d. macroeconomics. It will increase the indire... A heart surgeon is skillful at unplugging arteries and rerouting the flow of blood, and these skills also make her a very skillful plumber. 1. 4 breads. b. two dozen eggs. The opportunity cost of the MBA is the tuition plus the lost salary for two years which is 2(50,000 + 30,000) = $160,000. If a business owner is using the extra space at home for his business, does it imply a zero opportunity cost for the space? becomes worthless)! In the graph below, the opportunity cost in equilibrium is represented by area A. Answers 1. Assuming the cost curve to be linear, find the equation of the cost curve and then use it to estimate the cost of 95 units. b) the cost of a government educational loan program. The ticket normally sells for $90, but you cannot sell yours. True or false? Which of the following are part of a firm's opportunity costs? D. explicit costs but not implicit costs. Opportunity cost and the PPC. The appropriate opportunity cost of capital is the return that investors give up on alternative investments that possess the [{Blank}] (same, different) level of risk. Discuss the opportunity costs and benefits as a result of student enrollment in college. True or false? a. Identify his opportunity costs. c. the inflation rate. In his book "Naked Economics," Charles Wheelan discusses the falling birth rate in industrialized countries like Japan and the United States. Question 1. So, lets say you have a certain amount of wood and you can either make 60 reams of paper or 10 drawers. View answer You will receive your score and answers at the end. Good luck! Costs that were incurred in the past and cannot be changed. Her opportunity cost of working is a. the $24 she earns working. In the country of Zana, a unit of labor can produce 4 units of good X or 2 units of good Y; in the country of Bren, a unit of labor can produce 2 units of good X or 1 unit of good Y. Zappa now draws an annual salary of $15,000. The highest-valued alternative that must be given up to engage in an activity is the definition of _____. Steve bought a fully refundable plane ticket to Florida for Spring Break, which cost him $150. Describe the opportunity cost when you decide to watch a movie, instead of studying for an exam. What is the opportunity cost of her decision? What is Sardi's opportunity cost of producing one pound of pork? a. Directions This quiz contains 15 multiple choice questions. If Shawn can produce donuts at a lower opportunity cost than Sue, then: a. Shawn has a comparative advantage in the production of donuts, b. Finally, in some countries, like India, tea grows better in some areas than coffee, and farmers can choose between growing coffee and tea. A. It takes you 20 minutes to knit a hat and 80 minutes to knit a scarf. What is the definition of "opportunity cost"? Which theory states that a nation should produce and sell goods that it produces most efficiently to other countries, and buy goods that are produced more efficiently by other countries? If Athletic Country currently produces 100 bats and 400 rackets, what is the opportunity cost of an additional 100 bats? Visual 2: Discussion Questions: Choosing a Snack B. explicit costs of inputs such as labor. What is the "opportunity cost"? Tickets to see Dylan cost $40. D. normal profits. a. the economic perspective. b. the benefit gained by choosing a certain course of action. $0 B. Which of the following statements is false? Opportunity cost is defined as the A. value of the best alternative not chosen. b. Which of the following is the formula used for computing economic profits? Devaughn and Grace can produce forks and spoons according to the following schedule: If Devaughn makes 24 forks, how many spoons does he make? Which of the following statements exemplifies a principle of individual decisionmaking? Introduction Important Questions for Class 12 Economics Central Problems of An Economy, Production Possibility Curve and Opportunity Cost. The money price of a box of ramen noodles is _____. A firm producing cans buys three tons of aluminum per day at $200 per ton. When faced with all available alternatives, the consumer will select the one that is ranked the highest. b. According to the textbooks, the answer is … C. opportunity costs are zero when the production of bread increases. The price you paid for the car. 1 car = 15 days = 1.25 planes (3) ABC's opportunity cost of producing a unit … Our online opportunity cost trivia quizzes can be adapted to suit your requirements for taking some of the top opportunity cost quizzes. A promising young mathematician who will command a high salary once she earns her college de... For most students, the largest single cost of a college education is a. the wages given up to attend school. a. The following data relates to its process-01. Is... What is an opportunity cost and how does it affect our daily lives? Devaughn and Grace can produce forks and spoons according to the following schedule: If Grace makes 1 spoon, how many forks does she make? True or False? Which of the following