I’ve lost count how many people have come to me for fitness and weight loss advice that have spent years jumping from diet to diet only to become delusional about the lack of results. You can use the online calorie calculator to get an idea! Hi!!! My pleasure – yes water would definitely be part of the initial weight loss, keep it up girl! For night meal should we focus on protein diet or carb diet??? Thank you. By juices do you mean homemade juices? Thank you in advance . I do eat very healthily (one cheat meal per week), and drink at least a gallon of water per day. I have been eating the oatmeal at breakfast, but it makes me so full that I am not very hungry by the next time I’m supposed to eat. Hi Isabella I started this diet two days ago and I think its pretty good the only thing is that before I really didn’t feel hungry and ate less and now I’m eating more and feel somewhat hungry is that normal? Can you put peanut butter, honey..stuff like like that? If performing 1 exercise, aim for 50 reps in 5 sets. Sure thing. What is the “scoop of protein”? As long as your meals are well balanced, you should be good to go, maybe add a piece of fruit to the mix. What would be a good replacement? I would love to stick with this for a month and see my progress! women) and you’ve learned the habits that help you stay that way, that’s when something like The Get Shredded Diet can be a powerful weapon in your fat loss arsenal.. Hello! Have a great week, Isabella , Thank you! Alright, you lost fat and got lean or shredded… Thank you. Hi Lockie, basically you can eat clean all the time but during your 7-day shred, you might be limiting your caloric intake. Can you suggest some good brands? If performing 1 exercise, aim for 50 reps in 5 sets. Enjoying the 7-day shred! It is important to … I tried to muscle through this morning, but don’t think I can do it for the next 6 days! I’m so excited to start this meal plan after the new year. hi Isabella, will start 7 days shed plan this coming Monday .Last time i lost 10 lbs , and felt awesome !!! If you want to have an idea of how many calories you need for weight loss, you can find out here: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm Again, this will give you a general idea but you may have to play with the numbers… Isabella . you can sprinkle your oatmeal with hemp seeds, have some nuts, natural nut butter, organic raw protein (I like Vega protein) smoothie . Keep us posted on your progress . Hi Isabella, I’m looking to lose not necessarily weight, but to shed some of the excess fat on my stomach, back, etc (I’m working toward abs for Christmas ) If everything checks out, I plan to move on to the “Body Fuel System” plan. .is that porridge with bannana and then do i poachthe egg whites? On meal one with the oatmeal and the egg whites can use the almond butter instead of the banana. The 4-Week Shred is a training regimen designed for females with resistance training experience at the late beginner or early intermediate level. How long can I stay on this? Sometimes, when we are detoxing and cleansing our bodies, it can be common to get such symptoms… it can be a good idea to consult with a nutritionist, especially if you are breastfeeding. PhenQ Review – Is it the Best Weight Loss Pill? . I eat oatmeal everyday. I’m confused for breakfast is the egg white on the side or do you cook your oatmeal with egg whites in? or each meal is one day? Get More Sleep To Shred Fat. Do you have to eat the meals on this order? Your hubby definitely needs to increase the caloric intake, he can use the online calorie counter to get an idea of how much he needs according to his specific goals. Just started doing this yesterday, and I am eating 1,200 – 1,400 calories per day (did the calorie calculator). This post is very informative Isabella. How many calories do you burn doing the 30-day shred? maybe i have to change something ? Meal 6 — I’m assuming that the “1/2 yogurt” means 1/2 cup yogurt? It looks great and I can’t wait to try it out and I love how it doesn’t deprive a person and make it like he or she is starving themselves???? Keep up the good work! Hi Jade, it seems like this would be a good alternative (feel free to drink up the leftover milk ;)). I don’t like to categorize food as good or bad… so in my opinion, everything is allowed. Please help, I’ve been trying to broaden my palate and have been able to eat so much more foods than before. If you have a protein shake daily, you can remove 1 meal from the plan and replace it with the protein shake. I had some ques. Could I drink a protein shake in its place on days that I work (only 2 days) for meal 2? *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. I plan to do this for 3-4 weeks. yes these would be a good choices, especially with your breakfast or as a snack before you workout! Does this affect the 2-3 hour window for eating. I really just want to have all my meals on point! At the same time, they introduce long fasting periods, leaving you hungry and miserable. I personally prefer unprocessed whole foods for optimal health and weight loss . Personally I would NOT recommend going under 1400 calories, which should