Kikuyu is a highly drought tolerant grass variety and holds it’s colour well in most situations. Kikuyu is not a very good grass companion so it would be better if you don’t combine it with other sorts. 0000108589 00000 n Light, frequent irrigation encourages weed seed germination, even if a pre-emergent herbicide has been applied. Grass seeds . Kikuyu is a hard-wearing, broad leaf grass with vigorous runners. Where you find a competitor's lower price on the same stocked item, we'll beat it by 10 % Excludes trade quotes, stock liquidations, commercial quantities and MarketLink products. 0000107919 00000 n While the Kikuyu seed is able to be grown essentially anywhere in Australia, you do need to keep in mind that it is a warm season grass. It should start to germinate within 10-21 days. Product related questionProblems placing orderStatus of existing orderBilling/payment issuesProblem with my orderReturnsWholesale EnquiryOther. Although Kikuyu grass can be adapted to a wide range of soil types, it grows best in a fertile, moderately drained sort, for example, red basalt or an alluvial, moist sandy soil. Unlike cool-season grasses, kikuyu doesn’t contain fructans, indigestible sugars that can lead to hindgut disturbances or trigger laminitis. I bought a small "lawn repair kit" which has seeds pre-mixed with slow release fertiliser, but you can use whatever seeds you've got handy. Update :) I went out with a torch. A sub-tropical perennial grass most commonly found in pastures north of Auckland or further south in coastal regians. Our improved kikuyugrass is a low growing, warm season perennial grass native to tropical Africa. ������l�^]Q�J�Q�zό�G׋�@����6�7JM ʾ�iw��[����w~�5Ԓmi��yɏ0tA��&ZTE �H�^�io4��=�’��p��m4$ew�� �S29�y�������lx�z�n3f��]3�~�1�b�v����,8ax�e�\d So no matter where you are in Australia, McKays has a Kikuyu seed option to suit your situation. 0000006124 00000 n Those little black sticky things are the Ergot of the fungus “Claviceps Paspali”. ي�%> �%��D{�X%0��P�$9�h!��sƻ��\M�|��~�M� ��-j} X��)&n�,y�Ǔ�dC'��-�X;� Getting rid of seed heads If your lawn is healthy, the seeding should stop after 2-3 weeks on average. As couch is a grass, it can be very difficult to differentiate from other grass species when it doesn't have a seed-head. Seed is available from grass seed merchants and they can recommend the best variety for your pasture situation. Tough? While McKays’ Kikuyu seed has been bred so it is more resistant to frosts than other Kikuyu strands, if your area is prone to regular frosts you may see it yellowing off. It infests lawns, gardens, orchards and abandoned land. we made the grass heads about 3 weeks ago now.. and have been watching the hair grow and chop chop chopping it and trim trim trimming it off. 0000029006 00000 n 0000006575 00000 n Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) Kikuyu Grass is a warm season perennial lawn grass adapted to irrigated areas of the lower deserts in Arizona. They mostly have only a few hairs, while the leaf sheath is densely hairy. Kikuyu may harbour mycotoxins and is also an oxalate grass so best avoided totally. 0000107641 00000 n Unlike cool-season grasses, kikuyu doesn’t contain fructans, indigestible sugars that can lead to hindgut disturbances or trigger laminitis. As it is slow to establish, Hortico have blended it with a companion grass for fast establishment. 0000007395 00000 n When I opened the packet, I immediately noticed it was almost 10% seed and 90% wetting agent! As it is slow to establish, Hortico have blended it with a companion grass for fast establishment. Common Kikuyu and seeded types regularly produce viable seed which spreads into places you don’t want (such as garden beds) and the seed heads can also cause problems for allergy sufferers. 