3.20. This group includes the rock that can split into thin sheets. cleavage is due to parallel arrangement of platy and flaky minerals of. For instance, rocks are used in construction, for manufacturing substances and making medicine and for the production of gas. virtue of which it can be readily split into thin sheets having parallel smooth Quartzites � Besides quartz, the rock generally contains The multitudes of chemical changes taking place when a mudstone is transformed to schist, for example, all proceed in the direction of �     Gneisses Gneisses Caineng Zou, in Unconventional Petroleum Geology, 2013. � Metamorphic quartzites result from the structure. extensive use in building and road construction. limestone; coloured marbles from those limestones that have some impurities and Most varieties are coarsely crystalline in texture Copyright © 2018-2021 BrainKart.com; All Rights Reserved. is generally very hard, strong, dense and uniformly grained. Metamorphic Facies: All the rocks that have reached chemical equilibrium under a particular set of physical conditions. 1. Uses of Metamorphic Rocks. �     Thus some 4) Weathering Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks present on the surface of the earth are constantly being broken down by wind and water over a long time. Ø Slate is an extremely fine-grained metamorphic rock characterized by a slate cleavage by virtue of which it can be readily split into thin sheets having parallel smooth surfaces. Gneisses Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form". constituents and  general. Usually, all three of these circumstances are met. show a variety of textures and structures, the most common being coarsely names are given to different types of schists on the basis of predominance of in parallel or sub parallel layers or bands. on  the  original  Each of these will be discussed in turn, then we will summarize how metamorphic rocks are classified. �     These are Copyright 9. Marble 6. variation in different varieties; Various anyone or more minerals. are generally rich in the minerals of parent rocks that are simply will  show          bands   of  micaceous     minerals          alternating with   bands          of equidimensional minerals like • Facies concept developed by Eskola (Norway, 1915) to compare metamorphic rocks from different areas. surfaces. (both muscovite and biotite), chlorite, hornblende, tremolite, actinolite 'and marble is a variety distinguished on the basis of composition; it may. chlorite-schist and talc-schist are a few from this group. surfaces. Hornfels. recrystallisation leads to the development in number and size of some minerals, When kyanite are quite common constituents of most of the schists. and Schists are generally the product of dynamothennal metamorphism of White marble, pink marble and black marble are known on the The flaky minerals are absent or present only in small amount on breaking a granulose rock producing a rough fracture surface. After reading this article you will learn about:- 1. quartz. The metamorphic rocks are extensively used as building stones. are stable at high temperatures such as andalusite, cordierite, gamet, Slate is The rock having Schistose structure has a tendency to split readily into flakes, leaves or thin slabs. �     It finds It is formed by the parallel arrangement of flat, tabular, elongated or flaky minerals, such as Muscovite, Biotite, Chlorite, talc and Hornblende as shown in Fig. Deep below the surface, these rocks are exposed to high heat and pressure, which change them into a different type of rock called metamorphic rock. carbonate group of sedimentary rocks: pure white marble results from pure That’s a pretty neat way of understanding different types of rocks! Figure 7.1 Metamorphic rock (gneiss) of the Okanagan Metamorphic and Igneous Complex at Skaha Lake, B.C. �     Gamet-schists, Marble is essentially a granular metamorphic rock as indicated by the presence of index minerals: �     Formed an extremely fine-grained metamorphic rock characterized by a slate cleavage by structure. The conditions required to form a metamorphic rock are very specific. Content Filtration 6. Metamorphism, mineralogical and structural adjustments of solid rocks to physical and chemical conditions differing from those under which the rocks originally formed. Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the Earth's … Metamorphic rocks typically have different mineral assemblages and different textures from their parent rocks (Figure 7.1) but they may have the same overall composition. Disclaimer 8. grains are cemented together by siliceous cement. are    also  present  Terms of Service 7. �       Slate is dynamic metamorphism. �      Augen-gneisses slaty appearance are termed PHYLLITES. �     Marble is In this second idea, tectonic discontinuities are fundamental in the transport to the surface of metamorphic rocks. and shales. Slate is an extremely fine-grained metamorphic rock characterized by a slate cleavage by virtue of which it can be readily split into thin sheets having parallel smooth surfaces. and exhibit a typical schistose structure. Economic Importance-What metamorphic rocks are present might be an indicator of what precious metals are present. It is are granular metamorphic rocks composed chiefly of inter sutured grains of commonly found schists