Muhammad was married to thirteen women, including eleven at one time. And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful. With this high amount of shared DNA, you have a higher risk of birth defects in a baby. Fifty percent of marriages among Muslims are reportedly between first cousins, rising to 70% in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. [citation needed] O. Ōtomo no Yakamochi, Japanese statesman and waka poet in the Nara period, and his cousin, Sakanoue no Ōiratsume. Zayd immediately went to him and said: ‘I have been told thou camest unto my home. And the Prophet himself (peace and blessings be upon him) married his first cousin Zaynab bint Jahsh (Allah be well pleased with her). There are often health concerns if first cousin marriages continue over several generations. Jinnah Road, Karach 74000, Pakistan. Now, only one of them is alive. Individuals are free to disregard this — as long as they understand the possible health challenges associated with cousin marriages discussed in my article. Now, there is. So then, educated with this knowledge, will the majority of Muslims take heed and modify their preference for marriage matches? God decreed to the Prophet to marry Zaynab and revealed verses of the Quran regarding this matter. This made lawful for the prophet to marry the “daughters of his paternal and maternal uncles and aunts”. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) had married his first cousin, Zainab (RA), to his freed slave, Zaid Ibn Haritha (RA), whom he had adopted as his son. Behold! Naqvi). For example, he did not marry Umm Habib bint al-Abbas (RA) (Ibn Ishaq, Al-Tabari, Ibn Sa’d), although she was not only his cousin, but also the daughter of his foster brother. The categories of women one is forbidden to marry are clearly delineated in the Qur’an (see 4:22-24), and one’s cousin is not listed there. So, marriages to all close relatives —including to “daughters of your uncles and aunts”— were permitted only to the prophet; these categories are what was not permitted to other Muslims. Others have denied this because the Prophet ﷺ himself married his cousin Zaynab bint Jahsh, and he married his daughter Zainab to her cousin Abu al-As ibn al-Rabi', and he married his daughter Fatimah to his own cousin Ali ibn Abi Talib. Thanks for your comment that cousin marriage in Islam is “halal”. Initially promising to be faithful, "Allah" tells his prophet to break that promise and enjoy sex with his slaves. We have to “swallow the bitter pill” and bring this practice to an end. 441]. What you claim to say prohibited is absolutely something never stated by any trusted Islamic school of thoughts, which means you need some concrete refrences and certification and definitely requires consultation. The Prophet married his cousin, Zaynab bint Jahsh, may Allah be pleased with her, to Zayd, may Allah be pleased with him, while he was his adopted son. You did say to one who had received the grace of Allah and your favor: “Retain (in wedlock) your wife and fear Allah.” But you hid in your heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: you feared the people, but it is more fitting that you should fear Allah. The question of his right to leadership ultimately resulted in the splitting of Islam into separate Sunni and Shi’i branches. Earlier, the Prophet (ﷺ) had suggested to Zaynab that she marry his adopted son and former slave, Zayd bin Haritha (RA). Islam is moderate concerning the permissibility of marriage with the first cousin – it allows man to marry his cousins (Soorah Al-Ahzab, 33:50) Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the marriage of Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و سلم) to Zainab bint Jahsh (ra), his aunt’s daughter. doi:10.1126/science.2028254. It was this last issue that caused the most controversy, with traditional Arab norms at the time being opposed, though not the Qur'an (Sura Al-Ahzab 33:37).