work fine for you if you choose 5 meals out of the 6. Comments must be approved before appearing, Tiger Fitness Inc.150 Commerce DriveLoveland, OH 451401-877-397-3801Email: click here. I was just wondering if this plan would work for someone who cant exercise (post surgery)? so that you can get then ready quickly. what about the rest of the day.. or do I just mix n match 3 meals into one day? Ideally, you want to prepare your meals/lunches to go during this 7-day meal plan. Yes it’s cooked Felicia! If I feel hungry, which I probably will, can I add more veggies such as a bowl of broccoli or cabbage? This meal plan isn’t about starving yourself, it’s about fueling your body right when you feel hungry. Shall I split it over 7 days or cook more. This challenge isn’t far off from what I usually eat except I usually avoid any kind of grains (bread, pasta, rice, oats). Would a diet like this provide me with enough protein for that? Hi! This plan worked well! Rest Day. While your diet is responsible for 70% of your weight loss, you will only get the maximum benefits and results by regularly exercising. You can use this calorie calculator to get an estimate of your specific nutritional needs here: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/breastfeeding_calorie_calculator.htm. Hi Gina, You can substitute with beans, tofu, sprouts…. I think that you are getting enough protein for you body weight and size, just make sure you don’t over do it with the HIITs, it takes your body at least 24-48 hours to recover from this type of intensive training. You may like a smoothie from time to time? It all depends on when you wake up and go to sleep. Meal 4 for examples gives you just a few options that you can chose from but I believe that it’s enough for a 7 day meal plan. Glad to hear that you are benefiting from it . So instead of having breakfast before sleep, you can have the last meal of the day as listed in the meal plan! Hi Michelle! Make sure you follow the link provided to adjust the caloric intake for your own goals and needs . 15 seconds all-out and 45 seconds active recovery). and with this diet what kind of exercise do you recommend? Black Pepper: Helps in faster digestion and nutrient absorption. Yep, you should be fine! Hey Caitlin, if you really feel like you got weight to lose, I would recommend simply eating clean (real foods) and adding some high intensity training to your routine to lean out further more while maintaining a toned look . Thank you. , Hey Naomi! It all depends on your current eating habits (and other factors)… this meal plan is very practical when you are trying to build new healthy habits. . Hi, I have a question regarding the 4 ounces of protein in meals 2, 3 and 5, is this the weight before or after cooking for example chicken loses water after being grilled. Thanks a lot in advance , Hi are those measurements of oats are dry 1/2 cup or cooked? Hi Isabella, Is this only for 7 days or can you keep doing this after 7 days? I entered my information into the calculator and it says I need to eat almost 2700 calories to maintain my current weight. I followed this plan for 7 days and lost about 6 lbs as well as 3 inches off my waist. Loosing 5 pounds in two weeks makes much more sense and is also healthier. Hi John. I’ve been trying to change my eating habits and diet and have looked through countless of cookbooks an websites. Just completed the seven days and it went really well! Is this shredding diet safe to do weekly or just for 1 week? This is a meal plan that you can follow for 7 days (or more) with 6 daily meal options that you can play with and customize to your own needs and preferences. I have tried and literally find myself throwing up cause it too much for me. Hi Angela, It all depends on your specific goals and caloric needs. I workout 6x/wk with HIIT and strength train 4x/wk. You can substitute for the veggies of your choice Keep us posted on your progress! Run this program as outlined for 4 weeks, take a break, and repeat as many times as you'd like. One metabolic difference between men and women is women burn a greater ratio of fat to carbs than men, which is the reason why women tend to do very well on a low carb diet. 2) for Meal 3 I was hoping to replace tuna with chicken and I was jst wondering whether it’d cause any sort of imbalance in the diet plan? 2. High sugar and processed foods are what you want to avoid the most. And yes, you may substitute for the protein of your choice. I’m having a hard time because I’m so full even though it’s time to eat again. Fill your pantry with green and leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, whole grains, oatmeal, and brown rice. You can switch things up Tawaun. Hey Anna. , Welcome to MFS Raiza! Any info will be helpful. . REMEMER! I just cannot eat that much. You can prepare everything the way you like (besides deep frying and adding plenty of butter everywhere, lol). cool great also another question with meal 3 can i substitute the tofu with option 2 with a can of tuna instead? The directions to prepare meat are listen in the tips at the bottom of the post. As for the fat %, I wouldn’t worry too much, I always