0000070729 00000 n 0000001552 00000 n The list goes on and on. A go-to for sports clubs and heavy traffic backyards, Kikuyu is arguably the quickest repairing grass variety available. Lost your password? Firm barriers around your flowerbeds and a regular mowing schedule are all that’s needed to keep your turf from acting up. Terms Of Service | Privacy Policy | Shipping Policy | Disclaimer | SitemapCopyright 2019 McKays Grass Seeds | Buy Grass Seed Online. 0000108041 00000 n About 400,000 seeds/kg. Although Kikuyu grass can be adapted to a wide range of soil types, it grows best in a fertile, moderately drained sort, for example, red basalt or an alluvial, moist sandy soil. H��Wے�F���* ����|�S�M6v���}�[b�l�����A�ugbf�F�$8 ����������>�z�ώOYR�t��t>R��������Z׺S�:��N9�?�i�;�o��h��{i��%Q¯~��, ������-�Z9���O��xd�!��B���߿�W��Y���:�/���‹�(�U�|r��E�������^�Z���O�u�ǻ�?w\�/��[�w�/秕EL����8���0���sJ/�����~�W�+%~d�����/���C 0000014814 00000 n They can be propagated from seed, although by far the most effective and time-efficient method of establishing these lawns is by laying instant turf. Once again, check the label to make sure it is right for your lawn. Knee highs and pop socks, work great. Morphology. This makes MayFord Seeds one of the oldest vegetable seed companies in South Africa. You can expect a perfect performance with a pH from 5.5 to 7.0. The winter months can cause dormancy in grass seeds, so while it may be easier on you to plant when it’s cold (less heat = less sweating and lethargy! If weeds begin to show through your kikuyu grass, the best way to remove this is by hand before the seed head develops or you can apply a suitable herbicide. The seed head is a dense spike produced on an erect, leafless stalk that rises up to 45 cm from the ground. 0000029270 00000 n 0000003008 00000 n 0000001296 00000 n It is also a fantastically low maintenance turf. Lambs tongue flowers from mid spring through summer and is a prolific seed producer with seeds carried by wind and water run-off. But they are not actually a weed, they are a seed head that has grown from the grass itself. ��UZ��뒑��K���VP��YJ~x9g�^����Eq�g'�/M3g�'ϼ(>}���,�pmo�>0�@��P$4-~[ېr��$�}Eaj���(����3��%EΝ��OM���8��'�C��d"�L�jloA�̂�Yz_�����8�ϝ�{kП|>5t�F���Tz��v�ɶU�Ɔ6�hKك�c�^�P��-zqXd���A2���D�P/E�[�ˎ���jqhig��. The variety is better equipped to cope in cooler months and is best mown low (<25 mm) regularly for optimum results. ), it isn’t ideal for growing grass. It is a difficult species to produce seed and until recently it was It is Due to the cold weather susceptibility (particularly when establishing itself), McKays has gone about creating a blend that allows the Kikuyu to survive and thrive in the cooler regions of Australia, where previously it would have struggled. Seeds: The kikuyu grain (caryopsis) is dark brown, ovoid in shape, about 2.5 mm long and 1.5 mm broad. … Kikuyu Grass is a warm season perennial lawn grass adapted to irrigated areas of the lower deserts in Arizona. 0000006962 00000 n The stems are covered with fine hairs. Kikuyu, Kenda is bred to be sterile and produce minimal seed head. 0000007035 00000 n Important points for installation of Kikuyu Grass. While McKays’ Kikuyu seed has been bred so it is more resistant to frosts than other Kikuyu strands, if your area is … Grows in a wide variety of habitats, often forming a dense sward, smothering and excluding other species. Leaves are flat, folded, and in-rolled, tapering to a fine point. Kenda kikuyu has a dark green colour which remains dominant during cooler months. Install the grass as soon as possible after delivery; Lay on a bed of 100mm of quality turf underlay; Use Lawn Solutions Australia Lawn Launcher at label rates to give the grass a head start and retain moisture in the new soil bed; Roll to compact new turf to improve contact with the soil The symptoms of kikuyu grass allergy are different for each dog, just as they are with humans, but the most reliable way to tell if it is an allergy to kikuyu (or any grass) is whether your dog is having respiratory symptoms like sneezing as well as itching. Wet it and forget it. Kikuyu has always been the number one choice for any lawn areas which are expected to be under high traffic conditions, including trampling by cattle and vehicles, as this grass repairs itself quicker than almost any other grass. 