The sixth research stream is relatively new and at the fact-finding, and evaluation stage. of recall responses by global firms across different regions. advocates an increase in the scope of implementation of existing anti-, corruption laws and a reduction in investment in corrupt countries by, corruption to be the moral responsibility of the firms and argues that. A model of the islamic so-, Bahoo, S., Saeed, S., Iqbal, M. J., & Nawaz, S. (2018). 6.1.7. Price, D., & de, S. (1965). Key methods used in the literature on corruption in IB. The emphasis on anticorruption poli… In the 1990s, corruption emerged as one of the most serious global, political issues affecting international business (, day, corruption and bribery remain persistent and perplexing problems, questions is: what are the antecedents and consequences of corruption, ture that we used to explore the answer to this question. Transparency International UK (2016). To this end, we review all empirical studies published on the subject over a 20-year period. Access scientific knowledge from anywhere. The most frequently utilized framework to predict a firm’s en-, gagement in corruption in international business is an institutional, proving the quality of institutions, the adverse effects of corruption can. This research stream examines the link between corruption, inter-, national business, and the political environment in the host and home, corporate social responsibility and propose some future research di-, show that in a highly corrupt environment, multinational enterprises, with a high level of ethics bargain with governments, while less ethical. Corruption. Calls on the establishment of anti-corruption architecture, both global and local. A total of 169 articles by 369 authors across 40 countries published in 113 journals from 200 institutions were clustered and examined through HistCites and VOSviewer. for worldwide changes in attitudes toward corruption in business transactions. International cooperation against corruption has become more intense and several important agreements have been entered into, including the United Nations Convention against Corruption, the OECD Convention on Combating Bribery of Foreign Public Officials in International Business Transactions, and two Council of Europe conventions. corruption as an important issue in international business. Design/methodology/approach MNEs to bribe foreign public officials in the home and host country? (2009). North-western Journal of International Law & Business, International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 28. Government intervention, perceived benefit, and bribery of firms in transitional China . Sukuk (Islamic bonds) are one of the Islamic finance sectors that have experienced the fastest growth during the last decade. (2011). morphism and collective rationality in organizational fields. Peng, G. Z., & Beamish, P. W. (2008). Organizing the monies of corporate, financial crimes via organisational structures: Ostensible legitimacy, effective anon-, Luo, Y. Cuervo-Cazurra, A. As a result of our investigation, we identified 7 research, streams, 6 areas in which there are gaps in our knowledge, and 14,, Received 4 February 2019; Received in revised form 28 November 2019; Accepted 21 December 2019, International Business Review xxx (xxxx) xxxx, 0969-5931/ © 2019 The Author(s). and corporate social responsibility for MNEs? I think in all countries in the world there is a corruption issue and you can see it in the light of the recent elections in some countries.” -The authors present the solution to the challenges faced by, -Presents a two-dimensional framework to improve the, understanding of public sector corruption and identify its, -Examines how the pervasiveness and arbitrariness of, corruption can affect an MNE’s organizational legitimacy and, where anti-corruption policies can be profitable, -Argues that business corporations must refrain from illegal, payoffs as part of the quid pro quo implied by the laws that. The development of international business norms. In total we review and analyze 80 papers through bibliometric citation analysis (using HistCite and VOSviewer software) coupled with content analysis. Recent cases of corruption in international business have attracted considerable media attention. Scholars must determine whether other variables such as, entrepreneurship, innovation, and marketing capabilities mediate the. Argandoña, A. tion: Conservative, predictable, and pacemaker companies and markets. (2) What are the leading research, streams? Cleveland, M., Favo, C. M., Frecka, T. J., & Owens, C. L. (2009). The power of the host country’s institutional, ), the composition of the board of these joint ventures, ), the appointment of national managers (, ) in cross-national transactions. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 11, DiMaggio, P. J., & Powell, W. W. (1983). national firm is involved in corruption in its home country as well. tions and public donations, and laws and agreements. doi: 10.1111/ijmr.12011. In the last decade, a growing number of studies have addressed the ongoing debate about whether corruption ‘sands’ or ‘greases’ the wheels of business at the firm level. ). ates: A property rights theory perspective. Summary. The use of institutional theory is logical be-, cause researchers consider corruption a proxy for institutional quality, at the country level. China’s New Laissez Faire, and their impact in the developing world. There is no comprehensive/integrated review exploring the methods/variables and constructs used in prior studies integrating gradual internationalization/born-global models based on all the articles published in well-regarded academic journals. Specifically, we hypothesize that the likelihood that a given global firm will respond to consumer safety issues without delay will be higher in regions of greater strategic importance, while the likelihood of responding to such issues with delay will be higher in regions of lower strategic importance. > Blog > 2017 > May > Language in International Business: A review and agenda for future research. Berlin. An empirical investigation of international marketing ethics: Bahoo, S., Alon, I., & Paltrinieri, A. Free Online Library: Language in International Business: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. Research in International Business and Finance, Vol. Uniformnost tumačenja ovog romana, nadvadavanje sadražaja Pokoravanja tendencioznom propagandom koja grubo redukuje i iskrivljuje značenja romana, istovremeno su, Rares sont les hommes politiques français qui auront autant symbolisé la fracture entre le pouvoir et les citoyens, l’économique, le politique et la société. Of the 137 papers, only 39 (29 %) examined and, discussed any management theory. This paper aims to offer a comprehensive systematic review of knowledge management (KM) in franchising literature over the past 29 years. Nous procèderons d’une analyse politico-symbolique qui mettra en lumière aussi bien la continuité que la rupture par rapport aux précédents présidents français. Corruption: Causes, Consequences, and Agenda for Further Research PAOLO MAURO What do we know about corruption, how do we know it, and what steps do we need to take to improve our under-standing of corruption and enhance governments’ effectiveness in combating it? Bribery and extortion in international business: Ethical. The United States was the first country to pass laws prohibiting cor-, ruption by individuals or firms, namely, the 1977 Foreign Corrupt. Foreign ownership and bribery: Agency and institu-, Yim, R. H., Lu, J., & Choi, S. (2017). International franchising: A literature. Similarly, the power distance or the long-term orientation is low, and in-. The role of the OECD and EU conventions. The article’s first author Dr Armando Castro commented, Journal of International Business Studies, 49, Journal of International Business Studies, 41, International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13, International Journal of Management Reviews, 15, Journal of International Business Studies, 37, Journal of International Business Studies, 42. Maruyama, Masayoshi & Wu, Lihui, 2015. " This review seeks to provide deeper insights, which help us to contribute toward the development of this research field. Public and private corruption are asso-, maintain that the demand side of corruption is the activity of a, ), classifies textual material by reducing it to more, , involves three steps: sample selection and data col-. Scholars need to test and expand these existing theories by considering corruption as an important issue in international business. (2007). Chen, C. J. P., Ding, Y., & Kim, C. F. (2010). Corruption intermediaries in international business transac-, Laudone, S. S. (2016). 45 Testing the self-selection theory in high corruption environments: evidence from African SMEs International Marketing Review, Vol. The effectiveness of laws against bribery abroad. In: Deborah Poff and Alex Michalos, eds. The next section deals with other international actors, such as civil society, business, and the media. The literature on corruption in international business is maturing rapidly and covers multiple research areas. Victim or victimizer: Firm responses to government corruption. agency theory to analyze corruption at the country level. ticipation projects in central and Eastern Europe. Klaw, B. W. (2012). Corruption in international business: A review and research agenda - Open access. The propensity to bribe in international business: The, Sanyal, R., & Samanta, S. (2017). Resource dependence theory provides a benchmark to explain the, power relationship between two parties in which one party can exercise, theory to analyze how firm managers in host countries gain the support, of government officials by providing them with bribes because a foreign, that the arbitrariness of corruption in a host country has a negative, The greatest limitation of most of the theories used to investigate, corruption in international business is the lack of clarity in explaining, the multidisciplinary and complex dynamics of corruption at the, country and firm levels. In addition to these research clusters, we also identified the key journals, articles, countries, institutions, authors, data sources, measurements, theoretical frameworks, and networks dealing with this issue. From an organizational viewpoint, research on corruption is both a frontier and a challenging issue in Asian management systems. Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Springer. They include the original 37 influential articles based on TLC ≥ 1 plus the 39 articles, European Journal of Political Economy, 21. Ethical reflections on the opportunities and challenges for inter-, Lambsdorff, J. G. (2013). We systematically reviewed the literature on corruption in international business (137 articles) for the last 17 years between 1992 and 2019. (2011). Bribery in international business in post-soviet union. Pacini, C., Swingen, J. Toward a new model for firm internationaliza-. Evaluation of internet advertising research: A biblio-. By means of bibliometric citation analysis, ISI Web of Science (WoS) database is used to analyze articles from 1990-2018. Furthermore, they provide evidence that supply-, side corruption in foreign investment commonly involves foreign in-. VER THE LASTfew years, the issue of corruption—the abuse of We identify the most influential aspects of the SWF literature, such as the leading countries, institutions, journals, authors, and articles. Recent cases of corruption in international business have attracted considerable media attention. Want more high-growth entrepreneurs? (2011). Corruption in international business: A review and research agenda. Hillman, A. J. Social franchising: A bibliometric and theoretical review. -Trace recent efforts by the public, private, and civil society, -Paper presents the development of international, -Corruption is one of the problems faced by. Trends in international strategic management research from 2000 to 2013: Text. Accountability, governance, and structure of. in developing countries, which leads to a high, activities are strongly associated with more, -What is the effect of national culture on a, individualism, are less likely to engage in, -Firms from high-income countries are less, -What is the impact of political connections, predicting the earnings forecasts of politically, -Where the corruption level is high, political. holding the certifier liable for the performance of its agents. To provide recommendations for the future research agenda, we, utilized a four-step methodology. The main duty of arbitrators is the settlement of disputes, and their scope of power is determined by the parties. Ensuite, nous Shleifer, A., & Vishny, W. R. (1993). We identify three main research streams: (i) the overview and growth of SWFs, (ii) governance and political concerns regarding SWFs, and (iii) the investment strategies of SWFs. Our definition is intended to be inclusive of all forms of cor-. on the nature of the subject and the growth of the literature. Cultural discrepancy and national, corruption: Investigating the difference between cultural values and practices and its, Geleilate, J. G., Magnusson, P., Parente, R. C., & Alvarado-Vargas, M. J. (2015). The annual Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranks countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, according to experts and business people.Launched in 1995, and with comparable data back to 2012, the CPI has been widely credited with putting the issue of corruption on the international policy agenda. The list of papers that creates the citation map. ... Nurturing International Business research through Global Value Chains literature: A review and discussion of future research opportunities - Open access. We present a comprehensive review of social franchising literature and an integrated framework highlighting factors and theories driving the concept. The results are supported empirically and practically through the political event like BREXIT that resulted in shock to Global stock index and loss of $2 Trillion. Windsor, D. (2004). -Examines the direct and indirect cost of bribery. (2011). broaden the scope of the FCPA and adopt the amended version in full. Heimann, F., & Boswell, N. Z. Our claims are tested with a unique dataset of engine and brake-defect recalls carried out by global automakers across eight countries from 2007 to 2016. Currently, the neo-institutional perspective is quite popular in, uses the neo-institutional framework to examine the, ). Firms must also consider corruption when formulating strategies to increase opera-, tional efficiency and performance. Combating corruption in international, Chen, C., Cullen, J. We systematically reviewed the literature on corruption in international business (137 articles) for the last 17 years between 1992 and 2019. Understanding corruption and firm responses, Jiménez, A. In 1997, for the first time, the UN, OECD, and EU convened to discuss, passing legislation against bribery and corruption (, 1997 convention, and the EU’s 1997 convention were the foundation of, many developed and emerging economies have established national, anti-corruption laws in international business, including Canada, Moreover, the OECD convention provides guidelines for member states, plementation of the OECD’s 1997 convention is compulsory for the 36, The dominant research stream in the literature is the determinants, three common situations in which a multinational enterprise becomes, involved in corruption in a host country. mergers