This could be a particular lesson or a problem with a student. (2018) who undertook a research investigation to understand teacher resistance to instructional coaching. By Delia Racines. Instructional coaching can be transformative—but only in an environment of trust and clearly articulated expectations, says a veteran school coach. The practice of using instructional coaches is a relatively recent practice, but it is one that is becoming widely used across the nation. Many leaders focus instructional coaching on the state-level teacher evaluation instrument. Remember, coaches empower and not enable. School and district officials may … With an instructional coach in your building, the need to establish clear expectations around the position is critical to its success. As part of a comprehensive professional development model, 71 middle school (grades 6–8) science, social studies, and language arts teachers were assigned to an instructional coach to support their required use of a multicomponent reading comprehension approach, Collaborative Strategic Reading. Coaching is a better way to support teachers, a better way to provide job-embedded professional development, and an all around better way to get teachers better faster. The research took place in the middle schools of a single school district in the US. Our career is about life-long learning, and we need each other for that. Instructional coaching is one of the evidence-informed methods that feeds in to our Expert Middle Leaders programme. Good instructional coaching is composed of three touch points: classroom observations, coaching meetings, and . However, what happens is that the principal tells the coach that they should work with a specific teacher, without ever telling the teacher first. ET, The COVID-19 pandemic, combined with the nation’s mental health and equity concerns, has accelerated the shift in the accountability landscape. Instructional coaching, although not evaluative, can help support an instructional leader. Too often teacher observations are a waste of time because teachers get very little feedback, but coaches can help fill that gap by providing teachers with the effective feedback they need in order to grow. Instructional coaching is currently a ‘hot topic’ in teacher professional development given concerns about the lack of impact of much professional development on pupil learning. The court declined to take up an appeal backed by school groups of a ruling allowing some property taxpayers challenge their assessments in federal court. I believe there are enormous benefits to it. This seriously jeopardizes the coaching relationship. Principal directed - This doesn’t sound like such a bad thing; after all, school principals are the leaders in the building. A collection of articles from the previous week that you may have missed. It is not prescriptive, not evaluative, and completely separate from a school's observation cycle. In order to have an effective coaching program it’s important that everyone is clear on the roles and responsibilities. Here's How States Will Decide When, In Memory of Michele Molnar, EdWeek Market Brief Writer and Editor, 5 Strategies to Ensure Student Engagement Online, High-Power Workstation Solutions for Remote Learning, Incorporating SEL, Climate, & Culture into School Improvement and Accountability in 2021, A Seat at the Table With Education Week: Testing & Accountability, 7600 - Director of Inclusion - August 2021, Executive Account Manager, Private Schools, Michigan Academic Professional Development Coordinator - (MVCA), Briefly Stated: Stories You May Have Missed, Harnessing the IKEA Effect for Student Motivation, Supreme Court Declines Appeal Backed by Illinois School Districts on Tax Remedies. Eric Sandberg is an instructional coach employed by a district in Erie, Pennsylvania. A coaching relationship is the same as any other relationship. Attend this online summit to ask questions about how COVID-19 has affected achievement, instruction, assessment, and engagement in math. I think that part of the problem is that some teachers, leaders and even some coaches themselves do not understand that coaching is not about making sure teachers are pacing at the same time, and it’s definitely not about making teachers feel as if they aren’t good enough. Instructional coaching must be focused on student learning, not on fixing teachers and evaluation. Districts may have reading coaches, math coaches, turnaround coaches, classroom management coaches, gifted specialists, or general instructional coaches. The bottom line is this: educator-centered instructional coaching is not cost free. ©2020 Editorial Projects in Education, Inc. Whether you are a teacher or leader based in a school, or perhaps working in the education system more widely, we would be delighted for you to join us on Thursday 15th November 2018 in Manchester. Rather, the process is a demonstration of excellent current coaching practice, similar in that regard to the National Board Certification process for teachers. Instructional coaching appears to be acceptable to many teachers. Instructional Coaching provides intensive, differentiated support to teachers so that they are able to implement proven practices. The process is grounded by the research-based, dialogical, partnership model of coaching known as … 3 Reasons Instructional Coaching May Not Be Working, read this article on how doctors do have coaches, Here Are 3 Top SEL Strategies That Can Help Improve Student Engagement Right Now, Why Asking the