Everyone wants to come in and enjoy your AC and play on your Wii. Other examples of gerunds include running, singing, playing, speaking, and writing. commute't know anybody who actively enjoys commuting by car, however much they claim to enjoy driving. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. The judgment also advised that retained firefighters should be entitled to enjoy the same benefits as their wholetime colleagues. Jill's message is you don't have to be a bold adventurer to enjoy the live aboard cruising life. It would have been much better to permit his exposition of the philosophy of religion to enjoy the same literary rights as his earlier works, since Kant could not be interdicted without first silencing a multitude of theologians who were at least equally separated from positive Christianity. On the 7th of April 1498 an immense throng gathered in the Piazza della Signoria to enjoy the barbarous sight. It is well also to have an open exposure towards the east and west, so that the garden may enjoy the full benefit of the morning and evening sun, especially the latter; but shelter is desirable on the north and north-east, or in any direction in which the particular locality may happen to be exposed. Although the proposal was dropped, they were all declared to be foreigners and were forced to obtain naturalization if they would enjoy the rights of other citizens. Enjoy the area's quiet villages, parts of the Norfolk Broads and pretty coastal areas. Show More Sentences But the Deputy Prime Minister appeared to enjoy the white-knuckle ride, grinning throughout in the company of a couple of minders wearing shades. After you have edited for content, structure, and quality, move on to proofreading for grammar. I enjoy watching improv theater. At the first of these assemblies held at Nyborg, Midsummer Day 1314, the bishops and councillors solemnly promised that the commonalty should enjoy all the ancient rights and privileges conceded to them by Valdemar II., and the wise provision that the Danehof should meet annually considerably strengthened its authority. Ladies ' night commemorative are not limited can now enjoy. The League naturally sympathized with Poland, not only because Poland was the enemy of the knights, but also because under Poland it hoped to enjoy the practical liberty which Polish anarchy already seemed to offer. I enjoy having a play described to me while it is being acted on the stage far more than reading it, because then it seems as if I were living in the midst of stirring events. You don't have to buy expensive cuts of meat just because they are, but I'm sure you'd enjoy buying some meat that you don't have to play wizard on so they won't be tough. We collect the money, the customer gets to relax, enjoy this gorgeous mountain scenery and eat your fresh blueberry muffins. In a sentence, a gerund functions as either an object or noun in the sentence. Sweden was also to enjoy her religion, subject to such changes as a general council might make; but neither pope nor council was to claim or exercise the right of releasing Sigismund from his obligations to his Swedish subjects. ardours of modern travel and to enjoy local surroundings. Enjoy a pre dinner aperitif relaxing in the ambiance of the Piano Bar. From this time they passed under the dominion of the successive Macedonian rulers of Asia, but continued, with the exception of Miletus (q.v. not legally qualified to celebrate a triumph, he was allowed by general consent to enjoy this distinction, while Sulla greeted him with the surname of Magnus, a title he always retained and handed down to his sons. The proclamation stated (among other things): " It is the wish of Her Most Gracious Majesty that it [the state] shall enjoy the fullest legislative privileges compatible with the circumstances of the country and the intelligence of its people.". I might enjoy that kind of banter with a real person I will never meet, talking to me from a distant state. Alex was looking forward to this visit — the boy would enjoy the opportunity. Cheddar is very functional and responds well to cooking, you may however enjoy it more with a strong blue cheese. There is nothing they enjoy more than sailing the sea, chasing treasure and being big, bad, bold buccaneers. It is long, however, since these abuses were abolished; and in Scandinavia more especially the Lapps of the present day enjoy the advantages resulting from a large amount of philanthropic legislation on the part of their rulers. 