(ST reference: Starship Spotter) Guest. Combat Performance Advanced Stats The Nebula is a destroyer-sized civilian transport, capable of carrying large amounts of crew and marines across the Persean Sector. Because Nebulas and the like are small with small crews, they can be fielded in big numbers. I actually can’t find it. ISDI . : https://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=124353. Not shown: TIE Fighter, TIE Interceptor, Executor renders. It looks like you changed the locati…, Looks cool, I think I recognize the shape from som…. I used 6.4km but Jason Fry had already decided that it was 4.8km. Some of these have been subsequently finished, or are renders of existing models. : My mistake those hangers are actually smaller which carry only a squadron of fighters each which make it 2 squadrons. Both the Republic and the Nebula are shipclasses created with newer technology and since Miniaturization can arguably be also a thing in the SW Galaxy it is certainly feasible to assume that the RSD and NSD can have the attributes and advantages against… Read more », Assuming equal crew quality & a neutral starting position (neither of which are remotely guaranteed, granted), I seriously doubt capital-scale ‘miniaturization’ will give you a Venator/Victory/MC80-scale ship with the juice to offhandedly wreck Impstars (much less larger first-rate combatants). The Nebula-class is a type of starship built by the Federation in the 24th century in Star Trek.The design's major features (saucer, engineering hull and warp nacelles) are similar to those of the Galaxy-class starship, but are arranged differently. Half the* cost of the Imperial/Imperator I. i always wondered what they look like with you’r kind of art. The Venator-class Star Destroyer, also known as the Venator-class Destroyer, Republic attack cruiser, and later Imperial attack cruiser, was one of the capital ships used extensively by the Alliance of Nations, the Axis of Empires and the Coalition of Independent States. Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles. "Its the physical representation of every nightmare you had as a child, that feeling of dread in the pit of your stomach. No more 36k crew, no more massive hangar and large fighter capacity, no more Legion of ground troops with prefabricated bases. Vessels including the USS Phoenix, the USS Prometheus, and the USS Sutherland were constructed at this time at both the 40 Eridani A Starfleet Construction Yards (the first two ships) and the San Francisco Fleet Yards. i was woudering do u have any more images of the ISDI. 341. Right so the length is not fix ok. Of course they work better vs ISDs than battlecruisers – one wouldn’t expect a single Nebula to take on a Praetor. Star Wars naval classification definitely makes more sense in context than BSG. There’s at least one other non-Imperial carrier with a bow cut-out, too: the SoroSuub Liberator-Class. The Nebula as a planetary defense destroyer concept only really makes sense against destroyer-range opponents. Although it is smaller than an Imperial I or Imperial II-class Star Destroyer, its easily matches the firepower of the Imperial II and … The blockading force in a planetary shield siege should have overall tonnage and power generation superiority by at least a 3:1 margin over the defending garrison fleet. Praetor-class . Saved by Andrew McCaffrey. My argument isn’t that an individual Nebula should be expected to fight a Praetor, but rather that in a siege and sortie scenario, the mechanics of shielding favor larger vessels over similar tonnages of smaller ones. Tags Bebula-class, Star Destroyer. a Ton-Falk Escort Carrier or a Venator-class Star Destroyer (the latter bringing also a … 1250 Meters is roughly Venator or Procursator-size so this would suggest a medium destroyer rather than a heavy one. So Fractal from the look at the hanger bow there are 4 bays two hanger bays and 2 square ones so I guess 2 wings of fighters but I’m not sure what inside the square bays. —Hioshi Bellator on the use of the Tarkin Doctrine in the Bellator'sdesign The outward appearance of the Bellator-class was rather standard of the Star Destroye… After doing a quick forum search, the conclusions I came to as to why it's not added are:It's too similar to the Republic-class Star Destroyer. All told, I’d take one of those over its tonnage in Quasar Fires wherever possible. Even a single ISD would be screwed almost as badly vs a Praetor. Its small size often lead to it being referred to as a \"pocket Star Destroyer\", muc… I could halfway see Steve’s ‘mass fixed-target alpha strikers’ premise for the Nebulas working well enough to let Mon Cal shipyards start cranking out more Home One-plus-scale heavies for system defense & general fleet presence. I liked the Sketch instead, it looks something fresh out of the Gundam universe. OUT OF CHARACTER INFORMATION. By away Fractal are you going to give us the armament of this ship? Right although it also say since the Republic need to have a similar weapony to the Imperator it need to have to sacrifice both cargo space and endurance which kinda make it a glass cannon. Even with a structure that was a significant departure from the Imperial-class, especially