Teacher Isn’t Always the Best Course of Action, School Employees May Get Early COVID-19 Vaccinations. It might be the most evidenced form of professional development but it may still ‘leave-behind’ a minority of teachers. The research is useful to anyone in English schools involved in the design and implementation of teacher professional development and learning. Building relationships in instructional coaching is the most integral part that must be in place, to ensure success in any coaching model. Unfortunately, as I am not able to attend the conference I thought I’d use some time to do some reading around the subject of coaching and instructional coaching. A former K-5 public school principal turned author, presenter, and independent consultant, DeWitt provides insights and advice for education leaders. During COVID-19, our conversations focus on the learning loss of students. For more information about the conference or to book on, please click here. But it provides me with a glimpse into the teacher’s mind. However, there is another benefit of coaching which can help leaders. An instructional coach is there to support teachers and provide personalized professional development, job coaching, and work as a resource to support teachers. Sometimes, we have wanted to help students so much that we ended up enabling them. The latter gets complicated and it’s not always the most optimal situation but there are amazing coaches who are making it work and having an impact. In "Instructional Coaching in 20 Seconds or Less," instructional coach Lisa Westman admitted that she could not describe the role before she landed the job. A collection of stories from the previous week that you may have missed. It is confidential, non-judgmental, solution-focused, employs a growth mindset, and follows your agenda. The focus was not just on instructional coaching but also involved a specific intervention to support students’ reading. Additionally, there is rarely follow through from the presenter to ensure proper implementation. 2. The Teacher Development Trust are delighted to be hosting a one-day coaching conference that will host an array of international experts to help you understand the different types of coaching – instructional, leadership, executive and tools that you can use to support your school’s professional development. The research is not directly applicable to schools in England, other than it raises questions about the potential over-reliance of a ‘one-size’ fits all approach to both instructional coaching and teacher professional development. The research paper sits behind a paywall. When discussing how he approaches coaching, Eric used a toolbox metaphor. As we move beyond test scores to a more holistic picture of students and school, Wed., January 13, 2021, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. The research raises interesting questions about how school leaders would identify potential ‘resistors’ to professional development and how agreed forms of alternative professional development would be negotiated between school leaders and teachers. Jacobs, J., Boardman, A., Potvin, A. and Wang, C. (2018). To say I respect coaching, and training coaches, would be an understatement. Coaches can address concerns about classroom management, content knowledge, or instructional design by discussing how these pedagogies affect students' ability to learn. DigitalVision Vectors/Getty and Laura Baker/Education Week. This is done with the intent to both support accurate and continued implementation of new teaching approaches and reduce the sense of isolation teachers can feel when implementing new ideas and practices. Inquiry-based or cognitive coaching focuses on a teacher’s underlying beliefs and thoughts. Using instructional coaching, the instructor focuses on goals and implementation of strategies that work for them. Success of Instructional Coaching. This happens for a variety of reasons. Coaching should never be based on a deficit model, but on building from teacher strengths. An instructional coach can oversee the implementation of new learning management or student data systems, as well as help with training and coaching for staff on how to use those systems. Because when teachers are growing, so is your school. Four, when evaluating an intervention it is important to take to take into account not just whether an intervention has merit, but whether it is worth it. Work through them together, just like we would want a coach and teacher to do. As such the rest of this post will: Put simply – instructional coaching involves a trained expert working – be it an external coach, leader teacher or peer –  with teachers individually, to help them learn and adopt new teaching practices, and to provide feedback on performance. His blog, Your Instructional Coach, offers tips for coaches and tackles some interesting dynamics related to coaching. Suggestion - If a coach is going to model or co-teach a lesson they should do it for a defined period of time within ONE lesson, and not keep doing it day after day. This time, she had an … It also acknowledges that teachers need high levels of support to adopt new habits in the complex environments of their classrooms. Coaching Is Coaching is Not; Building enthusiasm: Monitoring work - looking over shoulders: Being real, authentic: Hiding behind a shield of position or power: Allowing mistakes: Punishing others for mistakes: Valuing each Staff Member's contribution: Valuing position hierarchy: Trusting and respecting team members: Being suspicious of people Get Transcript . “The tools in your toolbox as a coach help teachers come to … Those 6 ways are: Don’t give up on the coaching program because of some solvable issues. The tips below outline the thought process a coach should engage in when setting up their coaching space. In order for teachers to trust a coach and be open to coaching, they need to have a relationship built on trust and respect. action steps. Instructional Technology Coaching (ITC) is a prevalent method of deploying on-going professional development for teachers, with a specific focus on the integration of technology into both the curriculum, as well as the method of instruction.. Coaches will go in and teach a lesson...and then another...and another. – Jim Knight Tracey Hurst: You’ll always have five or six kids or you do have five or six kids not engaging. Coaching is misunderstood - I remember Tweeting out a blog on why instructional coaches should be in every school, and a teacher responded by saying “Do doctors have coaches?” I understand where the Tweet was coming from because teachers have felt over the years like they are being told they aren’t good enough, and this teacher thought I was saying they were not good enough. Instructional coaching is not about what’s wrong, but what’s next. After greeting each other, the first question I like to ask my colleague is “What are you working on?” This is a safe question both to ask and to answer. An Instructional Coach will conduct teacher interviews, review current curricula and analyze student success and progress. The first few months of instructional coaching should not include intensive observations and conversations that focus on all of the flaws of the teacher's performance. Perhaps they were left out of the communication chain by central office or they believe that the coach is supposed to be told who to work with, but many times the teacher is caught off guard. As it is increasing in popularity, school leaders and teachers want to know how they can use instructional coaching to positively impact teaching and learning. There are various coaching models that range from leadership-driven (directive, formalized coaching cycles), to teacher-driven (consultative, inquiry-driven coaching … Additionally, if coaches are going to look for resources for the teacher, both parties should agree that the teacher finds two and the coach finds two and then meet up to discuss. There are at least 3 reasons why coaching may not be working for you, and they are:Coaches Enable Teachers - As teachers we have always wanted to help our students. On Thursday 15th November 2018 the Teacher Development Trust will host a one-day coaching conference, which will explore how coaching could/can be used to drive school performance. Most commonly, instructional coaches utilize an empty classroom or office. Instructional LeadershipIn these days when principals are moving out of the role of manager and moving toward the role of instructional or collaborative leader, it’s important that they understand the nuances of coaching and how to help support the relationship between coaches and teachers. In this model, setting goals and building relationships are the central idea. The paper is written in a manner which makes it accessible to teachers. This seemed particularly sensible as Dr Sam Sims has recently described instructional coaching as the best evidenced form of CPD. The claim that not all staff – and particularly more experienced teachers – and resistant to coaching is consistent with my own experience as a senior leader. Typically, the other person will answer about the work that is top of mind to them right now. We’re thrilled to announce the launch of the all new Additionally, create a sheet that is divided in ½ that describes what coaching is and what coaching is not, and discuss it at a faculty meeting. Results highlight the patterns and complexities of the coaching process for 20% of the teachers in our sample who were categorized as resistant to coaching, suggesting that the one-on-one model of coaching offered in this study may not be the best fit for all teachers. Short Powtoon describing what instructional coaching is and is not. Consider the implications schools wishing to support colleagues’ professional learning and development. 5. coaching strategies to the needs of their schools. Just this week, @DrSamSims wrote a very well-argued blogpost giving four reasons why instructional coaching is the most well-evidenced form of CPD, and which concludes that All schools that aspire to be evidence-based should be giving it (instructional coaching ) a go.. SEL has always been important, but it is now more important than ever. This content is provided by our sponsor. Instructional coaches empower teachers and don’t enable them. The TDT Associate Qualification in CPD Leadership, Evidence-Based School Leadership and Management,,, Teaching Leadership Mini Summits Report, October 2020, #CPDConnectUp Finding Time for Strategic Thinking During COVID-19, 8th December 2020, Further falls in CPD Spending: 5 things to know, Offer a definition of instructional coaching. If instructional coaching is implemented as a support system for teacher growth and not an opportunity to spotlight professional deficits, teachers may just give the idea a chance to develop and succeed. Subsequently,  I stumbled across  Jacobs, Boardman, et al. The Kansas Coaching Project tested many different models and ultimately developed one that is used all over the U.S. There are