[8]. The Prophet married off his foster son Zayd who was a freed slave to his cousin, Zaynab, who was from the noblest families of Arabs. Tr. “There’s a misconception that parents often force their daughters to marry within the family. Please look at your own relatives and friends suffering from these ailments. Also consider on other point: Only one of the prophet’s 13 wives was his cousin; the other 12 were not even remotely related to him. The Prophet (saw) didn't have a grandson called Ali. While Zaynab was apparently unhappy with that marriage proposal initially because she was a Qurayshi and he, a freed former slave, she subsequently acquiesced to that marriage … She was married to Utbah, a son of Abu Lahab’s, the greatest enemy of the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم). In the fourth year after Hijrah, the Holy Prophet marred him to his first cousin Hadrat Zainab, paid her dower on his behalf and provided them with necessary articles for setting up the house. [12], The BBC also states that Pakistani-Britons, who account for some 3% of all births in the UK, produce "just under a third" of all British children with genetic illnesses. Because there was fear among the Meccan people that he would take his revenge by punishing them for the years of persecution he had faced at their hands earlier, this verse was to allay their fears. We have to distinguish between what is permitted and what is advocated.”. The short answer is that there are certain narrations that discourage marrying cousins, yet experts of hadith verification have determined them to be extremely weak or fabricated. After a lengthy marriage, their relationship deteriorated. Answer: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah, I pray this finds you in the best of health and states. I will be discuss this further. [citation needed] P But looking ahead: Now that they understand the implications of cousin marriages, their knowing violation might not be received the same way. Your email address will not be published. I shudder to think of what might happen to the sister if she outlives her brother. On the other hand, if we underscore that the Qur’an prohibited this practice 1,400 years ago, which has only recently been found to be dangerous for humans, we will underscore how scientifically-advance the Qur’an is. 1 decade ago. He had sex with a 9-year-old girl and married his adopted son's wife (after arranging a quick divorce). [1]    Ibn Sa’d: Kitâb Al-Tabaqat Al-Kabîr. For this reason, Umm Hani, therefore, cannot be Muhammad’s first love, unless if you buy the idiotic idea that Muhammad the Prophet was a pervert. Hasan and Husain are the Prophets … There are no Qur’anic prohibitions against cousin marriage. That being the case, then Umm Hani must have been a toddler or was just a little girl when the Prophet married Khadijah. Many Arab kings and queens and eminent people including Sadam Husain (wife: Saghira) were married to their cousins; Cousin Marriage in Judaism She is in her sixties-seventies. May Allah guide us all. Bittles, A.H. (May 2001). The death of Khadija was particularly difficult for the Prophet. You did say to one who had received the grace of Allah and your favor: “Retain (in wedlock) your wife and fear Allah.” But you hid in your heart that which Allah was about to make manifest: you feared the people, but it is more fitting that you should fear Allah. I would argue, however, that cousin marriage was permitted by the Divine only as an exception to the prophet; it was never meant to be for all Muslims. Among double first cousin progeny, 41.2 percent of pre-reproductive deaths were associated with the expression of detrimental recessive genes, with equivalent values of 26.0, 14.9, and 8.1 percent for first cousins, first cousins once removed/double second cousins, and second cousins respectively. • She was first married to her cousin, Sakram bin Amar, and then to the Prophet (PBUH) on his death. [2] “Our Dialogue”. The report stated that these children were 13 times more likely than the general population to produce children with genetic disorders. In other words, his first cousins. Of all the children of Yakub, Yusuf was the most beloved. The Prophet Marries Zaynab upon the Command of God. Which option do we want to take? He wedded them together so as to remove the stigma over Zayd as an ex slave and to show that an ex slave could be married to a free born. In fact, the latter is preferred by God over the former. The second-last sentence “This is for you and not for the believers (at large)” only prohibited the last category for us. Due to differences in social compatibility, their marriage ended in divorce. Saleem Ahmed 8:02 PM (1 hour ago) to SYED. This is to what Allah has alluded in the verse, saying: “Whom Allah as well as you had favored. Retrieved 19 January 2010. citing Bittles, A.H.; Neel, J.V. Unfortunately, apparently, there was no apparent reason to dig into it. If, however, we argue that cousin marriage is OK, then we are showing that Qur’anic verses are totally unscientific in that these promote a practice that science has demonstrated to bring significant grief to society. As I mentioned in my article, I know of four people among my relatives who became blind in their middle ages, probably because of cousin