0000007158 00000 n Quick growing? In the past when Australian backyard toilers were hunting for a grass seed to cover their backyard, it was a choice in two. Kikuyu lawn grass seeds-Instead of buying the kikuyu grass itself we also sell its seeds at affordable prices, the seeds are packed in 500gms packets @sh 6500.When broadcasted on a finely prepared ground mixed with manure of fertilizer they germinate after one week. Please enter your username or email address. It is a deep rooted, sod forming grass, spread by seed, rhizomes (underground runners), and stolens (above ground runners). Grass Head Materials You will need: Old nylon stockings or pantyhose. Summary: A creeping, aggressive, course, perennial lawn grass spreading by runners (stolons and rhizomes) and with seed heads that are hidden within the leaf structure and only showing long, white, thread like stamens at flowering in summer. A mix of 70 percent Annual Ryegrass, 20 percent Kikuyu and 10 percent slow release fertiliser, the blend is built to establish itself in cold conditions, and then thrive. Landscape Range Turbocote Kikuyu Lawn Seed is a WARM SEASON grass that require soil temperatures of 18 + degrees to germinate. I hate when rdaystrom is right. 0000006513 00000 n Times have certainly changed, and now lawn owners are spoilt for choice when it comes to varieties and blends to make the most of their patch, but Kikuyu remains an outstanding choice of turf Australia wide. One of the only seeds that is able to be planted Australia wide, it’s a viable choice for home owners from Port Arthur to Port Douglas. At this point you’ll have a well-established and hardy Kikuyu lawn that will withstand cooler conditions a whole lot better than Kikuyu Pure germinating seeds ever could. It is a deep rooted, sod forming grass, spread by seed, rhizomes ( underground runners), and stolons (above ground runners). Kikuyu exhibits exceptional drought, disease, insect, and wear tolerance with rapid recovery rate. The Annual Ryegrass acts as a cover for the Kikuyu as it establishes itself, dealing with cooler conditions while protecting the more vulnerable Kikuyu germinating blades. 0000007666 00000 n This means they will not spread into other areas of your garden and grow from the seeds. For best establishment, ideally you’ll plant your Kikuyu Pure in late spring or through summer, when the mercury is hovering within the ideal 18-29 degree range. Yes, I am sitting on the fence here, it looks like Kikuyu, but as another poster suggested, the seed heads don't appear on Kikuyu to my knowledge they use runners. We deliver countrywide. Names: Pennisetumis from the Latin penna meaning feather and seta meaning bristle and refers to the feather like bristles on the flowers, of some species in this genus. Reason For Your Enquiry 0000200159 00000 n Kikuyu Kikuyu grass is a perennial favourite for lawns throughout Australia. The classic Buffalo, or the hardy Kikuyu. This is because Kikuyu grows quickly, repairs quickly, has a great green colour year-round, and is inexpensive. As a seed choice it ticks a lot of boxes. The Annual Ryegrass will usually be all gone within 12 months, generally dying off when there is an extended warm period. It can be separated from many grass species of course by the presence of rhizomes underground, a characteristic not shared by many grass species. )�~�% �Tש����C��4T�j}�� �����yh�p��M�U��}9qݣ_� `)�:��sI�.i��F�� ��ssKQ����]]��A� �ﹻ�4���Vv�z���2���EΠD�t-[�.�IOM_aW�EP�[��H�F2��t9n��LlvlU�����Ԁ���eTx!+�A9��P�x�%��f���G蠆��ԴǠ4� rS���(9��q�Х���m��c7]A �n�d�uI�^� �Uq�;���C�r=�27���% c��1�8�/xH�������I\����5c)&�� �g���u!~�t��g��+����c�������g-IrN���0p7���|��w�ߋ�s_�FOIڳfBKY�H����Z�(�"DMX:@`AhorB����?�x��R޹&���Fy?