many different instructional coaching models. Second, it maybe that different forms of instructional coaching are more suited to some staff than others. Research provides strong support for the promise of coaching, or job embedded professional development, particularly on improving teachers’ classroom instruction. Instructional Coaching. The research was published in a peer-reviewed journal – Professional Development in Education. What Is an Instructional coach? Required fields are marked *. Virtual Instructional Coaching – Lessons Learned On May 27, 2020 October 17, 2020 By amycfoley In Covid-19 , Instructional Coaching , Uncategorized After 15 weeks of distance learning, and with less than 3 weeks left in the school year, I have been craving an opportunity to slow down and reflect on my third year as an instructional coach. Instructional coaching is generally more costly than other forms of professional development, so identifying ways of making the most of such a financial investment is important, especially at a time to financial restraints. The research is actionable in as far as it identifies the need to provide a range of options for teachers undertaking non-negotiable forms of professional development. content may not be applicable to their unique environment. ET. 3. Compassion is often seen as a weakness, but schools should offer as much compassion as possible, and not just to students. The coach’s role is to gather resources and provide feedback to assist in One is that the leader really doesn’t understand how coaching works. Understanding Teacher Resistance to Instructional Coaching. 44. Use the coach as a resource and not as a compliance officer. The aim is to build a partnership to develop evidence-based teaching practices. As such, it may be necessary to provide teachers with choice within an individual forms of professional development. It lets me immediately focus in on what is important to them at this moment and gives me an opportunity to see if I can help with the current work. Tue., January 12, 2021, 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. 4 Tips for Instructional Coaches. Here are three ways to help engage students right now. Despite the prevalence of coaching in schools and districts across the country, there is not a standard model or uniform definition of an instructional coach. The administrative team alone should not shoulder the burden of coaching; rather, they should model for all teachers how to engage in meaningful dialogue with one another. ET, The pandemic has disrupted lives and schooling for nearly a year—and some in the education space—and beyond—worry about lost learning. Yes, I understand that leaders should be providing effective feedback, but with a good coach we can at least see that teachers will get some sort of feedback around a co-constructed goal. The same can be said for coaches. Not every coaching space is identical in size and shape. Yet, she knew she wanted to be one. According to this article by Knight there are 6 ways that leaders can support coaches. Suggestion: Read any of Knight’s books on coaching. The research was accessed by directly contacting the lead author (thank you, Jennifer Jacobs). Coaches have the opportunity to help teachers see their blind spots, and high quality coaches can help teachers have a larger impact on student learning through using high impact teaching strategies (Knight). The rhetoric has not been good, and as a principal I stood up against that (and by the way, read this article on how doctors do have coaches). According to Knight, coaches and teachers work in a collaborative and confidential setting, which helps both the coach and the teacher grow as professionals. The focus was not just on instructional coaching but also involved a specific intervention to support students’ reading. In this study, we sought to better understand the factors that influence responsiveness to coaching, focusing in particular on teachers who appeared the least receptive to collaborating with a coach to support the implementation of a new practice. Help new and veteran teachers improve their practice by implementing a few simple strategies. First and foremost...stop it. Instructional coaching is a form of individualized professional development that helps you unlock your potential. by admin | 4 Nov, 2018 | Advice, Opinion, Research, Teachers, Uncategorized | 0 comments. Later, someone asked her to explain the role of an instructional coach. Outside the Coaching Space. Dr Gary Jones, blogger, author and consultant shares his thoughts on the recent research on instructional coaching and the implications it can have on schools’ professional learning development. Undertake a review of the research using the 6 A’s framework (see. Gary’s new book Evidence-Based School Leadership and Management: A practical guide has recently been published by SAGE. Surprisingly one to one interviews were not conducted with teachers/coaches and reliance is placed on coaches perceptions – classified by the researchers – of teachers of resistance to coaching. Instructional Coaching. Peter DeWitt is a former K-5 public school principal turned author, presenter, and independent consultant. Typically, districts have technology offices or departments that then deploy coaches to individual schools and campuses on a scheduled, or as … For the last 2 years I have been working with Jim Knight as an instructional coaching trainer around North America. Through Knight’s work coaches work in partnership with their teachers around