With their speed and ability to easily pin units in combat by surrounding models, preventing them from falling back and keeping you safe from shooting. Captain on Bike Bolt pistol, Chainsword, Twin boltgun July 19th, 2017 by Kirby 8th Edition, Space Marines, White Scars. Hypopigmentation can have many different causes and its resolution is usually accomplished by using as many different tactics … He packs the same wallop but also has a hyper accurate, high-powerful shooting weapon. The Devastator Squads provide some long ranged firepower with some built in ablative wounds which is important as they will be starting on the table. 24″?! On the tabletop, this is reflected by the White Scars’ Chapter Tactic, Lightning … In addition to their bespoke units, there are a few regular Space Marines units worth additional consideration in White Scars armies thanks to the chapter’s unique rules. Things like Malefic Lords, etc. That is the beauty of this army now. You want loads of these exceptional units flying around the table earning you points, and taking out key enemy units either by destroying them or tying them up in combat long enough for you to fly off to the next target. Ca-caw. So how do you get the most out of White Scars? White Scars vs Militarum Tempestus 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 8th Ed Tactical Report. Credit: Corrode. I feel like T8 is this armies bane. The main challenge with this ability is the timing though. So that is pretty damn good! A subreddit dedicated to the V legion, the White Scars, for the tabletop war games Warhammer 40k or the Horus Heresy. This list is less flexible but when it works, it will really work! 9 attacks each with re-rolling wounds at AP-3 damage 2 is extremely potent for a mere 54pts. This is unfortunately, pretty much the only incentive to take Bike units in White Scars though, who typically are known for this style of play. Scouts, as mentioned, as a no-brainer. Closeup of the space crusade marine. White Scars are very well suited for 9th edition gameplay, being Marines who are a) fast and b) very capable of rucking in melee. The ability to move over enemy screening units and get into position to blast characters at close range by making them the closest enemy model is incredibly powerful. . The ability to give him a relic on the fly (I often go with the Shield Eternal) makes him incredibly versatile. These are sleeper hits in the Marine codex anyway, being cheap infantry for actions, but in White Scars you can take multiple units of guys with lightning claw/storm shield at a cheap cost which are nevertheless potential melee blenders – especially when powered up in Assault doctrine. This may well be a case where Attack Bikes simply outclass them, though – the bikes don’t cost much more to get a bonus wound, an ok amount of anti-infantry, and a weapon which is just 2 shots instead of having to fiddle about with conditional double-shooting, as well as being much faster. 165 points is a small price to pay for some anti-infantry fire, the hard part of a battalion, and the ability to turn off melee & rapid strike alpha strikes, while ensuring that scout sentinels can’t shut you in your deployment zone. Kor’sarro Khan On Moondrakkan They didn’t get proper rules until the Index Astartes article series in 3rd edition started handing out rules to each first founding chapter/legion, and their treatment through 4th, 5th, and 6th edition was pretty sparse. List Building: 1,000 Point White Scars Army Continuing my series of small, themed Space Marine armies, this time I'll go with the White Scars, who arguably have the best of all the chapter tactics. Medical Procedures to Minimize White Scars Signals from the Frontline #565: New ITC Missions Available for Testing! Another benefit to this army is its flexibility and the fact that it largely does not need to go first to win. The Chapter was raised to combat the heretical Tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicusknown as the Apostles of the Blind King, who made war upon the Imperium. Get the latest info, sweet deals, and additional Frontline content through our email list. 8 scouts bikers 3 grenades. His +1 Strength aura is great to turn the bikes into 2 attacks at strength 5 and he provides re-rolls for the plasma. An argument can be made for a Chaplain with Jump Pack in a White Scars army. These are part of the Scarblade Strike Force, but can also be taken by any Space Marine army (or allied into another force). This means you should be dictating where and when combat happens. Eradicators lost a step in the transition to the 9th codex, as they can no longer take advantage of Lightning Assault to be able to advance and double shoot without penalty, but they’re still fine here, and being able to take advantage of Encirclement has its advantages on them too. They’re great for moving up field and then staying safe from enemy return fire by locking models down and then in your turn, leaving combat able to still shoot and assault again. A unit of 5 has 21 melee attacks and only costs 90pts. Bladeguard, who are mostly restricted to being on foot, get a big lift from being able to Advance and charge. Cool article! That means I really don’t put anything meaningful down until my 8th drop. Posted by Francesc at 20:48. My meta is not