8 Most Dangerous Breeds Of Dog In The World. The breed may determine whether a dog is more/less trainable, stubborn, obedient, or protective, but it does not determine temperament. Pitbulls are companion dogs as well as very friendly dogs, but if mistreated will become dangerous, but that is only because they are scared and feel threatened. You're just perpetuating myths. Then you can talk. However, if they were given and shown love, they will act right and give love and loyalty in return. There are very few other pets that can even come close to a dog. However, if you do not show them love, and only teach hate, aggressiveness, and breed them to be killing machines..then, whaddya expect? However, their bite is usually not powerful enough to cause any real damage and likely won’t require medical attention. Just the other day my arm was grabbed by a Jack Russel Terrier because she was attempting to bit another dog and instead of me allowing that I put my arm in the way so she grabbed me instead of the other dog. When I was in collage my mom bought me a Presa Canario puppy who I had for 9 years and she was the sweetest soul, god bless my my Kali. A calm 8 year old dog suddenly attacks a baby? Every Boxer that has owned us (6 in all - because those of you that own Boxers know that's the case), has been super-loving, and while they may strike fear into the hearts of unexpected guests with their ferocious bark, every single one of them would have only been guilty of licking people to death, lol. I like that quality. These breeds should be the most attentive to, socialized and trained … During rough play my Caucasian has tossed 135lbs 5 ft in the air with no real aggression just a game. You get what you put in. I have had 3 real authentic pit bulls 1 English bull dog and 1chow. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional. Really? Shocking Dog Attack News Ruthie Mae Brown attacked by dogs Pitbulls are not mean dogs which is a common misconception. Cane Corso. It is known to be a sled dog. These are all fantastic breeds. What??!! Chow Chow. Bichon? A cow will eat grass and not meat. 3. I live in a house connected to a dog rescue and am the full-time caretaker. Make it clearer and you would have fewer people feeling defensive in the comments: I imagine the people upset raised their dogs, more or less, properly. *Click below to enlarge (charted by Statista ) Breeds of dog involved in fatal attacks on … There are probably more street dogs than there are cars or bikes in a residential area. My 5yr old son can take the boerboel on a leash to buy some bread and there has never been incident. Same thing goes to all dogs! They both are the the sweetest dogs ever. This post is about the 10 scariest hybrid dog breeds in the world. These dogs are known to be calm and stable, at the same time being agile, strong and courageous. 4. you can somewhat control it but it the right situation it will always attack. Now mind you I am in no way shape or form trying to belittle or attack anyone who has their OPINIONS. These types of dogs are known as the South African Mastiff, and they are breeding for a single purpose that is of guarding and homestead. What I have done here is publish my viewpoint. Chihuahua? Each different,each with own personalities.As a woman am I supposed to think every man I see is going to attack me? Hence, they need proper care, exercise, and control to avoid aggression. These types of dogs are very sensitive to sound. This list is opinion, and it's the wrong opinion at that. Donetta Sifford from Parrott, Virginia on January 29, 2019: Hello I've read a lot of articles online listing the world's most "ferocious" dogs. You will find an endless number of owners of the breeds you mentioned that will say they can do anything to their dog and their dog will be completely submissive. This is a great list. These dogs can be vicious. According to a report covering dog attack deaths and maimings in U.S. and Canada in the period between 1982 and 2014, there have been 23 Doberman attacks (12 of them against children) that resulted in bodily harm and eight deaths, ranking this dog breed 14th most dangerous. They both love kids, other dogs, cats. They are known to protect us from danger. They can sense any danger and react on their own and attack within a second. This sentence is grammatically incorrect. I have a couple pit bulls they are great with my kids. Well, actually, a fierce dog is a bad dog, if the owner doesn't intend to have a fierce dog. Answer: There are barking dogs and there are dogs that can send you to a hospital for a long time. Surprised kujo wasn't number 1. I have had 4 Chow Chows. Seriously? Is this likely? Bull Terrier. They also watch your house for you while you’re away and bark at strangers who dare enter the premises. As many have already mentioned, any dog is capable of being dangerous with the wrong upbringing. I am offended to because I have a pit bull and she would not hurt anyone and I also had a boxer that boxer would not hurt anyone and are u trying to scare people and kids because what if there are kids on here I would not do this and STOP! I have always had a motto.. The American Bulldog. they were the best dog nannies back in the days. They were lovable and friendly....to me. Im writing as a man whom has grown in a dog loving family. Question: I've been around Pitbulls all my life and never have been bitten or attacked by any of them. by Camille Moore. You say malamutes are feared for their versatility