The queen's frequent messages of thanks and greeting to her colonies and to the troops sent by them, and her reception of the latter at Windsor, gave evidence of the heartfelt joy with which she saw the sons of the empire giving their lives for the defence of its integrity; and the satisfaction which she showed in the Federation of the Australian colonies was no less keen. The following sentences will support your answer. No, He Couldn't Even linguistically gifted students struggle with self esteem. Showing integrity means admitting to these mistakes and not being afraid to say, “I’m sorry, I got that wrong”. Personal Integrity. At this period he was noted for his integrity, gentle-heartedness and charitable disposition. From the outset of the reign of Charles the Bald, the integrity of Anjou was seriously menaced by a two-fold danger: from Brittany and from Normandy. tenon joinery guarantees quality and integrity with each unique TREE. interrelation integrity constraints for the relational data model. On June 17 1907 a promising speech from the throne opened the first universal suffrage Parliament and promised " to leave to the peoples as a secure heritage the integrity of their national territories"; "to solve the language question. The most onerous post of all, that of minister of finance, was confided to Dr Vicente Lopez, who, though he was not of marked financial ability, was at least a man of untiring industry and of a personal integrity that was above suspicion. Before this appeared he had written two dissertations entitled The State of the Printed Hebrew Text of the Old Testament considered, published respectively in 1753 and 1759, which were designed to combat the then current ideas as to the "absolute integrity" of the received Hebrew text. Determine which features to use to enforce data integrity. I think that Morrie Schwartz is a great example of Erikson’s integrity theory. conciliar process for justice, peace and the integrity of creation. Anyways, it's about how I think that cheating is irrevocably unacceptable and that the students that cheated are quite possibly deranged. Fabricius was regarded by the Romans of later times as a model of ancient simplicity and incorruptible integrity. In so doing, they help to assess the integrity of the nerve circuits involved. Your topic sentence should state your answer to the question. To maintain the integrity and health of your nails, take proper care of them. It is usually viewed by the prospective homebuyer as a non-biased statement showing the structural and functional integrity of the home. DWI will be issuing guidance on membrane integrity testing requirements shortly. They are built to maintain the integrity of all types of grass and turf surfaces. honesty implies a refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way. 🔊 People voted for the president because they believed he was a man of integrity. There are no special modes, and the game integrity is the same as the original. proved fruitless, since Kalnky, somewhat Clerical-minded, was averse from guaranteeing the integrity of all Italian territory, and Mancini was equally unwilling to guarantee to Austria permanent possession of Trent and Trieste. In 1777, Samuel Adams wrote 'give credit to whom credit due', a wise bit of advice that we can still follow to maintain our integrity. Copyright © 2016 All Rights Reserved Contact. While perhaps too cautious to be the ideal leader of a young and vigorous community, his grasp of detail, indefatigable industry, and unbending integrity won him the respect even of his political opponents. We develop integrity by knowing who … Frederick bluntly informed his nephew that, in concert with Russia and Denmark, he had guaranteed the integrity of the existing Swedish constitution, and significantly advised the young monarch to play the part of mediator and abstain from violence. What is integrity? One tribe is made up of Survivor Heroes, who are castaways that left a positive impression on viewers or played the game with integrity. This is possible to some because the situation in its sharp antithesis is not present to their minds: by making certain compromises on the one side and on the other, and by framing private interpretations of important dogmas, they can retain their faith in both and yet preserve their mental integrity. Of the judgments rendered by his countrymen, Washington's confidence in his ability and integrity is perhaps the most significant. His private life and public career were marked by the utmost integrity, and by a rigid austerity which earned him the name of the "iron baron.". There are many reasons students choose to plagiarize or cheat. Moreover, the paper needs to be limited to 2,200 words so opt for a topic/research question that can be explored within the given word limit. In my opinion, integrity is the single most important personal or character trait anyone can have. 'Integrity is a quality I consider lacking in politicians' and so on. Palmerston endeavoured to induce France and Russia to concur with England in maintaining the Treaty of London, which had guaranteed the integrity of the Danish dominions. Reasons range from the more genuine lack of knowledge to outright dishonorable intentions. It's wise to do some research on the Web site's integrity and history prior to purchasing anything. Each family will be asked to provide an au pair with two referees who can vouch for their integrity. monolayer integrity associated with an upregulation of junctional adhesion molecules. On this occasion he insisted on the re-establishment of the constitution in its integrity as a sine qua non. Although highly esteemed for his integrity and genuine ability, it was not until February 1906 that he was called upon to form a ministry, on the fall of the Fortis cabinet. He reached Bucharest on the 22nd, and on the same day, in the presence of the provisional government, took the oaths to respect the laws