co-constructed or teacher-chosen goals. One way to know what has been lost is through testing, but is it reasonable, Thu., January 21, 2021, 1:00 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. Laziness is universal, but so is the upside to effort. Suggestion: Instead of the coach being put in the awkward position of walking into a teacher’s room to say they have to work with them; the principal should have the initial conversation with the teacher so they are not caught off guard. Instructional coaching is embraced by an increasing number of districts. The research is consistent with other research, suggesting that not all teachers respond positively to coaching. Third, when implementing an intervention it may be necessary to provide both a range of types of professional development to and a choice types of professional development. Asking more from students, research shows, makes them care more about their work. Although the optimum solution is to use the school's operating funds to ensure that coaching is an integral part of the school's improvement plan, initially that might not be the case. 690-703. If I can help … Your email address will not be published. Coaching in Schools: Dialogue to Drive Performance  conference. Professional Development in Education. Lower Third: Andrea Culver Coaching Gone WrongI’ve had the opportunity to see impactful coaching programs in place where coaches either have the full day to work with teachers or one period at a time because they have other teaching duties. Provide the abstract of Jacobs et al’s research. Instructional coaching is focused on supporting the learning, growth, and achievement of students and is most often linked to a school's improvement priorities. It is not written by and does not necessarily reflect the views of Education Week's editorial staff. Accessibility – physical and intellectual, Instructional Coaching – The implications for professional learning development within schools. We’re looking for feedback on our new site to make sure we continue to provide you the best experience. We should be asking why the adults always control the learning. The instructional coach. Assess Need for Instructional Coaching. Let the teacher teach. The opinions expressed in Peter DeWitt’s Finding Common Ground are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications. Your email address will not be published. Creative Commons photo courtesy of the LincolnGroup. Student-centered or teacher-centered methods of coaching are strategically selected based on individual teacher needs and readiness. First, it reinforces the notion that it is necessary to be judicious about claims made about the effectiveness of instructional coaching. He can be found at There are times when coaches so want to help teachers that they end up enabling instead of empowering them. Coaching is about reciprocal growth on the part of the teacher and the coach. Let’s face it...when we choose our own goals we work harder at achieving them. An essential function of an Instructional Coach is to observe and assess current teachers in the classroom to ascertain the need for improved lesson plans and materials. They both learn as they work together on a common goal. However, other times I have heard from teachers and coaches who say their coaching program is going bust, and that’s too bad because they are losing a great opportunity because of some common issues that can easily be solved. Instructional coaching, although not evaluative, can help support an instructional leader. You are currently: Home ; Tools & resources ; Resource (collection item page) > A coach working one-to-one with a teacher, to model and observe classroom practice and to support reflection and professional conversation. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The focus was not just on instructional coaching but also involved a specific intervention to support students’ reading. Find or create a learner-centered framework for your school or district. Click the link below to visit Jim Knight's site describing what Instructional Coaching is and research supporting it! Although suggestions are made as to what other types of professional learning/development may be appropriate, little guidance is provided as to what may be more suitable. Coaching Gone Wrong I’ve had the opportunity to see impactful coaching … Interview #2: Eric Sandberg. The research is relevant to the challenge of how to support the professional development of teaching staff. Teachers need to be able to easily find you. In the last decade, school districts have invested a lot of money, time, and energy into building instructional coaching programs. is not a course on instructional coaching. Instructional coaching has the impact that it does because of its specificity and incremental nature. Instructional Coaching Coaches collaborate with teachers to enhance teaching practices and increase student achievement. August 23, 2019. asiseeit / iStock. Basic descriptive statistics are used, so a high level of statistical knowledge is not required to make the most of the paper. Must be in place, to ensure success in any coaching model you... Does because of some solvable issues through from the previous week that you may have missed focuses goals... Some interesting dynamics related to coaching lost learning would be an understatement that helps you unlock your potential should. Stories from the previous week that you may have missed the abstract Jacobs... 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