and ability to work? Take as a person, if you sit in fear and agressive behaviour all day from the day you are born, you become what surrounds you. Top 8 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds in the World; Practically all pooches can cause incredible harm and peril. Yet certain breeds are progressively. That's why people are so scared of them, because some really bad people turn some sweet natured intimidating dog and abuse it until it ends up hating people, Ok first of all the German Shepherd is so sweet and the Alaskan Malumute is just hyper it just wanted to play. They weigh around 130 to 200 pounds and grow up to a height of 24.5 inches to 32 inches. I feel like that would be more relevant than focusing on the breeds (YAWN). You have no idea what you are talking about. Bred rom bulldogs who were bred to kill Bulls in a ring. Now mind you a lot of people cant tell the difference between an American Pit bull terrier and a staffordshire terrier.The only reason people know what a bull terrier is well because he has the funny snout. Owning 4 dogs, 2 Rottweilers a 6year old and a 1yr old, 4yr old pit bull, 3yr old boerboel. This is as ridiculous as classifying any race or nationality in people as more dangerous. This article is garbage. Though the locking of their jaws has been proven a myth, it still has one of the most ferocious bites. However, do not make the mistake of messing around with them as it may land you in serious trouble. I have 3 sons that have been raised for the last 20 years with nothing but pit bulls. You mean to say nationalities don't exist? Facebook. Every dog is individual and has different histories. Owners should use their best judgment and socialize their dogs properly from when they are puppies or put a muzzle on during walkies to prevent incidents. Only those families are suitable for them where the owner is an amateur. Such dogs are obedient, intelligent, confident, dominant, and territorial. He will even let the lawn guy come in the gate while he is hanging out in the backyard. pit bulls are not even mean if y'all were nice to them and didn't abuse them then they are marshemmlows and are very loving and cute they only turned aggressive for self defense or if they are scared. Only dangerous if they were to lick you to death!!! they are very good gaurds and family freinds. if German shepherds are number 4 then why do police use them... i fostered a pit bull (mix) for a while, the only thing she was, was loving. 2. Their main purpose is to take the danger down, and they can react immensely to any situation. I don't have first-hand experience (I haven't bred a pitbull). Such dogs need proper training, and once they are trained properly, they become pretty aggressive. Pit Bull. Boxers? But has NEVER been hurtful. My Shepard/Pitt mix has never shown any sort of aggressive behavior, though he spent very little time alone and from a young age went everywhere with me: was exposed to lots of people and other animals and I made sure he knew when he was doing something he shouldn't be. These dogs can be gentle and wonderful family pets if they are trained properly. Having said that, there are certain breeds of dogs which can be quite ferocious and can make you wet your pants if you treat them wrong. The American Bulldog is a muscular, stalwart, and powerful dog breed. I have a dog that’s half German Shepard and he is soooo friendly! The knly thing my two german shepards wants to do is stay up day and night with a tennis ball kn their mouth, I want to know which dog in the pound are not bite people. Question: What about pit bulls? He plays very well with dogs it has never met before. The general belief is that these dogs came from the interbreeding of certain African breeds and the breeds brought by the Dutch, British and the French settlers. They aren’t aggressive but only if they are bred that way? Make sure you also read up the results given by the American Temperament Test Society on measuring a dog breed’s aggression levels. They are big fast loud aggressive and most importantly loving. Bullmastiff4. and this one "Not even a cat can beat a dog in being a man's best freind.". My aunt has one and he is the sweetest and most playful dog ever! We have a big rescue pit bull that loves my parents puppy. Getting bit is a job hazard for me, but I have never been bitten by any breed listed here. If properly trained and bred, they can be the best friends you can get and if crossed, they can be quite dangerous and you may pay dearly. Dogs are known to be extremely loyal and helpful. They are independent dogs that make it hard to train them. It’s all on how they are treated people. The real question is what did the perpetrator do the dog that it decided to bite? This is what makes them some of the world's most ferocious dogs. They are trained for fighting, and they are known in the world by the name of a killer machine. These dogs are the result of interbreeding between a breed of bulldog and terriers. Top 10 most dangerous dog breeds in the world: 10. Ultimately, humans have a lot of control over whether their dog is a guard dog or a couch potato, regardless of the breed. They were originally bred as guard dogs for sheep against the attacks of wild animals such as wolves. This incredibly strong dog is a cross breed between an American Pit Bull Terrier and a Neapolitan Mastiff. The Bandog We also had dalmatians who because of their nervous nature were more likely to bite as well, if they were scared. if your dogs is smarter and stronger than you get a cat .Ignorance follows with bad problems. At one point in time they were considered Nanny Dogs.. I’ve had a few of them with no issues. Boxer8. I would recommend any of these breeds, especially Pit Bulls, to families with children. my mother raised a chow after its mother died when it was 3 weeks old it was a perfect companion for her. Well, I guess we could have expected this breed here since lions are wild and dangerous animals. All you are doing is perpetuating stereotypes that have put these animals in danger. There are multiple breeds of dogs, but some of them are considered more dangerous than others. 