of the country and to maintain its rights and the integrity of its territory. Russinia (Sub-Carpathian Russia) is granted the widest possible autonomy compatible with the integrity of the Czechoslovak Republic. The reason that these investment grade gold bars are a great choice is because they involve a chain of integrity as well as one of custody so you know that the gold is real and not simply a dressed up bar of lead. Aside from all the changes to the game, Hasbro has kept the integrity of the series by keeping the gameplay the same. : Thus, if you wish to confirm why integrity is the cornerstone of the racing game, just ask an Aberdonian greyhound enthusiast. In addition, this sentence should focus on a specific issue, avoid the use of direct quotations, and leave room for support and analysis within the body of the paragraph. His letters to Congress, in which he expressed his suspicion of Deane's business integrity and criticized his accounts, resulted in Deane's recall; and other letters impaired the confidence of Congress in Franklin, of whom he was especially jealous. According to the dictionary, integrity is “the quality of possessing and steadfastly adhering to high moral principles or professional standards, and the state of being complete, undivided, sound or undamaged.” Integrity, then, is having high principles and keeping those standards consistent throughout all the different parts of the self. The first sentence of this paragraph should be the topic sentence of the paragraph that paper codes to write my essay writer writer examples listed in the mini-outline of introductory paragraph. 370 114 She looked for an employer who had integrity and valued its employees as well as the planet. If the sentence is missing either or even both of these then it is a fragment. A general election, in February 1906, was followed by three changes of ministry, the last of which, on the 19th of May, inaugurated the regime known in Portugal as the dictadura or dictatorship. The remaining sentences in a topic sentence paragraph are the support sentences, which further develop, discuss or explain the main idea. Integrity definition: If you have integrity , you are honest and firm in your moral principles. My father has built his business on integrity, providing the highest quality at an affordable price, and understanding the value of his customers as the base of his business. Structure: The structural integrity of the home is incredibly important. Topic sentences are significant when writing an essay because it also makes it easier to follow through one’s essay and understand what the writer is trying to bring out. Severe integrity and memorable public services raised Carnot far above his colleagues, but he was not a statesman and was hampered by his past. British interference in both cases was successful in maintaining the integrity of Arab rule, and the Bahrein islands are now under British protection. In the use of the ancient versions for the purposes of textual criticism there are three precautions which must always be observed; we must reasonably assure ourselves that we possess the version itself in its original integrity; we must eliminate such variants as have the appearance of originating merely with the translator; the remainder, which will be those that are due to a difference of text in the MS. (or MSS.) Passive sentences: you should always seek to write using the active voice. The perfect success of both was regarded, not unreasonably, as a popular ratification of the republic, and though continually harassed by the formation and dissolution of ephemeral ministries, by socialist outbreaks, and the beginnings of anti-Semitism, Carnot had but one serious crisis to surmount, the Panama scandals of 1892, which, if they greatly damaged the prestige of the state, increased the respect felt for its head, against whose integrity none could breathe a word. 23. “Have the courage to say no. Now the integrity of Japan was worth little if the Russians could hope ultimately to invade her in superior force, and as Port Arthur was the station of the fleet that might convoy an invasion, as well as the symbol of the longed-for hegemony, the fortress was necessarily the army's first objective, a convincing Sedan was the next. Russia and Japan’s central government would similarly play an integral role in the industrialization of each respective country. undermineef Executive said that the publication of this question bank could risk undermining the integrity of the test. Sometimes her old fashioned moral standards were a point of contention, but her integrity was never under question. You won’t always be comfortable with the choices you make, but you’ll know and feel it’s the right thing to do. Hence, ensure the topic you choose gives you ample scope for investigation and interpretation to accurately meet the grading criteria. It need hardly be said that such an a priori conviction is not a sufficient basis on which to found a sweeping condemnation of Bacon's integrity as an administrator of justice. IVe done some research on the topic of integrity to get a sort of fly on the wall perspective of how other people view integrity. He refused to support Mr Gladstone's Home Rule Bill in 1885, and was one of those who chiefly contributed to its rejection, and whose reputation for unbending integrity and intellectual eminence gave solidity to the Liberal Unionist party. The safety system is generally based on using high integrity safety relief valves. Not only is workplace integrity beneficial to businesses, but it is also beneficial to the individual. These benefits include, but are not limited to, vital bodily functions like cardiovascular health, bone metabolism, embryonic development in pregnant women and maintaining genetic integrity. The British government declared its intention to maintain the integrity of Belgium in accordance with the treaty of 1839, and it induced the two belligerent