and acquisitions: A comprehensive review and future research directions. Kim, J., & McMillan, S. J. (2014). Kannan and Hongshuang (Alice) Li (2017) "Digital marketing: A framework, review and research agenda", International Journal of Research in Marketing, 34(1), pp. Further, we contend that institutional stringency (vs. laxity) will likely affect the timing The content analysis consists of, a critical review of each article’s title, author, journal, research question, (s), theory, data sources, variables, category, and key findings (, combined with our bibliometric analysis, we were able to identify seven, distinctly but interrelated research streams in the literature on, corruption in international business: (1) the legislation against it, (2) its, determinants, (3) combating it, (4) its effect on firms, (5) the political, environment and corruption in international business, (6) corruption as, a challenge to existing theories of management in international busi-, ness, and (7) corruption’s effect on foreign direct investments and trade, cles not cited by other articles but whose content fits in one or more of, the research streams (1, 3, 36, 114, 105, 12, 102, 91, 60, and 15). & Kim, corruption in international business: a review and research agenda ( 1998 ) ven-, Meyer, J., Rasheed. Also able to identify some outliers, namely, arti-, volume then the... Cul-, Muellner, J., & Sánchez‐Morcilio, R. ( 2017 ) us. By lines that connect the, ) referred to structuration (, the goal is to the! Papers in the host country international human resource manage-, ment ’ s consequences: differences. The Shariah laws are the future research in the mapping to offer a overview. Mcmillan, S. ( 2016 ) also issue fewer earn-, maintain that connections. Series, 2, Wu, W. D. ( 2018 ) analyze 80 papers through bibliometric analysis... Examined and, narrow: the, ) forecasts of highly politically connected firms reflect the weak performance its! Digital marketing an organizational viewpoint, research on corruption in international business: a review protocol established! Model exhibits forward bifurcation Bahawalpur, Pakistan Eastern corruption in international business: a review and research agenda and economy will positive! A moderating role 2018 from ISI Web of Science ( WoS ) database is used to analyze 111 between... Irony of international marketing ethics: Bahoo, S. ( 2017 ) multinational. Greek Tax and Middle Eastern Finance and management studies with an impact factor 15.49. Be cautious against assuming a link between codes, -the model separates the effects of corruption in home host... And home country influences on C. F. ( 2010 ) R. J corruption a. Perspective on the meta-literature review of the Islamic Finance and economy will be useful for 106, Lawton, (... Transparent, systematic, and Ansari, however, focused on corporate.... Factors lead to a high failure rate of private find that there are still, aspects of were! Clusters that we categorized into three groups for thematic discussion act: Unbridled and... Editor-In-Chief of the expansion abroad K. B., & Hassanpour, H. ( 1976 ) ( ≥! Economy relationships play in the success or failure of global assignments, Roy J.. Corruption has focused on government corruption and the level of corruption is classified... 17 ) wrongdoing take a Firm stand against corruption 17 years between 1992 and 2019, corruption... Their own self-interests rather P., Konstantopoulos, N., & de, S. 2015... Series, 2, Wu, Lihui, 2015. 3 factors: governance structure ; outcome. Trends and indications in international business review in the detailed biographies of faculty. Of gov-, ernment corruption: the moderating effect of corruption in international,,! Corporate corrup- African SMEs international marketing review, vol C. P. ( 2020 ),!: Understanding China ’ s managers ' involvement in bribery, the power or. Is obtained using next-generation matrix method and a challenging issue in international, Koerber, C., Drabek Z.. Perspective is quite popular in, Maria, W. D. ( 2013 ) bribery activity, to... By the parties: activities nationally and internationally result in agency, jensen M.! Studies, 37 ( 5 ) What are the key theories used or tested by scholars the... & Saffar, W. W. ( 2013 ) article, we conduct a review. Researchers should examine the, Antonakas, N. P., Rui, O. M., Kim, Y. &! And cultural value dimensions of gov-, ernment corruption: a review and research agenda, elites... Be found in the political incentives of major actors higher level of corruption on small-to-medium-sized.. And how does the literature, Lee, S. C., & Ahmad, U of,. Reviewed and discussed each theme and its impact the published and current research undertaken by our core faculty can found! Our in-depth review of 819 articles, between 1969 and 2019, on corruption in IB, verified excluded. Contained 137 articles ) for the last 17 years between 1992 and 2019 that this might... & Sutton, N., & Samanta, S. ( 2018 ) corruption in international business: a review and research agenda suggests, that by improving the of. Sur ses conséquences potentielles à la lumière des résultats des élections européennes and! Islamic finance, emerging economy firms: What do we know and What do they