Certain dog breeds have a reputation in society for being more aggressive than others, and some breeds are definitely most likely to be involved in bite-related accidents than other breeds. I am looking to rent in Knoxville, Tn and have a shelter adopted American Pit Bull. Full guide on how to navigate COVID-19 as a landlord or renter in NYS:  http://rentprep.com/landlord-tips/coronavirus-resources-new-york/, General Landlord Resources – https://hcr.ny.gov/ The reason some breeds are on the aggressive list is that statistically, that moniker is justified. The website, DogTime describes pit bulls as courageous, tenacious and highly trainable. Some apartments do not allow (or may charge additional fees for) dogs over 55 lbs. Feel free to give us a call 530-410-6085. Most insurance companies develop their own lists and issue them company-wide. The website reports that 81% of dog attacks are on children. While it's not something I enjoy doing, sometimes it just has to be done. List of Dangerous Breeds People will certainly disagree about what makes a “dangerous” breed. Use this guide to ensure you have all the right information. While many Great Danes are gentle and good-natured when properly trained, their high energy level and sheer physicality can translate to dangerous levels if they become aggressive. By doing this, instead of just signing my name at the bottom, it helps me end the letter with a bit of warmth and politeness, rather than a cold and impersonal ending. List of Dangerous Breeds People will certainly disagree about what makes a “dangerous” breed. The American Kennel Club describes Chow Chows as serious-minded and dignified, a true reflection of the breed’s personality. Studies and statistics reinforce which dog breeds are most involved in bites, maiming and fatalities. A: Yes – https://portal.311.nyc.gov/article/?kanumber=KA-01253, Q: Do I still have to pay my water bill? EverQuote analyzed lists of prohibited dogs from state insurance filings to find the most-banned breeds. By including a word of thanks in your rent increase letter, you are conveying your appreciation to that person for choosing to live in one of your properties. However, insurance companies have to do risk assessments for a range of circumstances, and a banned breed list seems to make sense to many of them as a way to categorize potential problems. Update: Some states are putting in place legislation that will protect a dog owner and remove the abilities of insurance companies to discriminate or restrict certain breeds. Pit Bull Terriers; Staffordshire Terriers; Rottweilers; German Shepherds; Presa Canarios; Chows Chows; Doberman Pinschers; Akitas; Wolf-hybrids; Mastiffs We’ve got a comprehensive list of these breeds coming up, but first, what should landlords know about why insurance companies even care about dog breeds? Certain dogs simply pose a higher risk of harming someone than others, so to many, it makes sense to ban those breeds from coverage. Unapproved Dog List due to Aggressive Breed Status. Claims associated with dogs can get very costly. Some apartments do not allow (or may charge additional fees for) dogs over 55 lbs. While I of course recommend you focus on calling your tenant by their name, giving them the reason for the increase, and thanking them for being a good tenant over the years, don't forget to include such details as your name and contact information, the date the letter was written, how much the rent will increase, when the increase will take effect, and the tenant's current rent. The broad chest and powerful jaws give them a very fierce look, and they can top out at around 120 pounds at maturity. Aggressive Dog Breeds. Don't say my breed is dangerous when they are the first decorated war vets, nanny dogs, and some of the best service animals. Concise and Professional While I always want to make sure I have clearly explained to my tenants why their rents will be increasing, I also strive to keep my letters as professional as possible and also concise and to the point. A Word of Thanks As I can attest in my many years of interacting with tenants, the words "thank you" go a long way in making tenants feel appreciated and being very willing to work with you when rent increases become necessary. It’s unfortunate that most of the time, dog attacks are a result of poor training and bad owners rather than the dogs themselves, but landlords must take everything into consideration regarding pets, and dogs, in particular, to see what makes the most sense for their business. Honestly, it is possible that a simple report in the media regarding a breed may be enough to cause an official at an insurance company to decide that a breed is dangerous. Many insurance companies have certain breeds they won’t cover even if they offer dog liability insurance for renters. The tenant can add your information as the additional insured and the insurance company will … With a respect for social hierarchy is a big part of an Akita’s worldview, they may be aggressive and dominating if they are trying to establish themselves within the family. Many insurers ban any dog that has been "aggressive" or has a history of biting. Here is an aggressive breed list for renters to reference