incredibly competitive but I have managed to go undefeated with them. The Imperium’s Sword (re-roll charges, +1 attack on the charge), Iron Resolve (6+FnP, +1 Wound), Rites of War (ignore morale checks 6″ aura), or Champion of Humanity (+1 to hit and wound rolls when fighting enemy Characters) are all amazing for him. If you have them and want to use them, they are certainly not bad at all, just not optimal, in my opinion. This is great for both extending the threat range of those units and also for allowing them to hide out of line of sight until the opportunity comes to jump out and fire. Even following the 9th points changes he’s still cheap. You can easily take out characters your opponent thought were safe this way. Aug 22, 2018 Deployment tactics of the White Scars. If you save a CP to use this a few times during the game, this unit can fly around the table putting punishing firepower down wherever you need it and scoop up objectives like nobody’s business. This guy is good in pretty much any Marines list, but he’s especially good in White Scars. The amount of field control right from the start really helps get the jump into what often ends up a 5 round game with very little time to get the job done. This web site is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. There’s also Devastators of both the melta and grav-cannon varieties – melta Devs are well-suited to utilising Lightning Debarkation to leap out of a Rhino and apply melta to whatever target needs it most, while the grav version can profit from being on foot; it’s not quite as good of a plan here as it is in, say, Ultramarines, but it definitely works. 2 comments: Mordian7th 1 August 2016 at 23:51. 2d3 Mortal Wounds a turn is no joke. Luckily for you, you’ve got that covered in spades with a Jump Troop White Scars army. Can you recommend a batrep where they’re used efficiently in the role you promote? Following Marneus Calgar across the Rubicon Primaris, we have Kor’sarro Khan, and he’s a beast. Unless you play on a table with very poor terrain where your marines can just get shot down, you will find White Scars to be kings of movement. Even with Shrike and a Lt. nearby, they bounce off of a lot of things that seem like they should be ideal targets. Do you ever struggle with high toughness targets? Please be aware that these aren’t necessarily the strongest units available to White Scars or the ones that receive the most benefits from their Chapter Tactics, but some of the most common that I have seen. You really need the speed to take advantage of the powers available to the SM. Tabletop Tactics May 8, 2020 47 230 47 Likes Chapter 2: Jericho | The Blood Temple Origins | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players. He also gets a bad warlord trait if you make him the boss – don’t. Even though I don’t have scouts I have found the intercessors to be quietly good support. I don’t own scouts or tactical marines so the intercessors are there to get me CPs and are my only venue to it. The Dark Hunters were founded in the 37th Millennium during the dark days of the Occlusiad War (555-565.M37). They benefit a lot from the +1 Damage (particularly the latter two, who get a lot out of buffing lightning claws from 1 to 2 damage), and White Scars offer multiple ways to get them into combat. Cavalry are the shock troops that barrel through the flank of a formation, … Even the regular foot-slogging infantry can be very nimble, especially if combined with Plume of the Plainsrunner for +1 to Advance and Charge rolls. Two Bladeguard blocks and some VanVets provide a very strong melee presence. Plenty of effort is dedicated to clearing up the "Ork gestalt field" and "Imperial guardsman average lifespan" memes, but rarely do people counter ones directed at the Tau. Yeah, putting a few Storm Shields (even 1) into a melee unit can make all the difference if you are fighting a unit with good AP values. Troops The only real strike against him is that for fluff reasons he isn’t a Chapter Master and cannot be made one (because he’s a Named Character). I am of the opinion that White Scars are criminally underrated in 8th ed and have the tools to be an all star army. So I have one squad with shotguns because it seemed like it would look cool plus they can advance & shoot and the ability to get str 5 shots is fun too. It’s hard to emphasize just how good this is until you actually put models on the table and try it out. Like the bike Chaplain, Outriders gain hugely from what Scars bring to the table – advance and charge, +1 damage with their chainswords, -1 to hit for less than the Codex, firing their guns on the Advance – there’s a lot here. Aug 22, 2018 Aug 22, 2018 A Lord Commissar receives a … Outrider Detachment +1CP (Imperium – Space Marines) Credit: Dan Sammons. With White Scars, they can really shine and I recommend taking a larger unit to take advantage of the Born in the Saddle Stratagem, allowing them to advance and still charge and shoot. 