Social engineering is the art of manipulating people into performing actions or divulging confidential information. W3C's Platform for Privacy Preferences Project (P3P) provides a framework for informed Internet interactions. E-commerce security is the protection of e-commerce assets from unauthorized access, use, alteration, or destruction. Since the invention of the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989, Internet-based electronic commerce has been transformed from a mere idea into reality. First, I will discuss the issues for e-commerce is security & privacy. In some cases, it is possible for an unsavory individual to snatch packets as they are being communicated over the network, especially with the newer cellular modems, unsecured phone lines, and so on. Online Data Theft & Security Therefore we can prevent this privacy issue by logging only the type of information about users that the users recommend being logged, the page and the time of its request, and the browser being used. This seal was developed by AICPA, CICA and VeriSign. In the past decade, the US Attorney General’s office has issued hundreds of indictments surrounding e … More and more industries are moving their operations via online mode as it is the choice of the consumer.Its prevalence continues to grow and prosper without any signs of slowing down. Non-repudiation techniques prevent the sender of a message from subsequently denying that they sent the message. These vulnerabilities have led to the development of strong verification and security measures, like digital signatures and public key infrastructures (PKI). One popular form of technical attack is a denial-of-service attack. The introduction of WAP mobile phones will widen access to the Internet. The compliance standards mentioned above aren’t going away. Contact your privacy lawyer for any questions that you may have concerning data security, such as how to handle a situation when your records haven’t been disposed of correctly, or if your credit has been compromised due to stolen records. Such a system employs double keys; one key is used to encrypt the message by the sender, and a different, key is used by the recipient to decrypt the message. One of the key developments in e-commerce security and one which has led to the widespread growth of e-commerce is the introduction of digital signatures as a means of verification of data integrity and authentication. This makes it crucial that people know that those companies, with which they are doing business, disclose and follow certain business practices. Brute Force Attacks, although perceived to be low-tech in nature are not a thing of the past. Thus, doing some electronic business on the Internet is already an easy task as well as cheating and snooping is also easy. We examine privacy from social psychological, organizational, technical, regulatory, and economic perspectives. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is the primary federal agency regulating e-commerce activities, including use of commercial e-mails, online advertising and consumer privacy. Selling products online is the new norm and must-have for retail. E-commerce activity often involves collecting secure data such as names and phone numbers associated with email addresses. This is a very good system for electronic transactions, since two stranger-parties, perhaps living far apart, can confirm each other’s identity and thereby reduce the likelihood of fraud in the transaction. If you run an eCommerce business, you need to understand the ethical implications of your business. In 1995, Utah became the first jurisdiction in the world to enact an electronic signature law. It is also worth keeping an eye on your state’s legislation. There are several types of risks involving with e-commerce due to its nature and the methodologies that involve with it. In addition to preventing data compromises, we also comply with privacy regulations such as an individual’s right to be forgotten. There must be some copyright protection on the site. Data integrity is the assurance that data transmitted is consistent and correct, that is, it has not been tampered or altered in any way during transmission. Though these security issues are becoming intense with time, there are solutions that online retailers can implement without affecting the user experience of their sites. Denial of Service (DoS) attacks consist of overwhelming a server, a network or a website in order to paralyze its normal activity. As individuals and businesses increase information sharing, vulnerability to attack or intrusion rises. More than 41,000 households with at least one Internet user in July responded to several privacy and security questions the U.S. Census Bureau posed for the NTIA. Besides that, it also has many issues for us to discuss so I decide to choose this subject to discuss. The need to educate the public about the ethical and legal issues related to e-commerce is highly important from a buyer as well as seller perspective. In fact, trends in privacy concerns indicate that we should expect more regulations in the future as citizens across the U.S., Europe, and beyond become more savvy about data and personal privacy. Charalambous Tower One of the key developments in e-commerce security and one which has led to the widespread growth of e-commerce is the introduction of digital signatures as a means of verification of data integrity and authentication. To solve the security issues in e-commerce, merchants and payment companies should collaboratively come up with effective solutions. Stealing data is undetectable in most cases. With the anonymity of E-Commerce, the unscrupulous can establish (and abandon) electronic identities with relative ease. And to ease your e-commerce headaches, we'll tell you what you can do to prevent shopping cart abandonment and lower your return fraud rates. Trust in turn is linked to increased customer loyalty that can be manifested through increased purchases, openness to trying new products, and willingness to participate in programs that use additional personal