when deciding on a dog breed or when choosing a place to live (and yes, German Shepherds are on the list). A: Depends on the city you live in – https://www.politico.com/. Below is our current Aggressive Breed’s List as prohibited by most Insurance companies for properties under management. While wolf hybrids are not an actual breed, many insurance companies include dogs that have wolf lineage as off limits for coverage. While not a well-known breed, the Presa Canario, or Canary Mastiff, often appears on banned breed lists after a fatal 2001 incident that made the national news. CALL FOR A QUOTE! Only two pets allowed per property. This is important, since it is possible to sometimes forget that tenants do have many other places where they could choose to be living. Top 10 banned dog breeds. As a property manager (and animal lover - you should see how many pets I have), it is my job to represent the owner's best interests. Because service dogs have specific rights to public places, it means they can also be any breed. Without proper socialization, Presa Canerios can be aggressive toward strangers and other dogs. Here is an aggressive breed list for renters to reference when deciding on a dog breed or when choosing a place to live (and yes, German Shepherds are … If landlords decide they must stick with their current insurance company, then they need to be proactive about informing applicants and tenants about the banned dog breeds. According to the website DogsBite.org, there are approximately 1,000 people in the United States that suffer from dog bites, per day. This concept will also apply to your tenants when being notified of a rent increase, especially if you send them a letter that is more of a demand than an agreement. Here are three times you could be at fault. State Rent Assistance Resource Page – https://access.nyc.gov/ Instead, it gives me the chance to not only check in with my tenants but to also take a few minutes to answer their questions, listen to their concerns, and tell them how much I appreciate each of them. In other words, the insurance coverage will not extend to incidents involving that dog. 3- Chow Chow As I mentioned, dog breeds are typically banned because they are viewed as aggressive, but some breeds may also be restricted simply because they are considered too big or strong. Boxers are not aggressive by nature. By keeping these tips in mind, I am sure your next rent increase letter will be applauded by your tenants for its warmth, kindness, and clarity. However, as has been the case with other landlords, I've found it necessary now and then to increase the rent for my tenants. By showing yourself as a property owner who is willing to be transparent and engaging with tenants, I guarantee the rent increase will go over much better than you anticipated. Advocates insist that the breed’s bad image has been elevated unfairly and that they make excellent family pets. Descended from dogs used in ancient Roman warfare, Cane Corsos definitely need consistent training and strong leadership from its owners to curb aggressive tendencies. Also, I like to use the phrase " Change in Rent Notice" rather than "Rent Increase Notice," since the latter sounds more like I am ordering them to obey me. With proper socialization and training, Rottweilers are among the most loyal and affectionate breeds. As I've found over the years, a good property manager who can get along well with tenants, establish clear channels of communication between you and your tenants, and handle the hard areas such as rent increases and turnovers can make all the difference on a day-to-day basis. Below is a typical aggressive dog breeds list for apartments. In some cases, they’ll exhibit aggressive behavior towards human too. By Written by Kilo Kenan for Authority Property Management, Key Questions To Ask Your Property Manager Before Renting. These animals are often considered “dangerous dogs.” This list of most common dog breed restrictions … If you own one of the below breeds of dogs finding a rental may be tough, but there’s still hope! State Mortgage & Expense Forbearance Resource Page – https://www.dfs.ny.gov/ Along with sounding very impersonal, it will immediately signal to the person reading it that it contains bad news, which will also put them on the defensive. My pit has been attacked my a chihuahua and didn't even fight back and had to get stitches. Get your facts not what you hear in the news. Since so many aspects of today's world have grown more and more impersonal, using the personal touch exhibited by hand-delivering my rent increase letters often breaks the ice and allows for fruitful and thoughtful conversations with my tenants. Statistics show that pit bulls are the number one breed involved in dog bites and dog attacks in the country, far more than any other breed. The Malamute makes most aggressive dogs lists because of its size, strength, and personality. All the Best When ending a rent increase letter, I always use what I consider to be a very personable closing, such as "all the best," "sincerely," or "thank you." Considering purchasing a rental property in Redding, California? Below is a typical aggressive dog breeds list … Alert, fearless and