powers to agree not to violate the neutrality of Belgian territory. It is important for business leaders to live a lifestyle of honesty, integrity, and high ethical standards because what these leaders do can harm the reputation of the organization. Answer (1 of 6): You probably know this but integrity is a noun, so if you are describing a person, you can say he/she has integrity or is a person/ man/ woman of integrity. According to Artemidorus (whose authority is followed by Strabo), the towns that formed the Lycian league in the days of its integrity were twentythree in number; but Pliny states that Lycia once possessed seventy towns, of which only twenty-six remained in his day. A character reference letter is a formal document that provides information about the personal integrity of a particular individual, from the perspective of someone who has a personal relationship with the person the letter is about. The veneration in which he was held by the Athenians serves to dissipate the calumnies which have been thrown on his character by Andreas, and the whole tone of his writings bespeaks a man of the highest integrity and purest morality. Allie's parents would rather her show integrity and fail a test than cheat and do well. referential integrity constraints to the tables, e.g. wisecracking detective with a big streak of integrity down his spine and with a moral code of his own. Integrity is a term used to describe a person's level of honesty, moral commitments, and willingness to do what's right. Definition of integrity Integrity is considered as one of the core values, which most societies uphold so as to encourage proper growth and development of … from the older one of 1855 in which France and Great Britain guaranteed the integrity of Norway and Sweden, in the fact that whereas the older treaty was for the protection of these two states against Russia, the new treaty is intended, if it is to serve at all as a protection against invasion, to protect Norway against Sweden. Tripwire 's database must be secure for an integrity check to be sufficiently trustworthy. Since the professor trusted the student's integrity, he allowed her to take the test outside of class. In as little as 24 hours most people fasting will lose integrity in their intestinal wall lining. 1 We must respect each other's territorial, 3 Calamity and prisperity are the touchstones of, 5 The buyer was convinced of the salesman's, 6 The country is fighting to preserve its territorial, 10 He has earned a reputation for candor and, 18 Separatist movements are a threat to the, 21 The code calls on members to behave with, 23 The minister promised to restore the honesty and, 24 The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking, 25 He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable, 26 I have always regarded him as a man of, 27 We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial, 28 They said the greatest virtues in a politician were, 29 No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest, 30 My respect for your intelligence is only equalled by my admiration for your, 3 The buyer was convinced of the salesman's, 4 The country is fighting to preserve its territorial, 6 The editor of the newspaper was condemned as lacking, 7 He inspires affection and respect as a man of unquestionable, 9 We will never allow anybody to encroach upon China's territorial, 10 They said the greatest virtues in a politician were, 13 No one doubted that the president was a man of the highest, 14 We all have an interest in maintaining the, 15 The whole nation speak as one man on this issue concerning national sovereignty and territorial. Linking words and phrases Integrity Treasure I put the treasure chest in the front of the room with some random props in it. If you choose to upgrade your membership, you will take a questionnaire about your attitudes and behaviors that have to do with sincerity and integrity. The panels had begun to rust badly and threatened the structural integrity of the surface. But he relied, ultimately, on the protection of the powers which had guaranteed the integrity of Denmark by the treaty of London, and if words have any meaning at all he had the right to expect at the very least the armed support of Great Britain.'. Honesty sentence examples. But Great Britain and Austria intervened to preserve the integrity of Turkey. Since the professor trusted the student's integrity, he allowed her to take the test outside of class. He immediately betook himself to the necessary studies, and acquitted himself in his new office with ability, boldness and integrity. Hence the supreme quality for a leader is unquestionable integrity '. Words can be powerful, but only if you back them up with actions, so to be integrous, you must work to prove your remorse. Integrity is the through-line that runs through all of the conscious leadership work that we talk about on this show. Specific vehicle systems and features, like body integrity and electrical components, are rated for each model year of a vehicle. 0. Use examples to write good topic sentences. His character in other respects was always of stainless integrity. It was formerly thought that this was the Lollius whom Horace described as a model of integrity and superior to avarice in Od. It gives an idea of what is to follow. A person who has integrity is someone who is honest and trustworthy. He owed his influence partly to his natural genius and partly to the transparent integrity and nobility of his character. He did indeed wish the integrity of the senate. Being able to do the right thing or having the willingness to do the right things when no one is looking is a big part of this. The special servant-songs which Duhm asserts can be readily detached from the texture of the Deutero-Isaiah without disturbance to its integrity are Isa. