PDF | Women have stronger immune responses to infections and vaccination than men. Immunity to clinical P. vivax infection is acquired more quickly than to P. falciparum , and evidence suggests humans in endemic areas also have a greater capacity to mount a successful immunological memory response to this pathogen. BMI was found to be associated with several Ads. In fact, complex multicellular life would be impossible without the ability to exclude external life from the internal environment. It is the protection against infectious disease conferred by the immune response. 1 LECTURE: 05 Title: ACQUIRED "ADAPTIVE" IMMUNITY & CLONAL SELECTION THEROY LEARNING OBJECTIVES: The student should be able to: • Recognize that, acquired or adaptive immunity is a specific immunity. It is unclear why some serotypes can persist at all: They are more easily cleared from carriage and compete poorly in vivo. While the presence of a cytokine cannot, In humans, the skin and mucosal membranes comprise the fi, One of the fastest acting mechanisms of the immune system is, In many cases the infecting pathogen is killed by the swift, The vast majority of TCR/MHC-peptide interactions will be, The point of interaction between the T cell and the antigen, Depending on which subtype the T cells belong to, dif, Naive B-cells in the lymph node will display a cell bound anti-, Proteins, glycoproteins, and polysaccharides on the sur, . These include biological challenges, of which the potential for an immune response and off‐target toxicity are key. Greek historian Thucydides recorded that, when the plague was raging in Athens during the 5th century bce, the sick and dying… These peptides, become bound to MHC molecules and are then shuttled to the, derived from the extracellular environment (bacteria and parasites), will be bound to MHC-II. WHY TO KNOW IMMUNITY CDC C=CONTROL HOW TO CONTROL AN ATTACK? PDF | The immune system ... [30, 31] The immune system is divided into two parts: innate immunity and acquired immunity. The use of MONPs reduces the possibility of resistance developing because they have multiple mechanisms of action (including via reactive oxygen species generation), simultaneously attacking many sites in the microorganism. Additional studies have shown that peripheral blood NK cells from human T1D patients have altered phenotypes that reduce the lytic and functional ability of the NK cells. The body has a powerful arsenal to effectively destroy cancer cells, consisting primarily of natural killer cells (NK), Tc lymphocytes (cytotoxic lymphocytes), macrophages, granulocytes, cytokines secreted by immunocompetent cells, and antibodies. Acquired immunity is in contrast to innate immunity (natural immunity). ADVERTISEMENTS: Immunity: Types, Components and Characteristics of Acquired Immunity! IL-33, a member of the IL-1-related cytokines, is considered to be a proallergic cytokine that is especially involved in Th2-type immune responses. The innate immunity utilizes macrophages, monocytes, natural killer (NK) cells, neutophils, basophils and eosinophiles whereas adaptive immunity utilizes CD8, CD4 T-cell, B cells, Regulatory Tcells and NK-T cells to mediate immunological response against pathogens, ... We will begin with a brief discussion of the individual elements of the immune response. Approval was partially successful, following selected items could not be processed due to error, /docserver/preview/fulltext/10.1128/9781555817978/9781555812140_Chap15-1.gif, /docserver/preview/fulltext/10.1128/9781555817978/9781555812140_Chap15-2.gif, Functional diversity of helper T lymphocytes, Dendritic cells acquire antigen from apoptotic cells and induce class I restricted CTLs, Chlamydia infections and heart disease linked through antigenic mimicry, Molecular mechanisms of action of bacterial exotoxins, Susceptibility of mice deficient in CD1D or TAP1 to infection with, Mouse CD1-specific NK1 T cells: development, specificity and function, CD1c-mediated T-cell recognition of isoprenoid glycolipids in, CD1-mediated immune responses to glyolipids, Parameters for the rational design of genetic toxoid vaccines, Coordinate regulation of complex T cell populations responding to bacterial infection, Mice deficient in CD4 T cells have only transiently diminished levels of IFN-γ, yet succumb to tuberculosis, An inflammatory role for γδ T lymphocytes in acquired immunity to, Cutting edge: paradigm revisited: antibody provides resistance to, Induction of IFNγ producing CD4+ natural killer T cells by. Neutrophils are one of the main players in the innate immune system and actively contribute to host defense by killing pathogens. A schematic representation of the pathways of processing of bacterially derived Ag for recognition by T cells is shown. Upregulation of MHC I on virally infected cells including both respiratory epithe-lial cells and dendritic cells results in presentation of viral antigens to CD8+ + ++ 3:e000085 doi:101136bmnph-2020-000085 BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health Following activation, B cells will undergo massive expansion and, receptor is expressed. 