is not an example of the opportunity cost of going to school? The opportunity cost of going to college is a. the total spent on food, clothing, books, transportation, tuition, lodging, and other expenses. All rights reserved. The benefits from the best foregone alternative. If you choose to play tennis on Monday morning and the next best alternative for use of your morning is studying, then a. the opportunity cost of playing tennis is the morning of sacrificed study t... Leland Manufacturing uses 10 units of Part Number KJ37 each month in the production of radar equipment. Yes in practice it is very hard to work out the costs of benefits of any action, and that includes opportunity costs, but that’s a reason to approach your best estimate with humility and test your assumption, not just to give up. II... A consultant who earns $100 per hour takes four hours off work to go to the movies. and your first topic is the Economic Problem and opportunity cost. If Fran can produce either 15 pizzas or 50 cheesecakes per da... Juan can either mow 2 lawns or clean 4 windows in 5 hours. Is there a difference between monetary and non-monetary opportunity costs? The opportunity cost of going to a movie is: a. the price of the ticket. B. accounting costs. For each location, the tabl... What is the opportunity cost of investing in capital? The opportunity cost of working for herself is A. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. The 3 acres differ in their ability to support orange trees. How is it related to efficiency, waste, and standard of living? after the mid-term exam). View Test Prep - Exam 3 Practice Problems (Answers) from MICRO 15434 at Oklahoma State University. B) What is... Why is the statement, "opportunity cost of banking service increases" wrong? His opportunity cost of of constructing one presentation is: answer choices . a) tuition at a state university. Practice Problems on Elasticity. C. both wheat and cloth. In the case of Becci, each poster costs 1200:2 = 600 entries. The opportunity cost of 20 wood is 10 food, or the OC of 20 wood = 10 food. If she does not go to college, she will earn $... For which of the following individuals would the opportunity cost of going to college be highest? Economic Profit is: A) Total revenues minus total expenses B) Total revenue minus explicit and implicit costs. The slope of a consumer's budget constraint is the opportunity cost of buying one good in terms of how much of the other that he gives up. c. 1/2 bread. The market is initially in equilibrium at a price of $15 and a quantity of 80. Out of Class - Theory of the Firm Practice Problems. In the Ricardian model, you always produce only the goods you have a comparative advantage in producing. The table shows an economy that produces education services and consumption goods. Quiz on the PPC, Opportunity Cost, and the Gains from Trade. John , who lives in a country with relatively low interest rates, goes to t... During the winter break, Sam decides to go for a skiing vacation in Aspen instead of taking piano lessons. 2 breads. It takes Andreas 60 minutes to make a unit of beer and 10 minutes to make a unit of chips. Complete the following statement about the relationship between the interest rate and speculative balances. b. The production possibilities for country X are either 6,000 bushels of soybeans or 10,000 bushels of wheat. The opportunity cost of attending college is likely to be highest for a high school graduate: A) who has access to student loans. As production of food increases, production of clothing declines and vice versa. Academic year. The crops you grow from those seeds will sell for $250. If you always set up your information like this you can easily calculate the opportunity cost for any question. Sample/practice Exam, Questions and Answers, Quiz, Activity Chapters, 1-8,12-14 Essay "Homework 1 to 14" Seminar assignments- 21-29 2015/2015 Systems Analysis in Agriculture (AGSM 301) ECON103 Final EXAM Study Guide Principles of marketing chapter 2 notes Lecture Notes for Exam 4 Book Notes - Summary Examination 1 Notes … The cost of going to college is a major expense for many of us. Each acre can support 20 apple trees. d. $1.50. If you have a competitive equilibrium, will a firm have zero economic and accounting profit? b. the interest rate forgone on an alternative asset. Suppose that a farmer has land that can produce 20 bushels of corn per acre or 10 bushels of wheat per acre. If you own a condo and you decide to lease it to your cousin, A. there is not an opportunity cost of leasing the condo because you own it. Examples: • I have $15.00 to spend. False. Rather than spend hours in line, he purchases a much more expensive ticket through a tick... What items would you include to figure out the opportunity cost of a vacation to Disneyworld? He can grow 40 orange trees on the be... Farmer Brian has 3 acres of land which he farms efficiently. Access the answers to hundreds of Opportunity cost questions that are explained in a way that's easy for you to understand. Also, assume the U.S. is considering