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. No details of the earlier history of Thebes have been preserved, except that it was governed by a land-holding aristocracy who safeguarded their integrity by rigid statutes about the ownership of property and its transmission. Academic writers are expected to use thesis statements and topic sentences. He had been accused of vanity and ostentation in his office, but his reputation for ability and integrity as a judge was high even with his enemies. Do you want to know how to describe someone who is honest or dishonest using more specific English vocabulary words? There is a famous saying which perfectly describes integrity. By his alliance with the Grisons (1603) he guaranteed the integrity of the Valtellina, the natural approach to Lombardy for the imperial forces; and by his intimate union with Geneva he controlled the routes by which the Spaniards could reach their hereditary possessions in Franche-Comt and the Low Countries from Italy. It is a beast of superior integrity, is attached to its mother, and reducible to rule. In this section, answer the following question: Why it is important for schools to uphold academic integrity? But their agreement will undermine New York's financial integrity. Two former Tyco executives, who have become the poster children for failed ethical leadership, are a good example of this. - Moreover, local… They do not represent the opinions of Asking for what you want and need from others. 0. Billed as the "singles site for seniors with integrity", this site doesn't even allow access to profiles without membership. Global Organic Textile Standard ensures manufacturing and labeling integrity. Sustainable farming methods are nature-based in that they are focused on maintaining the long-term health of the land and the integrity of its crop. They identify at least five points of view among those who read the Scriptures with integrity. But Boetius denied the accusation in unequivocal terms. When we live our life with integrity, we are living, acting and behaving authentically. Explore 796 Integrity Quotes by authors including Dennis Prager, H. Jackson Brown, Jr., and Michelle Obama at BrainyQuote. The provider should deliver reliable and secure connectivity to safeguard the integrity and confidentiality of corporate data. They had a lot of integrity and were very self-righteous but no-one was interested. If possible, write your thesis in one clear sentence. The charges were that he had conspired against the king, that he was anxious to maintain the integrity of the senate, and to restore Rome to liberty, and that for this purpose he had written to the emperor Justin. The preamble of the document declared that it was the common interest of the three Powers "to maintain intact the integrity of Ethiopia," and Article I. impugn the integrity of hard-working civil servants? Marlowe is a hard-boiled, wisecracking detective with a big streak of integrity down his spine and with a moral code of his own. God demands our loyalty. After caring for the hair of his chemical and color treated clients, he found the drying effects of a lathering shampoo sacrificed the integrity of the hair, creating lackluster, dull and dry locks. In order to write a good thesis statement, you should keep it within three sentences. Data integrity is what the "I" in CIA Triad stands for. Honesty and integrity exclude any exploitation or selfish and prudent use of the other person as a tool for achieving individual goals. We tend to err on the side of caution to protect the integrity of the system. 🔊 This is a more affordable style of comforter whereas a baffle box construction seals the feather inside the inner walls of the baffling and therefore maintains the integrity of the lofting. Proper care is the key: regular cleanings, inspections, and proper storage all help preserve the ring's integrity and avoid excessive damage. To the first tribunate of Saturninus is probably to be assigned his law on majestas, the exact provisions of which are unknown, but its object was probably to strengthen the power of the tribunes and the popular party; it dealt with the minuta majestas (diminished authority) of the Roman people, that is, with all acts tending to impair the integrity of the Commonwealth, being thus more comprehensive than the modern word " treason.". Although these decisions haven't made her rich, it's kept her integrity intact; something much more valuable to the singer. expulsion of inspectors] sets a dangerous precedent fore the integrity of the non-proliferation regime. This is to prevent spoilers from leaking before the show has aired, and to ensure the integrity of the production. The wood furniture is made with the old world values and integrity that the Amish have been so well known for. Integrity is the ability to act in ways that are consistent with the values, beliefs, and moral principles we claim to hold. These lanes have kept their integrity with authentic crumbled facades and darkened corners, where little pubs serve mulled wine on chilly nights. i think it also has to do with why the text is relevant, but moreso in terms that if the speech has textual integrity, it leaves a stronger impact of an audience and therefore remains relevant? He entered upon his work with a firm determination to carry out those reforms which he had originally purposed, and to set up in all its integrity that form of church polity which he had carefully matured during his residence at Strassburg. Knowing your GVW is important for certain road surfaces, vehicle handling and towing, structural integrity, and general safety. He was a thoroughgoing conservative, wealthy and generous, and a man of high integrity. He owed his political influence chiefly to his rank, his mild disposition, and his personal integrity, for his talents were in no sense brilliant, and he was deficient in practical energy as well as in intellectual grasp. Unlike Lord Hartington (afterwards duke of Devonshire) and other Liberals, who declined to join Mr