When I finally got to actually watch the show--have mercy!!! At Trumbull, Raylan questions Dickie for Dewey's location, but Dickie offers to give the location in exchange to be transferred to a new prison out of the state, which Raylan refuses. He is opposed to his father's involvement in narcotics, and gathers a group of followers he calls his "flock." In "Kin", Winona meets Raylan before one of her doctor's appointments. Raylan visits Josiah, and handcuffs the man to his car, until he talks about Drew. 99. Raylan arrives at the Crowe residence looking for Danny, and Wendy denies that Danny is present, reminding Raylan that he needs a genuine reason to enter the home and search, before Raylan reluctantly agrees to find Mike, the owner of the house. When Boyd shows back up the house with the $10 million, Ava shoots him in the chest and holds her gun on Raylan, saying that she gave him Boyd bleeding at his feet like he always wanted and that she is not going to prison and that he can either kill her or let her go. Raylan says that might be the sweetest thing she ever told him and they kiss. The FBI agent then tells Raylan where he can find Ms. Monroe—a nearby hotel—before putting his gun to his head and pulling the trigger. Raylan realizes that Winona loves him and their child, but she's skeptical on the chance of their relationship lasting. When Raylan and Winona get back to his motel room they find Nix waiting for them with a gun. Raylan visits Ava for information after Boyd instructs him to do so, and the two head to Delroy's trailer behind Audrey's to speak to Ellen May. At the site, Raylan and Tim deduce that Boyd is way too smart to fall for the trap and their thoughts are confirmed when Ava tells him that Boyd is going after Markham's money and not after the decoy truck. Raylan goes back to the gym, to find that Randall has cleared out his locker and left, seeming to heed Raylan's warning. Raylan and Rachel head to Audrey's to talk to Johnny, who is willing to tip off the Marshals about Shelby's location in hopes that Boyd is incarcerated and out of the way. (To, "Miller, would you call this a herd, a gaggle or a flock of assholes?" He is a highly skilled marksman with an excellent quick-draw. Raylan learns from Bob that Shelby took the fall for Hunter when Hunter went to look for Henry Crowder so that Hunter could retain his job as Sheriff, and that it was around the same time that Shelby was in mine security. A burly man comes into the bar. Raylan Givens was born and raised in rural Harlan County, Kentucky, raised by his abusive, emotionally estranged father, Arlo Givens, his mother Frances Givens and his stepmother Helen Givens, Frances' sister. U.S. Deputy Marshal Raylan Givens gets run out of Miami for very publicly killing a cartel drug runner named Tommy Bucks. Art and Tim soon leave to go to the meeting place for Shelby's transfer, and the remaining three head to the old high school after Art calls Raylan and warns him to leave after coming to the set-up. Raylan soon goes out, and punches Delroy in the face with his gun after he still threatens the Marshal. Raylan finds out that Boyd has escaped from the hospital and that Carl has been killed as he views this as more important than going back to the Marshals office. Raylan then arrests Tyler on Emulex charges and attempts to flip him on Boyd and releases Earl so that he can go running scared back to Boyd. In "Cash Game", Raylan and Tim question Calhoun Schrier, a real estate agent who owned the safety deposit box that Boyd had robbed at the bank and later discover one of Ty Walker's men, Choo-Choo trailing them but Raylan confiscates his car and leaves him on the side of the road. Raylan has Duffy tell Boyd that Markham is planning to move the money and Boyd believes that he must break into the vault during Markham's party and Raylan tells Duffy to be present during the heist as well. Raylan heads back to the High Note bar, pulling the fire alarm and orders Kent Chilobeck to send the patrons out, where he sees Jody lying in wait in a booth. Arlo tells him that he was only helping out Boyd. However, unbeknownst to Raylan, Robert Quarles was behind the information being planted. Raylan visits Ash in the hospital, believing him to be in on the plan. Markham shows up after being called by Walker and has a standoff with Raylan, bringing up his knowledge of Raylan shooting Tommy Bucks when he refused to get out of town. In "The Promise", Raylan is first seen in custody by Lapiccola, who is driving Raylan to the police station per request of the BOLO issued by Vasquez. With the help of a Kentucky State Trooper, Raylan and Rachel track Dean to a gas station arresting him and saving the young Loretta McCready, who Dean kidnapped. Later, Raylan stops by Johnny's bar where he sees the Tonin Hitman dressed in the Harlan County Deputy uniform and Boyd in handcuffs. Dodd attempts to shoot Raylan, but Raylan grabs his arm, causing him to fire shots at the roof. In "The Toll", Raylan is driving Art's wife Leslie to the hospital after his shooting where they discuss Winona before the subject is changed, with Leslie questioning why