[164] J. Li, C.-X. 227 (2015) 89–95. upright, tall, smooth, noticeably jointed, hollow between nodes, reddish-purple mottling, ocrea (papery or membranous sheath) at nodes This product may adversely interact with certain health and medical conditions, other prescription and over-the-counter drugs, foods, or other dietary supplements. Biochem. Common Name: Japanese knotweed, Mexican bamboo. 34 (2016) 165–172. [179] Y. Zhu, B. Feng, S. He, Z. Su, G. Zheng, Phytomedicine 40 (2018) 20–26. 458 (2015) 86–91. Bass, D. Weinkove, K. Houthoofd, D. Gems, L. Partridge, Mech. [3] E.L. Wightman, C.F. [27] J.P. Crandall, V. Oram, G. Trandafirescu, M. Reid, P. Kishore, M. Hawkins, H.W. 77 (2018) 200–207. Neurol. [177] Y. Xu, C. Zhang, F. Wu, X. Xu, G. Wang, M. Lin, Y. Yu, Y. Polygonum cuspidatum Click on organism name to get more information. Carlsbad, CA 92008, Copyright J. Pharmacol. 91 (2010) 1590–1597. There are no common names associated with this taxon. Last updated on Dec 25, 2019. [161] T.-S. Chen, C.-H. Kuo, C.H. 38 (2019) 874–879. Ter. Sinclair, Cell Metab. Cohen, D.W. Lamming, S. Lavu, J.G. 7 (2007) 1221–1231. Ruiz-Ros, M.T. Med. Rep. 5 (2015) 8075. J. Biochem. COMMON NAME Japanese knotweed Mexican bamboo Fleece flower FULL SCIENTIFIC NAME Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb. Aging Sci. Ronse Decr. Chitrala, M. Nagarkatti, P. Nagarkatti, J. Clin. Hall, A.M. Huber, J.C. Kocan, J.A. The dried root of Polygonum cuspidatum > Sieb. Rev. [40] Y.-F. Zhang, Q.-M. Liu, Y.-Y. Secure Shopping with 100% industry Standard SSL. Moldenke, Fallopia japonica (Houtt.) Lincoln, Manaaki Whenua Press. What is EOL? van Oploo, D. Zhou, S. Dimick-Gray, L.M. Eshraghian, Int. It was prized and planted in many famous gardens. Haghighi-Zadeh, M. Zakerkish, Diabetes Metab. Pharmacol. [147] P. Wang, D. Li, W. Ke, D. Liang, X. Hu, F. Chen, Int. Pfeiffer, U.M. LLC [2] R.H.X. ID 66342 Symbol Key POCU6 Common Name Japanese knotweed Family Polygonaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Introduced to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution AK, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, GA, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD [57] H. Yang, A. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Ma, C. Wang, J. Stroke Cerebrovasc. Kennedy, Br. This information relates to an herbal, vitamin, mineral or other dietary supplement. Polygonum multiflorum, also known as fo-ti or Chinese Knotweed, is a perennial vine native to parts of China. 7 (2016) 77. Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc. Schrauwen-Hinderling, E. Blaak, J. Auwerx, P. Schrauwen, Cell Metab. Price, A.P. * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Navegantes-Lima, J.F. [115] K.P. Med. 15 (2012) 675–690. Biochem. 12 (2009) 445–453. [121] M. Sami-Ur-Rasheed, M.K. Look at other dictionaries: Polygonum cuspidatum — Japanischer Staudenknöterich Japanischer Staudenknöterich (Fallopia japonica) Systematik Klasse: Dreifurchenpollen Zw … Deutsch Wikipedia. [117] Y.K. We comply with the HONcode standard for trustworthy health information -. [134] A.S. Korsholm, T.N. 2020 Med. Polygonum cuspidatum Willd. One clinical study used an oral extract of P. cuspidatum 200 mg containing resveratrol 40 mg over 6 weeks for anti-inflammatory effect. [46] M. Shabani, A. Sadeghi, H. Hosseini, M. Teimouri, R. Babaei Khorzoughi, P. Pasalar, R. Meshkani, Sci. [141] P. Wang, J. Gao, W. Ke, J. Wang, D. Li, R. Liu, Y. Jia, X. Wang, X. Chen, F. Chen, X. Hu, Free Radic. Zheng, J. Hu, X.-H. Song, Y.-L. Shen, Y.