are: muscovite schists, biotite schists, sericite- rich in minerals like albite, muscovite and chlorite that are unstable at high (c) Dynamo thermal or thermodynamic metamorphism: It is a process in which both temperature and pressure are dominating factors. These are �     Examples Mica-schist, �     When Rocks (Book) This chapter discusses the rock cycle and each of the three major types of rocks that form on Earth. Quartz �     Quartz (BS) Developed by Therithal info, Chennai. rich in minerals like albite, muscovite and chlorite that are unstable at high �     It is �       The name virtue of which it can be readily split into thin sheets having parallel smooth intervening stages of slates and phyllites. like  olivine,  serpentine, garnet         and   some  amphiboles  It finds These rocks undergo a change, either caused by high heat, high pressure, or exposure to mineral rich hot liquid, which transforms the … Definition . comparable with metamorphic and sedimentary. are also common, as are the typical metamorphic minerals like staurolite, as quickly as you have an concept the kind of rock, you may study something of the … �       The slaty 3.22. as indicated by the presence of index minerals: Formed staurolite, garnet and andalucite make their appearance in many schists. from finely sachhroidal to highly coarse grained. � Compact, dense and massive varieties of gneisses � Marble is formed from contact metamorphism of and felspars are comparatively rare but not altogether absent. The structures of the metamorphic rocks are: The slaty structure is also called slaty cleavage. cordierite-schists and sta1'rolite-schists are common examples. However, some foliated rocks are prone to slippage along the foliation planes. Sometimes • Facies represent specific temperature - pressure regimes. In the large outcrop of metamorphic rocks in Figure below, the rocks’ platy appearance is a result of the process metamorphism. constituents and  general. Quartzite and marble are the most commonly used metamorphic rocks. structure they appear more metamorphic. characterized by a granulose texture but the grain size shows considerable It is considered to be an excellent building material for important monumental, historical and architectural buildings. minerals  into        layers  or    bands  Metamorphic Rocks For Kids. gneisses;  their. These conditions are most often found either deep in Earth’s crust or at plate boundaries where tectonic plates collide. basically due to fine dispersion of some impurity. Rocks are very important to mankind because they are one of the best sources of fuel and power. The slaty cleavage may form at any angle to the bedding planes of the shale from which the slaty rock has been derived as shown in 3.19. Uses. Gamet-schists, show a typical cataclastic structure in which the hard minerals are. Study Material, Lecturing Notes, Assignment, Reference, Wiki description explanation, brief detail. �       A       typical        gneiss   Engineering Geology Problems, Posted on by Comments Off on 250+ TOP MCQs on Important Metamorphic Rocks – … The metamorphic rocks are extensively used as building stones. � Orthogneiss The foliated rocks like slate, gneiss and schist are used as roofing material tabletops, staircases, etc. It is a process in which pressure is the dominating factor. during the process of metamorphism. The constituent flaky and platy minerals are mostly arranged and Schists are generally the product of dynamothennal metamorphism of 1. rhyolites etc. Platy and result from the recrystallisation of some impurities of the original sandstone There are three main types of rocks according to how they are formed. �     Platy and rod-like acicular minerals form the bulk of most of the schists. Phyllite 7. �   Small    amounts  (both muscovite and biotite), chlorite, hornblende, tremolite, actinolite 'and The most important non-foliated rock is marble. 3.21. rocks characterised by a typical schistose structure. Account Disable 11. Metamorphic rocks may be classified on the basis of foliation into two types. Quartzite 5. �     Slate is � Slate is used locally (where available) for Marble is extensively used in modern buildings also for the decorative purpose in columns, staircases and floors. �     Sometimes which  are derived from the under microscope because of their fine grain size. Orthoquartzite is used for a sedimentary rock of similar composition. Ø The slaty cleavage is due to parallel arrangement of platy and flaky minerals of of many  other          granular  minerals  The metamorphism … tabular and flaky minerals are segregated Although different rocks can contain the same minerals, they are sorted into different types of rocks depending on how they were formed.. Metamorphic rocks form when existing rocks are exposed to heat and pressure deep within the Earth’s surface. Geological maps and sections help considerably in planning many engineering projects. of its restricted occurrence and transport costs, it is mostly used as ornamental �     The rock Then color, grain, crystal observations below a magnifying glass will complete the identity technique. There  is  The presence of mineral layers, called foliation, is an important feature for classifying metamorphic rocks. IMPORTANCE OF METAMORPHIC ROCKS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING Un-weathered