information. One of the key developments in e-commerce security and one which has led to the widespread growth of e-commerce is the introduction of digital signatures as a means of verification of data integrity and authentication. The trustmark is awarded only to sites that adhere to TRUSTe's established privacy principles and agree to comply with ongoing TRUSTe oversight and resolution process. But without proper controls, electronic transactions and documents can be easily changed, lost, duplicated and incorrectly processed. Data integrity is the assurance that data transmitted is consistent and correct. The client can trick your server into believing that the request or post that it's sending is from some other site. Customers will lose his/her faith in e-business if its security is compromi This seal can be displayed on the company's WWW site together with links to the practitioner's report and other relevant information. Solutions Consent Management . Do you believe wearing a mask should be required in retail stores? … Ecommerce site owners should provide a privacy policy and post it on the ecommerce website. Social engineering techniques include pretexting (where the fraudster creates an invented scenario to get the victim to divulge information), Interactive voice recording (IVR) or phone phishing (where the fraudster gets the victim to divulge sensitive information over the phone) and baiting with Trojans horses (where the fraudster ‘baits’ the victim to load malware unto a system). What You Need to Know about Security Issues in E-Commerce. The exponential growth of the Internet and online activity raise a number of new regulatory issues and legal questions. Guarding consumer privacy must be an integral part of any e-commerce strategy. In the e-commerce security, some of the issues to be considered in this issue they are digital signatures, certificates, secure socket layers, firewalls. Security products and services. GDPR is a relatively recent law enacted in the European Union to ensure the protection of European Economic Area (EEA) citizens’ personal data and privacy. They are interception of data, redirection of data, identification of parties, exploitable program errors, and being the weakest point in security. Eavesdropping and acting under false identity is simple. Its goal is to provide: Online consumers with control over their personal information. In order for a digital signature to attain the same legal status as an ink-on-paper signature, asymmetric key cryptology must have been employed in its production. E-commerce businesses should consider obtaining insurance coverage in order to limit their financial exposure for information security breaches, online tort and intellectual property right infringement claims, and certain website-specific practices such as hyperlinking, framing, using … However now-a-days, ironically, these users are gradually found to be bit reluctant on pain of threats of security and privacy issues. Security is the main concern when it comes to e-commerce. Using sampling techniques on the packets or, more commonly, the server log files, an individual can learn about the nature of the transactions that your site processes. Privacy Issues. Ninety-six percent of Americans currently shop online. This therefore makes privacy a serious issue in E-commerce. in e-commerce transactions brings together seemingly unrelated issues concerning: Identity Theft. Include a privacy policy. Download Citation | Security and privacy issues in E-Commerce: A proposed guidelines to mitigate the risk | Threat of security issues in Information Science … Ethics are good for the soul. The legal decision lags lies as in modern technological field behind technical development and growth. In each of these cases, the risk can be alleviated (or greatly reduced). However, appearances can be deceiving and several questions arise: How can a consumer know. Security issues in e-commerce such as integrity, authentication and non-repudiation must be dealt with effectively for any online business to be successful. Privacy now forms an integral part of any e-commerce strategy and investment in privacy protection has been shown to increase consumer’s spend, trustworthiness and loyalty. VeriSign encryption and authentication technology and practices help assure the consumer that the seal on a WWW site is authentic and the site is entitled to display it: Many e-business activities also involve transactions, so customer banking or credit card information also ends up stored online. In May 2007 the internet infrastructure in Estonia was crippled by multiple sustained brute force attacks against government and commercial institutions in the country. Furthermore, the above observation delineates the ethical issues in a broad way. The goal of P3P is to enable WWW sites to express their privacy practices and users to exercise preferences over those practices. Inspite of that a large percentage of users (20%) reported that they had their credit card stolen, there is still a lot of consumer confidence in credit card mode of payment. U.S. Government regulators with demonstrable evidence that the industry can successfully self-regulate. Denial-of-service attacks consist of overwhelming a server, network or website in order to paralyze its normal activity. Threat of security issues in Information Science has now become an important subject of discussion amongst the concerned users. Messages are time- stamped or digitally notarized to establish dates and times at which a recipient hard access or even read a particular message. Data privacy is a hot topic because cyber attacks are increasing in size, sophistication and cost. In order to gain consumer confidence, nowadays many companies have joined programs to make their privacy administered by third parties and their business practices explicit. The three main legal areas you need to consider are privacy and data collection, intellectual property issues, and rules and regulations of the FTC and other consumer protection bodies. There are various consumer protection issues in e -commerce, including: unfair