to spend additional money hiring new teachers as $10 billion could purcha... Are "intermediate goods" included in the calculation of GDP? If the price of a pizza is $12 then when the price of a cup of coffee falls from $4 to $3 _____. Explain. Moe can either mow 1 lawn or wash 2 cars. Hanna has to decide between accepting a job with a salary of 20,000 per year, or studying for a master's degree, in which she would have to pay tuition fees of 10,000. B. the tuition fees paid to a university. Discuss what the opportunity cost of attending college is for you, noting that the concepts of opportunity costs and explicit monetary costs are not the same. During the winter break, Sam decides to go for a skiing vacation in Aspen instead of taking piano lessons. If a hospital buys a medical testing machine for $285,000 and can resell it at $80,000 after 4 years usage, the opportunity cost of this machine at the end of the 4th year is: a. B.... a. You have another offer for a job at an established comp... What is the opportunity cost of buying a new car? This represents increasing opportunity cost. Practice: Opportunity cost and the PPC. Practice Questions to accompany Mankiw & Taylor: Economics 1 Chapter 3 1. You could grow crops on that land. The opportunity cost to him of studying is a. the improvement in his grades from studying for the hour. The opportunity cost of the shuttle service to the university is equal to: a) the cost of the shuttle plus the gasoline expenses. Assume the standard model. B. the sum of its explicit costs and its implicit costs. Practice Questions to accompany Mankiw & Taylor: Economics 1 Chapter 3 1. When Warren Buffett graduated from Columbia, he asked Benjamin Graham for a job (for no salary) at the Graham-Newman Co. The opportunity cost of an item refers to all those things that must be forgone to Give an example. Dayne Lee. Ratio of Opportunity Cost. b. She takes a full load of classes and has ... opportunity cost of computers is lower in Germany and the opportunity cost of grain is lower in Poland. 5. e. the real... How do the concepts of opportunity cost and trade-offs directly impact our economic decisions, both at the macro (economic aggregates) and micro (consumer and firm) level? State true or false and justify your answer: Opportunity costs are roughly the same for everyone who attends college. How many alternatives is the government faced with in this question? Using an example in your professional life, identify a situation where you were presented with a choice, the opportun... What is opportunity cost? © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. Lost revenues from regula... A company loses revenues from regular customers by accepting a special order when operating at capacity. B. a cost that is irrelevant to the business. Practice Questions to accompany Mankiw & Taylor: Economics 2 a. Going to concerts and reading books take time and money. The marginal cost of the fourth … What is the opportunity cost of taking an exam? I. explicit costs II. This payoff could cover the investm... Why do prices fail to represent the opportunity cost of resources when externalities exist? *a. With this meaning we have several other aspects also to … Devaughn and Grace can produce forks and spoons according to the following schedule: What are Devaughn's opportunity costs of producing 1 fork? She has 2 hours to produce a burger and wine. 2. Suppose that you have received $300 as a birthday gift. a. Which one of the following is not an example of the opportunity cost of military expenditures? Which of the following is the best definition of the opportunity cost of a decision? These businesses frequently charge higher than normal prices. The value of a good that is given up to produce another is called: a. dollar cost b. opportunity cost c. relative cost d. absolute cost. In deciding how to spend the money, Barb narrows her options down to four choices: Option A, Option B... Maureen's college raises the cost of room and board per semester. Which statement is true about opportunity cost? Opportunity cost can be assessed directly with cost effectiveness or cost utility studies. a. C. a positive statement. Consider two areas that, A and B, that each can grow coffee and tea. capital. C. economic profits. e) None of the above. Suppose the Navy is buying 100 new computers to replace older and slower computers across a few bases. She decided to start her own financial consultancy business. The benefit or value that was given up can refer to decisions in your personal life, in a company, in the economy, in the environment, or on a governmental level. Devaughn and Grace can produce forks and spoons according to the following schedule: If Devaughn makes 18 forks, how many spoons does he make? Like a good economist, you calculated the opportunity cost of getting your college degree. 2 breads. 5. If a trucking company were operating at capacity, but had an opportunity to fill a one-time high volume special order, which of the following ramifications could occur? 