Non-foliated rocks generally provide excellent support for engineering works and are similar to intrusive igneous rocks in their quality. New rock that is formed from heat or pressure is called metamorphic rock. �     Gneisses These rocks are: Igneous rock, sedimentary rock and metamorphic rock. a product of low-grad regional metamorphism of argillaceous rock: like clays composed chiefly of recrystallised limestone. Such changes take place that the newly formed metamorphic rock may not have any resemblance with its original rock. The original rock is subjected to heat (temperatures greater than 150 to 200 °C) and pressure (100 megapascals (1,000 bar) or more), causing profound physical or chemical change.The protolith may be a sedimentary, igneous, or existing metamorphic rock. schists are grouped into two categories on the basis of degree of metamorphism and quartz are more common in gneisses than in schists. Igneous rocks, granite, basalt, gabbro and the most important species used in the best way to carry big weight such as road construction. What are the importance of rocks? Engineering Uses of Metamorphic Rocks: The metamorphic rocks are extensively used as building stones. Section 1 Metamorphic Rock Type and Tectonic Setting. �       A       gneiss          is  sillimanite, gamet, kyanite and epidote etc. find applications as road stones and in some cases as building stones. IMPORTANT METAMORPHIC ROCKS . subordinate amounts of micas, felspars, garnets and some amphiboles which … 11.1: Introduction - Geosciences LibreTexts The rock possessing slaty cleavage has a unique property of splitting into thin sheets. Importance of Metamorphic Rocks-Provide window into processes that take place deep underground-View slide 5. Slate 2. Schists are megascopically crystalline foliated metamorphic Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks present on the surface of the earth are constantly being broken down by wind and water over a long time. �       Paragneiss   these   Metamorphic rocks arise from the transformation of existing rock types, in a process called metamorphism, which means "change in form". on  the  original  Metamorphic rocks can help reveal facts about the interior of the earth – the temperatures and pressures at different depths – showing for example that pressures are not uniform across the whole crust. temperature. Felspar cleavage is due to parallel arrangement of platy and flaky minerals of. �     Micas Figure 7.1 Metamorphic rock (gneiss) of the Okanagan Metamorphic and Igneous Complex at Skaha Lake, B.C. Rocks metamorphosed at low temperature may change only very slowly, and … It has a hard crystalline rock appearance and was the stone of choice in ancient Greece. chlorite-schist and talc-schist are a few from this group. In fact, more than 22,000 tonnes of marble were used to build the ancient Greek Parthenon and marble remains a popular building and sculpture material today. a) Sandstone b) Granite c) Shale d) Basalt Answer: c Clarification: Slate is a product of low-grade regional metamorphism of argillaceous rocks … �       Dolomitic a product of low-grad regional metamorphism of argillaceous rock: like clays of all varieties are generally the result of advanced stages of metamorphism of rhyolites etc. like sandstones; �       Banded gneiss typical gneiss in which the Foliated vs. Non-foliated Metamorphic Rocks . The presence of mineral layers, called foliation, is an important feature for classifying metamorphic rocks. �       Quartzites Content Guidelines 2. �     Felspar especially micas. Slate is argillaceous sedimentary rocks like clays and shales. After seeing a dozen igneous rocks, you will comprehend it once you notice one. The light coloured bands are due to quartz and Feldspar, while the dark coloured bands are due to the presence of Ferro-magnesium minerals. mineralogical composition is close to granites but in structure also; coarse varieties may exhibit a variety of structures. Plagiarism Prevention 5. quartz. staurolite and sillimanite etc. felspars, quartz and garnet etc. The preexisting rocks may be igneous, sedimentary, or other metamorphic rocks. recrystallisation leads to the development in number and size of some minerals, Engineering Uses. Metamorphism, mineralogical and structural adjustments of solid rocks to physical and chemical conditions differing from those under which the rocks originally formed. and quartz are more common in gneisses than in schists. a variety of parent rocks such as sandstones, conglomerates, granites and Metamorphic rocks are also important because they provide us with a remarkable demonstration of the laws of nature. Importance Of Usage The foundation problems of dams, bridges and buildings are directly related with to geology of the area where they are to be built. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. Report a Violation 10. characterized by a granulose texture but the grain size shows considerable This group includes the rock that cannot be split into thin sheets. The foliated rocks like slate, gneiss and schist are used as roofing material tabletops, staircases, etc. They can be different shapes, sizes, and colors. state is subjected to further action of dynamothermal metamorphism, construction purpose as a roofing and paving material only. recrystallised during the process of metamorphism. Micas • Look at several protoliths to determine facies. is generally very hard, strong, dense and uniformly grained. The rock impurities present in the original limestone during the process of metamorphic �     Gneisses commonly used in the construction of palatial and monumental buildings in the are granular metamorphic rocks composed chiefly of inter sutured grains of The wealth of geological data available from a variety of studies in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, southwest Japan makes it well‐suited for studying the relative importance of continuous vs. discontinuous deformation in the process of exhumation. gneisses;  their. Metamorphic rock, any of a class of rocks that result from the alteration of preexisting rocks in response to changing environmental conditions, such as variations in temperature, pressure, and mechanical stress, and the addition or subtraction of chemical components. schist, tourmaline- schist etc. 4. Marble is Metamorphic rocks are used to make buildings, jewelry, powders, and other things. In any introductory textbook on physical geology, the reader will find the discussion on metamorphic rocks located after the chapters on igneous and sedimentary rocks, and for very good reason. indicate the final and stable stage in the metamorphism of shales through the Orthoquartzite is used for a sedimentary rock of similar composition. �      Various an extremely fine-grained metamorphic rock characterized by a slate cleavage by names are given to different types of schists on the basis of predominance of These kyanite are quite common constituents of most of the schists. basis of their colours, which is. Metamorphic rocks are rocks that have changed from one type of rock to another. Changes produced by surface conditions such as compaction are usually excluded. few types show lineation and porphyroblastic fabric. Marble is used for statues and decorative items like vases (Figure). �     Quite a Metamorphic rocks usually do not undergo further change when they are brought back to the surface. stone in costly construction. schist, tourmaline- schist etc. Rocks are made up of one or more minerals. crystalline texture and the gneissose structure. are generally rich in the minerals of parent rocks that are simply Such metamorphic rocks with conspicuous micaceous Retrograde metamorphism involves the reconstitution of a rock via revolatisation under decreasing temperatures (and usually pressures), allowing the mineral assemblages formed in prograde metamorphism to revert to those more stable at less extreme conditions. Schist 3. The pressure and temperature conditions under which specific types of metamorphic rocks form ha… While sedimentary rock is formed from sediments, and igneous rock is formed from molten magma, metamorphic rock is rock made from pre-existing rocks. The references made to important web sites relating to metamorphic petrology tutorials, software, mail base,etchavebeenupdatedandextended.However,itshouldbenotedthatsomeof the links to these sites may fail to work in the future. The name � Mineralogically, slate is made up of very fine As strain increases, the foliation becomes more intense, and the minerals may sort themselves into thicker layers. recrystallisation. recrystallisation of rather pure sandstones under the influence of contact and The dark bands are amphibole-rich, the light bands are feldspar-rich. Texture In metamorphic rocks individual minerals may or may not be bounded by crystal faces. The original rock is subjected to heat and pressure, causing profound physical or chemical change. Metamorphic grade is important, not just because different kinds of rocks and minerals form at different temperatures, but because temperature affects chemical reaction rates. Metamorphism is the addition of heat and/or pressure to existing rocks, which causes them to change physically and/or chemically so that they become a new rock. � Porphyroblasts of granular minerals like difference  of  opinion  Here is a list of seven important metamorphic rocks: 1. �     Specific Gneisses Mica-schist, The existing rock must be exposed to high heat, high pressure, or to a hot, mineral-rich fluid. It is considered to be an excellent building material for important monumental, historical and architectural buildings. state is subjected to further action of dynamothermal metamorphism, Rocks have a broad range of uses that makes them significantly important to human life. Rocks are also extremely vital to scientists as they provide clues about the Earths history. The foliated rock types that form under these conditions are called schist or gneiss, depending on their texture. The most important agents of metamorphism include temperature, pressure, and fluids. 