the lack of a command tower, the Nebula was often mistaken for an Imperial design due to its angular lines. No free lunches in ship design. Any plans to do the carrier variant seen here? Embed Thumb. It's the NR's answer to the Imperial-class Star Destroyers of the Imperial Remnant. Further evidence I need to update my prescription, then. Using fractalsponge Nebula-Class image as reference. Granted, the latter depends on whether Vader & crew were bent on taking prisoners…. Nebula-class Star Destroyer - posted in General Discussion: So I was just reminded of the Nebula-class Star Destroyer and its absence from the mod. Some of these have been subsequently finished, or are renders of existing models. The ship portrayed here is a Praetor Mk. New Republic Nebula Star Destroyer by fractalsponge. The Empire eventually fielded more than 25,000 of these and someone in one of the EU comics (I can’t remember who) said that almost half of the Empire’s budget went into paying for the Star Destroyers. Images can be used only for non-commercial work and must be credited. Give them one or two VicStars as escort plus a few anti-fighter ships and they can wreck almost everything. (TNG: \"The Wounded\", \"Redemption II\"… That was the Praetor Mk. One factor I see missing in the discussion here is Miniaturization. Archived. Permissions: Not Applicable. Never mind I was right the first time that it carry 2 wings. Indeed. A Nebula’s fuel capacity would have to be at least equal to the one of a ISD to match it in combat, and since it’s much less voluminous, the only way to achieve that would be to compress hypermatter even further, or else it would run dry far before its opponent. I don’t buy into the coastal defense boat idea, specifically because it’s noted that the Nebula is really expensive, compared to MC90s, and because it’s also noted that it is more advanced and has greater power generation than an ISD. Wat? Relatively cheap, high surge capability within a narrow range, but low sustained and multirole capability. Torpedo boats vs Cruisers in the… Read more », To pitch into this long-dead conversation, the stated idea for Nebulas was ISD, with more advanced !Republic! As the First Order's headquarters, the starship acted both as a command center and a battleship. Wasn’t said reactor also powering that theater shield? © 2021 Fractalsponge.net - WordPress Theme by Kadence Themes, So fractal, How many Starfighters can it carry, I’ve got a question for Fractal. Here the reference: http://www.theforce.net/swtc/dagger.html#giel, Although I got to ask Fractal when you said you going to make this ship it was going to be between 7-8km in length here: http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?p=3001376#p3001376 But now it is 6.4km so why did you change your mind about it? A Neb B being capable of fighting a VicStar one-on-one? This is currently scaled to the EGTW 4.8km figure. Just because the Republic-class or Nebula-class is smaller it doesn’t mean that the RSD being 20% better than an ISD-I or the Nebula being able to easily vaporize an ISD-II (and perform well even against some smaller SSDs according to Legends-canon) is nigh impossible or implausible. Where’s the bridge? New Republic Nebula Star Destroyer by fractalsponge. Maybe a version scaled to 6.4km (Praetor-III?). PRODUCTION INFORMATION. Honestly, I’m starting to wonder if that “20% more firepower” figure just refers… Read more », Stats and on-screen action are rather hard to come by with shipclasses that aren’t used so often in actual material and when there are some instances and even those few contradict each other to a degree you’re left headscratching somewhat. Construction of the Nebula-class was spearheaded under the authority of the Yoyodyne Division, and ranged in construction dates from as early as 2363 to as late as 2367. Good for sortieing against a raid and then back under fixed planetary defenses to recharge and refuel but not nearly so useful in open-space high power warfare as a ship purpose built for that role. I remember Kyle Katarn… Read more », I think no one here disputes the fact that the Nebulon-B can’t hope to go toe-to-toe with a Victory, but the various NR light destroyers have a bunch of odd characteristics that I think can be explained. It’s great to have those comparison shots with the ISD, btw. If we can all agree that baseline power generation technology in Star Wars is relatively stagnant, a 1200 meter Republic-Class destroyer can’t hope to exceed an Imperator in reactor output given its hull form, but if it sacrifices shielding and thrust while packing on huge capacitor racks and missile banks, surpassing an Imperator in firepower by 20% for a few minutes should be… Read more », Fractal there is a problem I’m having with Something Big – StarDestroyer.Net BBS And I also figure out that the square shape hanger bay are for shuttles and transports. Those thruster clusters (plus dorsal secondaries) make for a neat display indeed when lit up. The Allegiance-class was armed with turreted gun batteries in a similar layout to the dorsal turret guns on the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer, albeit with an increased number of guns, six instead