsession put 'failed businessman' in WH, Pro-Trump host's show on Fox network canceled. It sounded like somepony left the parking brake on their horse drawn carriage! I suppose I should leave," the strange stallion said. be that but . It is morning and I'm just waking up. ... Scootaloo thinking, "She could fly?" Scootaloo peered over at the file, and then she saw it. The three fillies can feel the bright rays of the sun hitting their flanks, and the dirt and grass that tickles their hooves. That young colt had a lot of questions for me. as she dropped the file on the floor. Because of hercondition, they can't come often, so she is very happy when they do like today. “Yeah,” Scootaloo said. n l ' ' , . Scootaloo: It is a sunny day in Ponyville, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are once again trying some ridiculous stunts to earn their cutie marks. I mean, if they were questions about his condition it would be different. Just as Rainbow Dash was going to continue on her way, she heard a sound. All right. Needles, Needles, Needles and Even More Bucking Needles. "I do not know, Apple Bloom. It wouldn't be because of her age, … They were hoping that it would not be any longer than about 30 minutes, because they had to go home soon. Trying to distract herself, Scoots wondered what her fellow crusaders were doing right at that moment. She saw who she had mixed D.N.A with. 77 /fyte/ F, f/ 730051 i Few Seconds Later ait... this stuff can make you (imi, new Rainbow Dash! She suddenly realized that the others were already at the bakery waiting for her before they go in, since they do everything together and help each other. Scootaloo is not looking forward to spending Hearth's Warming Eve alone. "Oops, wrong story! Scootaloo and Rumble belongs to Hasbro and DHX Media Get your answers by asking now. Still no family to be seen! Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. You can sign in to vote the answer. She grabbed the 6th book in the Daring Do series, Daring Do and the Quest for the Hidden Temple. You never failed me. "Scootaloo is totally Fluttershy's sister, and it's clearly canon now," Leslie proclaims, clutching his crippled pegasus pluhie close to his flabby chest. allowed to have this It can? Her first appearance was in Friendship is Magic, Part 1 as a background pony but her major first appearance was in Call of the Cutie. You can choose to believe one of the fan-theories or just wait until they release an episode explaining why she can't fly. Scootaloo caught a glimpse of the doctor's wings, but those wings they looked like a dragons pair of wings. Scootaloo is based on the Generation 3 Earth pony of the same name, who has a pink and purple mane and tail (occasionally ponytails in the Core 7 serials) and a butterfly cutie mark. Why can't my wings be bigger!?" Is it snowing at your house like at my house ❄️ ? – b_jonas Mar 4 '16 at 16:53 Something must really be troubling her, which is never a good thing, as it always causes trouble. She may be embarrassed about where she had to go. The fact you tryied so hard is what matters. She has us so worried! However, she is having trouble focusing on pies. Now as she grew older she became more interested in things like sports such as hoofball, the Wonderbolts, riding scooters, and being tough and not showing her emotions. Well that was odd Rainbow thought. She is now going faster while crying. Poll: have you ever seen someone commit suicide? “This is going to be so easy and delicious!" She might not love me as much anymore, and she would resent me for not telling her a whole lot sooner, and I can't imagine that happening. Scootaloo shouted at herself. Scootaloo: (shocked) Me?! Scootaloo, being the rebellious and curious filly she was, followed and saw a young colt who was having a magical surge. "Ah can't belive Scootaloo wouldn't tell us where the hay she was goin'! We look nothing alike!" From what she heard, her doctor would most likely be a unicorn. Scootaloo is a young pegasus pony and a member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Though not as much trouble as Discord causes. And maybe if she didn't have any siblings, Dash would be a good substitute for what her two friends have. Scootaloo was running out of the doctors office from the shock she had just received, and she was running as fast as her little hooves would let her She did not like being lied to, especially when the pony who lied to her was her role model. Aww don't feel sad Scootaloo cause I still love you for who you are. Correct which shows that he did get the recessive trait of the Pegasus wings and the light bones. Deep down she wanted one. "Hey squirt, what do you have there? There is even a fish tank in the waiting room, a couple of children friendly books, and a few coloring books. Twilight Sparkle is heading home to her library Golden Oaks when she hears what sounds like AppleBloom and SweetieBelle crying and twilight was worried about why they were crying about, if it was that scootaloo was gone its because she went to the doctors and would be there for an hour or so it depends on how many young colts and fillies are  waiting to see the doctor. So that's what's keeping her from flying, her head's too big! Horse. Scootaloo turned her head away from Rainbow so she wouldn't see her crying. It could be the doctor, but the doctor didn't look right. Scootaloo wonders if she will be a unicorn, a pegasus or an earth pony. The more popular ones being; She wasn't taught, or she has a disability. Not good. I hope you enjoy this zenny trip, and have a wondrous day. This actually seems more normal then anything that has ever happened here, or heck, anything that's happened in Equestria ever! And the fact that she had to find out from the Dregusus Serena, who seemed so very nice, made her mad. "It's not fair! Their wings never grow properly and they can't fly." There are many fan-made explanations for the reason that Scootaloo cannot fly. Merilee explained as gently as she could. How am I supposed to join the show if-- Rainbow Dash: Whoa, whoa, whoa! When they trotted to the exam room after waking Rainbow Dash up, Serena noticed that Scootaloo was due for her D.N.A. "Oh dear, gotta fly!" Her eyes darted around, trying to find something in the cramped waiting room to distract her. Scoots is waiting for her at the bakery, and as soon as Dash gets there they fly off to the doctors. She had read the first book in the series and they were just a bit scary for her. arm? This is my second release, now I know how to save your