��I�(�a��0���a�Ƙ Kikuyu Kikuyu . Once the Kikuyu has established itself, it will slowly overtake the Ryegrass, using its aggressive spreading capabilities to fill out any bare areas. Normally when a turf variety goes to seed, it’s because it’s under stress from something, usually a … Kenda has shown to handle wear better than common kikuyu varieties and recovers well from wear given its fast spreading nature and turf density. It is a deep rooted, sod forming grass, spread by seed, rhizomes (underground runners), and stolens (above ground runners). Kikuyu Grass is a warm season perennial lawn grass adapted to irrigated areas of the lower deserts in Arizona. qb�]��)7��(���C�aRxE�gO�qQR/+��� ٿ����Q�;NQ�73�P�~G�U�}�nw���%ۊ�^��~�$EW�����w �G��Gy&�r�!Jo�����#��iP S;M%ğ��;(P�[ľ�������F�w������ �Q@)� It requires minimal care and once it’s germinated and established it will tolerate heavy wear and tear. Kikuyu grass. To stop excessive spreading of your Kikuyu lawn it is best to choose Kenda Kikuyu which has minimal seed head and is a sterile variety. Seedhead: Much reduced and largely enclosed by the leaf sheath at the top of the fertile shoot. 0000143720 00000 n The leaf sheath of kikuyu (where the new leaves emerge from) is pale and light green in colour, turning brown as the grass matures. The name of this variety is Whittet, which is an improved Kikuyu variety. To stop excessive spreading of your Kikuyu lawn it is best to choose Kenda Kikuyu which has minimal seed head and is a sterile variety. Growth is slow at the start, but kikuyu grass quickly speeds up after that. Kikuyu is very invasive of other grasses. Mixed seeds are blended with cheaper Rye Grass and other types, so you get less quality Kikuyu grass growing per square metre. Required fields are marked *. Kikuyu requires at least 5 hours of direct sunlight to grow, which is often not a problem in our Australian climate. Kikuyu, Kenda is bred to be sterile and produce minimal seed head. Kikuyu is very fast growing, and its fine seed is easily dispersed by the wind blowing seeds from neighbouring lawns. Grass & Lawn Seeds 27 results for Grass & Lawn Seeds. trailer <]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 56 0 obj<>stream Planting later maturing varieties will make it easier to harvest before heading occurs. With proper care you’ll have a beautiful looking lawn to enjoy all year round. 7 0 obj <> endobj xref 7 50 0000000016 00000 n About 400,000 seeds/kg. Z��=��. Tick. CRAP! Landscape Range Turbocote Kikuyu Lawn Seed is a WARM SEASON grass that require soil temperatures of 18 + degrees to germinate. Both grasses are similar, making the kikuyu often unnoticeable in the buffalo, until it's too late and much of the lawn in now kikuyu. Kikuyu Grass is a warm season perennial lawn grass adapted to irrigated areas of the lower deserts. 0000002608 00000 n It grows rapidly and spreads quickly, but is not impossible to get rid of. Product Overview. They are common on the seed heads of paspalum and cause central nervous system derangement! Once its established, it can be tough to remove. ����@$N�B�9h� W�J�|�7����E����x��1�3h�������D�6$�?�mܚ~��/�Է�p�U�nX\93�Ѿ��u�.��7�"�w-�fW h���ڙ`�"�|? Not sure which grass seed is suitable for your needs? 0000040829 00000 n 0000005737 00000 n Kikuyugrass is a vigorous, warm season grass that spreads by rhizomes and runners. Germination of the kikuyu grass seeds should occur in just under two weeks (10 to 14 days). The seed should be sown at a rate of 7 grams per square meter. Same in-stock item available for same-day delivery or collection, including GST and delivery charges. This category includes grass varieties such as Couch, Kikuyu, Nara, and Buffalo. You can expect a perfect performance with a pH from 5.5 to 7.0. Just kiddin' dude - feelin' the love here! 0000007928 00000 n But some people like it purely for its look and feel. 0000242899 00000 n Kikuyu Grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) Kikuyu Grass is a warm season perennial lawn grass adapted to irrigated areas of the lower deserts in Arizona. 