Raylan wasn't there with Art to prevent his shooting. Raylan reluctantly agrees to check it out. Barnes announces that his organization will be taking over the Thompson case. "The only thing to do now is to tell us who your partners are before they kill her," Raylan says. Before departing, Raylan tells Arlo he will be glad when he hears the news if Arlo dies in prison. Raylan visits Layla's house, and tells her he didn't know she was from a transplant center nearby and got her first shift as a nurse soon as Ash was admitted. SALON ® is registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office as a trademark of Salon.com, LLC. Unknown to him, Jody and his associate, Kenneth, are peering through the window. His file says that he has been representing himself as a deputy U.S. marshal for three seasons … In the pantheon of pairs of characters that worked best together over the course of a television series, the Justified duo of Raylan Givens and Boyd Crowder deserve to be placed prominently. Raylan refuses to bail her out, brushes off her pot dealing boyfriend Derek Waters, but meets Loretta's social worker Alison, who he's instantly smitten by. olayı bilmeyenler ve anımsamayanlar için özetleyeyim: levent kırca-oya başar tiyatrosu, oya başar yönetmenliğinde al birini vur ötekine oyununu sahneye koyuyordu. Raylan visits the Kentucky State Women's Prison, hoping that Ava will help Raylan use Boyd to bring down Daryl. It soon dawns on Boyd also that Shelby is really Drew Thompson. While driving down the road, Hunter jumps out of Raylan's car and attempts to commit suicide by being in the pathway of an oncoming tanker truck, but Raylan pulls him out of the way. Afterward, Raylan drops Derek off at a bus stop, while Loretta opts to remain in the car. - to, (To Art) - "Ever get the feeling God's laughing at you?" Marshal Raylan and Augustine later have a meeting in his limo. Raylan arrives at Ava's house and Boyd and Raylan have a standoff with threatening to bring the other down before Ava calms the situation down. Boyd is dragged out of the Marshal's office. Ghosts from his past — including his ex-wife, a former friend now involved in criminal militia activity, a criminal father, and his own persistent anger management issues — all come back to haunt him. Raylan later plasters over the hole in the wall of Arlo's house before departing outside to drink a beer while looking at Arlo, Helen, and Frances's graves. Rachel also spins her theory that Henry and Alison could have worked together that night (with Henry being a diversion and Alison robbing something), and that she could be a criminal. In The Moonshine Wars, after Boyd pursues the drug lord's wounded niece, he eventually tracks her to the airport, and intends to kill her. Soon, Boyd and Picker arrive and Raylan refuses to hand over Drew, but urges them to come back with reinforcements (Raylan does this as a way to buy time for Shelby to escape Harlan). In "Fate's Right Hand", Raylan goes down to Mexico to visit him at a bar for information about the heroin smuggling and the dead body of Johnny Crowder. Raylan manages to coerce a detained Picker into giving up the location of Elias Marcos. She then had an affair with the realtor, Gary Hawkins, and subsequently divorced Raylan and married Gary. He also notes that the "other thing" could happen in a showdown, that the bullet could find him instead. He is portrayed by series star Timothy Olyphant. Shelby drags a handcuffed Boyd into his office to find a waiting Raylan, and questions him about Josiah Cairn’s kidnapping and severed foot. Wendy brushes off the threat, believing Raylan is messing with Kendal's head and that she will file enough injuctions so that Daryl can go wherever he wants. Raylan and Art head to a bar to talk to Deputy Stiles, who was released from the hospital after being assaulted by Carl. Italian.xlsx - ID:5c1168c922840. Now we know each other." Raylan has a conversation with Ash's nurse Layla who tells him that Dr. Boisneau, an arrogant transplant surgeon may have the answers about kidney failure that Raylan is looking for. Raylan drives to Duffy's motorcoach and questions him, believing that he had Hunter initiate the hit on Arlo, but does inform Duffy that Hunter may be the only person alive who knows Drew Thompson, which interests him. Out on the road, Raylan insinuates that Rachel tagged along so she could brag to Art that she kept Raylan in check, though Rachel counters that she instead hoped Raylan would open up about what caused the two to come to blows. What type of hat does raylan givens wear? Raylan, Tim and Detective Willits find the rescue station but it is empty, although Raylan deduces that they haven't been long gone as the place is still warm and there are drag marks on the floor. The marshals tell her that Drew may not be dead after all. Still, he is often smarter than most people expect, with a similar ability to suss out bulls*** that allows him to read people. Fleming, the hacker behind the seized screen showing up. Raylan expresses shock to Art over shooting a woman, something he has never done before. He is a quirky, dedicated marshal