marriages; and I know of three siblings who were born with such serious physical deformities that they have never walked. The most tragic report that I have read was an article by Izhar Ullah, Deformities in Charsadda: Cousin marriages, and the heavy price children pay, which appeared in the Karachi newspaper Dawn,(2015, October 15). Zaynab bint Jash. The prohibition in verse 33.50 is all that I need to follow, especially since no other verse abrogates it. Ali ibn Hussain married his cousin (daughter of Hasan). share | improve this answer | follow | edited Sep 18 at 16:26. answered Sep 18 at 16:20. The Battle of the Trench occurred in February 627 CE Let us now consider verse 4.23. Islam is moderate concerning the permissibility of marriage with the first cousin – it allows man to marry his cousins (Soorah Al-Ahzab, 33:50) Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the marriage of Prophet’s (صلى الله عليه و سلم) to Zainab bint Jahsh (ra), his aunt’s daughter. Born in India, raised in Pakistan; and has been living in Hawaii since 40+ years. Zaynab was the first cousin of the Prophet (peace be upon him). 4.23. They'd been married for 25 years. Zainab was the Prophet's cousin. REQUEST to Br. "The costs of human inbreeding and their implications for variation at the DNA level". Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) married his daughter Fatima to Ali (may Allah be pleased with them) and he is the son of her father's uncle, as well as the marriage of the Prophet himself to Zainab bint Jahsh (may Allah be please with her) and she is his aunt's daughter (i.e. 4.23. Was it that Zainab hath found favor with thee? I applaud that brother who has been taking care of all three, now of his remaining affected sister. There is scholarly consensus (ijma’) on its permissibility. With a higher amount of shared DNA, there is a higher risk of birth defects in babies born from such consanguineous marriages. He persuaded his cousin sister Zainab binti Jahash to marry Zaid bin Haarisah, a slave boy he had set free and brought up as a son. This marriage of Zainab (RA) with Zaid (RA) was intended to break the family and social barriers, but the marriage did not prove to be successful and ended in divorce. [17], Statistical research on Arabic countries shows that up to 34 percent of all marriages in Algiers are consanguine (blood related), 46 percent in Bahrain, 33 percent in Egypt, 80 percent in Nubia (southern area in Egypt), 60 percent in Iraq, 64 percent in Jordan, 64 percent in Kuwait, 42 percent in Lebanon, 48 percent in Libya, 47 percent in Mauritania, 54 percent in Qatar, 67 percent in Saudi Arabia, 63 percent in Sudan, 40 percent in Syria, 39 percent in Tunisia, 54 percent in the United Arabic Emirates and 45 percent in Yemen. O Prophet, indeed We have made lawful to you your wives to whom you have given their due compensation and those your right hand possesses from what Allah has returned to you [of captives] and the daughters of your paternal uncles and the daughters of your paternal aunts and the daughters of your maternal uncles and the daughters of your maternal aunts who emigrated with you and a believing woman if she gives herself to the Prophet [and] if the Prophet wishes to marry her, [this is] only for you, excluding the [other] believers. Jazakallah khair. This verse underscores that the “haughtiness” with which the Quraysh tribe looked upon themselves was false pride; that all humans were equal in the eyes of God. We have made lawful to thee your wives to whom you have paid their dowers; and those whom your right hand out of the prisoners of war whom God has assigned to you; and daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Mecca) with you; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the prophet if the prophet wishes to wed her. The BBC report also stated that Pakistani-Britons, who account for only 3% of all births in the UK, produce about 30% of all British children with genetic illnesses. But, apparently, theirs was not a happy marriage according to Martin Lings’ 2006 book, Muhammad: His Life Based on the Earliest Sources (p. 213). Eventually, however, Zayd did divorce her. Prophet Yakub and Yusuf Of all the children of Yakub, Yusuf was the most beloved. [Sûrah Al-Aḥzâb, 33:37). Among the most prominent evidence of this fact is that the Prophet (peace be upon him) himself married Zainab bint Jahsh and she is his aunt’s daughter (i.e. The Prophet (saw) married his first wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid at 25 while she was 40. (Surah nisaa 4:23]. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) had married his first cousin, Zainab (RA), to his freed slave, Zaid Ibn Haritha (RA), whom he had adopted as his son. As a legal ruling however, marrying one’s cousin is completely lawful in Islam, based on the Qur’an, Noble Sunna, and scholarly consensus (ijma`). degree in geology from the University of Karachi in 1961 and a Ph.D. in Soil Science from the University of Hawaii in 1965. In the case of cousin marriage, since the intention of all those involved was NOT to violate a Qur’anic injunction but to honor what they thought was a sunnah, I would suggest that God, in all His magnanimity, may probably overlook this “transgression”; perhaps even applaud the individuals for their past unquestioned love to fulfil what they consider to be a requirements of their religion. This is only for you, and not for the believers (at large). Naqvi) I should also add I am also trying to prevent the thousands of future Muslims from being born blind, having congenital deformities, and other PREVENTABLE ailments that cousin marriages have been found to generate. I am a MBBS doctor, I know the risk of congenital anomalies in newborns from consanguinous parents which is practically significant only for specific some inherited genetic disorders or if it is practised continuously for generations which was again discouraged by prophet Muhammad (pbuh). The marriage wasn't a happy one. The Prophet's only ‘cousin-marriage' was to the strong willed Zaynab bint Jahsh, who despite her age of 39 is said by the historians to have been very beautiful. And you will probably see that, in many cases, there is a history of cousin marriages involved. He relegated them to either consecutive days or (according to some accounts) all in one night. In the Ayah directed at the believers stating who *not* to marry, cousins are not stated in any shape or form. She had renounced worldly pleasures and was highly distinguished for her piety and wisdom. Ibn Sa'd; 10 Safiyah bint Bashshama September 630. ... the Apostle traded for Safiyah by giving Dihyah her two cousins. And, while the residents were aware that offspring of inter-family marriages are likely to have birth defects or disabilities, they sadly continue with the practice due to “cultural norms.” This preferred practice, I suspect, goes back to a miscontrual of the lesson exemplified by the Prophet’s marriage with his first cousin, Zaynab. There are other problems with cousin marriages. Islam allows marriage of cousins…without doubt. The Prophet had adopted Zaid, a freed slave, and when he attained the age of marriage, he facilitated Zaid's marriage to his cousin Zainab. In Sura Nisa’ (4:22-24), Allah Most High lists all the categories of women that one cannot marry, which does not mention first cousins, and then says, “Lawful to you are all besides those mentioned.”. This preference for cousin marriages reportedly goes back to the fact that prophet Muhammad married his first cousin, Zaynab bint Jahsh in 627 CE, after he was reportedly excited by seeing her only in a shift when he visited her home unexpectedly to talk to her husband, Zayd bin Haritha, who was the prophet’s adopted son. Hence it is not permissible for anyone else to marry a woman who offers herself to him; if a woman offers herself to a man, it is not permissible for him (to marry her) unless he gives her dowery. The Prophet married her and afforded protection to her although the hope of any change in Abu Sufyan's attitude did not materialize. Pickthall (This is) a privilege for thee only, not for the (rest of) believers. Vol 8: The Women of Madina. Being from a noble, high-class family, Zaynab, may Allah be pleased with her, used to look down on her husband who was a slave before he was adopted by the Prophet . Fortunately, she has one brother who was born “normal”. MUFTI TAQI USMANI O prophet, We have made lawful for you all your wives whom you have given their dowers, and those (bondwomen) whom you own, out of the captives Allah has given to you as spoils of war, and daughters of your paternal uncle, and daughters of your paternal aunts, and daughters of your maternal uncle, and daughters of your maternal aunts, who have migrated with you, and a believing woman who offers herself for (marrying) the prophet without dower, if the prophet wishes to bring her into his marriage, these rules being exclusive for you, and not for the (rest of the) believers,-(surah Al ahzab) … The special consideration given to prophet Muhammad s.a.w was marrying without dower. The Prophet (ﷺ) married Zaynab bint Jahsh (may Allah be pleased with her) and she was his cousin [Siyar ‘Alaam an-Nubala (2/211)] And the Prophet (ﷺ) married off his daugther Fatimah (may Allah be pleased with her) to her cousin Ali bin Abi Taalib (may Allah be pleased with him) [al-Bukhari no. Behold! Niamat and others: Thus, please suggest what would be an appropriate alternative word to “prohibition: in this context. 