4 in the book (Chapter 1). If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains *.kastatic.org and *.kasandbox.org are unblocked. Are there other reasons for specializing in something besides being good at it or enjoying it? 3. Imagine you are graduating college and a new start-up company offers you $32,000 in salary and $10,000 stock options priced at .01 per share. Mr. Lee have tickets to see Bruce Springsteen in concert at a stadium 50 miles away. A firm has the current liabilities and equity financing on its balance sheet. Consider a nation that produces baseball mitts and soccer balls. Get help with your Opportunity cost homework. If you were the chief executive officer (CEO) of Johnson and Johnson, describe a situation in which you would use marginal analysis to make a business decision. c. You could also rent the land to another farmer... What is an opportunity cost, and why is the term important in economics? Why or why not? b. marginal analysis. It will be zero if the good is being given away for free. 12. The lesson covers the following objectives: 16 chapters | Introduction Important Questions for Class 12 Economics Central Problems of An Economy, Production Possibility Curve and Opportunity Cost. A. • A city government has $20,000 to Katya can knit 6 scarves per hour and 6 hats per hour. B. b. the $2... For which of the following individuals would the opportunity cost of going to college be the highest? Give examples of each. An optimal assignment requires that the maximum number of lines which can be drawn through squares with zero opportunity cost should be equal to the number of _____. Bob can either mow 2 lawns or wash 1 car. The opportunity cost of watching this DVD for the fourth time A. is the value of the alternative use of the time you spend watching the DVD. The loss of revenue just described is an example of which of the following? Andreas can knit 8 scarves per hour and 12 hats per hour. Choose an answer and hit 'next'. Waterways have discovered that a small fitting it now manufactures at a cost of $1.00 per unit could be bought elsewhere for $0.82 per unit. Opportunity costs are: a. not used for decision making b. the same as variable costs c. the same as historical costs d. relevant in decision making. b. the price of the ticket plus the cost of any soda and popcorn you buy at the theater. A comprehensive database of opportunity cost quizzes online, test your knowledge with opportunity cost quiz questions. He has $120 to spend and wants to buy either a heart rate monitor or new running shoes. What is Derek's opportunity cost of producing pie? Suppose a student has 3 hours of time to spend at her apartment before afternoon classes. d. 1/4 bread. Assume that the rental cost of ski equipment is $120 and the lift ticket costs $66. The firm is making an economic loss of $1,750 (the difference between total revenue and total cost). c. opportunity costs. Hal currently works as the fry guy at Burger Haven but is thinking of quitting his job to attend college full-time next semester. Devaughn and Grace can produce forks and spoons according to the following schedule: What are Grace's opportunity costs of producing 1 fork? B. B) whose family is extremely wealthy. Parking will be $20 and to attend the concert, Karl will have to miss 5 hours of work at $6 per hour. The televisions can be sold in their present condition for $32,000, or repaired at a cost of $43,000 and sold for... Is it true or false? The term "opportunity" in opportunity cost of capital comes from the fact that any worthwhile opportunity for investment will have a cost: the risk to the capital invested. The wages he could have earned.... Mallory has a 10-month-old baby. Therefore, neither has a comparative advantage in either good. Identify the conditions that give rise to the eco-nomic problem of scarcity. The US and Mexico both have 40 workers. Each ream costs $10 and each drawer costs $40. ALGEBRA WORD PROBLEMS WORKSHEET WITH ANSWERS. Practice: Opportunity cost and the PPC. The opportunity cost of a decision is the next best foregone alternative. She decides to give the tickets to her sister and go to Chloe’s house. of 1 wood =10/20 food= .5 food. The Canadian government is considering whether to spend $200 million on new hospitals or $200 million on new fighter jets. ii. It takes Derek 1.97 hours to produce a cake and 2.78 hours to produce a pie. b. tuition, fees, and books. Share practice link. d. 1/4 bread. She is thinking of quitting this job to work full time in her own business. B. must be the same... State true or false and justify your answer: Individuals face trade-offs but societies do not. Comparative advantage and the gains from trade. Calculate the WACC for a company with 10B in equity, 2B in debt with an average interest rate of 4%, a beta of 1.2, a risk free rate of 0.5%, and a market risk premium of 5%. Devaughn and Grace can produce forks and spoons according to the following schedule: If Devaughn makes 9 spoons, how many forks does he make? She... Jimmy owns a small guitar shop in Perth. b. varies inversely with the interest rate. What is the