7 Space Marine Biker w/Bolt Pistol: Twin boltgun 2 plasma guns I like the list! Space Marines have access to a good selection of Mortal Wound powers in addition to Smite. Posted on October 12, 2017 So, in addition to the above, you want to pack in troops too, to open up Battalions and Brigades for enough CP resources to fuel your most powerful combos. How do you use them? Scout bikes are so good now! and can't seem to find any tactics for the White Scars Chapter. More White Scars Tactics with Khan Of course if you haven't figured it out, I love scout armies, or at least armies that can do a lot of it. Plus it can win by tabling or off of objectives. Again, very good! Got much better results once I started running Units of 7+. Thanks to Hunters’ Fusillades and Born in the Saddle you have multiple options for utilising Advance moves and still operating effectively, blending moving and firepower easily. As is traditional we’re going to close this out with a few army lists. These are REALLY useful for dealing with tough linchpin units like Magnus. 8 Space Marine Bikes with 1 Attack Bike – Chainswords, 2 Plasma, Powerfist Heavy Bolter With the coming of 9th edition and its greater focus on melee combat, and other supplements being reined in a little in power, their unique blend of speed and powerful melee have made them a nightmare to confront. The White Scars’ Chapter Doctrine shores up their biggest weakness – being damage 1 weapons – and in the process, Vanguard Veterans go from a unit that at the end of 8th edition was an expensive glass cannon to being a complete nightmare to deal with. Second and more subtly, White Scars have a 1CP stratagem called Hunters’ Fusillades, which can be used on any unit to count its weapons as being Assault for the phase – so suddenly your Devastators can move, advance, and shoot with no penalty. Finally, as well as all the standard Captain stuff (Iron Halo, Rites of Battle) he gets a bird. Alternatively, you can go for Vanguard, each with a Plasma Pistol and Chainsword (one of my favorite load-outs) or John Woo it up with double Plasma Pistols for maximum damage output. We hope you’ve enjoyed this run through White Scars, an interesting and powerful Marine faction with a lot to offer on the table and a really fun, fast playstyle which can contrast with the sometimes plodding “battle pile” style many other supplements encourage. Unfairly, they are often compared to the Vlka Fenrika, something that angers the legion. Something you might note here is that many of these units are not, naturally, obsec, and therefore vulnerable to a single Tactical Marine or something surviving and stopping them scoring – a supporting character with Rites of War or Ancient with Steadfast Example can help out here, and the latter can bring the Banner of the Eagle to the table too. ... and for workshopping lists and tactics in the various games that fall under the Warhammer catalogue. Die Legion der White Scars bekommen von Forge World Nachschub in Form eines Preators und eines Contemptor Dreadnought. White Scars Infiltrators Credit: Alfredo Ramirez. Sign up today! Dude is a straight up stud! 2014 Las Vegas Open Warmachine and Hordes Events and Results! The Chapter organization of the White Scars reflects their home world's tribal culture; for example, Librarians are referred to as Stormseers. I can lay out some beating and maybe force him to move out of position to get to me. It halves the target’s move, advance and charge. The White Scars Chapter Tactics gives the army Hit and Run. You are going to want to take the essentially mandatory Captain and Lt. combo. HQ But how will he perform on the tabletop?---Auspex Tactics’ Patreon Page. White Scars recruit from a single planet, Mundus Planus. Which one is right for you depends greatly on the causes of hypopigmentation. Come here to discuss tactics, show off your paint job and conversions, or just meet some people who gotta go fast. It’s notable for making use of the Stormspeaking Discipline and taking a more shooting-heavy approach to the White Scars. The best way to outfit these is with a single lightning claw and a storm shield, which gives them some real durability while they have plenty of offensive output with the +1 attack they get from having a single claw. The second part is more understated, but does its own share of heavy lifting, for two reasons – first, many good weapons in the Marine codex are Assault, with an obvious example being plasma exterminators on Inceptors. Those gripes aside (and they’re pretty minor in the scheme of things), he’s both an unusually powerful murder machine in his own right, and an absolutely incredible force multiplier. Again, pretty meh. Taking us from the slave era, when white women fought in court to , I havent seen many WS BRs since 8th dropped. . Lastly, I’m having trouble using scouts effectively. With the speed of your units, you may also be able to pin vehicles down and/or surround them, preventing them from moving away or units form getting out. White Scars do well in MSU combat, as they have a number of options for getting close to enemy units, thanks to the ability to advance and still charge. White Scars Legion Praetor in Cataphractii Terminator Armour – 35,00 Euro. Access to native re-rolls makes him a great assassin, especially combined with his incredibly powerful Aura ability “For the Khan!“. After that, they run around picking up objectives and harassing enemy units. Recently however they’ve started to get rules of their own that properly reflect their unique style of warfare. White Scars recruit from a single planet, Mundus Planus. A subreddit dedicated to the V legion, the White Scars, for the tabletop war games Warhammer 40k or the Horus Heresy. In some cases the goal may be to induce pigmentation, bringing the scar to a more natural, less white color. 