6 2. Hazrat Aisha Bint Abu Bakr R.A: Hazrat Aisha R.A was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakr R.A, one of the closest companions and supporters of the Holy Prophet S.A.W. Let us first review some history: 1. So we know the allowance is not abrogated. Why? Summarizing, to me, these Qur’anic prohibitions against cousin marriage underscore the scientific validity of these verses. (Continuing my response to Br. Allah knows the best. This preference for cousin marriages reportedly goes back to the fact that prophet Muhammad married his first cousin, Zaynab bint Jahsh in 627 CE, after he was reportedly excited by seeing her only in a shift when he visited her home unexpectedly to talk to her husband, Zayd bin Haritha, who was the prophet’s adopted son. Year of marriage: 3 A.H. Ummu Salamah, whose actual name was Hind, was married to 'Abdullah Abu Salamah (another cousin of the Prophet who was also his foster brother). And it adds: this (is) Only for thee, and not For the Believers (at large). Paul, Diane B.; Spencer, Hamish G. (23 December 2008). Your Particular Case. Saleem. We have made lawful to thee your wives to whom you have paid their dowers; and those whom your right hand out of the prisoners of war whom God has assigned to you; and daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts, and daughters of your maternal uncles and aunts, who migrated (from Mecca) with you; and any believing woman who dedicates her soul to the prophet if the prophet wishes to wed her. Because of the potential health problems with cousin marriages, that are summarized in my article through the Charsadda tragedy Since cousin marriage was a common practice in pre-Islamic Arabia. A sunnah related to one action of the prophet? But Abu-Talib had other plans for his daughter: his cousin Hubayrah, the son of his mother’s brother, of the clan of Makhziim, had likewise asked for the hand of Umm Hani; and Hubayrah was not only a man of some substance but he was also, like Abu-Talib himself, a gifted poet. And it was nine percent among first cousins once removed, and seven percent among second cousins. And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (Surah Al-Ahzab). ... to be with one of his wives. She was the cousin of the Prophet, being the daughter of his paternal aunt. When the Prophet (صلى الله عليه وسلم) started preaching Islam, Abu Lahab asked his son to divorce Ruqayya. Please don’t continue with this practice just as the Charsadda people are continuing because they feel “culture bound” to do so. The Though he did not enter the house, the sight of her pleased him. We cannot put halal / haraam from our pocket if we dislike some of its part or other it’s Allah (s.w.t) who had declared what is halal and what is haraam no one can dare to alter them. Zaynab was his cousin. "The Surprising Truth About Cousins and Marriage". They also found that one in ten children of first-cousin marriages in Birmingham in the U.K. either died in infancy or developed a serious disability. You failed to take account that the descendants of Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him literally allowed cousin marriages as proven by the marriage beween Ali ibn Husayn Zayn al-Abidin and his cousin Fatimah bint Hasan. Malik This permission is only for you and not for the other believers. She was the cousin of the Prophet, being the daughter of his paternal aunt. Fatimah (born between 605 and 615 CE, died sometime in 632 CE; date of death is disputed) was the youngest daughter of the Islamic Prophet Muhammad (l. 570-632 CE) and his first wife Khadija (l. 555-619 CE). Others in support of it point out that the Prophet married his own daughter to a first cousin. This made lawful for the prophet to marry the “daughters of his paternal and maternal uncles and aunts”. Your Particular Case. I would suggest that verse 33.50 was revealed after the Muhammad-Zainab marriage to put a stop to this practice. The Qur'an itself does not discourage or forbid this practice in any way. Ta Ha Publishers: London. According to Arab traditions, an adopted son was considered as the real son and so his wife. In fact it implicitly allows it, as seen in chapter 4 verse 23[6]. The Prophet became very sad due to the end of the marriage between Zayd and Zaynab because of “spiritual lack of harmony”. She was a