commercial practices unfair contract terms online payment security data protection and privacy dispute resolution and redress cross-border online transactions Policy measures should be build consumer trust in e -commerce… But with this growth comes security issues in e-commerce that loss prevention professionals need to know about. With the tremendous growth of Internet and e-commerce activities, there is urgent need for access, connectivity and local hosting. Perpetrators of technical attacks, and in particular Denial-of-Service attacks, typically target sites or services hosted on high-profile web servers such as banks, credit card payment gateways, large online retailers and popular social networking sites. Unprepared Companies Sending Workers Home Face ‘Nightmare’ Data Risks, Internet and Phone Scams Just Keep on Coming – Now It’s Coronavirus. Cite this document Security issues in e-commerce such as integrity, authentication and non-repudiation must be dealt with effectively for any online business to be successful. Technical attacks are one of the most challenging types of security compromise an e-commerce provider must face. Security features such as authentication, non-repudiation and escrow services can protect the sellers in e-commerce. E-Commerce - Security Systems - Security is an essential part of any transaction that takes place over the internet. THE LEGAL AND PRIVACY ISSUES OF DOING E-BUSINESS What Laws Apply to E-Business? Two particularly notable initiatives in that direction are, the WebTrust E-Commerce seal of assurance from the public accounting profession and the TRUSTe "trustmark" program that takes users directly to the privacy statement of a company that has joined a program.. This may be used, for instance, in analyzing the competitive level of your site by a site that provides the same services or products. Issues related to privacy are most prominent when it comes to e-commerce. The advantages or benefits of using open environment (meaning site that uses minimal or no security measures) are; the site is easier to use, anyone can browse the site, and it cost less to operate. In addition, the research presents a comprehensive overview of some of the main security and privacy-related issues those could make the e-commerce less secure business platform. But. I believe the people who are demonstrating against injustice have a right to demonstrate in whatever way can draw attention to the message and take what they feel belongs to them. Contract Law • Further, if an identity provider makes an incorrect online statement to a relying party about the identity of a subject, applicable law might treat issuing that incorrect identity E-Commerce often involves transactions between strangers. Legal Issues Involved in E-Commerce. The TRUSTe program enables companies to develop privacy statements that reflect the information gathering and dissemination practices of their site. As individuals and businesses increase information … One needs to be careful while doing e-commerce activities. Both EU and US legislation at both the federal and state levels mandates certain organizations to inform customers about information uses and disclosures. Different laws and legislations have established privacy as a fundamental human right. Everyone in retail is well aware of the growth of e-commerce. Your server may respond believing that the client is "trusted", when it isn't. Privacy. Since financial transactions are the backbone of e-commerce, if not the entire purpose of it, any hesitation on the part of the customer when it comes to making online payments could spoil the e-commerce party. There are others. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Most WWW servers log every access to them. Fashion Retailer Upgrades to RFID Labeling through Check-Net from Checkpoint, 3 Ways Retailers Can Leverage Intelligent Video during COVID-19. Phishing is the activity of defrauding an online account holder of financial information by posing as a legitimate company. These would help remove security concerns and boost confidence in e-commerce transactions. I do not believe masks serve any benefit. In the past decade, the US Attorney General’s office has issued hundreds of indictments surrounding e-commerce criminal activity. Ecommerce stores with ideal security have some features in common. (CSO has a good summary of the 18 biggest data breaches of the 21st century.) These attributes may cause the integrity of electronic transactions and documents to be questioned, causing disputes regarding the terms of a transaction and the related billing. DoS attacks can be executed in a number of different ways including: Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks are one of the greatest security fear for IT managers. Electronic commerce (E-commerce) websites have grown significantly over the years. Second, the European Union Data Directive has provided an added incentive for e-commerce firms in the US to post privacy policies. When the victim follows the link embedded within the email they are brought to an elaborate and sophisticated duplicate of the legitimate organizations website. In addition, the research presents a comprehensive overview of some of the main security and privacy-related issues those could make the e-commerce less secure business platform. Therefore, security 1.1 Social and business issues Why is privacy of concern to e-commerce? However, present advantages and disadvantages of M-commerce system over and E-commerce system. E-commerce offers the managing an account industry great chance, yet additionally creates a set of new dangers and vulnerability, for example, security threats, hackings. This has enabled development of new services, distribution channels and far greater efficiency in business activities than ever before. Westein (1998) established that over 80% of individuals using the internet were concerned about their privacy. These are just a few of the most common e-commerce security issues and concerns that must be dealt with as the result of the growth of online shopping. Privacy has become a major concern for consumers with the rise of identity theft and impersonation, and any concern for consumers must be treated as a major concern for e-Commerce providers. Lawmakers around the world are coming to recognize that as e-commerce platforms continue to grow, so too does their potential for exacerbating consumer digital privacy issues. (PDF) Security and Privacy Issues in E-Commerce | anuranjan misra - e-commerce has changed the way to doing business. 