Gladstone in view of the altered attitude he was adopting towards Ireland, Mr Chamberlain entered the cabinet as president of the Local Government Board (with Mr Jesse Collings as parliamentary secretary), but on the 15th of March 1886 he resigned, explaining in the House of Commons (8th April) that, while he had always been in favour of the largest possible extension of local government to Ireland consistently with the integrity of the empire and the supremacy of parliament, and had therefore joined Mr Gladstone when he believed that this was what was intended, he was unable to consider that the scheme communicated by Mr Gladstone to his colleagues maintained those limitations. However, no matter what level of stress you may find yourself under, MIT expects you to approach your work with honesty and integrity. On 6th February 1873 Bolivia entered upon a secret agreement with Peru, the ostensible object of which was the preservation of their territorial integrity and their mutual defence against exterior aggression. : He was a scientist of absolute integrity and total dedication, with an incredible gift for efficiency. Examples of Integrity in a sentence As Catherine is a woman of integrity, you can trust her with your money and your life. When the Wilson scandals occasioned the downfall of Grevy in December 1887, Carnot's high character for integrity marked him out as a candidate for the presidency, and he obtained the support of Clemenceau and of all those who objected to the candidatures of men who have been more active in the political arena, so that he was elected by 616 votes out of 827. In the workplace, people will need to work collaboratively, and if you praise each other, you'll lift up each other's spirits and produce a higher standard of work. My teacher is really pissed off, because she found out that two very annoying kids were cheating on her test. Even though she carried it to extreme, he admired her integrity. As one of the most commonly chosen corporate value statements, integrity means that you do what you say you will do. It has also been said that “children won’t fear life if their elders have enough integrity not to fear death.”(Psychological Theory- Erikson, 1995). Leaders with integrity … The company strives for perfection, offering its clients honesty, integrity, competitive prices and knowledgeable associates. This was the point which Kant missed in his analysis, and this is the fundamental truth which Cousin thinks he has restored to the integrity of philosophy by the method of the observation of consciousness. Integrity From behind, ask the patient to do a single foot tiptoe test on both sides. On the 14th of May 1792 the conspirators formed a confederation, consisting, in the first instance, of only ten other persons, at the little town of Targowica in the Ukraine, protesting against the constitution of the 3rd of May as tyrannous and revolutionary, and at the same time the new Russian minister at Warsaw presented a formal declaration of war to the king and the diet. " This latest Star Trek series, while offered in a new format, holds to the integrity of the Star Trek universe. Guests who have been injured at an amusement park should follow this list of basic dos and don'ts to protect their legal integrity as they consult with an experienced attorney. Proper storing and cleaning are essential to protect and maintain the integrity of the dress and the fibers. The extreme force needed to produce such a bending deformation would certainly threaten the integrity of the glass itself. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Genuine feelings are the height of passion and integrity for Scorpio, and he wants to feel everything when it comes to love. Lord Beaconsfield has been praised for his integrity in money matters; the praise could have been spared - it does not rise high enough. The Russo-Turkish War, which ended in the peace of Kutchuk Kainardji (1774), was fatal to the integrity of Moldavian territory. You don't want to substitute too many materials, otherwise you risk compromising the integrity of the entire costume. But the road layout has remained sensitive to its integrity, and it is still a church to walk to rather than drive. Read on to learn more about creating an effective topic sentence. the case study to support the topic sentence (it is very important in this types of essays to make reference to the data you have been supplied to give your essay context). verification of the authenticity and integrity of data does not necessarily prove the identity of the signatory who creates the electronic signatures. He had completed it in 1634; but owing to the fierce opposition with which he had to contend, he was only able to print it at Paris in 1650, by aid of a son, who had turned Catholic. A strong topic sentence should be placed at or near the beginning of a paragraph. The same principle underlies different other self-denying arrangements and declarations made by the powers with reference to Chinese integrity. The exegetical arguments are, in short, the final court of appeal, and their verdict tells rather in favour of the epistle's integrity. 20 examples: A high standard of integrity is required from all architects. The company is committed to preserving the integrity of the diamond industry, and has strict regulations in place to prevent conflict diamonds from being incorporated into any of its jewelry. Have you learned-- no, do you remember nothing about loyalty, integrity, and family? Honesty is the foundation of good academic work. Honesty is the sticking to the facts and truthfulness. Closed chain leg toning exercises can contribute to joint compression, which may improve the integrity of the joint. The two countries established a global trade interdependence that improved both their economies question... To take the test outside of class an integral part in jobs Verizon. 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