75 008 women participating in the Danish National Birth Cohort were followed during a median time of 11 years. Acquired Immunity against SA Requires IgE Effector Mechanisms Having shown that SA skin infection resulted in increased amounts of IgG and IgE, improved host defense against severe SA infection of distant organs, and enhanced survival, we next tested the importance of specific humoral immune effector mechanisms. basis of antibody formation: a paradox. However, the measurement of multiple cytokines as part of a multimarker prognostic or diagnostic biomarker approach remains to be implemented in current clinical practice, as current knowledge of the underlying biology of cytokine release in heart disease is still too limited and a bioinformatic tool for interpretation of cytokine profiles is needed. system also has a specialized network of immune organs (Fig. Naïve T and B cells continuously circulate from the, blood to the lymph nodes via specialized microvessels, the high, endothelial venules (HEVs). When Dr. Steinman was diagnosed with pancreatic, in the understanding of leukocyte biology initi-, 1890 tetanus antitoxin paper of von Behring. Granulocytes encompass a group of three cell types dif, by the contents of their granules: neutrophils, basophils, and eosino-, early responders to parasites, extracellular bacteria, and tumors. Severe zinc deficiency is rare, but mild deficiencies are common around the world. This review summarizes the recent advancements regarding the structure, production and biological relevance of NETs. delayed response that can take days to fully develop but go on to, dendritic cells. Active immunity results from an infection or an immunization, while passive immunity comes from naturally or artificially gaining antibodies. Risk of dermatitis herpetiformis increased by 14% (95% CI, 1% to 30%) per BMI unit. Microbial infections present a major global healthcare challenge, in large part because of the development of microbial resistance to the currently approved antimicrobial drugs. CD1d-restricted and TCR-mediated activation of V(alpha)14 NKT cells by glycosylceramides, Protective role of γδ T cells and αβ T cells in tuberculosis, CTL responses to H2-M3 restricted Listeria epitopes, T cell responses to Gram-negative intracellular bacterial pathogens: A role for CD8+ T cells in immunity to, T1/ST2 is preferentially expressed on murine Th2 cells, independent of IL-4, IL-5 and IL-10, and important for Th2 effector functions, Type 1 and type 2 cytokine dysregulation in human infectious, neoplastic and inflammatory diseases, Major histocompatibility class I presentation of soluble antigen facilitated by, The clinical significance of T-cell superantigens, Cutting edge: role of B lymphocytes in protective immunity against, Cutting edge: the IgG response to the circumsporozoite protein is MHC class II-dependent and CD1d independent: exploring the role of GPIs in NK T cell activation and antimalarial responses, Different roles of αβ and γδ T cells in immunity against an intracellular bacterial pathogen, Cross regulation between Th1 and Th2 cells, Pathogenic mechanisms of acute post-streptococcal glomerulonephritis, Cytokine and chemokine cascades in immunity to tuberculosis, Mechanisms of MHC class I restricted antigen processing, Interleukin-4: signalling mechanisms and control of T cell differentiation, Processing and presentation of phagocytosed antigens to the immune system, Presentation of bacterial lipid antigens by CD1 molecules, Why intracellular parasitism need not be a degrading experience for, Delivery of epitopes by the salmonella type III secretion system for vaccine development, Chemokines and chemokine receptors in T-cell priming and Th1/Th2 mediated responses, Confrontation between intracellular bacteria and the immune system, Intersection of group I CD1 molecules and mycobacteria in different intracellular compartments of dendritic cells, CD1drestricted immunoglobulin G formation to GPI anchored antigens mediated by NKT cells, Acquisition of lymphokine-producing phenotype by CD4+ T cells, Compartmentalization of bacterial antigens: differential effects on priming of CD8+ T cells and protective immunity, Autoimmune intestinal pathology indiced by hsp60- specific CD8 T cells, An antimicrobial activity of cytolytic T cells mediated by granulysin, Granulysin: a lethal weapon of cytolytic T cells, Evidence for antigen presentation by the class Ib molecule Qa-1, Separate pathways for antigen presentation by CD1 molecules, A novel transcription factor, T-bet, directs Th1 lineage commitment, Recognition of Gram-negative bacteria and endotoxin by the innate immune system, Heat shock protein T cell epitopes trigger a spreading regulatory control in a diversified arthritogenic T cell response, Selective expression of a stable cell surface molecule on type 2 but not type 1 helper T cells, Selective expression and functions of interleukin 18 receptor on T helper (Th) type 1 but not Th2 cells, Salmonella-induced apoptosis of infected macrophages results in presentation of a bacteria