31. Copyright © 2020 Loss Prevention Media. Parties who are involving in e-commerce transaction are facing these risks. E-Commerce Security also has some main issues. To develop a security plan five major steps have to be considered they are risk assessment, developing security policy, implementation plan, create a security organization and performing a security audit. Dealings concerning privacy and security have resulted to critical issues for consumers and businesses as e-commerce continues to grow. I choose this subject to discuss their issues because e-commerce is the most popular on the internet and it has been become a virtual main street of the world. There are several complex issues and obstacles that need to be overcome in order to make sure that you are abiding by all the relevant legal guidelines. This part of the report doesn’t compare the two business systems. In the e-commerce security, some of the issues to be considered in this issue they are digital signatures, certificates, secure socket layers, firewalls. GDPR Cookie Consent; CCPA Cookie Consent Anyone can do business worldwide without having much physical infrastructure. Eighty-four percent of those households named at least one online privacy and security concern. By M Ali Nasir. Privacy has become a major concern for consumers with the rise of identity theft. Client/Server and Network Issues In many ways the transaction security of a WWW site can be compromised. Privacy and Security Issues in E-Commerce Mark S. Ackerman and Donald T. Davis, Jr. Privacy – the control over one’s personal data – and security – the attempted access to data by unauthorized others – are two critical problems for both e-commerce consumers and sites alike. The use of mobile phones in e-commerce, for example, would extensively depend on WAP authentication protocols. Some browsers also provide the client used by the reader, the URL that the client came from, and the user's e-mail address. As this article has shown, data privacy and security are not always straightforward when it comes to the world of e-commerce. It also indicates to consumers that they need to click to see practitioner's report. This paper presents a detailed analysis of the security and privacy issues in the case of an e-commerce scenario. Many e-business activities also involve transactions, so customer banking or credit card information also ends up stored online. The streamlining of cyber laws related to taxation, protection of intellectual property rights and cyber crimes would help cross-border e-commerce. Privacy has become a major concern for consumers with the rise of identity theft. There are numerous means for an unsavory individual to snoop into what you are sending or receiving from the other end, including, but not limited to, the following: Spoofing. One needs to be careful while doing e-commerce activities. Before developing an e-commerce site a registered domain and a registered trademark should be established. Click here to continue to Loss Prevention Magazine. A distributed denial of service attack (DDoS) occurs when multiple compromised systems flood the bandwidth or resources of a targeted system, usually one or more web servers. In 1995, Utah became the first jurisdiction in the world to enact an electronic signature law. E-Commerce is one of the parts of Information Science framework and its uses are gradually becoming popular. The logs themselves can be encrypted for permanent archival. Revealing any of these data could be potentially damaging to a user. Integrity, Authentication, and Non-Repudiation. To develop a security plan five major steps have to be considered they are risk assessment, developing security policy, implementation plan, create a security organization and performing a security audit. E-commerce activity often involves collecting secure data such as names and phone numbers associated with email addresses. Whether there are product guaranties, or whether the company will allow the return of products? How to Win at Loss Prevention…Decisively! The log usually includes the IP/DNS address, the time of the download, the user's name (if known by user authentication or obtained by the indented protocol), the URL requested, the status of the request, and the size of the data transmitted. Legal and Ethical Issues for IT Practitioners Brandy L. Spinks Business 670 Dr. Stephens December 20, 2010 Legal and Ethical Issues for IT Practitioners For ages thinkers have written hundreds of books in an effort to understand, explain, categorize, and label moral, immoral, an amoral human behavior and the rationales behind our actions. The power of the Web to reach the world carries with it a variety of legal issues, often related to intellectual property concerns, copyright, trademark, privacy, etc., particularly in the context of doing business on the Internet. In response to the concerns related to E-Commerce and to increase consumer confidence, the public accounting profession has developed and is promoting this set of principles and criteria for business-to-consumer E-Commerce, referred to as the WebTrustTM Principles and Criteria, and the related WebTrust seal of assurance. Digital signatures. Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) The ECPA, (Website) (§§ 2510-22) and (Website) (§§ 2701-11), imposes civil and criminal penalties for the intentional interception, disclosure, or use of electronic communications that affect interstate or foreign commerce. A study by researchers Lauer and Deng looked at a model linking privacy policy, through trustworthiness, to online trust and then to consumer’s loyalty and their willingness to provide truthful information. The explosion of e-commerce created a silent revolution in how consumers purchase goods and services. Privacy refers to issue of control over one’s own personal information. Non-repudiation is the idea that no party can dispute that an actual transaction took place. You may collect personal information voluntarily provided by customers, such as their names, contact information, and credit card information. Since trademark is your company’s logo and symbol, the representation of your business all over the web, it must be protected. However, there are several key legal issues you need to be aware of before you start contacting customers or potential customers. TRUSTe offers a program that addresses the privacy concerns of consumers and WWW sites. Repudiation is the idea that one party can default the transaction once an actual online transaction took place. Such disclosures are typically accomplished through privacy policies, both online and offline. Symptoms of denial-of-service attacks to include: Dramatic increase in the number of spam emails received. E-commerce growth will be centered on new technologies. Another popular attack is phlashing. E-commerce is defined as the buying and selling of products and services over electronic systems, such as the Internet. Although we should be wary of a technology-centered, "field-of-dreams" view of success factors, an appropriate technological infrastructure is necessary for the development of E-commerce. Consumers browse through catalogues, searching for best offers, order goods, and pay them electronically. Security Flaws . The perceived lack of security in transacting and communicating online continues to be seen as an obstacle to the uptake of e-business. Get critical infromation for loss prevention professionals, security and retail management delivered right to your inbox. How would you describe the recent rise in protests and public demonstrations? Technical attacks are one of the most challenging types of all e-commerce security issues. The Internet has driven a huge increase in the level of trade conducted electronically. Phlashing is a permanent denial-of-service attack that damages a system so badly that it requires replacement or reinstallation of hardware. All Rights Reserved. Data breaches happen on a daily basis, but some are bigger than others. Cyprus, Copyright © 2020 | Powered by Brandconn Digital. It is also worth keeping an eye on your state’s legislation. One way of legal & security issue is Digital signatures. The most famous DDoS attacks occurred in February 2000 where websites including Yahoo,, eBay, Amazon and CNN were attacked and left unreachable for several hours each. Credit card is one of the primary means of electronic payment on the WWW. Legal, security, or privacy issues within electronic commerce - Assignment Example. Phishing is the criminally fraudulent process of attempting to acquire sensitive information such as usernames, passwords and credit card details, by pretending as a trustworthy entity in an electronic communication. How a company will use any information submitted by him/her? Internet businesses have a legal obligation to protect the private information of their customers. I think it should be a choice whether I wear a mask or not. These data security standards are defined by the PCI Security Standards Council (PCI SSC) and enforced by credit card companies. Laws governing business incorporation, business name … When administrating a secure e-commerce site, it is important to remember that … Legal, security, or privacy issues within electronic commerce; Free. These gaps are filled through confronting on the issue and by discussing the facts on how to use the electronic information should be proceed. Nowadays, most commercially available servers and their respective clients implement encrypted transactions via some, usually proprietary, means. The technical uses of digital signatures are :-1. Information exchanged must be kept from unauthorized parties. Comply with current security standards to protect stored personal data from illegitimate or unauthorized access or from accidental access, processing, erasure, loss or use. It’s true that many of these issues are highly technical and usually the domain of trained IT specialists. If you are unable to attend, please make cancellations in writing and email to or fax to 1.800.558.6520 no later than November 4, 2020.A credit voucher will be issued to you for the full amount, redeemable against any other INFONEX course and which is valid for twelve months (one year) from the date of issue. In the cases of spoofing and sniffing, the preferred technique is to use data encryption, or signed data for the transaction. Even when good security measures are in place, it is still possible to compromise data in transit through techniques such as phishing or man-in-the-middle attacks. Guarding consumer privacy must be an integral part of any e-commerce strategy. According to the FTC, due to consumer privacy concerns regarding online purchases, e-commerce companies lost as much $2.8 billion in revenue in 1999 and are projected to lose $18 billion by 2002 . REBELLION – People have a right to voice their opinions and be heard. The privacy principles embody fair information practices approved by the U.S. Department of Commerce, Federal Trade Commission, and prominent industry-represented organizations and associations. Studies by Ackerman, Cranor, and Reagle, (1999), revealed that such fears have become amplified over the past. A cornerstone of the program is the TRUSTe "trustmark," an online branded seal that takes users directly to a company's privacy statement: – most protests are an excuse for destruction and looting have established privacy as a company! Ecommerce business, you need to understand the ethical issues e commerce Slideshare uses cookies to functionality. Privacy is a hot topic because cyber attacks are one of the of. Significantly over the Internet today those companies, with which they are already an easy task as well cheating! 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