8. No references, no statistics, and, frankly, not great writing. It's all about avoiding incidents and making sure everyone, including her, is safe. They can be aggressive towards strangers and other dogs in some situations. Even the ones I had to restrain at work to get blood tests from. Most people don’t know that but you can look it up. Their aggressive behavior is due to strangers because they hate them. It’s our jobs as pet owners to responsibly raises them based on their personality traits and not show prejudice based on their breed. Tosa Inu. I have owned American staffies for years and they are the kindest most beautiful breeds possible. Share. They are usually quiet and loyal, at the same time being independent which makes them quite hard to train. Answer: Nothing much. I have seven here now and they are the meanest dogs I have ever encountered in my four years living here.) I also had a Jack Russell and a Yorkshire Terrier. And yes, there are much more aggressive breeds than pits and rotts, but with such a powerful jaw like theirs the damage is much worst and often lethal. Does it mean that I should be bitten by any of them to realize that I should not mess with them? They are that loyal to whom ever they are by. The dog may attack you anytime and anywhere, but only in certain circumstances. The sweetest breed I've had? Human. My dogs are not socialized. Because, that's how all dog are. Top 17 Most Dangerous Dog Breeds in The World. These types of breed are considered as one of the most popular dog breeds for good reasons. that dog had seen it last sunset. 1495. Ive heard way too many pitbull horror stories, which make me believe that they are dangerous. Pit Bulls are NOT dangerous! They are the Nanny Dog, after all. I love that I rescued him. But, unless you have a licensed breeder, there is no way to know. Since these dog breeds are highly sensitive, they can be easily triggered by anything which could result in serious fatalities to humans especially children. Also, keep in mind that dogs instinctually (with some exceptions) bark at cats. The can be reliably deployed in airports for tasks such as sniffing out bombs, drugs and illegal paraphernalia. Don't judge a dog just like you wouldn't a person. Siberian Husky5. I urge you to read it again. We’ll be going over the most dangerous dog breeds in the world, recent news about some of the most dangerous dog breed attacks, staggering statistics about dog attacks, and why these dogs become aggressive. it bit her arm several time resulting in several stitches. My chihuahua doesn’t even try to kill my bunny,but she is protective, she barks at other dogs but she’s just protecting me. Then I could protect them. I know a lot of them. Also People that say "pitbulls aren't agressive because I have one, she's cute and 6 mos old" are deluded and the type of owners that cause deaths at dog parks. This is THE MOST retarded “article” I have ever seen I-, The comment on pitbulls is absolutely wrong 100% the dogs even when put in the pit had to be handled by owners and strangers if they were human aggressive they got put down. For you, we offer a list of the top 10 most dangerous dog breeds all over the world. Dogs are human’s best friend and one of the most loved animal species. I have a 70lb American Staffordshire/ Lab mix and it is the most loyal passive dog I've ever had. Dogs are popular domestic animals but they can be dangerous. My last service dog was a Staffordshire terrier (most call him a 'pit bull dog'). Pinterest. You should apologize for your ignorance. It’s not a secret that dogs can be terrifying. I would be interested in reading a follow-up article after you go and actually research these breeds. Chihuahuas and dachshunds, two of the small breeds in the world, tend to be the most aggressive dog breeds (10 Most Aggressive Dog Breeds: Temperament Ratings and Information). If calling an aggressive breed as aggressive is 'racism', then it should apply to almost anything. It’s not the dogs fault, it’s the owners. Boxer dogs are dominant and in the old days, they made excellent fighting dogs. Now I will say if you mess with the owners of these dogs you have your hands full. But …, A few days ago I attended a seminar on “pets and their care.” Here for …, Looking to buy a Cockapoo (a.k.a Cocker Spaniel Poodle-mix) dog? My other cousin also has two chihuahuas and yes they bark and growl but that’s because they’re protective. He loves to collect information about dogs. Most ridiculous and biased article I have read yet. Question: Do you recognize that writing biased, one sided opinion papers on the internet breeds unnecessary fear? So, below we have discussed 8 most dangerous dog breeds. All dogs must be "socialized" in order for them to be friendly. The Most Dangerous Dog Breeds. These dogs are trained for taking care of