encoded antigen after uptake by bystander dendritic cells, Role of heat shock proteins in protection from and pathogenesis of infectious disease, Journal of Microbiology & Biology Education®, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews®. undesirable, thus the immune system has developed mechanisms to, stop this from happening. It corresponds to an input-determined continuous automaton. The NK lymphocyte per, cytolytic killing similar to CD8 T cells by secreting cytotoxic, granules into the immune synapse. T cells are two types: (1) CD4 T cells or helper T (Th) … pathogens throughout the body and killing them by various means, other innate immune cells such as dendritic cells have a more com-, will migrate in the blood or lymph towards a lymphoid site. 12 . Luminex technology represents one platform for simultaneous measurements of several cytokines, and has gained increasing interest among researchers in recent years. • Therapeutic Approaches and Drug Discovery > Emerging Technologies During follow-up, 2430 women (3.2%) developed a total of 2607 new-onset ADs. Humans have three types of immunity — innate, adaptive, and passive: Innate Immunity . For example, the viruses that cause leukemia in cats or distemper in dogs don't affect humans. why newly discovered cytokines are given that designation. If the CD4 T cell detects its target antigen then it will bind strongly and transmit an activation signal to the B cell. Immune systems serve to detect evolutionarily unprecedented invasors. In this article we review what is known about naturally acquired immunity to P. vivax, and importantly, how this differs to that acquired against P. falciparum. and Kitasato and the related developments. This chapter focuses on the generation and maintenance of the acquired immune response against bacterial pathogens and the pathological effects that may occur if this response is left uncontrolled or actively disregulated. l contraction. In the case of “helper” CD4 T cells, they, received. gists sought to inoculate healthy people against diseases. The term “antigen” refers to a molecule that can evoke, Cells, such as DCs and macrophages, which are capable of, the conventional follicular B cells (FO B). Under a short duration of infection-acquired immunity relative to the average lifespan (Fig. In light of this, CD8 T-cell responses are central to the immune response to viruses. Further examination of natural immunity in men is necessary, as well as examination of whether naturally acquired antibodies may protect against extracervical HPV infection, such as oral and anal HPV infection [20, 26], which are known to cause an increasing number of oropharyngeal and anal cancers in higher-income countries [42, 43]. Thus, the prospect of finding the optimal strategy for eradicating a disease could help in the design of effective vaccination campaigns and policies. Then, the components of acquired immunity learn the best way to attack each antigen and begin to develop a memory for that antigen. When CD4 T cells are activated in, and CD8 T cells to kill pathogens. In this article, we highlight which parts of the aging of the immune system may be considered adaptive in contrast to those that may be maladaptive. Immunity also includes the protective barriers that a person is born with, such as the skin and mucous membranes. This introduction to the immune system will, La défense face aux pathogènes et le contrôle de l’intégrité de l’organisme sont les fonctions cardinales du système immunitaire. Common cytokines, their cellular source, function, and size [ 11 ], An adaptive immune response relies on the sequential activation of different types of immune cells. MyBook is a cheap paperback edition of the original book and will be sold at uniform, low price. acquired immune deficiency syndrome A disease caused by the human immunodeficiency virus and transmitted by sexual contact or by blood spread on infected needles and other implements.AIDS is not a specifically homosexual disorder. Other articles where Specific immunity is discussed: immune system: Specific, acquired immunity: It has been known for centuries that persons who contract certain diseases and survive generally do not catch those illnesses again. Rather it is a disease of sexually promiscuous populations that harbour large numbers of HIV. One approach to understanding acquired immunity to Pf-malaria has been to study correlates of protection by measuring point-prevalence levels of immunity and prospectively ... Stochastic modelling of blood stage acquired immunity. Conversely, NK cells of 12/15-LO deficient NOD mice, which are protected from diabetes development, express significantly higher levels of stimulatory receptors. T lymphocytes also provide a … Raised levels of circulating proinflammatory cytokines are associated with disease progression and adverse outcomes in chronic heart failure patients. Adaptive Immunity – Part I 1. Furthermore, the human NK92 cell line expresses the ALOX12 protein [human 12-lipoxygenase (12-LO), related to mouse 12/15-LO] via Western blotting. When blood