-Y. 223 (2010) 343–351. Lee, J.E. Scientific Name: Polygonum cuspidatum (most common name in U.S. and Japan), also known as Reynoutria japonica (most common in U.K. and Europe), a movement exists to standardize name as Fallopia japonica. Interact. Scientific Name Polygonum cuspidatum ← → Other Common Names: Japanese bamboo. Polygonum cuspidatum; Common Name: giant knotweed: Japanese knotweed: Plant: Stems are hollow, and thickly clustered, closely resembling bamboo. Reay, G. Lietz, E.J. Common name: Japanese Knotweed Growth form: Large, herbaceous Life Span: Perennial Origin: Eastern Asia in Japan, China and Korea. [34] J.A. In animals and humans, resveratrol has supported a similar type of generalized resistance to many types of stress (i.e., adaptogen properties) when consumed in low amounts.*. Immunol. [137] J.M. Dunn, K. Sharma, N. Pleshko, L.A. Woollett, A. Csiszar, Y. Ikeno, D. Le Couteur, P.J. Aleman, J.C. da Rosa, Y. Liang, T. Iizumi, S. Etheve, M.J. Blaser, J. L Breslow, P.R. Variegated Fallopia. 38 (2016) 1895–1904. An, J. Pan, Metab. Commun. Allison, K.W. 38 (2016) 298–305. Scientific Name: Polygonum cuspidatum (most common name in U.S. and Japan), also known as Reynoutria japonica (most common in U.K. and Europe), a movement exists to standardize name as Fallopia japonica. Molnár, M. Mohás, L. Markó, B. Laczy, J. Cseh, E. Mikolás, I.A. 31 (2016) 837–848. Dyck, Diabetes 66 (2017) 418–425. Tripathi, D.K. It does NOT include all information about the possible uses, directions, warnings, precautions, interactions, adverse effects, or risks that may apply to this product. Med. Primary spread of the species is reported to be through mechanical movement of plant parts. 156 (2020) 83–98. Wang, G. Qin, F.-H. Chen, Endocrine Journal 62 (2015) 927–938. Herrick, M.B. 8 (2015) 61. Knyazeva, A.V. Chung, Diabetes 59 (2010) 554–563. 55 (2018) 341–353. Nutr. Ronse Decr., Pleuropterus zuccarinii (Small) Small, Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc. Cell Biol. 308 (2015) R840–6. [41] S.-Y. Plants reach up to … Göçmen, D. Burgucu, I. Karadoğan, A. Timurağaoğlu, S. Gümüşlü, Exp. 335 (2010) 149–154. Parenteral polydatin caused peritonitis in a subacute toxicity test in animals. [155] X.-H. Chen, Z.-G. Shi, H.-B. Obes. 8 (2017) 839–849. 5 (2014) 1452–1463. Polygonum cuspidatum (common name Japanese Knotweed) has been extensively used in Japanese and Chinese herbal traditions. Dew, D.O. [11] G. Li, G. Wang, J. Shi, X. Xie, N. Fei, L. Chen, N. Liu, M. Yang, J. Pan, W. Huang, Y. Xu, Neuropharmacology 133 (2018) 181–188. The Marine Invasions Research Lab at the Smithsonian Environmental Research Center (SERC) studies the invasion of Chesapeake Bay and other areas by nonindigenous species. 14 (2011) 612–622. J. Nutr. Liver Physiol. [110] T.D. With the exception of certain products that are generally recognized as safe in normal quantities, including use of folic acid and prenatal vitamins during pregnancy, this product has not been sufficiently studied to determine whether it is safe to use during pregnancy or nursing or by persons younger than 2 years of age. Longev. Immunopharmacol. Kim, B. Viollet, J.H. 62 (2014) 10928–10935. Polygonum … [144] N. Sreng, S. Champion, J.-C. Martin, S. Khelaifia, J.E. [83] E. Jo, R. Bartosh, A.T. Auslander, D. Directo, A. Osmond, M.W. Plants are large, up to 13' (4 m) in height. 122 (2020) 156–162. J. Pharmacol. Elliott, K.G. Singh, Protein Pept. Bailey, H. Mukhtar, N. Ahmad, Mol. Becker, O. Hubbard, A.T. Varela, J.G. Traditional uses of Japanese knotweed: Antibacterial, antiviral, against spirochetes, fungi, trematoda. Haskell, G. Williamson, T.P. Please enter your feedback regarding the status of this name in New Zealand. 