One woman had to have 18 years of reconstructive surgery. For a considerable amount of time I lamented over the kidnapping of my dog. They gave me morphine, so I don't even recall being in that much pain. Ten sheep, some of which were pregnant, have died and others were left injured after a dog attack. I think it has probably shaped my entire life, but it hasn't stopped me from doing anything. I know my grandmother has never forgiven herself. I  found myself face to face with the dogs. I was left with a big rip in my back and two deep bite marks. DANIELLE’S ten-year-old daughter was softly patting a dog when suddenly it attacked her face. My parents weren't there, but there were lots of other families. Dog attacks. Teenager mauled to death by three dogs in backyard. A dog-lover needed 50 stitches in her face. It made all the difference. My mum arrived later, and when she took me to the toilet I peeled back the bandages to have a look. Winder, GA - Last Friday, Joslyn Stinchcomb, 15-years old, was walking in her neighborhood near Bowman Mill Road NE when two pit bulls belonging to a neighbor escaped their owner's property and viciously attacked her. A couple of shop assistants came running out and a lot of people stopped. I was just setting up the goalposts when my wife started screaming. I think if you've got an animal that has a propensity to be nasty, you muzzle it. I am OK with some dogs, but if you put me in a room with one, I'll tell you within seconds if I'm staying or going. Woman dies after being attacked by two dogs. Family dog attacks :: Serious and fatal dog attacks involving children are often inflicted by a family dog within the family's home. The dog attacked the child as she was being carried by her father, David Hall. The fundraiser explains that she is undergoing a new surgery after struggling with sores and infections on her head for many years. She did semi-permanent lip-liner. A collection of blog posts from the Blog documenting survivors of vicious dog attacks, their severe and disfiguring injuries and the enduring recovering process. A dog-lover needed 50 stitches in her face. I felt like they were trying to tear me apart. (Newser)- When a pit bull began attacking her 2-year-old daughter, Chelsi Camp fought fire with fire. No one told me for a long time, because they knew I would never have wanted that. Of the 28 single dogs responsible for a fatal attack … We had our two sons, who were four and five, and our five-year-old nephew. We moved back to the UK in 1990 and eventually, over time, the friendship between our two families died. It was 1970, cup final day, and I was 18 months old. WARNING: GRAPHIC IMAGES - Amber Esala, 26, was celebrating Independence Day with friends and family in Virginia Beach, US, when fireworks caused a panicked dog to attack her, causing gruesome injuries Medical Condition Updates I suspect the attack made me a lot shyer than I would have been, but I have a lovely husband, two lovely children and a good job. If I could go back and get hold of that woman with her stupid dog, I probably wouldn't be so polite. Then he hit me one more time and they all ran off. The dog was just so strong, he pushed me over so easily.’ Their second dog, a six-year-old half-wolf named Ulva, then also joined the attack. And when I see a rottweiler, I start to shake – they terrify me. Dog bites off four-year-old's 'entire hand' Americas. Children. Editor's note: A previous version of this story said that Kamina Johnson Smith assured that the legislation would be reworded. I had her driving licence, so she could hardly deny it. Officer, dog stabbed in Virginia prison attack involving 9 inmates, officials say. We hope that by archiving these stories, we can help prevent a future tragedy.