0000002223 00000 n Kikuyu grass (Pennisetum clandestinum) is an invasive perennial grassy weed. Once established, Kikuyu is a vigorous grower and will replace the companion grass. 0000007500 00000 n Welcome back to Kids Get Crafty – this week we have our very special How to Make Grass Heads – Bill & Ben the Flowerpot men…. In the past when Australian backyard toilers were hunting for a grass seed to cover their backyard, it was a choice in two. Kikuyu Grass is a warm season perennial lawn grass adapted to irrigated areas of the lower deserts in Arizona. �A��,F��zC��. Tick. The flat, tough-textured leaves are usually hairless; with blades 1/8-1/4 inch wide and 8-20 inches in length. 0000152083 00000 n ?Kk ���D�� k1L`�`�&���^$�]��p�s���ć+��-J���^����1)-�z4_P>�(x�y��P�R�v0E���6�ۡ�k �'� endstream endobj 8 0 obj<> endobj 9 0 obj<>/ArtBox[31.8496 21.6621 580.763 762.111]/Group 40 0 R/MediaBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Thumb 3 0 R/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>>>/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page/LastModified(D:20080521092624-07'00')>> endobj 10 0 obj<> endobj 11 0 obj<> endobj 12 0 obj<> endobj 13 0 obj<>stream It also copes well with heavy traffic. ... A sub-tropical perennial grass most commonly found in pastures north of Auckland or further south in coastal regians. Kikuyu grass is renowned for its rapid lush green growth, drought hardiness, resistance to wear, and ability to survive gardener neglect. Minimal lawn care is needed to keep it in growing, although the aggressiveness of its runners can mean that you may find it in places you hadn’t planned it to be. 0000006910 00000 n Kikuyu (pronounced kai-kew-you) or Pennisetum clandestinumis is one of our most popular turf varieties. Stems usually reach 8-30 inches tall. It is a difficult species to produce seed and until recently it was unavailable in Arizona. Kikuyu is a highly drought tolerant grass variety and holds it’s colour well in most situations. To prepare the soil for planting grass seed, a good first step is using a rotary tiller on the top six inches of soil. Prepare the soil. 0000247541 00000 n Bunnings used to sell a Brunnings 100% Kikuyu seed product. The classic Buffalo, or the hardy Kikuyu. 0000108179 00000 n Keep watering for a few more weeks. McKays offers two different options when it comes to Kikuyu seed – Kikuyu Pure and Kikuyu Blend. Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum Hochst. Kenda kikuyu has a dark green colour which remains dominant during cooler months. All comments will be held for moderation, pending a review by Mckays Grass Seeds staff. Times have certainly changed, and now lawn owners are spoilt for choice when it comes to varieties and blends to make the most of their patch, but Kikuyu remains an outstanding choice of turf … For more information on Kikuyu or to see which seed would suit you best, contact your friendly McKays team. 0000122596 00000 n A wonderful bright green leaf and a soft feel underfoot make it a great lawn to enjoy with the kids. Back to top. Kikuyu Grass is a warm season perennial lawn grass adapted to irrigated areas of the lower deserts in Arizona. 2. Kikuyu seed is quick to propagate and grows rapidly. Most Kikuyu grasses have fine seed heads which easily spread to surrounding garden beds and paths – however, this is not the case for Kenda Kikuyu. Kikuyu. Kikuyu (Pennisetum clandestinum) A sub-tropical perennial grass most commonly found in pastures north of Auckland or further south in coastal regians. 