resident inactive complement, proteins encounter a pathogen they will rapidly bind to it, either, through direct interaction or in cooperation with a pathogen, lytic cleavages will activate the complement proteins; this causes, the formation of large multimeric complexes that in turn disr, bacterial membranes, killing an invading pathogen directly, immune response to follow the acellular mechanisms such as. Toxins produced by extracellular bacteria can be divided into exotoxins, which are secreted by the bacteria, and endotoxins, which form an integral part of the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria and which are released on bacterial lysis. Starting his career as a zoologist, Metchnikoff became a pathologist, beautifully defining the role of monocytes, macrophages, and neutrophils during inflammation and innate immunity. Activated B cells will then begin to produce antibody, Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine winners of 2011, All figure content in this area was uploaded by Felicity C Stark, All content in this area was uploaded by Felicity C Stark on Sep 10, 2015, DOI 10.1007/978-1-62703-589-7_1, © Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2013, “self” and “non-self.” Examples of immune systems occur in multicellular organisms as simple and ancient as, sea sponges. Indeed, this hepatic NK cell popula-, tion can acquire long-lived and highly specifi, of viral and hapten-based antigens. In addition to secr, tides, neutrophils have recently been found to also undergo a, are primarily composed of DNA and provide a physical bar, which a pathogen is trapped and prevented from spr, capable of ingesting and destroying invading microbes. Ludwig Aschoff grouped certain cells under the term RES, according to their propensity for absorbing and storing vital stains. Once the cell has become activated through its interaction with a CD4 T cell, (described earlier), it will initially release IgM antibodies into the ser, time, the B cell may undergo additional genetic changes in a process known as, new constant region, altering the function of the antibody, that the B cell receives during activation, it may produce, weakly induces phagocytosis or complement, (e.g., intestine and lung) in a dimeric form, induce rapid responses, such as in allergies, of their immune receptors through mutation and selection. Soluble molecules, by contrast, cannot be protected, nor can they obey a protecting signal. In this chapter we will fur, into the mechanisms that allow our bodies to recognize, respond, to, and remember pathogens which challenge the body. However, evidence suggests that specific subsets of mouse NK cells can nevertheless develop long-lived and highly specific memory to a variety of antigens. When food is to be stored for a long period, additives and preservatives are required to maintain the quality and fl avour of the food items. Human Papillomavirus Transmission Models by Assumptions on Pattern of Naturally Acquired Protection 2a–c), vaccination which delays primary infection cannot materially reduce prevalence, even at high vaccination coverage, e.g. If activated in the presence of IL-12 and IFN, are activated in the presence of IL-4, they cause the activation of a, B cell mediated antibody response. b. immunization with a vaccine. CD1 presents antigens from a gram-negative bacterium, Major histocompatibility complex class Irestricted T cells are required for resistance to, Rheumatic fever. However, this is just one of many possibilities, including the influence of zinc on the immune system, transcription factors, cell differentiation and proliferation, DNA and RNA synthesis and repair, enzyme activation or inhibition, the regulation of cellular signaling, and the stabilization of the cell structure and membranes. One example of this is the negative, selection of self-interacting T cells which occurs in the thymus as, immune response can still sometimes become misdirected. J Innate, Presumed guilty: natural killer T cell defects. If the CD8 cell detects its target antigen then it will form a strong bond with the cell and transmit a death signal which kills the infected cell. We will provide a comprehensive review of the pathogenesis of several infection models in pregnant mice and their clinical relevance. Macrophages kill ingested microbes but the mechanism by which this is accomplished is not yet completely understood, Understanding why some T cells persist and provide life-long protection against pathogens, while the vast majority of antigen specific T cells are removed through programmed cell death during T cel, The immune system in a broad sense is a mechanism that allows a living organism to discriminate between “self” and “nonself.” Examples of immune systems occur in multicellular organisms as simple and ancient as sea sponges. ing a large number of cells that can halt a spreading infection. Your recommendation has been sent to your librarian. Cytokines, can be found within the following groups. The additives and preservatives prevent bacterial and fungal growth due to excess water in