It generally refers to foot movement performed from a standing position, relying upon a mixture of coordination, flexibility, rhythm, and most importantly, style.It is usually the first and foremost opening display of style, and it serves as a warm-up for transitions into the more acrobatic maneuvers of downrock.  The History Of Hip-hop The history of hip-hop dance encompasses the people and events since the late 1960s that have contributed to the development of the early hip-hop dance styles: uprock, breaking, locking, roboting, boogaloo, and popping. Toprock, the foundation of breakdancing, is performed on your feet. Black and Latin Americans created uprock and … How to Toprock. Toprock is a major element of b-boying and b-girling (breakdance). *Musical legend meets break dancing* These dance battles gradually evolved into a highly stylized form of mock combat called "Uprock". History of Breakdance B-boying or breaking, often called "breakdancing", is a style of street dance that originated as a part of hip hop culture among African American and Latino youths in New York City during the early 1970s. influenced by dj kool herc0 extended the breaks in the music For most people, the word "breaking" brings to mind flashy feats on the floor. Uprock, or Rocking as it was originally referred to, also known as Rock, is a soulful and competitive urban street dance, performed in synchronization to the beats and rhythms of soul, rock and funk music, but was mostly danced to a specific and exclusive collection of songs that contained a hard driving beat. [2]:125, 141, 153 [3] Fast to gain popularity in the media, the dance style also gained popularity worldwide especially in South Korea, France, Russia, Japan. Some older dance styles that were invented prior include the funky style, breaking and up rock. The kids in the Zulu Nation would rather dance than fight, and breaking (a term invented by Afrika Bambaataa) became an integral part of hip-hop. Before you can transition into other moves, such as the 6 Step, you have to know how to toprock. Uprock as a dance style of its own never gained the same widespread popularity as breaking, except for some very specific moves adopted by breakers who use it as a variation for their toprock. Uprock is an aggressive dance that involves two dancers who mimic ways of fighting each other using mimed weaponry in rhythm with the music. Toprock, Uprock & Breaking. In an uprock battle, a dancer would lose if he actually touched his opponent. Basic Terms: B-boying aka break-boying, aka breakdancing. But those eye-catching tricks aren't the whole picture. " Uprock, or Rocking, as it was originally referred to, also known as Rock, Rock Dance, Brooklyn Rock, Burning or Freestyle is a competitive urban street dance, performed to the beats and rhythms of soul, rock and funk music, but was mostly danced to a specific and exclusive collection of songs that contained a hard driving beat. UPROCK: Dance fighting; or Rocking as it was originally referred to, also known as Rock, is a competitive urban street dance, performed to the beats and rhythms of soul, rock and funk music, but was mostly danced to a specific and exclusive collection of songs that contained a hard driving beat. Individuals were able to improvise new dance styles on the streets as this was one of its distinctive factors as it brought an edge to the competition. The History of Hip–Hop dance encompasses the people and events since the late 1960s that have contributed to the development of early hip–hop dance styles, such as uprock, breaking, locking, roboting, boogaloo, and popping.Black Americans and Latino Americans created uprock and breaking in New York City. breaking, top rock and uprock, locking and roboting, boogaloo and popping, krumping, clowing, turfing breakdancing born in the bronx, ny. Breaking actually features four different categories of movement: toprock, footwork (or "downrock"), freezes, and power moves.