5 Intercessors – Bolt Rifles, Auxilliary Grenade Launcher and Power Sword He sounds like a boss. HQ My evaluation of them never meets your hype (I don’t like using the word ‘hype” as it makes it seem ingenuine, but I lacked a better term). Glad you liked it brother and good to have you gaming again! White Scars vs Militarum Tempestus 2000pts | Warhammer 40,000 8th Ed Tactical Report Tabletop Tactics May 8, 2020 47 230 47 Likes Jericho: Chapter 3 | The Blood Temple Origins | Dungeons & Dragons Cast of Players It is worth taking a Thunderfire Cannon by itself, even if the Cannon did zero damage in the course of a game. Labels: Horus Heresy. The White Scars chapter tactics have had some improvement over the last codex (I'm not sure they needed any improvement, but it is always welcome). Good stuff! I find 5 to be a bit too weak, tho. I love the White Scars chapter tactic and have been considering to run my scout bikes as there own detachment with the WS chapter tactic. This gives you crazy speed, deployment options, firepower, melee punch and the ability to move in and out of combat with nearly no restrictions. White Scars - Lightning Assault: Units can charge after falling back or advancing, units can advance and shoot assault weapons without penalty. For one, obviously, he can stop enemy powers (where he will often be in range to use his Psychic Hood) and spit out mortal wounds. In addition, all White Scars Bikers gain the Skilled Rider special rule and their Hammer of Wrath attacks are resolved at strength 5. GW screwed up good with some of the Chapter Tactics. In some cases the goal may be to induce pigmentation, bringing the scar to a more natural, less white color. A storm shield now replicates the buckler’s effect anyway, which narrows the difference even further. Excellent point. Layering White Scars’ powerful movement tricks and late game melee burst on top of the core quality of Marine units is a recipe for success in 9th edition, and that strategy is put to work here. The bulk of your most important units can start off of the table if needs be in deep-strike reserves. I know it butchers the fluff, but it is the case with Imperial Fists as well. Two recent successful lists here are Dan Sammons’ White Scars going 4-1 at Mid-MO Maelstrom, and Baz Croucher managing a 5-0 (in a pods of 6 format) at Kent Wargames GT. Not bad, but certainly not worth taking over some of the other outstanding relics such as the Banner of the Emperor Ascendant or Shield Eternal. Jokes aside, that really is it in a nutshell. Halving the damage he takes in addition to the 3++ (which always save a CP to reroll his first failed save) makes him a tough son of a gun. If I still played Scars, it would be a mix of lightning claw plasma pistol vanguards, scout and regular bikers, with scouts as troops to max out CP. Khan is back, bigger than ever before and has found an enormous eagle. He’s fine – he’s basically a Captain with a locked-in set of wargear to represent a specific kit that GW surprisingly still produces. Baz piloted this list to a 5-0 third place finish at the Kent Wargames GT at the end of October. In my opinion, the White Scars have the best Chapter Tactics available to any Space Marine Chapter in … Beyond that, Psychic Fortress is amazing if you need to send a unit into a nest of enemy Smite slangers for its 4++ vs. psychic mortal wounds who are one of the primary threats to things like your Captain with shield. will be much, much more vulnerable to the White Scars player than other armies. Hypopigmentation and white scarring Although anti-oxidants can be effective there is a balance between pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant that produces optimal even skin tone. Bike Squad Kor’sarro requires some setup, but the payoff is extremely good, and he’s a very strong draw to being actual White Scars rather than a successor – you can replicate the effect to an extent with a Chaplain, but it’s more limited. That said, there any use case for this guy? tricks, and take up space. As ever, if you have any questions or feedback, shoot us an email at contact@goonhammer.com. The only downside is that 9th edition tends to discourage the use of psykers and one of its more notable powers (Ride the Winds) can be replicated by a Chaplain – though see the note about Plume of the Plainsrunner. Page 1 of 12 - White Scars Tactica - posted in + HORUS HERESY TACTICA +: As we now have rules i thought a tactica was needed for the few of us that play White Scars. He also gets a bad white scars tactics trait if you make him the boss – don t... Of time is also excellent for re-rolls on charges and the fact it. Used efficiently in the course of a game single planet, Mundus Planus sniper scouts to bikes... T agree more that Librarians with a Jump Troop White Scars Bikers gain Skilled! Not to take a second Captain, another great combo is the case Imperial! I really don ’ t targeted until mid to late game gets a Warlord! Scout Bikers are stupid fast, I ’ m having trouble using scouts effectively largely does not to! 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