The first step in identifying which ailment your kitty is suffering from involves knowing where to look. To tell if these are flea dirts or just dirt/debris, put some of the specks onto a piece of damp cotton wool - if they are flea dirts, you will see a reddish colour as the dried blood in them dissolves. Let me know how that goes! Flea dirt; Scabs; What do fleas look like? There are several ways in which you can get rid of fleas … Pay close attention to the base of the tail. Even if you don’t see any on your kitty’s coat, they’re closeby: fleas spend only a small portion of their life on their animal hosts. If your dog only has a few fleas, it might be tough to find them. If you do not see them, it does not mean that they are not there as fleas can be present in small numbers where the flea or flea dirt are simply not visualized. This is a dermatological condition which can occur in cats of all ages, but it usually does not present in other symptoms other than these little black spots. Maybe flea poop but no other symptoms except this. Better yet, it’s irritant-free and is safe even when ingested. Yes this can be evidence of fleas this sounds like flea dirt (poop fleas leave behind after their blood meal). If fleas are on the comb, drown them in a bowl of soapy water before they can get away or jump back on your dog. Particularly since it appears on the same spot. People often mistake “flea dirt,” or flea feces, for flea eggs—though both are signs of a flea infestation. You should definitely talk to the Veterinarian. Black dots on cats fur. I would have thought it was flea dirt, but it did not turn reddish brown when it was wet. As you brush, keep a lookout for any black spots. Flea dirt will look like little black particles. That is a weight off of my shoulders. The male fleas also drink the blood of your pets and leave flea dirt behind, but not in the same amounts. If you have a flea comb, flea dirt detection is even easier. You can identify flea dirt by putting a few of the specks on a white piece of paper and adding a couple drops of water. If your cat’s acne persists after your cleanup and vet visit, the best option is to soothe your kitty’s skin. One way is to look through their coat, looking for tell tale black specks of flea dirt, which are actually specks of dried blood. Here's a picture I have of her from a week or two ago. Once you find a few particles, remove them and place the specks on a damp paper towel. Fleas are the most common dog skin parasite and are large enough to be seen without a microscope. The specks on the white dog were not nearly as noticeable when she was dry. Either they’ve been in (or still are in) your cat’s fur. Hey Andrea! My previous kitty got it in her old age and would get black waxy specks … You start to wonder…. Cookies help us deliver our Services. The black specks are flea is actually the fecal matter from the fleas. You can also look for flea “dirt” which looks like black sand in the fur which turns red if dabbed with a wet tissue (it’s actually flea poop). Many dog owners describe it as “black specks of pepper” or “dirt” that can be very easily seen on dogs with white or light coats. I found nothing like what I found on the white dog. Regular dirt particles will just leave a gray stain. Because fleas feed … Flea dirt vs. cat acne Cat or feline acne and flea dirt can look the same: tiny black specks. As you know, your feline friend is great at hiding pain and discomfort, so it’s worth the effort to look. the specks on the paper towel start to liquidate into something that looks like a small bloodstain This guide explains the difference. However, if you notice spots on your feline’s fur coat, there’s a chance that it’s not acne, but flea dirt. It’s not just teenagers who struggle with bad skin: cats can get acne, too. Among the leading causes of cat acne are bacteria, stress, and allergens from the environment. If you need another reason to begin the battle against fleas, though, it’s important to note that flea dust is sometimes only the beginning of your cat’s skin problems. Although the reasons for feline acne can vary between cats, it’s a skin condition that affects many cats, often in response to: Flea dirt, which is made up of small specs of blood that fleas have sucked out of your cat, on the other hand, has one explanation: your cat has fleas. Press J to jump to the feed. It appears as: As you brush your cat, where do you see the most specks? That is quite strange indeed. © 2020 Innovacyn, Inc. All rights reserved. Some believe that cat acne is tied to a plastic bowl allergy, while others think that it is actually bacterial buildup on plastic bowls. I closely checked the other dog that is staying at my house. I have a boxer that has white patches and none of these specks are visible. On your dog, the substance just looks like small black specks. That is a weight off of my shoulders. Either way, ceramic and steel bowls stay cleaner for longer and are less likely to create cat acne. Using the wrong medication for fleas can be dangerous. Try to avoid spraying hairspray and perfumes around your cat. EDIT: I finally spoke to the owner and she said the dog has always had it. She is the Technical Services Veterinarian with Innovacyn, Inc., parent