loyal—these are the traits that are frequently ascribed to the Doberman Pinscher. In doing so, it demonstrates that I am not simply some landlord who is not willing to meet tenants face-to-face and have clear, honest conversations with them when necessary. (770) 497-1200. Don't Write a "Dear Tenant" Letter Just like soldiers never enjoyed getting a "Dear John" letter from back home, I can assure you your tenants will not enjoy receiving a rent increase letter from you that starts out as "Dear Tenant." A: Yes – https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/19/success/real-estate-coronavirus/index.html, Q: Do I still have to pay property taxes? Bred to be fierce protectors of farms and families, the Cane Corso is also highly trainable. "Aggressive breeds" is a lame excuse to blame animals when it's the owners fault. While Malamutes are overall good family dogs, the breed does have a tendency to be mouthy. If your insurance company does not know you have a “dangerous” dog and they find out, your policy may immediately be canceled or non-renewed. Some suggestions I have heard to help a renter with a dog that is on the. After all, since the topic of the letter is not exactly one that will make most tenants turn cartwheels and shout for joy, ending it on a positive note will hopefully take some of the sting out of the impending change in rent. Insurance companies are supposed to evaluate the risk of an incident happening, and they often feel that the presence of certain dog breeds on a home owner’s property boosts that risk. The ADA does not restrict the type of dog breed that can qualify for a service dog. That’s the case regardless of whether the animal in question is on a rental property's restricted breed list. Many landlords will not allow residents to bring dog breeds that are deemed “aggressive”. This is particularly true if this is the first time, to your knowledge, tha… With powerful jaws and a muscular body that can reach 130 pounds, a Bull Mastiff can be especially dangerous when provoked or when it feels its family is in danger. Keep reading for part 2 of our ‘how to get around breed restrictions when renting’ guide. The dogs that most typically make the banned dogs list in otherwise pet-friendly apartments are large-sized dog breeds that are considered aggressive and difficult to control by the governing bodies of the regulations. If you fail to offer your tenants an explanation, it often appears as if you are just being greedy and trying to get every dollar out of them that you can month after month. According to most insurance companies, the following are the more common “Dangerous Breeds” or “Blacklisted Breeds”: Pit Bulls & Staffordshire … If they do, the landlord needs to make sure that all applicants and tenants are not owners of any of the banned breeds of dogs. When these times do roll around, I have always found that by using a rent increase letter that has a very friendly tone, tenants respond much better to the impending rent increase. There are roughly 21 States, so far that have made this move. Dog bites are one of the big fears many landlords have when allowing their tenants to have pets. Simultaneously viewed as heroic and smart, such as police dogs, and fierce and aggressive, as guard dogs, German Shepherds deserve both reputations. It also states that only about 9 percent of all dog breeds that exist today are responsible for the majority of attacks. Check with your … However, without proper handling, they can be unpredictable and their size and strength make any attacks especially vicious. Insurance companies are in the business of risk assessment, so it’s only natural that they would have a list of dogs deemed so dangerous that the insurance company either won’t cover the homeowner or they will cover them at a drastically … Below is our current Aggressive Breed’s List as prohibited by most Insurance companies for properties under management. Some insurance policies will not provide coverage on properties that have these breeds. However, their endurance, strength and speed in learning have made Akitas very common as family pets. Depending on training, German Shepherds can range from calm to aggressive, and unfortunately is one of the most feared dog breeds in the country. I was informed by someone that rents an apartment in Knoxville that they had to find a new home for their Husky because the apartment complex owner said that the breed has been added to the "aggressive breed" list...he was told that "working dogs" have been added to the list. The most aggressive dog breeds, according to Forbes, are the Pit Bull (also known as the Staffordshire Terrier), Doberman Pinscher, Rottweiler and German Shepherd. Once you do, then you can spend the rest of your letter-writing time, making sure it has the kindness and empathy needed to ensure your tenants will choose to stay as your tenants. Almost all the states ban ownership and breeding of wolves and dogs, and the unpredictable mixture of genetic traits make them hard for people to have confidence in these hybrids. Please note that individual Landlord’s by impose additional restrictions per property. While their abilities as sled dogs and as working dogs are unparalleled, the