the foods [1]. Acquired immunity is immunity you develop over your lifetime. and wound healing, but is also involved in allergic responses. [30, ... Basophils and eosinophils act against parasites; however, they play an important role in killing pathogens in the viral infection of T lymphocytes. Then, the components of acquired immunity learn the best way to attack each antigen and begin to develop a memory for that antigen. download 1 file . Synopsis: In this lecture we will review the different mechanisms which constitute the humoral immune response, and examine the antibody molecules which are involved Outcomes: You should be able to describe the antibody The desire to prevent the spread of certain diseases and to develop an efficient treatment against disease outbreak fuelled an early discovery of the immune system, ... bacteria, viruses and parasites) and foreign cells (e.g. According to the Chair in Law and the Human Genome at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), immunity passports may be valid, depending on how they are used. balance can be perturbed by infections which are recognized as the major cause of adverse pregnancy outcome including pre-term labor. Antigens & Antigen Presentation 4. activate other immune cells to the site of infection. of defense barrier against a pathogen. To analyze, a modified SVIRS epidemic model is established that integrates the effects of the durability of protection and imperfectness in the framework of the human decision-making process as a vaccination game. The antibodies present in the sera, were actually soluble immune receptor which is a pr, outpaced our understanding of the immune system in the early, years of modern medicine, we now have insight into the machiner, to both monitor and manage immune responses, and ultimately, improve patient outcomes. More specifi, nalization of the microbe or debris, peptide fragments are generated, by proteasomal degradation. Alterations in the immune system with aging are considered to underlie many age-related diseases. CD4 T cells are com-, role in contributing to the cytokine response that drives either cell, mediated immunity by macrophages and CD8 T cells or humoral, immunity mediated by B cells. Lymphocytes communicate with high endothelial venules via receptor-ligand interactions, which induce lymphocyte transmigration. Select Print, and, when the Print screen comes up, go to the Print Handling options. Acquired immunity and vaccination against infectious pancreatic necrosis virus of salmon Adoptive-acquired immunity may be the result of: Correct a. transfer of bone marrow from one individual to another. Over 100 years prior to Koch’s postulates in 1890, pox lesions to successfully immunize people against small pox [, it was commonly believed that white blood cells aided the spread, the Greek words “phagein,” to eat and “cyte” cell, was used to, describe this cellular action. Primary immune response. Risk of any autoimmune disease was increased in obese women (HR, 1.27; 95% CI, 1.11 to 1.46) compared with normal weight women (18.5-≤25 kg/m(2)). The learning process starts when a person’s immune system encounters foreign invaders and recognizes nonself substances (antigens). Acquired (adaptive or specific) immunity is not present at birth. The adaptive immune response is activated by the innate immune response. The lack of immunity is known as susceptibility. release granules of histamine and heparin in response to an infection. We investigated the associations between body mass index (BMI, kg/m(2)) and 43 ADs. Part 1 Microbial biology: Microbiology and Medicine Morphology and nature of micro-organisms Classification and identification of micro-organisms Bacterial growth and physiology Antimicrobial Agents Bacterial genetics Sterilization and disinfection Bacterial pathogenicity Virus-cell interactions - antiviral agents. Discover the world's research. The profile of cytokine blood levels differs in accordance with the initiating cause and type of heart failure. We are applying this understanding to try to improve the persistence and cancer-killing properties of T cell therapies. Capillaries, of skeletal muscle contractions and eventually is retur, blood at the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins. This observation has clinical implications because it has been shown that a sampling of cardiac lymph provides the best method for analyzing myocardial metabolic abnormalities and that drainage of cardiac lymph alleviates the myocardial changes produced by ischemic injury. Substances added to natural food to preserve fl avour and increase their life are named as food additives. While new T and B cells are produced throughout an, suppression of cell mediated autoimmune responses [, subset of CD4 T cells has also been of interest to resear, production of IL-17 has been implicated as a causative agent of, novel secreted small molecules and receptors has complicated the, categorization process but has also opened new avenues of resear, to identify new cellular and molecular targets to harness in the, either by their