13 (2017) 2727–2736. [67] J.J. Docherty, M.M. Brain Res. 50 (2018) 1–15. Arias, J. Wang, T.A. [43] K. Bozdemir, E. Şahin, N. Altintoprak, N.B. Marin, R. Otton, Chem. Blaak, Am. Scientific Name and Common Name; Kingdom: Plantae – Plants Subkingdom: Tracheobionta – Vascular plants Superdivision: Spermatophyta ... Polygonum cuspidatum Japanese knotweed Polygonum davisiae Davis' knotweed Polygonum douglasii Douglas' knotweed Polygonum equisetiforme . Common Names. Scribbans, J.K. Ma, B.A. Hsu, C.-S. Liu, G.-Y. Overview Appearance Reynoutria japonica is an upright herbaceous perennial shrub reaching heights of 10 ft. (3 m). Polygonum afromontanum Greenway. [38] J.M. Japanese knotweed escaped cultivation, overtook desirable vegetation and was recognized as a problem by the early 1900s. What Are the Benefits of Polygonum Multiflorum?. Kong, Q.-F. Rong, A.-W. Shi, K.-J. japonica (Houtt.) Song, S.Y. Liu, K. Xuan, Y.-P. Pan, Y. Jin, Exp. Immunopharmacol. Chen, Mol. 84 (2016) 130–138. Reay, C.F. Med. Nutr. 15 (2012) 507–515. Sci. Kim, E. Denou, C.-L.M. Overview Appearance Reynoutria japonica is an upright herbaceous perennial shrub reaching heights of 10 ft. (3 m). Shafiee, F. Naghibalhossaini, M. Rasti, M.R. [107] M. Kodali, V.K. Related Species: Giant knotweed (Polygonum sachalinense F. Schmidt ex Maxim. Polygonum cuspidatum 'Variegata' Common name: Variegated Polygonum . 53 (2014) 361–371. Curated hierarchies for Polygonum cuspidatum. Pharmacother. Ali, R.M. Barger, T. Kayo, J.M. Terms & Conditions A study conducted in basketball players over 6 weeks did not report adverse events.Zahedi 2013, Information is limited.Du 2013, Peng 2013 The oral median lethal dose (LD50) of anthraquinones in mice is approximately 9 g/kg body weight. Zahedi, S. Jazayeri, R. Ghiasvand, M. Djalali, M.R. 349 (2018) 1–7. Japanese knotweed in language. [174] J.J. Johnson, M. Nihal, I.A. Resveratrol from Hu Zhang (Polygonum cuspidatum). Sun, Diabetes Metab. 123 (1998) 1691–1699. Immunopharmacol. Rep. 15 (2017) 1188–1194. Reynoutria japonica, synonyms Fallopia japonica and Polygonum cuspidatum, is a large species of herbaceous perennial plant of the knotweed and buckwheat family Polygonaceae. Dis. Lewis, L. Peshkin, N.L. Busbee, K.N. Polygonum cuspidatum — Japanischer Staudenknöterich Japanischer Staudenknöterich (Fallopia japonica) Systematik Klasse: Dreifurchenpollen Zw … Deutsch Wikipedia. ... Polygonum cuspidatum var. [153] M.L. [148] C.L. Song, X.-R. Cheng, S. Xia, M.R.T. Cell Biol. Hu zhang is the Chinese (pinyin) name for the herb Polygonum cuspidatum, which contains significant amounts of resveratrol. Biol. 72 (2019) 108218. Polygonum cuspidatum Root Extract (95% Resveratrol) is a concentrated extract of the root and contains not less than 95% resveratrol. [158] H. Liu, S. Zhang, L. Zhao, Y. Zhang, Q. Li, X. Chai, Y. Zhang, Stem Cells Int. Exerc. Wu, S. Leu, J.Y.H. Becker, P. Navas, D.K. Metab. Pharmacol. Chen, C.L. [79] H. Ghanim, C.L. Kennedy, Br. [1] D.O. [36] C.E. 110 (2013) 1421–1428. Davis, B. Varamini, A. Hafner, R. Moaddel, A.P. Bailey, and Reynoutria japonica Houtt. More infos: from the Japanese Knotweed is a variegated cultivar available. [93] L. Jiang, L. Zhang, K. Kang, D. Fei, R. Gong, Y. Cao, S. Pan, M. Zhao, M. Zhao, Biomed. Lee, S.K. Japanese knotweed is native to eastern Asia and was imported to England in the mid-1800s as an ornamental. Studies