Wie mag wonen op uw heilige berg? Those who are fit for communion with God may be known by a conformity to His law, which is illustrated in various important particulars. All rights reserved. 119:1 Wie de volmaakte weg gaat en doet wat goed is, wie oprecht de waarheid spreekt. Who may live on Your holy mountain? thePassionTranslation.com, The Passion Translation (TPT). 11 Gain a concise, fundamental grasp of what the Bible is all about with our new, The Passion Translation: 8 Volume Boxed Set, The Passion Translation: 12 Volume Boxed Set, TPT New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs, 2020 Edition--imitation leather, violet, TPT New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs, 2020 Edition--hardcover, ivory, TPT New Testament with Psalms, Proverbs and Song of Songs, 2020 Edition--hardcover, espresso, The Story of Jesus: and His Love for You, Paperback. Walking with Integrity Psalm 15 - A psalm of David. While there is a fair amount of support for that idea in the New Testament, it ultimately stands that idea on its head. A Psalm of David. A psalm of David. 24:3-6 Jes. nor would they ever harm another with their words. 23 was written by David when he was a young shepherd serving his father, Jesse, while he was keeping watch over sheep near Bethlehem. meditate. TPT . The Hallelujah ChorusHallelujah! Startpagina - Tehilliem: Psalm 1 tot en met Psalm 150 Niet als de oorlogsheld of machtige koning heeft David de harten gestolen van de Joden en ook veel niet-Joden, maar als auteur van het Boek de Psalmen (Tehilliem) - de mooiste poëzie van Israël. I will meditate in your precepts, and have respect to your ways. David asks, Who will dwell in the Lord’s holy hill?—He answers, The righteous, the upright, and those with integrity. If we will dwell in the Holy Place, there must first be a holy place in our spirits where God dwells. 15 1 15:1-5 Ps. The other psalm that he wrote when but a young lad was Ps. Our Amazing God - Hallelujah! It is translated in Ezek. Psalm 23:1 Most scholars conclude that Ps. Psalm 15. They make firm commitments and follow through, They never crush others with exploitation or abuse, and they would never be bought with a bribe. Praise God in his holy sanctuary!Praise him in his stronghold in the sky!Praise him for his miracles of might!Praise him for his magnificent greatness always sincere and always speaking the truth—. Hierin worden 11 punten genoemd die leiden tot een perfect relatie met onze naasten: de volmaakte weg gaan, doen wat goed is, de waarheid spreken, niet lasteren, geen ander benadelen, een ander niet bespotten, de verachte verachten, eren die ontzag heeft voor G'd, geen eed breken, geen rente vragen voor een lening, geen … 19:16 Recht. Psalmen online. This psalm gives a typical Old Testament answer. Footnotes. they’ll never listen to gossip or rumors. and z speaks truth in his heart; 3 who a does not slander with his tongue. [c]2 They are passionate and wholehearted,always sincere and always speaking the truth—for their hearts are trustworthy.3 They refuse to slander[d] or insult others;they’ll never listen to gossip or rumors,nor would they ever harm another with their words.4 They will speak out passionately against evil and evil workerswhile commending the faithful ones who follow after the truth.They make firm commitments and follow through,even at great cost.5 They never crush others with exploitation or abuseand they would never be bought with a bribeagainst the innocent.They will never be shaken; they will stand firm forever. 125. Footnotes. The Hebrew word for “sanctuary” is taken from a root word for “shining place.”. 2 Ps. nor would they ever harm another with their words. Who will God honor to live in his presence? 15 O L ord, u who shall sojourn in your v tent? You give what they hunger for at just the right time. He sets his stars in place, calling them all by their names. This psalm gives us David’s Sermon on the Mount. God will honor those who live rightly. 2 He that walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart.. 3 He that backbiteth not with his tongue, nor doeth evil to his neighbour, nor taketh up a reproach against his neighbour.. 4 In whose eyes a vile person is contemned; but he honoureth them that fear the LORD. Heeft hij gezworen tot zijn schade, 14 is practical; Ps. en geen smaad jegens zijn naaste op de lippen neemt. Psalm 15 1 Een lied van David.. Heer, wie mag in uw tent komen? A Psalm of David. There is etiquette for God’s house revealed in this psalm. In zijn paleis hoorde hij mijn stem, mijn roepen bereikte zijn oren. Who presumes the privilege of being close to you. How beautiful it is when we sing our praises to the beautiful God, for praise makes you lovely before him and brings him great delight! 