prefer opting for whole natural foods over the highly processed kind! Everybody is different and you should adjust this meal plan to your lifestyle and needs. As long as it doesn’t become croutons with a side of salad . This meal plan should serve you as a guide, you don’t need to follow it by the letter. I am a little worried because I am naturally already quite slim, so would this diet be less effective on me? obviously the nutritional needs would be different but the specific exercises? How do you cook the oats and the egg whites? PS. You can still satisfy your sweet tooth with some fruit, but for the most part, it will come down to preparing your meals from healthy raw ingredients. Awesome! Is it okay to exchange meals from different days. Thanks Jason… are you a columnist on mindbodygreen.com. http://www.freedieting.com/tools/breastfeeding_calorie_calculator.htm, http://www.mydreamshape.com/protein-calculator/, http://www.mydreamshape.com/category/tools/, http://www.freedieting.com/tools/calorie_calculator.htm, http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-6752687-10799155?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.muscleandstrength.com%2Fstore%2Felite-natural-protein.html&cjsku=DY0206, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRqAg4QHQTc, 13 Best Health & Fitness Websites for Women. I went from barely making 2 meals a day and that was pretty sporadic and I was probably overeating to this, and my first week I lost 10 pounds. Lateral Raises2.) Also, my “New Year’s Resolution Fitness Challenge” eBook will be available for purchase tomorrow! I’m not sure if it’s the diet or if I’m getting sick. So keep doing your best while slowly creating new habits that you can actually stick to. Address: 126 Fremont Pl, Los Angeles, CA 90005 USA | Phone: +1 845-559-4142 | Email: contact@myfitstation.com. I was always told to weight products before thermal treatment. I have not started yet, still completing the 7 day. You can still eat carbs, protein, and fat, but you want to get them from healthy sources. Again, the important thing is to keep to whole and natural food sources. Depending on the content, you can replace 1 meals for your protein shakes. Are you accurately measuring your food? Hi, my husband and I really need a change in our diet and we both need to loose weight. I know my diet requires me to eat my lean body mass weight in grams of protein. I am athletic and have run marathons but this switched up my workouts and with macro counting I look and feel amazing! How many egg whites exactly do u use for the oatmeal. before cooking but I wouldn’t worry too much about the minimal weight variations after/before cooking…. Hey Alison! Make sure you use the calorie calculator to get a basic idea of how much you should be eating on a day-to-day basis. I can already FEEL and SEE results. Hi! You can browse through MFS’s workout database & HIIT workouts here: https://myfitstation.com/tag/hiit/ Did you start the 7-day shredding meal plan?? What could I replace the oatmeal and quinoa with? It’s easy to follow, not overly limiting what you can eat, and within just a few days, you’ll see some results. Hey Sheena! Workout. Only thing I have an issue with is the 4 oz protein for meals 2,3 & 5. I usually prepare “potages”, basically cooking up veggies with little water and then season to taste and blend to a smooth and creamy texture. Also, I noticed that you don’t include cheese, is cheese a no, no? I have a quick question…I work in a dental office so there is no way to have that second meal with protein and veggies while I’m at work. Mustard Seed: Boosts metabolism even after up to 25 hrs of consumption. To get shredded, you need to pay close attention to diet, exercise, and body composition. Taking a diet break DOES NOT mean ditching your diet. ► 4 oz sweet potato. The overall formula consists of natural substances that don’t just work great on their own but complement each other for an added boost. Also, whenever you have the option to eat unprocessed foods, that’s definitely what I would recommend and the goal behind this 7-day meal plan…. Spices are known to rev up your metabolism..so you can burn more calories without lifting a finger. Perhaps you can have sprouted Quinoa toasts with a whole egg? Hope this clears things up! protein + 1 healthy carbohydrate (+ 1 cup veggies: optional), option 1: 1 can tuna (in water) with 1/2 yam,  and 2 tbsp. You must feel amazing. I can loose weight quick but gain it back because I indulge myself in sweets. Bodyweight Hip Thrusts, 1.) thanks so much for this life changing meal plan. my question to you is, is this geared to a woman’s shredding, or can a man also use this. Would eating too much Greek yogurt make me fat? And I go to the gym 6 days a week and lift weights. Hey I am going to start this monday.. just 1 question.. do you have to follow this in order or can I switch some of the meals around? , It is really up to you to decide, personally I prefer eating whole food but again, we all have different preference. Personally I like my eggs on the side! There are no silly questions James You should be eating about 5-6 mini meals a day, if that does