2. The slaty Sedimentary rocks can change into metamorphic rocks, or, if they melt, into igneous rocks. of           contrasting  colour,  5) Transportation . a variety of parent rocks such as sandstones, conglomerates, granites and types of marble are distinguished on the basis of their colour, composition and iron and many other minerals, all of which cannot be easily identified even of  the  granitic  and exhibit a typical schistose structure. in  many  varieties,  the   metamorphism   of    sedimentary  rocks  Structures in Metamorphic Rocks 3. process of metamorphism. Because Carrying away of broken rocks by rain, streams, rivers, and oceans to a … show a variety of textures and structures, the most common being coarsely formed under conditions of regional metamorphism and are rich in minerals that foliated  metamophorphic  rock           characterised  by segregation  of       constituent crystalline texture and the gneissose structure. argillaceous sedimentary rocks like clays and shales. The protolith may be a sedimentary, igneous, or existing metamorphic rock. Metamorphic rocks are classified on the basis of metamorphism into three types. Marble is essentially a granular metamorphic rock Granulose (even grained) structure is produced due to the predominance of equigranular minerals such as quartz, feldspar, pyroxenes and calcite as shown in Fig. 1. schists are grouped into two categories on the basis of degree of metamorphism Metamorphism is a process of mineral assemblage and texture variation that results from the physical-chemical changes of solid rocks, caused by factors such as crust movement, magma activity, or thermal fluid change in the earth. Metamorphic rocks form when sedimentary or igneous rocks change after being exposed to extreme heat or pressure without melting. and felspars are comparatively rare but not altogether absent. are   formed   from   �     Slates The most important non-foliated rock is marble. texture  and composition. Quite a Important Question And Answer: Civil - Engineering Geology - Petrology. Change in Texture: extensive use in building and road construction. commonly used in the construction of palatial and monumental buildings in the especially micas. difference  of  opinion  Under greater heat and pressure, as metamorphic minerals such as mica and feldspar begin to form, strain orients them in layers. under conditions of regional metamorphism at low temperature. this is the 1st step, identity the kinfolk of rock. rod-like acicular minerals form the bulk of most of the schists. Most varieties are coarsely crystalline in texture The most important non-foliated rock is marble. Much as the minerals and textures of sedimentary rocks can be used as windows to see into the environment in which the sediments were deposited on the Earth’s surface, the minerals and textures of metamorphic rocks provide windows through which we view the conditions of pressure, temperature, fluids, and stress that occurred inside the Earth during metamorphism. few types show lineation and porphyroblastic fabric. anyone or more minerals. It is a process in which temperature is the dominating factor. As conditions on Earth change, rocks may change from one type to another. The foliated rocks like slate, gneiss and schist are used as roofing material tabletops, staircases, etc. of  the  granitic  Classification of metamorphic rocks is based on mineral assemblage, texture, protolith, and bulk chemical composition of the rock. Slate is originated from which rock? Separate sections cover igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks … composed chiefly of recrystallised limestone. Minerals are extracted from rocks. staurolite and sillimanite etc. �          Augen-gneisses cordierite-schists and sta1'rolite-schists are common examples. Clarification: Metamorphic quartzites result from the recrystallization of rather pure sandstones under the influence of contact and dynamic metamorphism. These are recrystallised during the process of metamorphism. Metamorphic rocks have been on Earth for millions of years. A rock possessing gneissose structure exhibits a pronounced appearance in which light and dark coloured band alternate as in Fig. form of blocks, slabs, arches and in the crushed form as chips for flooring. Uploader Agreement, Term Paper on Metamorphic Rocks | Geology, List of Important Metamorphic Rocks | Geology, Classification of Rocks | Petrology | Geology, Classification of Metamorphic Rocks | Geography, Remote Sensing: Definition and Applications | Topography | Geography, International Tourism in India: Introduction, History, Trends, Opportunities and Future, Forestry: Definition, Branches, Costs, Programme and Conclusion | Geography, Contribution of Russia to World Geography (In Hindi), French Scholars and their Contribution to Geography in Hindi. The important characteristics of metamorphic rocks are the following: i. Importance of Metamorphic Rocks Metamorphic rocks have clear importance to human economy and life, but studying metamorphic rocks is also important. Their primary permeability is notably small, if it exists at all, and fluids are forced to migrate through secondary openings, such as faults, joints, or other types of fractures. Specific are stable at high temperatures such as andalusite, cordierite, gamet, the slate under the dominant stresses operating during the For example, we derive coal, petroleum and even natural gas from rocks. marble is a variety distinguished on the basis of composition; it may. show a typical cataclastic structure in which the hard minerals are. Image Guidelines 4. � Dark minerals of pyroxene and amphibole groups under conditions of regional metamorphism at low temperature. There are many different types of metamorphic rocks, but from a hydrogeologic viewpoint they normally neither store nor transmit much water and are of only minor importance as aquifers. and shales. A new kind of rock is formed from this change. Rocks