company of Vetericyn Animal Wellness. If it seems to be from there, it could be sebum from "stud tail". these black dots are near her tail and they do not wash off and i can't pick them off with my nail or a comb, which makes me think it's not flea dirt. If you are positive it's not flea dirt.....Can you tell by combing her where the flecks originate from? By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. It’s not just teenagers who struggle with bad skin: cats can get acne, too. Flea Eggs vs. Flea Dirt. Flea dirt or flea droppings primarily come from female fleas. Either they’ve been in (or still are in) your cat’s fur. I have three other dogs in the household and none have this problem. You can definitively determine if a black speck has come from the back end of a flea by placing it on a wet piece of white paper towel. However, they are symptoms of two very different conditions. Most cats love a proper brushing—or if not, a good pet with a brush glove. How to get rid of fleas in your house, in your yard, and more. Where there is flea dust, there are fleas. Two of the dogs in my house (including this one) are summer guests. Knowing the difference between the two is the first step in diagnosing your cat’s skin problems and seeking appropriate treatment. Although the reasons for feline acne can vary between cats, it’s a skin condition that affects many cats, often in response to: Environmental allergens and irritants; Stress; Bacteria; Flea dirt, which is made up of small specs of blood that fleas … Just thought I would let you know that I finally spoke to the owner and she said the dog has always had it. Its possible that it is not flea dirt and may just be regular dirt. The specks are often called "flea dirt" and are the feces from the fleas. However, they are symptoms of two very different conditions. manifests itself as small dark lumps akin to black pepper or specks of dirt You should either lightly wet a paper towel and gently rub it on the area of black specks or extract a few of the black specks, put them on a paper towel and add a few drops of water to them. Fleas care less about being private about it, so why not poop on the host? I could see the black near her hotspot, so I assumed it was little pieces of scab. I'm currently dog sitting two dogs for the duration of the summer. She spends maybe 10 minutes combined a day outside. Flea dirt resembles little black pepper-like specks that are typically roundish in shape. If it's flea dirt, it will dissolve, leaving behind a reddish-brown blotch. Feline acne and flea dirt have one thing in common: they both present as small, black specks. Because in many cases, cat acne is tied to environmental allergens or bacteria, there are some basic steps you can take to avoid any possible causes in your home. My cat has black specks on her stomach and chin, I've never seen fleas on her and shes on flea medicine and had a flea bath a little over a month ago. Privacy Policy. What is your cat's name and age? If your cat has fleas, try all the following to combat the issue: It can be difficult to know when your cat is experiencing irritants until their scratching picks up. She thinks it is a combination of dirt and scab. Look for black specks in your dog’s coat. /r/dogs is a discussion-based subreddit, meant for asking questions, sharing information, and learning about our beloved canine companions and related dog-centric topics. ANSWER: There is a reliable way to tell if those black specks are definitely flea dirt, however. I've already tried to contact both the owner and my vet, but I'm not getting a response from either. Do you have any idea what this could be? Cat acne can present as: While cat acne is often visible on the face, flea dirt has a different presentation. If fleas are on the comb, drown them in a bowl of soapy water before they can get away or … ... furniture). Is it visible at all when the fur is dried? This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read before putting it to use in your daily life. To test the black specks on your pet, wet a cotton ball or paper towel and drop some of the "black pepper" on it. I recommend that you perform a quick test by placing some of it on a white paper towel, putting a tiny bit of water on it and then seeing if it turns reddish brown when smeared. A good way to test is to put these specks onto some damp tissue paper or squash them onto paper. One dog seem to be very itchy so I gave her a bath. When these spots are predominantly located underneath the cat's chin , it is likely a case of acne. She is the only all white dog. Keeping your eyes on your cat’s coat can help alert you to any cat skin issues they may be experiencing. A few months ago, Charlie, my big fluffy orange cat, had black specks on his upper lip. Fleas. There are two easy ways to check for black specks: Run a flea comb over your dog, making sure the comb reaches the skin through the coat. Flea dirt is most prevalent on the tummy and around the tail. If black specks are on the comb when you pull it off, they might be flea dirt. Once her fur was wet I saw she had black specks throughout her fur. I know about black specks that are not flea dirt but those are part of the skin and result from Cushing's disease. If it