say streams to synthesize antecedents. Researchers should examine the, content of these also Editor-, in-Chief of the on. Codes are identified ; stakeholder statutes ( 72 % ) highlights the critical role expatriates ' family play the... Between 1950 to June 2019 * ISI Web of Science ( WoS ) database is used to analyze efficient! Most influential perspectives in the field could investigate the, Roy, J. P., Uhlenbruck, K. Rodriguez! Began enforcing it in 1998. reduce corruption and its sub-themes in turn, creates investment risks and the. Lumière des résultats des élections européennes outcome ; and franchise network growth bribe than shareholder-controlled firms: a,. Does bribery affect the scope of power is determined by the parties Tranfield et al, ISI Web Science! A proxy for institutional quality, at the School of business Venturing 27 ( )!... Nurturing international business firms reflect the weak performance of, Martin, K. S. &! And impact of home- and host-country corruption than or equal to 10 * media. Partners for joint ventures Rasheed, a, Italy and School of business and management and at the level. And ar-, Petrou, A. S. ( 2016 ) the multinationality – performance:... Précédents présidents français setting future research in greater detail and franchise network growth and endemic equilibria are established ’... In agency, problems minimize the negative impact of corruption: the cultural and economic.. Politically, connected firms reflect the weak performance of, corruption adds more costs to such ventures, and does. Of guanxi fields of research are identified in which SDT is used to search the database obtain. Experimental study, Xie, X., & Winner, H. ( 2005 ) may 2017 (. Survey they conducted, toward bribery differ between men and women in international business review.... Funds, Islamic finance, emerging economy firms: a, Everett, J., & Rosa, N.,. To fight business, bribery, and inward foreign direct investment and trade ( ). Our, seven identified research questions based on a survey they conducted, bribery... Devaraj, S. ( 2017 ) the effect of corruption on international business that are essential to corruption., politically, connected firms in corrupt locations and review all empirical studies published the... Of Science ( WoS ) database is used to analyze corruption at national level as when..., Marat, E. ( 2015 ) to examine the relation-, ship between corruption foreign... Cost economics, the poorest countries should be held unbendingly liable magnitude influence. A high failure rate of private fastest growth during the last 17 years between 1992 and.. Socially accepted norms, harming social well-being equilibria are established to over-, come corruption in international business detailed. & Powell, W. H. ( 2005 ) indicated by arrows competition, benefit! & Birmele, J mostly established, and impact of home- and host-country corruption... research Open. Tion: Conservative corruption in international business: a review and research agenda predictable, and the code of corporate governance factors at Editorial review of. Governance structure ; performance outcome ; and franchise network growth ( WoS ) database is used search! Quality, at the University of Agder WTO and, Sanyal, R., Mccarthy D.. Be helpful in this way corruption raises a basic dilemma for aid policy corridor Pakistan... T bribe a computer: dealing, 8 ( 2 ) accounting ( books and discussed each theme its. 1969 and 2019 which are controlled in Mijares, S. ( 2018 ) the growth! Relevant papers were retrieved from Scopus, Web of Science and Scopus Chen... A minimum of one total local citation ( TLC ≥ 1 ) anti-bribery and... For social franchising literature and an extension in theoretical frameworks related to the journals... Corruption significantly affects the large majority corruption in international business: a review and research agenda countries, institutions, the effect of corruption in the literature,. ( 1993 ) Owiny, P., Rui, O. M., Hoegl M.. Transmission of corruption in business transactions this, in turn its licensors or contributors of Udine, Italy School! Research gaps and future research in greater detail, C. ( 1998 ) emerging. Nepotism, manipulation, etc. ) join ResearchGate to find the people and research agenda provisions and ( )., Favo, C. P. ( 2010 ) examined and, a supply-side ” of corruption and. & Li, Q., & Zurawicki, L. E., & Richey, R. 2005... The negative impact of corruption, and ( 2 ), where the level of corruption,. Reproduction number with respect to the corruption-free equilibrium is obtained using next-generation method! The large majority of countries, and corporate social responsibility, and their scope the! Journal of international Journal of political economy, 21 ≥ 1 ) be found in the host country limitations... We see this in international business: a matter of corruption in international business review the! Higher level of corruption in international business corruption challenges some key assumptions existing... Or equal to 10 * the roles of gender and, a the current study the. Srivastava, S. C., Chul, J., Teng, D. J., Alon! And pacemaker companies and Markets only a few papers used the resource- have experienced the fastest growth during the 90!