progress. They step along the path to Sugar Cube Corner. The argument was drowned out by one of the fillies saying, "Ah can't believe we didn't think of this! There are many fan-made explanations for the reason that Scootaloo cannot fly. The other is a Pegasus named Scootaloo. Scootaloo noticed some toys for the waiting fillies and colts to play with. Just then, the doctor came in and was about to tell Scoots what exam room to go into But just then a nurse needed the doctor's help. Scootaloo can't fly because she lacks the light bones of a pegasus, and has the heavy bones of an earth pony. It wouldn't be because of her age, because we saw Rumble fly, we saw Pound Cake fly, and many others of her age and younger fly. "Get me a good juicy story or else!" And we have seen some bizarre stuff over the years, such as Discord and Dregusus. They found nothing relevant about Scootaloo's parents. All Serena could say was "I can't believe it." How do you think about the answers? So what? Scootaloo then finds and gets welcome into the Fairy Kingdom, learns to fly and meets A nice prince named Rumble. It frustrates me that no men might e very want me. she was also happy because she never had anypony care this much about her besides RainbowDash that it made her so happy that she started to cry but in a happy way so after she was done she woke up her role model so they could enter the exam room. Scootaloo cannot believe she was lied to. Overall the colt is doing good so far, Scootaloo is still in the waiting room, wondering what could be taking her doctor so long. tricky matter. RAINBOW DASH. As she continued to fall, she noticed a mirror coming down to her. You know how Scoots tends to keep to herself. The truth why scoots cant fly . Y- you look scared.". Scootaloo questioned. Her adopted mom, Rainbow Dash, is taking her to the doctor after the pies. Scootaloo's eyes went wide and she turned her head slightly to look at one of her wings. I was going to implement a little shopping system but alas, this mini game is way past overdue. She gulped, trying to hold back tears. Waiting for the audience's reaction ... Well, considering tree saps can't be considered a cutie mark, then I say no. Among the three, only Scootaloo has no speaking roles. This site and its contents are not affiliated with Hasbro, Inc. Scootaloo could hear even more fillies and colts crying over their shots, how sharp the needles were, and the stabbing pain they caused. "So, Rainbow Dash, uh, w- what are they going to to do me here?" She was still in shock. Scootaloo can't believe a perfect Rarity imitation when she sees one. When the blast ended, Serena let go of her and asked if she was okay. "Pound cake could fly and his parents were earthponies." It is hard to explain to new patients about me and that I am a very friendly dregasus. I may be his primary doctor, but he does this every time to me. She did NOT like needles. "I'll never fly." He wants to help, but can't, and feeling sorry for her. Still, thats not okay!" They figured they could just wait around for her to come back, which would hopefully be very soon, but they didn't know if she WOULD come back! But then again, a lot weirder has happened here in Ponyville. Behind her are two other fillies. Sweetie Belle, just like Apple Bloom, was concerned for their pegasus friend. Scootaloo is a character on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic who idolizes Rainbow Dash and is part of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. I may be a brave pony, but if she found out I was her mother she would never forgive me. Why when people say mad / crazy, they move the hand in circular motion beside the brain / head? Rainbow Dash starts to cry at this journal entry because of how sad it made her, and she is glad Scootaloo is not there to see her crying. (Rainbow Dash appears in front of her in her Wonderbolt outfit.) screamed both Sweetiee Belle and Apple Bloom, both of which were terribly afraid of what had happend to their fellow crusader. exclaimed a shocked Rainbow Dash as she whooshes out of her cloud house. It is a sunny day in Ponyville, and the Cutie Mark Crusaders are once again trying some ridiculous stunts to earn their cutie marks. Scootaloo later tells Rumble about how she got here and that she misses her home. However, she is happy when the ponies she knows and loves come to see her. Scootaloo's so happy, she can't watch! I just hope the cookies last long enough. Scootaloo sat back with a sigh, rocking Rice back and forth. Well ik the answer its cus chickens cant fly!!! So what if you can't fly. FynnL 2018-12-11 15:45:15. Rainbow assured. I asked an old friend to help you out. In My Little Pony Equestria Girls, the Cutie Mark Crusaders appear as students of Canterlot High School. Cup Cake joined her husband by their table and took the baby back. I'll never fly. *hugs Scootaloo* The two fillies fretted in silence, mulling over all the dangers their friend could be facing. exclaimed Scootaloo. "I uh, I've never been to the doctors before." Scootaloo stared at the book she was holding in her hooves. Reply. a trip to the doctors office!!!!! He was crying about how much "it hurt". Scootaloo flashed a nervous, yet hopeful look her mother's way. a very upset Apple Bloom said to Sweetie Belle. See more ideas about my little pony friendship, rainbow dash, my little pony. How come britain had always been the first, but now they're the worst? Still have questions? To fix that, I told her I adopted her from an orphanage (which was part of the truth). Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo (the Cutie Mark Crusaders) are getting close to the bakery where their friend Pinkie Pie both works and lives with her pet alligator, Gummy. So, either will apple bloom, or Sweety bell, or Apple Jack, or Pinky Pie or-SCOOTALOO. Scootaloo gulped nervously. the bunny dressed Pegasus brought out her wings, and flew through the hole much faster. Scootaloo was told not to follow. Scoots had just left the shop while they were in the bathroom, and now they were searching all over for her. The CMC could hear that argument now as they approached the bakery. And wing size doesn't matter as far as we can tell, because Bulk Biceps could fly with his disproportionately small wing size, Scootaloo can't. They are old news. The walls in the waiting room were covered in posters of ponies such as The Wonder Bolts and Photo Finish. Scoots curled up into a ball, trying to block out the child's screams. Scootaloo Can't Fly. SCOOTALOO. explained the doctor.