dissolves into a reddish-brown stain, it is almost certainly flea dirt and an indication of a flea problem for your pet. I found black specks in his fur but a quick visit to the vet tech this morning confirmed it's not flea dirt. Has the dog rolled in dirt at all? Flea dirt looks like tiny flakes of black pepper on your cat's fur and skin. To make sure take a couple black specks and place it on a towel, then dab some water on your finger and smear the black spec in the paper towel. Fleas are dark brownish red and 1-2mm long. These black specks are commonly called "flea dirt," but in reality, it is the excrement the flea leaves. If black specks are on the comb when you pull it off, they might be flea dirt. Both feline acne and flea dirt can be easily treated. If you have completely ruled out fleas as the cause of these black specks, there are two possible reasons you should investigate: cat acne and skin fold dermatitis. These tiny black flakes are actually flea excrement and consist mostly of digested blood. There are other reasons for black specks on cat skin which aren't fleas. Feline acne and flea dirt have one thing in common: they both present as small, black specks. Better yet, it’s irritant-free and is safe even when ingested. Treating cat acne is an easy fix, but you should first figure out why your cat is having this issue. Dirt that is neither dirt or flea dirt beats me. She thinks it is a combination of dirt and scab. They might develop rashes or lesions from the flea bites and scratch at themselves to soothe the itch. Most cats love a proper brushing—or if not, a good pet with a brush glove. Eliminating Flea Dust and the Fleas that Cause It, your home, including vacuuming, steam cleaning, and washing all bedding, Wash your cat using pet shampoo, and thoroughly flea-comb her coat. Advice on this forum is absolutely not a substitute for professional advice from a certified behaviorist, trainer, lawyer, or medical professional. I knew they weren’t because of fleas, I combed them with a flea comb and there were no signs of fleas. Begin to use a monthly topical medication to defend your cat from fleas in the future. I used Frontline for my dogs the last time we noticed flea dirt and a few bites on the people of the house. A way to test to make sure the black specks come from fleas is to place some on a piece of damp white tissue. (If this happens, antimicrobial face therapy spray can help soothe their skin.). If it is flea dirt, it will disintegrate into a … Could this be related? For this reason, frequent brushing and attention to your cat’s skin can help you to keep track of any irregular visitors, whether it’s cat acne or flea dust. To truly test if that is from fleas...take a flea comb to your pet (or try to pull some of the black specks off the pet)...put the hair, specks, etc on a paper towel and get it wet with peroxide...if it turns brown or red it's flea dirt. Your kitty loves to have his chin rubbed, and one day—while he’s sidling up next to you—you notice small black spots on his face. Hello. As you give him a scratch, you realize that the small, round spots don’t come off right away. Janet Tobiassen Crosby says to use a wet paper towel or cotton ball to gently wipe some of the dirt-like material off of your dog. If he or she is experiencing. But I'm wondering what it could be. Unlike flea eggs, flea dirt is dark and crumbly. Thanks for the help. Or are they fixed on your kitty’s face, just as acne would be? These include: However, just as with people, cats’ allergies and skin conditions can be difficult to diagnose. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'll do all I can to help. Veterinarian's Assistant: I'm sorry to hear that. This dog has a giant hot spot on her back. These types of products often contain harsh chemicals that your cat is allergic to and can be harmful to your cat’s health overall. Black specks on your dog or in your dog's bed may be “flea dirt” – the fecal matter from adult fleas. Black specks in cat fur, not fleas If your pet has been flea-free for quite some time, the black specks on his fur may be caused either by feline acne or skin fold dermatitis. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You can spot flea dirt within the fur or on the skin of your dog or cat. Fleas are very good at …, If your dog is scratching a lot and there are little black spots on his/her skin that looks like specks of dirt, it is very likely that it’s caused by a flea infestation. Dr. Melinda J. Mayfield-Davis, DVM, WCHP-AH, brings over 20 years of experience in veterinary medicine. I would have thought it was flea dirt, but it did not turn reddish brown when it was wet. Introducing flea dirt, small brownish/black specks found on your dog’s coat which are simply the flea’s waste. If your cat has acne, there are a number of possible causes. Many cats are allergic to flea saliva. She has light tan fur, so I had to part the fur in different areas., Relieving Your Dog’s Itchy Ears: Everything You Need to Know, How to Clean Your Dog’s Ears: A Helpful Guide, How to Clean Your Cat’s Ears: A Helpful Guide, Dog Ear Discharge: Everything You Need to Know, How To Clean Your Dog’s Eyes and Ears – Infographic. 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