opportunity cost to Lindvallland of increasing the production of factories from 175 to 225? Describe (in your own words) the concept of opportunity cost. E. both c and d are correct. A normal profit is: a. revenues minus accounting and opportunity cost of zero. Suppose after graduating from college you get a job working at a bank earning $30,000 per year. The opportunity cost of any activity can be measured by the a. value of the best alternative to that activity. Suppose you have to give up a job that pays you $40,000 a year to attend business school. Now divide both sides by 20 to get: The O.C. Materials. A severe thunderstorm on the night of the concert makes driving hazardous. This is the answer we want. Harvey owns both a hardware business and the building that he uses to run the firm. False, The opportunity cost of capital is the best available expected return offered in the market on an investment of comparable risk and term to the cash flow being discounted. With these numbers, the interest rate would need to be over 20% for the costs to outweigh the benefits! It takes the US 50 units of labor to produce one ton of sugar and 200 units of labor to produce one crane. Swinburne University of Technology. “shadow prices”—the true social value (or opportunity cost) of non›marketed resources, such as time and informal care.7 Health economists disagree about the most appro› priate technique for measuring the opportunity cost of time.The best valuation of the opportunity cost of time for working age adults is the wage they are, or could be Due to the popularity of his local country-western band, Farmer Tony has more students requesting lessons than he... An American company is interested in building a new food processing plant in Winnipeg. If providing service results in negative external costs, then _____. Isha industries Limited uses a process cost system of there processes. She hired an administrative assistant for $15,000 per year and rented office space (utilities included) for $3,000 per month. Q. Emelia has been invited to a sleep over at Chloe’s house for this Saturday. Based on this information, which of the following is true? What is his opportunity cost of writing 1 page? EXERCISE 2. She also keeps a close eye on her spending each week since she is in college and cannot afford the time to work too much. economic depreciation IV. c. downward-sloping demand. B. neither explicit costs nor implicit costs. Suppose Janet is currently using Combination C, producing two cars per day. She can take a job with another firm for $45,000 per year or work for herself. Describe various opportunity costs of attending a 4-year college full-time. Discuss the ways in which the following conditions might affect the opportunity cost of going to a movie tonight. She takes a full load of classes and has ... Answer: In both, the opportunity cost of 1 car is 5 computers. Lecture Notes from Chapter 1 of Stacy Aschenbeck's class. What is the opportunity cost of the war on drugs? A. Some people choose to live close to the city center; others choose to live away from the city center and take a longer commute to work everyday. The most important application of opportunity cost arises: a) for market goods b) for nonmarket goods c) when planning for national defense d) All of the above. The money market account was earning 1% in interest per year or $800,000. How about for making ca... An example of an opportunity cost is: a) the cost of pursuing a business opportunity. The table presents the quantity (in thousands of pounds) o... You can either spend spring break working at home for $100 per day for five days or go to Florida for the week. Chandler takes four hours to bake 1 loaf of br... Isaac has four potential jobs to consider, each with different salary offers. Can a country "over-invest" in human capita... What is the opportunity cost of moving from producing 20,000 SUVs to 30,000 SUVs (in terms of compact cars)? The house that Jeanne inherited from her mother can be rented for $2000/month, but Jeanne decides to allow her brother to stay there for only half of that. Suppose tammy has a crisp $50 dollar bill and ranks what she will do with it in this order; #1 buy a skirt; #2 buy food; #3 buy a video game, or #4 buy concert tickets. II. How could she explain to her parents, using logic from economics, why she chose to m... Farmer Brian has 3 acres of land which he farms efficiently. Suppose all farmers are currently farming wheat, but the price of soybeans rises dramatically. Practice question with answers. Elite U costs $50,000 per year and did not offer Lutfi any financial aid. Lecture Notes from Chapter 1 of Stacy Aschenbeck's class. Give examples. All rights reserved. The production possibilities curve (PPC) is a model used in economics to illustrate tradeoffs, scarcity, opportunity costs, efficiency, inefficiency, and economic growth. Explain the following concepts in detail. The definition of opportunity cost is the value of any alternative you must give up when you make a choice. 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