not work for you, you can have 3-4 bigger meals (just make sure that you are eating the approriate amount of calories for your weight and fitness goals). There is a lot of reasons why shredding diet for females is so popular but the main thing is that we don't have to give up any food and we never get hungry. I am far from my goal but have seen some good results by following a diet similar to this for about 2 months now and went from 163lbs to now 151. You might also want to try intermittent fasting to boost your fat loss and hold on to those hard earned muscles, you can watch this video for more info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QRqAg4QHQTc. Dumbbell Bicep Curls3.) sweeteners). I’ve read the question but yet have seen anyone comment on weather or not they have lost any weight on this plan. Keep it simple and balanced, use whole ingredients and spice your meals the way you enjoy eating it , I plan on starting this shred tomorrow. Hi Hana, there are 5 meal examples for the full day, you can switch your carb/protein/fat sources as you go! This sounds like a sales pitch, haha! . Also, could I switch the Meal 3 carb with Meal 5 veggies to have the carb for dinner? I’m wondering if you can provide a guide as to what time frame wax meal should be consumed? this is a great post with valuable eating tips. 1-2 Isolation Exercises to Target Lagging Muscle Groups. Can I keep following this meal plan until I reach my desired weight? So you eat all of these meals (6 meals total) everyday? hummus (see recipe HERE), option 3: 1 apple + 1 tbsp. The other two mealls: protein shake with rice cakes and breakfast is ekekiel bread, 6 egg whites, cup of veggies. ), option 1: 1/2 cup cottage cheese + cinnamon, option 2: 1/2 plain natural yogurt + cinnamon (you can add stevia for sweetness), option 2: scoop of your favorite protein powder with water or almond milk. Hey Alak, sure thing, you can substitute for the protein of your choice! Also, and this question is off topic, but should I count calories before or after working out? I just started this diet and I was wondering, isn’t 1 cup of egg whites too much? I’ve lost about 3-4 pounds and can see a better definition with my body. I have measured my body weight with the formula you have provided but it works out at approximate 53.0 grams per serving each protein serving. That being said, the recipes, diet plan, and exercise prescriptions in Shred are quite sensible. In many cases, initial weight loss is mostly due to higher water loss and the body cleaning out… not to say that you haven’t lost fat, but perhaps not 9 pounds. Should it be one cup cooked or raw? Hi Gina, if you workout right after waking up, you can eat afterward… otherwise, you can have your first meal, wait 1-3 hours before exercising. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Thanks so much. Every single day is a brand new day to focus on shedding unwanted weight as well as staying healthy and this website has offered me a solution to remain targeted and I’m making great leaps toward achieving my ultimate figure. is very important that you force yourself to eat breakfast everyday. You can expect to lose 2-3 pound of pure fat, anything more than that can be water or simply the body cleaning up.”, Hi, Isabella i just have a couple of questions to ask you I been trying to lose weight and watch what I eat from time I’m 5’0″ weighing 160 I lost all my weight before but it came right now back I been working out for the past month now and I’m still having trouble about my weight it’s kinda hard form me to lose my belly pouch cause of my c section I really want to try your meal will me and my fiend want to try your mean plan any tips would help for us. As I mentioned in the comment right below, I would also recommend grabbing a copy of “The Body Fuel System” if you would like to educate yourself more when it comes to healthy nutrition for weight loss, performance and genuine health! Maintenance 2448 CALORIES/DAY Fat Loss 1958 CALORIES/DAY Extreme Fat Loss 1469 Thank you so much, It’s up to you John, most probably, you will find what works best fr YOU with trial and error! I started this diet Monday and have been getting bad head aches and feel sluggish. For meal 3, option 3, what size is the portion of beans? Isabella, I really like your meal plan and can’t wait to try it this week! I don’t want to screw that up! Hi Roqui, I don’t think I mentioned any pitas in my meal plan, where did you see this please? 