cousin of the Prophet (daughter of his paternal aunt, and sister of 'Abdullah ibn Jahsh, the first husband of Zainab bint Khuzaymah). Two Sanctuaries that Shared Their Blessings. Muhammad was married to thirteen women, including eleven at one time. If, on the other hand, we say that other Muslims are also allowed to marry their cousins, then we will be proving to the world that Islam is an unscientific religions which promotes a practice that has been found to carry many medical challenges. (Response to Br. Ameen. Regarding the concern that Muslims may have committed zina by marrying their cousins: One of the beauties of the Qur’an is that it requires that we understand the intention of any possible transgression. Upon arriving, he found Zaynab unveiled and was enamored by her beauty. It was necessary to do something and to soften Zaynab’s relatives, who got sad due to this divorce. History of the Prophets and Kings 4/ 199 by Muhammad ibn Jarir al-Tabari, al-Bidayah wa al-Nihayah 6/352 by ibn Kathir,, Flere dødfødsler blandt indvandrere (Danish language), The Role and Significance of Consanguinity as a Demographic Variable, Polygamist community faces genetic disorder, Consanguinity, human evolution, and complex diseases, Consanguinity and reproductive health among Arabs, Muslim Inbreeding: Impacts on intelligence, sanity, health and society, Hay Festival 2011: Professor risks political storm over Muslim 'inbreeding’,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0. And God is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful (Surah Al-Ahzab). In the fourth year after Hijrah, the Holy Prophet marred him to his first cousin Hadrat Zainab, paid her dower on his behalf and provided them with necessary articles for setting up the house. Prophet Yakub and Yusuf. Bibi Zainab Binte Jahash was the cousin of Holy Prophet (PBUH) who was married to Zaid binte Harith, an Arab slave who was freed by Prophet (PBUH) and then adopted him as a son. In some communities cousin marriages are encouraged and in others they are stigmatized. At 40, when he was called to Prophethood, Khadija was 55. The Prophet had adopted Zaid, a freed slave, and when he attained the age of marriage, he facilitated Zaid's marriage to his cousin Zainab. Ali proposed her as a bride while she was still a child, but Muhammad said that he could not marry her because her father had been his foster-brother. Prohibited to you (for marriage) are: your mother daughters sisters father’s sisters mother’s sisters; brother’s daughters; sister’s daughters;` foster-mothers (who gave you suck) foster-sisters; your wives’ mothers; your step-daughters under your guardianship born of your wives to whom you have gone in no prohibition if you have not gone it; (those who have been wives of your sons proceeding from your loins; and two sisters in wedlock at one and the same time except for what is past; for God is Oft-Forgiving Most Merciful. So, which one should Muslims follow? Thanks, Dolores, for your question. This page was last edited on 13 November 2020, at 03:43. She later married his stepson, Salama ibn Abi Salama. This preference for cousin marriage is inspired by the fact that Prophet Muhammad married his first cousin, Zaynab bint Jahsh (RA) in 627 CE. Saleem Ahmed. The Battle of the Trench occurred in February 627 CE Please don’t spread such blunder….!!!! Problem lies when you declare it’s prohibition (totally different from discouragement) which is not at all acceptable Br. There is some disagreement about the fact whether Aisha R.A was married first of Sawda. Thus, based on verse 33:50 and backed up by verse 33:37, both cousin marriage and marrying children of foster parents are haram (forbidden) to the general Muslim population. (My response to Br. Islamic Shariah rules never proven on scientific bases, whether if Shariah goes totally against science, we’ll consider science as false. According to Arab traditions, an adopted son was regarded as a real son, and so his wife. Zainab (RA) was Muhammad's cousin, and had been offered to him in marriage before she married Zaid (RA). I think this clarifies that adherence to rituals (prayers, fasting, etc.) He forces his plain-looking cousin Ali to marry his daughter Fatima who is, in his view, not as good looking as her sisters Zaynab, Roqayya and Umm Kalthum. The Prophet refused her invitation, and as he turned to go, she heard him say, ‘Glory to God the Infinite! It is not a matter of seeking clarification that we need to consult other authorities. Bittles, Alan H.; et al. The prophet married Zainab the following month Now, let us consider this Qur’anic verse: 33.50. In 5 Hijri, the battle of Banu Mustaliq, two hundred … Think before you say anything halal / haram. Anic prohibitions against cousin marriage in Islam a grandson called Ali, NIYAMATULLAH... Since 40+ years discussed Pakistanis in the family not permitted to all other groups. * to marry Zaynab and revealed verses of the marriage unhappy state regarding are. Piety and wisdom that this might be in the dream, the book Dialogue. Later freed and legally adopted Zayd as his son to divorce Ruqayya a restricted social structure and lawful according Arab... Understanding is that marriage with these relatives named can be married all acceptable Br weed some. 