Alaskan Malamute is known to require constant obedience training. As always we are here to help. We love animals, just like you do! If you are renting your home to a pet owner, you should be familiar with your area’s breed specific laws; a quick call to your county animal control office should give you an idea of what to … Despite the funny name, Chow Chows are known for being very territorial and may act out if they feel their family is being threatened. Therefore, rather than find yourself writing a letter that rambles on and on about this and that, do like I do and try getting to the point as fast as you can. By doing so, this makes the letter akin to a contract and also allows my tenants to clearly spell out their intentions. One company, who understands first hand that our canine counterparts are just as much a part of our families as anyone else, is making it easier for owners of often discriminated breeds, mainly pit bull-type dogs, to find a place that everyone can call home. Without obedience training, Rottweilers can be unpredictable and possessive. Required fields are marked *. Alternatively, your dog might be a gentle giant while someone’s smaller dog might be extremely aggressive. It also states that only about 9 percent of all dog breeds that exist today are responsible for the majority of attacks. Your email address will not be published. These high-energy dogs are very trainable, and when socialized at a young age, experts say they are wonderful pets with little trouble. Aggressive Dog Breeds. Pit Bulls, Staffordshire Terriers, German Shepherds and Dobermans top the list of banned breeds, but there are about a dozen that are banned by communities that use Breed Specific Legislation (BSL). Though you may lose a few tenants, statistics show that almost 80% of renters generally either automatically plan to renew their leases or are considering doing so, making it likely a friendly letter from you will result in a tenant who stays put for another year. Dangerous Dog Breeds. In my experiences when increasing rent for my tenants, I've always felt that if my letter was transparent from start to finish as to why the increase was needed, it became more of a discussion between myself and my tenant, rather than me coming off as an overbearing landlord threatening to evict them if they don't agree to my demands. Again, most of the banned breeds make these lists because statistically they are involved in more attacks on people than other breeds. Pets: Pets are allowed at the owner’s discretion, no dogs of an aggressive breed (list can be found below) and a minimum $250 Administrative Fee plus $250 additional per pet is required. Many insurance companies will not cover any incident on any property where a dog on their "aggressive" breed list (which often includes german shepherds and huskies and is usually arbitrarily based on breeds listed in bite claims made to them) so the apartment complex can not make an exception based on records of obedience training and good behavior. The following list is a general rule of thumb, but experts say the first four breeds are the most commonly denied. Unfortunately, certain dog breeds are not allowed in the underwriting guidelines of landlord insurance policies which means our office is unable to allow those breeds of animals in the rental properties we manage. The list has no specific scientific criteria required for a dog breed to be blacklisted; it is usually based upon the Insurance Company’s opinion of the risk the dog breed presents. Banned dog breeds should also be listed by name in the lease agreement or as an addendum to the lease. Other insurers don't have a "list" but will judge dogs on a case-by-case basis. Once landlords find out the list of banned breeds that their insurance company has put together, they can make the decision to continue to be a customer of the company or shop around for a non-discriminatory insurance company. Pit Bull Terriers Staffordshire Terriers Rottweilers German Shepherds Presa Canarios Chows Chows Doberman Pinschers … Business Assistance – https://www1.nyc.gov/, Q: Can I still close on my property in state? The specific breeds a landlord bans are up to their discretion. Include the Important Information When I have been busy composing a rent increase letter, I sometimes make the mistake of leaving out some of the vital information that any rent increase letter should include. There’s no set list, and breed restrictions can vary from complex to complex. Yes, you will pay more for owning a ‘risky” breed and if you are a renter, you may be denied an apartment or be evicted if you procure the dog after you rent, as pet policies vary as to acceptable breeds and sizes. With a history of being bred as fighting dogs, perhaps no breed is more associated with attacks than the pit bull. Insurance companies may deny homeowners and renters insurance coverage to people who own certain breeds of dogs. From breed restrictions not restrict the type of dog breed that can qualify for service! Bull Mastiff needs consistent training and socialization from an early age more on! I can attest it makes life as a result, more and more insurance may. 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