in rats and mice have shown antioxidant properties of P. cuspidatum that are generally attributed to the chemical constituents of resveratrol, polydatin, piceatannol, and anthraquinones and stilbenes.Kim 2010, Peng 2013, Piotrowska 2012, Zhang 2012 Carbon tetrachloride–induced liver injury and induced acute cerebral ischemia were reduced by oral extracts of P. cuspidatum.Kim 2010, Zhang 2012 In models of vascular dementia and Parkinson disease in rats, P. cuspidatum extract and polydatin administered orally resulted in improved cognitive and behavioral measures and increased antioxidant capacity in the relevant tissues.Li 2012, Wang 2011. [106] L. Tao, Q. Ding, C. Gao, X. Immune signaling (i.e., the communication molecules made by white blood cells) is an example, where low amounts of resveratrol have been sufficient to support signaling. Common English name: Japanese Knotweed Other names: Asian knotweed, Japanese Bamboo Latin (scientific) name: Fallopia japonica or Polygonum cuspidatum Pronunciation: po-LI-go-num cus-pi-DA-tum . Lee, D.P. At lower doses, resveratrol seems to signal cells that the environment may be more stressful, which causes cells to adapt in ways that support better function. The LD50 of emodin and polydatin is 250 and 1,000 mg/kg, respectively. Lee, S.-H. Shieh, Sci. Zheng, A.-Q. [55] N.-H. Guo, X. Fu, F.-M. Zi, Y. [81] R.C.S. [176] W. Huang, Z. Chen, Q. Wang, M. Lin, S. Wu, Q. Yan, F. Wu, X. Yu, X. Xie, G. Li, Y. Xu, J. Pan, Metab. Common Name: Japanese Knotweed Alternate Names: Japanese bamboo, Mexican bamboo, Japanese fleece flower, crimson beauty, Reynoutria, Hancock’s curse Scientific Names: Polygonum cuspidatum Siebold & Zucc., synonym Fallopia japonica (Houtt. [6] N.B. Gao, B. Liu, H. Liu, M.-J. Common Name: Japanese Knotweed. This product may be unsafe when used before surgery or other medical procedures. [122] Z.-M. Sun, P. Guan, L.-F. Luo, L.-Y. 114 (2015) 1427–1437. Polygonum adenopodum Sam. NZOR Identifier: 93dc68a3-cee6-4b13-a0f1-ec56caf5654e. 63 (2014) 20–25. Sci. Polygonum cuspidatum Root Extract (95% Resveratrol) is used for its resveratrol content. Wang, R. Zhang, Y.-X. [25] G. Spanier, H. Xu, N. Xia, S. Tobias, S. Deng, L. Wojnowski, U. Forstermann, H. Li, J. Physiol. Japanese knotweed in English Japanese polygonum in language. Alrafas, P.B. EU/UK Privacy Policy Wolf, Z. Ungvari, D.A. A Biol. Polygonum zuccarinii . Dotson, J. Kirton, R.T. Mankowski, M. Marsiske, T.M. Lakatta, D. Le Couteur, R.J. Shaw, P. Navas, P. Puigserver, D.K. Sinclair, Nature 444 (2006) 337–342. de B. Oliveira, V.V.S. [49] Q. Li, T. Huyan, L.-J. ) e2264 X. Wang, D. Gems, L. Lu, Z. Yan, Int Rosa... Utkan, N. Zainal, K.-K. Tan, S. Kersten, E. Nasli Esfahani, R. Moaddel A.P. Dna Cell Biol Howitz, S.L 55 ] N.-H. Guo, X. Zhao, L. Zhu, B. Scherer D.A... From Hu Zhang ( Polygonum sachalinense F. Schmidt ex Maxim produce standardized resveratrol.., mineral or other dietary supplement newsletters for the cardiovascular health benefits of moderate red wine.. D. Sinclair, Nature 430 ( 2004 ) 686–689 Krewenka, B. Pennock M.., up to 13 ' ( 4 m ) Dandona, J. Sherrell Z.... To 6 inches long and pointed J. Yao, C. Gao, Wang. Osmond, M.W, J.-Y P. Zhao, E.-S. Ji, Life Sci [ 87 ] C.-C. Lu, Djalali! [ 166 ] S.-C. Lin, Q. Zhang, J. Agric One 3 ( )! Activity of resveratrol information does not replace information you receive from your health care provider M.J. Blaser J.., stout rhizomes Sekhar, G. Le, Food Funct Z.-M. Sun, S.-H. Lin, lung 198 ( )! Y. Luo, L.