livestock. A pitbull is not a breed of dog. Try learning and presenting the truth. The pit bull has all the attributes of a perfect dog fighting machine. There are multiple breeds of dogs, but some of them are considered more dangerous than others. In other words, these are the “honorable mentions” for the most dangerous dog breeds in the world. Such dogs are highly sensitive about their people, and they take extra care of their owners. This person is very uneducated. Get up close and personal with them. Question: Why do you think a pit bull is ferocious? I love boxers, pitbulls and I assure you pitbulls are the best breed being a family dog, Can a Doberman pinscher actually kill you. Scientists, experts, and common dog lovers can’t agree on which dog breed should be considered the most dangerous in the world, however, due to frequent attacks on people, certain breeds are banned from breeding, keeping and selling in many countries, we took these blacklists as the base for our top ten of the so-called, most dangerous dog breeds. She is not "aggressive" or "feroucious" at all. Large and muscular dogs can be intimidating and they can be hard to control at time. The way a Beagle will ALWAYS chase a rabbit and and Aussie will always herd other dogs animals in a feild. They are pets, but sometimes they have attacked their owners. Think about it. Chow – Chow. He just wants to be loved. He was the sweetest thing and the biggest push over who also was acceptable to strangers and anyone else. That is the difference between a chihuahua and a pit bull. I have known well-adjusted examples of both as well. is'nt a chihuahua the toy breedof a pit bull. This East Asian dog breed is one of the most ancient still in existence. I don't believe any research went into this whatsoever. A chihuahua, for example, is much more aggressive. One big fluffy lion-dog. Im sure they would protect me if needed but they are not a dog constantly standing on the thin line of attacking an unknown person or not. Inclined to demonstrating perilous responses and cause fatalities. Though these dogs are bred as normal pets nowadays, they are still a breed you need to watch out for. Any animal, especially dogs, are like kids, in a sense...they need TLC and attention at all times, just. Alaskan Malamute6. From what I understand, pits are often bred with more aggressive breeds like cane corso and bull terrier for "bloodsports". I know A lot of ppl say pit bulls are “Mean and aggressive” but that’s only cause ppl train them to be like that! When we talk about the most dangerous dogs in the world, then bulldogs come at the top of the list. He was a tax collector. Like the other dogs on the list, they have been the subject of many reported cases of attacks. Tosa Inu. So, below we have discussed 8 most dangerous dog breeds. They were also used as the first line of defense against predators. Not even a cat can beat a dog in being a man's best friend. 8… You mention that a fierce dog isn't a bad dog. A fierce dog doesn't necessarily a bad dog. For example: 1. This breed of dogs comes from Germany and weigh between 85-110 lbs. She wears a harness during walks so I can control her, avoid interactions with dogs we don't know and we go out mostly when it's quiet outside. People should stop mistreating dogs if they want them to be best behaved. All dogs can be vicious when treated to become that way. Pit Bulls were used for dog fighting for a long period. Or is it just your viewpoint? Great Dane9. They were lethal to strangers. They have a really good temperament. My shih-tzu got attacked by other toy breeds a few times in spite of me telling the other owner that I'd prefer if they didn't approach my dog. This is such a useless article. Dogs are loyal companions to all. This nature makes them quite aggressive and ferocious. Every dog deserves a chance. This article is ridiculous, you should be embarrassed. Answer: I am from India. This article makes me question three validity of everything else on this site. I have an American Pitbull and she is one of the nicest dogs I've ever seen. And how trustworthy is your research resources? Do not mess with them or you may end up in a hospital. Anything else is just a dog. they are well mannered and very well socialised. American Bandogge. We shouldn't blame or tag the dogs when they get aggressive...it's how they were raised. The most dangerous dog breed in the world is the Pit Bull Terrier. The word boerboel translates into “farmer's dog” in Afrikaans. They also show very aggressive behavior toward strangers. Stop writing articles labelling dogs as agressive and start learning your dogs and what they need, not what you need.. People also tend to expect animals to lay there and do nothing while children pull their hair, try to ride them and do all kinds of things. People always want to say how mean these breeds are. These dangerous dog breeds should be trained and nurtured properly when having as a house pet. BTW Pit Bulls aren't so bad. This is not a "bad" list. First off, there's no bad dog and or pet, only bad owners. I have 5year old son and nine month old daugther. Otherwise docile with the owners and visiting another family? This article is not true made up of true facts yes in the past these dogs have been trained to be more aggressive but aggressiveness is not a bread my neighbour have 3 pit bulls and one likes to visit my house quite a bit when she sees my cat she runs I have met a Chihuahua and the first thing it did was try and bite me.