cellular origin or their cellular target; that is, inter, leukins are produced by leukocytes and tumor necr, (TNF) inhibits tumorigenesis. Added to their ability to eliminate microorganisms by phagocytosis, neutrophils can also kill microbes by capturing them in extracellular structures consisting of granule proteins and DNA called neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). We will focus on adaptive responses. Diagnoses on ADs were retrieved from the Danish National Patient Register. FO. Acquired Immunity - Free download as Powerpoint Presentation (.ppt / .pptx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or view presentation slides online. Both natural and artificial immunity have passive and active components. Also, a novel perspective is established involving an individual’s immune system combined with self-interest to take the vaccine and natural immunity obtained from infection by coupling a disease-spreading model with an evolutionary game approach over a long period. Kyoto University Institute for Advanced Study. Although inflammation is part of the innate immune response and innate and acquired immunity should work in a coordinated and integrated way (see figure 1), an excessive inflammatory response can lead to impairments in acquired immunity.23. Every animal species possesses some natural resistance to disease. Structures from bacteria that stimulate macrophages to release cytokines that have a direct impact on the development of the acquired T-cell response are shown. Serendipities of. Additives are defi ned by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as “any substance, the intended use of which results or may reasonably be expected to result, directly or indirectly, in its becoming a component or otherwise affecting the characteristics of any food.” Direct additives are those that are intentionally added to foods for a specifi c purpose. This classification was not always a source of accurate discoveries, and research on the exact function of RES cells led to some wanderings. so initiating acquired immunity. Accordingly, the capsular polysaccharide vaccine initially used against H. influenzae elicited strong Ab-mediated protection only in children older than 2 years. The clonal selection theory of acquired immunity by Burnet, F. M. (Frank Macfarlane), Sir, 1899-1985. • Toxicology and Regulatory Issues in Nanomedicine > Toxicology of Nanomaterials, p>Food items that are unprocessed and do not contain preservatives, artificial colours, chemicals, fillers, artificial flavours etc are called as Natural foods. Natural killer (NK) cells are bone marrow–derived granular lymphocytes that have a key role in immune defense against viral and bacterial infections and malignancies. known as damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) has, composed of intracellular molecules which, once released into the, extracellular environment, can activate innate immune cells and, actions of the innate immune response described above. Passive Naturally Acquired Immunity . • Acquired immunity depends on specific recognition of antigens either directly by antibodies on the surface of B cells or through presentation of processed antigens in the context of MHC molecules by host cells to T cells. Ebola Virus Immuno-Evasion and Cellular Dysfunctional Mechanics: A Bio-Terrorizing Agent of Zoonotic Origin, Role of Zinc in Immune System and Anti-Cancer Defense Mechanisms, Coronavirus and Its effect on the respiratory system: Is there any association between pneumonia and immune cells, Bridging blood cancers and inflammation: The reduced Cancitis model, Analysis of individual strategies for artificial and natural immunity with imperfectness and durability of protection, Immunosenescence is both functional/adaptive and dysfunctional/maladaptive, The potential anti‐infective applications of metal oxide nanoparticles: A systematic review, Immunomodulatory Effects of Food Additives, The Four-Way Stop Sign: Viruses, 12-Lipoxygenase, Islets, and Natural Killer Cells in Type 1 Diabetes Progression, Body mass index and risk of autoimmune diseases: A study within the Danish National Birth Cohort, THE COMPELLING NEED FOR GAME-CHANGING INFLUENZA VACCINES AN ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENZA VACCINE ENTERPRISE AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE FUTURE, A centennial review: The 1890 tetanus antitoxin paper of von Behring and Kitasato and the related developments, The human proteome – A scientific opportunity for transforming diagnostics, therapeutics, and healthcare, Multiple cytokine biomarkers in heart failure, The historical milestones in the understanding of leukocyte biology initiated by Elie Metchnikoff, Presumed guilty: Natural killer T cell defects and human disease, Neutrophil Extracellular Traps: A Strategic Tactic to Defeat Pathogens with Potential Consequences for the Host, The Terminal Pathway of the Lymphatic System of the Human Heart, Understanding the role of programmed cell death in regulating T cell responses. 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