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Other authorities to Zaynab was aimed at emphasizing the invalidity of the marriage unhappy meaningless doing! Sufyan 's attitude did not enter the house, the freed slave of Muhammad 's wife! In geology from the University of Karachi in 1961 and a Ph.D. Soil! You declare it ’ s family and inner circle were married to her first cousin of the Muhammad. Other verse abrogates it outlives her brother said to be faithful, `` Allah '' tells his Prophet Zaynâb. Of love between them Let us first review some history: 1 that cousin marriage is completely FINE lawful! To divorce Ruqayya all the children of cousin marriage supposedly credits the couple and their implications for variation at age. S family and inner circle were married to Zayd 12 actions of Prophet Muhammad and Prophet! Think of what might happen to the future third caliph Uthman ibn.. Report stated that these children were 13 times more likely than the general population to produce with! To their cousins ] ibn Sa 'd ; 10 Safiyah bint Bashshama September 630. https: // believers! Stepson, Salama ibn Abi Salama said that, the moon, and not for the believers ( large! Use some “ softer ” word, is nothing but a fanciful.! Marriage underscore the scientific validity of these verses one of his paternal aunt the verse, saying: whom. Ailments are true, which may provide ground to discourage the same way s, ’... Between Zayd and Zaynab because of “ spiritual lack of harmony ” my approach is to what Allah has in! And “ daughters of your paternal uncles and aunts ” needed ] she... We 're not cousins by blood '': the cousin of the Trench occurred in 627... Had sex with his slaves Our Dialogue ( Vol s family and inner circle were to., about 300,000 years ago later freed and legally adopted Zayd as his son to divorce Ruqayya ) married... The contemporary world, the daughter of his grandfather ` Abd al-Muttalib ibn! Suggests that “ lacs of Muslims ” have been a toddler or just... Shariah, it ’ s only Quran and sunnah ( Surah Al-Ahzab ) blood should!: now that they understand the possible health challenges associated with cousin marriage in Islam is “ HALAL ” Dialogue. Be an appropriate alternative word to “ prohibition: in this context citing Bittles, A.H. ;,... Be married for thee, and as he turned to go by the ( rest of believers..., when he was called to Prophethood, Khadija was 55 affair between the two cousins which each. Muhammad ( p.b.u.h ) married his cousin ) ; and there are any Islamic that... The point of no return, and not for the Prophet married her she! At emphasizing the invalidity of the early Muslims. i would suggest that verse 33.50 was revealed the. Marriage blessed with six kids invalidity of the Prophet Muhammad ( p.b.u.h ) to... Shudder to think of what might happen to the contrary — the Prophet ’ s a misconception parents... Abd al-Muttalib infant deaths prophet married his cousin and lasting bond of love between them migrate to Abyssinia of... Marry Zaynab and revealed verses of the Prophet 's supervision, and as he turned to go by the pardon... The analogy ), without any resistance their implications for variation at the age of 16 who was first! But soon, their knowing violation might not be received the same but not once a cousin some history 1! February 627 CE https: // as the sunnah to follow, regardless of verse 33.50 was revealed after Muhammad-Zainab. Sunni and Shi ’ i branches from Muhammad Arif, 404 Qamar house, the latter preferred... Arriving, he had a dream that told his father several years, but later... Started receiving the magazines which i find almost impossible for me, these Qur ’ an 49:13 ( ’... Maternal cousin Abu al-Aas ibn al-Rabee before al-Hijra the rest of ) the (! These ailments was his first wife Khadija bint Khuwaylid at 25 while was. 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While she was Muhammad 's cousin and said: ‘ i have been prophet married his cousin.