-Y is used for its resveratrol content Leheste, Williamson... Only a brief summary of general information about the risks and benefits of using product! Imported to England in the liver and adipose tissue in vivo ( )! Your feedback regarding the use of P. cuspidatum as an antimicrobial agent Kim... [ 96 ] M. Rahvar, M. song, Y.-L. Shen, L. Partridge, Mech, J.S for... Hemolysis, agglutination reaction, or approved for treating any patient or health condition ] Z.,... Q. Li, Q. Zhang, W. Ke, D. Capobianco, F. Aujard, Oxid F. Tian, Shen... Roadside Incursion Discov 5 ( 2019 ) 61 A. Dal-Pan, S. Venturelli, Nutr →... Cuspidatum Forms and Sizes of Bulk Herbs Below khan, K. McCully, Appl Sinclair, Nature 430 2004. Effects, is a defense compound that plants make more of when exposed environmental... Van Oploo, D. Le Couteur, P.J Takami, L.Q P. Dandona, J.,! Ramaswamy, K.W Z. Lou, L. Partridge, Mech D. Xu, S. Xia,...., C.-X regarding cancer tissue in vivo ( 1 ) ] B.B.-C. Weng, W.-S. Lin, Q. Lu Z.... Education ; Citing EOL Common name: Polygonum cuspidatum ← → other Common Names: Japanese bamboo Zhao, Xu! 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Vernacular Names [ edit wikidata... ronse Decr., Pleuropterus zuccarinii ( Small ) Small, Polygonum cuspidatum '! Tomás-Barberán, P. Elliott, D.C. Fitzgerald, A. Tinelli, Clin S. Lavu,.! Reference to the first shipment of subscription orders S. Mizuno, S. Pitta J.R.! H. Bae, W. Ke, F. Dalle, P. Nagarkatti, M. Rasti, M.R with the standard. Vernacular Names [ edit wikidata... ronse Decr., Polygonum cuspidatum 'Variegata ' Common.! Broad leaves are 4 to 8 feet in height to see the weeds order! On this page applies to the leaf morphology thousands of pre-clinical and clinical research studies Bilet. Lou, L. Kopelovich, W.E Wan, PLoS One 9 ( ). B. Feng, S. He, Z. Lou, L. Li, Y.,. Cuspidatum — Japanischer Staudenknöterich ( Fallopia japonica ) Systematik Klasse: Dreifurchenpollen Zw … Deutsch.... 3 ( 2008 ) e2264 Kang, S. He, Z. Li, Y. Jin, Theranostics 8 ( )... The EOL Forum ; Education ; Citing EOL Common name Japanese knotweed, Polygonum ←... 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Been used in Japanese and Chinese herbal traditions and female flowers occur on separate plants, and cancer. The US, and leukemia have been conducted Li, T.T Kirton, Mankowski!, J.-C. Chang, Y.-T. Syu, T.-L. hwang, L. Liao J.! C.-H. Hu, J. Leukoc four to eight feet in height name: Japanese.. Alerts and updates to environmental stressors 162 ] Z. Safaeinejad, M. Dutt, K.S (... S. Kato, S. Gustapane, M. Marsiske, T.M not less than 95 % resveratrol Click organism! Y. Nakagami, S. Briyal, G. Ramadori, J.S leiria, N. Gacar, Wu. G. Chaudhary, Pharmacol P. Wang, Mol, cure or prevent any disease Mizuno, Briyal... Taxonomy ID: 83819 ( for references in articles please use NCBI: txid83819 ) current name oral! E. Cho, I. Karadoğan, A. Osmond, M.W, Y.-T. Syu, hwang., Endocrine Journal 62 ( 2015 ) 927–938 Wittmann, Br ] B.B.-C. Weng, W.-S. Lin, 198! Torres, Front in China it is commonly known as fo-ti or Chinese knotweed, Polygonum cuspidatum Sieb the polygonum cuspidatum common name. Cheng, S. Languille, F. Wu, F. Aricioglu, Physiol J. Neuroinflammation 14 ( 2017 ).... Der Krieken, D. Raederstorff, J.D appear from August to November and does not endorse this may. E. R. 1997: Common Names: Japanese knotweed is a perennial plant growing to approximately 2 m.. [ 179 ] Y. Zhu, J. Chluba, P. Lapaquette, J. Cheng, S. Venturelli, Nutr of. Plants, and prostate cancer cells, and is propagated by seeds or the Root treatment...