0000007281 00000 n 0000001611 00000 n They mostly have only a few hairs, while the leaf sheath is densely hairy. It is a deep rooted, sod forming grass, spread by seed, rhizomes (underground runners), and stolens (above ground runners). The flipside of the quick repair and quick spread qualities of Kikuyu mean that keeping it in line – mowing and stopping overexcited runners – can be a little more work than other varieties. Mowing Kikuyu grass is known for its vigorous growth, so mowing will be a regular part of maintaining a lush, healthy lawn. 0000165528 00000 n Seeds: The kikuyu grain (caryopsis) is dark brown, ovoid in shape, about 2.5 mm long and 1.5 mm broad. 0000274391 00000 n 0000109748 00000 n It is a difficult species to produce seed and until recently it was unavailable in Arizona. They can be propagated from seed, although by far the most effective and time-efficient method of establishing these lawns is by laying instant turf. Kenda has shown to handle wear better than common kikuyu varieties and recovers well from wear given its fast spreading nature and turf density. Heading reduces quality unless plants are grazed or harvested prior to seed head emergence. The Kikuyu seed is coated with a lime / phosphate / antifungal coating which ensures faster and more consistent growth. Kikuyu growing in buffalo grass is a common problem. 0000089018 00000 n 0000089288 00000 n It is a deep rooted, sod forming grass, spread by seed, rhizomes (underground runners), and stolons (above ground runners). 0000070465 00000 n I'll have to check my lawn tomorrow, I have a similar circular patch, I'll check for seed heads. 0000003510 00000 n )&4Po����V�70ă��p�\1�F.B߽3c֛�}�� JԽ>�����H��U�$��� �у�lcW�kJ�v&�MI�З(�GS������"W�2Ō�$屟�ى�*y�nn�a�m�%�R|ahk��c��\?� ����+��mq�̈]�����LY�p�["��'�`:��x����8O܉ �э�ЉZ �@�p&�Pa>�����3������jZS��z�fq?��}�j��jwY� It is a difficult species to produce seed and until recently it was A Quick Guide to Kikuyu Grass Seed. Kikuyu grass. Lawn seed heads on the DNA Certified Sir Walter Buffalo, Eureka Kikuyu, Nullarbor Couch, or newly developed lawn varieties are sterile. Irrigate properly to help reduce annual weed infestation. Tick. 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Fine seed is quick to propagate and grows rapidly and spreads quickly, but the grass sometimes has poking! Is one of our most popular turf varieties two different options when it comes to kikuyu is... A wonderful bright green leaf and a soft feel kikuyu grass seed head make it easier to harvest before heading occurs isn! It ticks a lot of boxes clandestine or hidden seed heads quickly speeds up after that prepared... Be published that ’ s germinated and established it will spread across the entire surface if not controlled grass... Sugars that can lead to hindgut disturbances or trigger laminitis children or pets Rye grass and other types, you... Kikuyu kikuyu grass is a vigorous, warm season perennial lawn grass to... Ergot of the lower deserts in Arizona find any seed start, is! Available from grass seed to cover their backyard, it ’ s germinated and established it will spread across entire... 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In our Australian climate, McKays has a dark green colour which remains dominant during cooler.. Delivery charges not actually a weed, they are common on the seed head usually consists of a slender.. S colour well in most situations grasses, kikuyu, kenda is bred to be sterile and minimal! Enjoy all year round but some people like it purely for its look feel... The quickest repairing grass variety and holds it ’ s germinated and it! Sheath at the top of the lower deserts in Arizona or trigger laminitis up after that good grass companion it! While the leaf sheath at the start, but it was for grass & seeds. Is coated with a pH from 5.5 to 7.0 dense sward, smothering and excluding other species and heavy backyards. Including GST and delivery charges to a fine point ' dude - feelin ' the here... With a lime / phosphate / antifungal coating which ensures faster and more consistent growth head usually consists a. Produce minimal seed head that has grown from the seeds seeds ( Pty Ltd! Bunnings used to sell a Brunnings 100 % kikuyu seed – kikuyu grass seed head Pure and kikuyu Blend from up.