4 In zijn ogen is de verworpene veracht, maar wie de HEERE vrezen, eert hij. 9 HEER, geef de schurken niet wat zij begeren, doorkruis hun plannen als zij opstaan tegen mij. There is etiquette for God’s house revealed in this psalm. ook ik wil uw wonderen bekendmaken. It actually is a description of Zion’s perfect Man, Christ Jesus, and all those who are transformed into his image (Rom. Footnotes. sela. Praise the Lord! 3 Die met zijn tong niet lastert, zijn vrienden geen kwaad doet. and the eyes of all look to you. Praise the Lord! Who presumes the privilege of being close to you. HERR, wer wird wohnen in deiner Hütte? Klik op een vers en u krijgt de gekoppelde kernwoorden te zien.. Tevens kunt u vanaf een psalmvers naar de pagina zingen.U kunt dan het betreffende psalmvers zingen bij uw PC of bij een digitaal schoolbord.. Zoeken in de tekst van berijmde psalmen Ps. Hier kunt u online zoeken in de psalmen in de berijming van 1773.Kies een psalm in de linkerkolom om de psalm te lezen. they’ll never listen to gossip or rumors. [b]Who are those who daily dwell in the life of the Holy Spirit? Ps 15:1-5. They will never be shaken; they will stand firm forever. 5:4-5 Toen schudde en schokte de aarde, de bergen trilden op hun grondvesten, beefden omdat hij vlamde van woede, 9 rook steeg op uit zijn neus, verterend vuur kwam uit zijn mond, hij spuwde hete as. 2 He who x walks blamelessly and y does what is right. It is a song that reveals who will dwell in God’s holy presence and who will live with him in heaven’s glory. living next to you in your shining place of glory? 145:5 Laten zij spreken over de glorie van uw majesteit, / ook ik wil uw wonderen bekendmaken – Volgens een Qumran-handschrift en sommige oude vertalingen. The Passion Translation®. LORD, who shall abide in thy tabernacle? tot de HEER: ‘U bent mijn Heer, mijn geluk, niemand gaat u te boven.’ 3 Maar tot de goden in dit land, de machten die ik vereerd heb, zeg ik: 4 ‘Wie u volgt, wacht veel verdriet.’ Ik pleng voor hen geen bloed meer, niet langer ligt hun naam op mijn lippen. 8 18:8-15 Hab. Who may live on your holy mountain? A psalm of David. 1. abide—or, "sojourn" (compare Ps 5:4), where it means under God's protection here, as (Ps 23:6, 27:4, 6) communion. God’s guests must submit to the holiness that lives there. Wie zal verkeren, grote God, In Uwe tent? Wer wird bleiben auf deinem heiligen Berge? It is a song that reveals who will dwell in God’s holy presence and who will live with him in heaven’s glory. Bible Language English. Psalm 15:1 Perhaps David’s prophetic minstrels sang this song of instruction as they laid the ark to rest in David’s tent. Israëls Beschermer. who shall dwell in thy holy b hill? living next to you in your shining place of glory? 24:4; Jes. They will never be shaken; they will stand firm forever. tabernacle—seat of the ark (2Sa 6:17), the symbol of God's presence. 2 15:2 Ps. The Good ShepherdDavid’s poetic praise to GodThe Lord is my best friend and my shepherd.I always have more than enough.He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love.His tracks take me t If we will dwell in the Holy Place, there must first be a holy place in our spirits where God dwells. 7 In mijn nood riep ik tot de HEER, ik schreeuwde naar mijn God om hulp. Choose your favorite psalm 103 tote bags from thousands of available designs. wordt getroffen door de vloek van hun lippen. 1 Lord, who may dwell in your sacred tent? 2 Rondom Jeruzalem zijn bergen; alzo is de HEERE rondom Zijn volk, van nu aan tot in der eeuwigheid.. 3 Want de scepter der goddeloosheid zal niet rusten op het lot der rechtvaardigen; opdat de rechtvaardigen hun handen niet uitstrekken tot onrecht. Who are those who daily dwell in the life of the Holy Spirit? The Passion Translation® Copyright © 2017 by Passion & Fire Ministries, Inc. Used by permission. 8 HEER, mijn God, machtige redder, u beschermt mij op de dag van de strijd. while commending the faithful ones who follow after the truth. Ps. Psalm 15 INTRODUCTION: This psalm addresses a question that concerns all religious people. who shall dwell in thy holy hill? ADONAI, who may dwell in Your tent? Used by permission. 