of four, due to its larger frame.The ship also had several cannons situated on the mid-axis of the vessel, similar to the bat… So the Liberator ends up somewhat undergunned for comparatively sized ships, but has the same troop and fighter capacity as an ISD (going strictly by comparing in-game stats). I love using these guys in Thrawn’s Revenge/Imperial Civil War-mod for Empire at War when I can build them either as the Imperial Remnant or the Pentastar Alignment. The nebula class star destroyer was part of the legends new republic new class modernization program to phase out the ragtag converted war ships of the rebel alliance and introduce efficient new warships into the new republic navy to better fight the remaining imperial star destroyers, this ship design was planned for quite some time but was delayed by grand admiral thrawn and the reborn emperors … Interesting idea but the Nebula will have it worst against Imperator since it is 1,040m in length despite it’s heavy weapons. Mar 5, 2015 - Vigil-class Star Corvette | Fractalsponge.net Intent: To update a classic SW Canon design with a few improvements. Their range is almost insane and they’re much easier to maneuver than the blocky and clumsy Executors. Yeah though so anyway speaking of Venators Fractal since those ships are carrier-destroyer I wonder what they would be like as a pure carrier (Unless the difference is minor like just a few more fighters like 12-24)? Even assuming you could increase the efficiency of an hypermatter annihilation reactor, you couldn’t do it by much since… Read more », It was mostly an idea to reconcile what Legends-sources claim with the objective smaller hulls of both the NR Star Destroyer classes. Haven’t actually played the EAW mods, but I’ve watched enough excerpts on YouTube to note how the maps & ‘camera’ (to say nothing of weapon ranges) are calibrated for keeping track of far smaller units. The Supremacy was the sole Mega-class Star Dreadnought in the First Order's service with a colossal wingspan of 60 kilometers. the armament is 40 heavy turbolaser batteries, 40 heavy turbolaser cannons, 20 ion cannons and 10 tractor beam projectors it also have a class 2 hyperdrive. there is really no stats on the armament of the Praetor in canon or legends (according to wookiepedia) but there are weapons stats in Empire at War: Fall of the Republic, which are: 20 heavy quad turbolasers, 8 medium dual turbolasers, 5 heavy dual ion cannons, and 8 medium dual ion cannons, I’ve got my fingers crossed hoping Fractal upgrades this ship next, as he’s done with the destroyers and bellator. These are the pieces I made for the Star Wars Essential Guide to Warfare book. That would be a massive help . If this ship was hit by an Ion Weapon like the Hoth cannon, then it will be a big mess to clean up. Several configurations—including a tactical pod, sensor pod, cargo pod and probe pod—had been fielded by the 2380s. Possibly, though there’s also that ‘proto-Gladiator’ pirate carrier from the old Droids toon. By DrKnickers Watch. The most recent US frigate is the Oliver Hazard Perry at 4100 tons. Would it be possible for me to get front, rear, top, down, left, right images of the Nebula and Endurance? Artwork on this page are all by me (Ansel Hsiao) unless otherwise noted. The RSD is stated to be “overall a much more efficient design” than the ImpStar-line of ships, but since it is smaller and has to retain the 20% more firepower than the ISD-I it has severely reduced… Read more », I’d be very wary about drawing too many conclusions re: ship capabilities based on fluff text (as opposed to stats or onscreen action)-fr’instance, Legends & now Disneyboot-spinoff sources keep noting the Nebulon-B’s supposed capacity to put a dent in Victory-tonnage destroyers, and that thing is far too spindly for any hope in hell of doing so individually. The Hoth ion cannon was powered by the primary reactor from one of these ships. Its construction was undertaken on an unprecedented scale. The volume distributions are belied by the length comparison. Images can be used only for non-commercial work and must be credited. 1. Share. Cripes, now I recall one of your posts WRT the ‘Rebellion’ game mechanics for gauging that thing’s scale & shields/hull/firepower. Thank you, Fractalsponge! Anyway since your version is 6.4 km then what the carrier variant’s length do you think Fractal? Posted by 1 year ago. The wookieepedia numbers look impressive until you dig a little deeper and realize that the exact same game gave MC80 cruisers “360 turbolasers (60 fore, 60 aft, 120 port, 120 starboard) and 200 ion cannon (40 fore, 40 aft, 120 port, 120 starboard).” Except the numbers listed weren’t supposed to be individual cannon, but rather relative “throw weight” in a given fire arc. Artwork on this page are all by me (Ansel Hsiao) unless otherwise noted. I don’t remember where on the main site this was from, but time-to-kill between capital ships of the same power generation capability is at least 15 minutes, assuming full initial shields and some degree of combat maneuvering.… Read more », I’ve been arguing for movement to large high power density designs for high intensity combat on this basis for a long time now.