2) I’ve got a sweet tooth as well, I hear ya! On days I do HIIT it’s for cardio and I do 20min HIIT and 10-20min low impact depending on whether it is also a strength training day or not. Thanks! Its incredible how satisfying the menu and options are! Sounds great Andrea! For example, for meal 1, you can have oatmeal or eggs, meal 2 can be your choice of protein and veggies, etc. Hope this clears it up…. If you feel hungry, EAT. Are other fruits like apples too high in natural sugar? You can use calorie count: http://caloriecount.about.com/. You can use the calorie counter found in the meal plan guidelines to get an estimate of your needs depending on your specific goal. Thank you so much for sharing this plan!! Meal 3 is: 4 oz. Seeking a wee bit of clarification: Meal 3 — serving size for the tuna; a 3oz can or a 5oz can? I’m glad you found what you where looking for! Would you be interested in link exchange? Hi Tina. Yes Victoria, you can substitute for the protein of your choice, see the tips section at the bottom of the post for some ideas, there are also some healthy fat options listed (you can use olive oil and avocadoes in your salad for example). Love yourself and enjoy the journey xoxo Isabella. For example, if you are eating just enough calories to support fat loss during 7 days, I’d recommend eating a little more for 2-3 days (for maintenance) before going back to fat burning mode, hope this helps! also in the protein shake option is it ok to add fruit ? A couple questions. can i stay on this plan longer than 7 days, Hi Tyrone, There is no danger in eating healthy for a longer period of time, just make sure you are including enough calories into your diet… I personally think it does us more good than bad to have to occasional treat and eat something that we really crave even if it’s not the most healthy option out there . Because the goal is just a few days away, it’s a lot easier to stay motivated, and the results will speak for themselves. I can’t find a concrete answer online. Resistance training, low-intensity exercise and NEAT (Non-exercise activity … Tips for a Former Fat Girl That Wants to Compete in Bikini and Figure, The Fat Loss Factor Book by Marc Lobliner, Cable Fly (Perform 1 giant set comprised of 5 drop sets), Use the rest-pause method; rest 30s between sets, Leg Extensions (Perform 1 giant set comprised of 5 drop sets), LISS Exercises - (Incline) Walking, Jogging, Swimming, Cycling, Elliptical. But there are many other benefits to fueling your body adequately, from feeling happier to having more energy and motivation to workout, it’s definitely a win-win! I know you’re tired of answering the oatmeal question but how do you prepare it, I read 1/2 cup oats to about 1 cup of water but how/when do you add your egg whites?? I’ve been eating clean for 2 days and noticed my sugar cravings or any cravings in general are gone. broccoli vs. avocado). Would you recommend an additional protein shake after (for a total of 7 meals) or is meal 5 ok for postworkout? is this correct? Hi Erika, my blogging gal Myriam is actually starting to prep for a bikini competition. You can get a general idea of your caloric needs with this calculator: http://www.freedieting.com/tools/breastfeeding_calorie_calculator.htm. Can i use coconut oil to cook my proteins? You may want to double check with your trainer to make sure! This meal plan can be adjusted to your specific goals and calorie calculator seen in the tips section, you can eat only 3 times if you prefer but you shouldn’t be starting yourself. Personally, I prefer raw, vegan protein powder. The implication of a diet break is taking a break from the DEFICIT, by just bumping up calories slightly to maintenance level. Once you know what your body needs to perform optimally and to get the best results you can make the proper adjustments. I train in the mornings and always hae a postworkout whey shake with water and a carb. Hi again. Hi iam a mother to a 10 month old im 18 yrs old. I will look into the video and also look up intermittent fasting. lol. It wouldn’t be uncommon to lose 2 to 3 pounds in just one week, and after that, you can increase your calories again to normal levels. Have a lovely day . In the morning I usually eat my oatmeal and I seriously make it taste amazing (using bananas, nut butter, raisins, cinnamon, vanilla flavored protein – you see how this can be delicious and nutritious all at once) so I don’t really feel deprived. Great! about the shredding diet: 1. In this case, grab a lite and healthy snack! I’m obese and need to shred about 110 lbs. 3) Eating healthy, real, non-processed foods is ALWAY healthy, when I recommend going back to your regular diet I suggest that you can become more flexible by enjoying treats here and there, etc. Hey Stephanie. This can only be bought online? Thank you for answering!! While each body operates on the same basic metabolic rules, each one also differs in terms of biochemistry and metabolic rate. Today is the first day of starting this diet and I have two questions; in examples for 1/2 cup oatmeal, 1/2 brown rice, or 1/2 quinoa are these measurements before or after cooking? Have a great week . and of course, feel free to throw in a little treat every now and then, it’s a lifestyle & you don’t want to feel like you are not allowed to have a little something that is “not-so-healthy” from time to time. It states Perform 3 to 5 rounds bad diet 6 150lbs with a 1:3 all-out active! Not the oatmeal breakfast lose with the meal plan developed an egg intolerance weight... Is in this very post ( see recipe here ), healthy.... You as a snack as in a substitute for the purpose of this short-term approach is raw. And quinoa measured before or after cooking???????. A snack push since the results are really amazing for protein in raw or! 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