14 and Ps. 16 When you open your generous hand, it’s full of blessings, Ps. Who may live on your holy mountain? Vers 1 Wie zal verkeren, grote God, In Uwe tent? Wien zult Gij kronen Met zulk een onwaardeerbaar lot, Dat hij, bij 't heuglijkst gunstgenot Uw heilig Sion moog' bewonen . while commending the faithful ones who follow after the truth. Psalm 15:1 This psalm gives us David’s Sermon on the Mount. He was most likely sixteen or seventeen years old. All psalm 103 canvas totes ship within 48 hours and include a 30-day money-back guarantee. Psalm 15 Ein Psalm Davids. Who shall dwell on your w holy hill? Footnotes: Psalm 91:1 Or “O, you who sits enthroned.” The Hebrew word yashab is often associated with one seated as royalty. 1 Een lied Hammaälôth. 2 Iemand die zijn best doet om te leven zoals U het wil, die van de waarheid houdt 3 en geen slechte dingen zegt over anderen en die zijn vrienden geen kwaad doet. Psalm 119:23,48,78,97,131,148 Princes also did sit and speak against me: but thy servant did meditate in thy statutes…. 53 are nearly identical. They will speak out passionately against evil and evil workers. All rights reserved. Psalm 15. Copyright © 2017 by BroadStreet Publishing® Group, LLC. How great is our God! PSALM 15. 33:15-16 Een psalm van David. Who are those who daily dwell in the life of the Holy Spirit? 1 Lord, who shall a abide in thy tabernacle? You even formed every bone in my body when you created me in the secret place, carefully, skillfully shaping me from nothing to something. Ps. 1 (A Psalm of David.) 31:15 Ik roep tot de HEER: ‘U bent mijn God, luister, HEER, naar mijn smeekgebed. 53 with the future. Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night.. James 1:25 Psalmen 15 « Psalmen 14 ... 4 In wiens ogen de verworpene veracht is, maar hij eert degenen, die den HEERE vrezen; heeft hij gezworen tot zijn schade, evenwel verandert hij niet; 5 Die zijn geld niet geeft op woeker, en geen geschenk neemt tegen den onschuldige. Cancel. Version. Living in the Shining PlaceA poetic song, by King DavidLord, who dares to dwell with you?Who presumes the privilege of being close to you,living next to you in your shining place of glory?Who are thos Psalms 145. 71:18 78:4 Laat geslacht na geslacht van uw schepping verhalen, uw machtige daden verkondigen. PsalmsPoetry on FireBook 1The Genesis PsalmsPsalms of man and creationThe Tree of LifeWhat delight comes to the one who follows God’s ways!He won’t walk in step with the wicked,nor share t 2 He that a walketh uprightly, and worketh righteousness, and speaketh the truth in his heart. Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} ... 15 You have captured our attention. 5 53 is prophetic. 10 Dat het hoofd van mijn belagers. Our psalm 103 handbags are made with a durable, machine-washable fabric and come in a variety of sizes. Perhaps David’s prophetic minstrels sang this song of instruction as they laid the ark to rest in David’s tent. 3:6-13 18:8 Ex. Wer ohne Tadel einhergeht und recht tut und redet die Wahrheit von Herzen; Read verse in Luther Bible 1912 (German) The Lord builds up Jerusalem; he gathers up the outcasts and brings them home. They make firm commitments and follow through, and they would never be bought with a bribe. always sincere and always speaking the truth—. 4 Die niet omgaat met slechte mensen, maar respect heeft voor mensen die ontzag hebben voor U. Before I’d ever seen the light of day, the number of days you planned for me were already recorded in your book. 5 Laten zij spreken over de glorie van uw majesteit,. Wien zult Gij kronen Met zulk een onwaardeerbaar lot, Dat hij, bij 't heuglijkst gunstgenot Uw heilig Sion moog' bewonen MT: ‘Jij zegt’. It actually is a description of Zion’s perfect Man, Christ Jesus, and all those who are transformed into his image (Rom. Psalm 14:1 With few differences, Ps. Psalm 15. You saw who you created me to be before I became me! He heals the wounds of every shattered heart. Psalm 15 vers 1. 33:15 Hij die oprecht wandelt en gerechtigheid beoefent, die met zijn hart de waarheid spreekt. 14 deals with the past, Ps. LORD, who may dwell in your sacred tent? 15 A poetic song, by King David1 Lord, who dares to dwell with you?Who presumes the privilege of being close to you,living next to you in your shining place of glory? 8:29). Psalm 15 gaat over onze houding ten opzichte van onze naaste. 2 The one whose walk is blameless, who does what is righteous, who speaks the truth from their heart; 3 whose tongue utters no slander, who does no wrong to a neighbor, God’s guests must submit to the holiness that lives there. Die op den HEERE vertrouwen, zijn als de berg Sion, die niet wankelt, maar blijft in eeuwigheid. HEER , wie mag gast zijn in uw tent, wie mag wonen op uw heilige berg?