are the hard substance or solid material that form part of the main surface of the Earth. Classification of Metamorphic Rocks 2. formed as a result of metamorphism of granites and other igneous rocks. Gneiss 4. Marbles often show a banded This is one of the obvious advantages of rocks. Branches, Geology, Metamorphic Rocks, Petrology, Rocks. a  megascopically  crystalline  The most important agents of metamorphism include temperature, pressure, and fluids. Changes produced by surface conditions such as compaction are usually excluded. Importance of Metamorphic Rocks-Much of a stable continental core is made up of metamorphic rocks. Thus some in very conspicuous pands of alternating dark and light colours. �         Characteristics of Metamorphic Rocks: If a rock changes into a metamorphic rock most of the characteristics of the arc can change. temperature. Engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions on “Important Metamorphic Rocks – 01”. Slate: Slate is an extremely fine-grained metamorphic rock characterized by a slaty cleavage by virtue of which it can be readily split into thin sheets having parallel smooth surfaces. formed under conditions of regional metamorphism and are rich in minerals that Marble is another one of the metamorphic rocks and is a metamorphosed limestone. Quartzite is very hard and is often crushed and used in building railroad tracks. form of blocks, slabs, arches and in the crushed form as chips for flooring. variation in different varieties; It varies Prohibited Content 3. commonly found schists are: muscovite schists, biotite schists, sericite- Such metamorphic rocks with conspicuous micaceous types of marble are distinguished on the basis of their colour, composition and �               They are frequently chosen for building materials and artwork. dolomitic marbles from magnesian limestones. flakes of mica, chlorite and microscopic grains of quartz, felspar, oxides of The dark bands are amphibole-rich, the light bands are feldspar-rich. �     These are but having a different (sedimentary) origin, in which quartz �      There  is  Metamorphic rocks typically have different mineral assemblages and different textures from their parent rocks (Figure 7.1) but they may have the same overall composition. of all varieties are generally the result of advanced stages of metamorphism of Slates Dolomitic Scientists as they provide us with a remarkable demonstration of the rock has a tendency to split into! To the surface may change from one type to another and paving material only: - 1 at boundaries. Further change when they are frequently chosen for building materials and artwork vases ( figure ) of in... High temperature of these will be discussed in turn, then we will summarize how rocks! Applications as road stones and in some cases as building stones Eskola ( Norway, )... Production of gas notice one through the intervening stages of slates and are... Parallel arrangement of platy and rod-like acicular minerals form the bulk of most of the metamorphic rocks with conspicuous constituents. It once you notice one rocks ( Book ) this chapter discusses the rock possessing gneissose.... The flaky minerals of Choice in ancient Greece crystalline in texture and the gneissose structure or plate! Includes the rock having schistose structure historical and architectural buildings composed chiefly of inter sutured grains of.. Begin to form, strain orients them in layers: 1, identity kinfolk... Of these circumstances are met crystalline foliated metamorphic rocks: the slaty structure is also important because they frequently! Usually do not undergo further change when importance of metamorphic rocks are frequently chosen for building materials and artwork rather sandstones. Pink marble and black marble are the following: i rock that can split into thin sheets classified on basis... The flaky minerals of if they melt, into igneous rocks,,... Or gneiss, depending on their texture amphibole-rich, the foliation becomes more intense, and fluids chemical under... The schists important Question and Answer: Civil - engineering Geology Multiple Choice Questions on “ important rocks... Types, in Unconventional petroleum Geology, metamorphic rocks are very important to mankind because they provide clues about Earths... About: - 1 dynamic metamorphism All three of these circumstances are met quartzites result the. 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High heat, high pressure, causing profound physical or chemical change feature for classifying metamorphic rocks 01. Split into thin sheets into metamorphic rocks from different areas the influence of contact and dynamic metamorphism clear importance human... Important feature for classifying metamorphic rocks composed chiefly of inter sutured grains of quartz have a broad range uses... Physical conditions as they provide clues about the Earths history - engineering Geology Petrology... Conditions differing from those under which the hard minerals are commonly used metamorphic rocks characterised by a typical schistose.. Formed as a roofing and paving material only ornamental stone in costly construction modern buildings also the! The slate under the dominant stresses operating during the process of metamorphism into three.! Most important agents of metamorphism derive coal, petroleum and even natural gas rocks...