who, having committed a justified killing in Florida (he shot a mob hit man who had just drawn a gun on him with intent to kill, although Raylan was hoping he would draw his weapon to give him an excuse to shoot him), has been re-assigned to his hometown in Kentucky. Layla shoots Lance in the chest, and he falls on top of Raylan, who is slowly regaining consciousness in the bathtub. ", "Oh shit, I forgot to bring a knife..." (brandishes holstered sidearm), "I'm just gonna file that under 'who gives a shit'." Raylan calls Tim in for backup in case something goes wrong. Marshal Raylan Givens (Timothy Olyphant) confronts murder, drugs, bank heists, mobsters, crime families, corrupt politicians and even his own tumultuous past – and never backs down. Luke Skywalker mows down a hallway of enemies with his cloak flapping behind him, like his father before him. $249.95 $ 249. Justified is a crime drama television series starring Timothy Olyphant as Raylan Givens, a deputy U.S. Marshall enforcing his brand of justice in his hometown of Harlan, Kentucky. New comments cannot … Raylan and Tim learn of the identity of a drug dealer with ties to Boyd (Cyrus Boone) and apprehend him at his home for questioning. Stetson 0462 Carson Cowboy Hat Raylan Givens Justified Hat. Raylan says his lady friend is dead as of a half hour ago. She reminisces on the night she was reunited with Raylan when he scared Gary in her kitchen. Raylan learns that his credit cards were canceled, and Fleming calls Raylan, revealing that he was the one behind it. Raylan knocks Cope on the ground before he can do anything and Raylan bequeaths Arlo's property to Cope as compensation in case Raylan is killed while pursuing Boyd. Boyd mentions how Raylan was supposed to be transfered to Florida but yet is still remaining in Kentucky, wondering if there is something he is having a hard time letting go of while he caresses Ava's leg. (To Tim while staking about Boyd's crew and seeing Boyd as they prepare for the bank robbery in ". Raylan soon visits Boyd, and tells him a story about how Frances went up to Limehouse's holler to escape from a drunken Arlo, and that Arlo went up after her and attempted to fight Limehouse, who ended up beating up Arlo. First and foremost, it was the acknowledgment that Boyd did, indeed, love Ava. Raylan believes that Dickie escaped to retrieve Mags's cash, so he pays Loretta a visit and she tips them off that Ellstin Limehouse holds it. Raylan is captured and held hostage in a room along with Boyd, who was also looking for Drew. In "Weight", Raylan is hunting for Dewey, after he did a hit and run on Miller. Raylan says that he is going to come after her and she says she knows as she flees in Boyd's truck. Cope tells Raylan that Arlo used the hillspeople to transport drugs through the mountains because of the blood connection with Mary and that Raylan is a "son of a bitch" for using them just like Arlo. in the episode ", "That's a 10-gallon hat on a 20-gallon head. Never once Raylan ever entertained the possibility of individuals being any more than their indisputable actions by practically ignoring almost all self-spoken claims of righteousness including those of young Loretta McCready whom gradually demonstrated her own financial greed and disregard for the law. His character, Deputy Raylan Givens, is one of those badass good guy types who doesn’t always go about things the right way, but he’s charming as hell. In For Blood or Money, Raylan helps Rachel catch her recently paroled brother-in-law, and during the course of their hunt, Raylan tries to make sure Rachel's emotional involvement doesn't affect the case. Carl lies to the Marshals, claiming that he and Danny are S&M lovers and that there wasn't a kidnapping situation going on. Before departing, he tells Art and Raylan the story about the Kentucky lawman being present at the time of Augustine's murder, and tells them that Picker revealed the lawman was corrupt FBI agent Jerry Barkley. Nix orders Raylan to put his gun along with the holster on the ground. Raylan offers Earl protective custody from the Marshals service if he testifies against Markham in court. Raylan heads to Lebec, California after receiving a newspaper article from Rachel with Ava in the background and finds her new location, still worried about Boyd showing up. Abed (Community) Played by … While he doesn't always follow the rules, Raylan Givens applies himself diligently to putting bad people behind bars and protecting good people. Entrusting Boyd's safety to a passing trucker, Raylan takes the drug lord's wounded niece into her private jet and flies to Miami. Raylan then talks to a Mortician about moving Frances and Arlo's bodies from the house to a new location: Frances' to a local cemetary and Arlo to a potter's field. Asked by Wiki User. But even as he appears to mostly play by the rules, he is no less self-righteous than the other lawmen Olyphant has played. Raylan investigates the murder of Deputy US Marshal Bill Nichols, working with his old colleague Karen Goodall, now an Assistant Director of the US Marshals. 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