4. We're going to be parents and I want to enjoy every minute of it. Free online sentence completion exercises. Meanwhile the district of Khiva, previously subject to Bokhara, was made an independent khanate by Abdul-Gazi Bahadur Khan; and in the reign of Subhankuli, who ascended the throne in 1680, the political power of Bokhara was still further lessened, though it continued to enjoy the unbounded respect of the Sunnite Mahommedans. But though no longer a minister Czartoryski continued to enjoy Alexander's confidence in private, and in 1810 the emperor candidly admitted to Czartoryski that his policy in 1805 had been erroneous and he had not made a proper use of his opportunities. The Kilimanjaro region is said to enjoy immunity. Beauty everywhere I look - and to think I only have three days to enjoy it. Of the stud farms Trakehnen in East Prussia and Graditz in the Prussian province of Saxony enjoy a European reputation. The orchards stretched from the palace to the city and had been open to the public for immortals all over to visit and enjoy. They would learn those things with or without children, but they could enjoy the intimacy of them much better when it was merely the two of them. You too can enjoy the office banter with everyone else. Instead of everyone running around, slipping and sliding, shoveling slushy muck and shivering, here people just shift into a lower gear, listen to the quiet and enjoy the temporary peace. The French congregation (which does not enjoy continuity with the Maurists) was inaugurated by Dom Gueranger in 1833, and the German congregation of Beuron in 1863. You can of course enjoy a cognac with your coffee. Fish, as is well known, devour them greedily, and enjoy a veritable feast during the short period in which any particular species appears. Does she enjoy looking at books and joining in to sing rhymes and tell stories? watch what, how, etc… Watch what I do, then you try. The ability to write good sentences. All I care about is to enjoy seeing the chase, is it not so, Count? Bob always goes to bed at 10:00. The older Mahommedan theologians were agreed that they possessed a written revelation and were entitled accordingly to enjoy a toleration not granted to mere heathen. It takes you three hours and a half to hear and enjoy an opera. He now occupied a great position for which he was supremely fitted, and at a juncture in the reform of university studies when a theologian of liberal views, but universally respected for his massive learning and his devout and single-minded character, would enjoy a unique opportunity for usefulness. ---***--- WRITING: Watching movies is an amazing activity to relax for many people nowadays. I think I'll always love you. Come to a traditional 1930's boatyard in the beautiful northern Broads and enjoy a very special experience. 2. A.Since I enjoy watching improv theater, I go when I can; however, that isn't very often. On the other hand, maybe he would enjoy her company – certainly Rob would and that would take his attention off Jenny. Enjoy a panoramic view of the city where the cathedral dome dominates the cityscape. lectual grasp, has held in the modern world the same rank which was accorded to him in the old; but he cannot enjoy the same appreciation. Tonight, why not enjoy a Parisian cabaret or dine in a cozy left bank bistro? In the summer months, guests can enjoy a BBQ on the pool terrace. It was one thing to enjoy his company, but something other than companionship was hammering at the doors of her consciousness - something she didn't want to think about, because his job would be done in three more weeks. You have to keep watching to prevent the milk from boiling over. Through the training and opportunities we provide, you can expect to enjoy a long and successful career with us. We watched to see what would happen next. Only as he becomes a spiritual being through mystical union with Christ can he escape death and enjoy eternal life in the spiritual realm. Some chapters describe the manner in which he passes from earth to heaven and becomes a star in the firmament, others deal with the food and drink necessary for his continued existence after death, and others again with the royal prerogatives which he hopes still to enjoy; many are directed against the bites of snakes and stings of scorpions. It has been defined to be the right which a clerk has to enjoy certain ecclesiastical revenues on condition of discharging certain services prescribed by the canons, or by usage, or by the conditions under which his office has been founded. In the Parahyba valley, which extends across the state of Rio de Janeiro, the mean temperature is somewhat higher than it is in Sao Paulo and Minas Geraes, and the nights are warmer, but the higher valleys of the Serra do Mar enjoy a delightfully temperate climate. Meet Sarah Burnett principal bassoon What do you enjoy about playing with Britten Sinfonia? In no other country did they enjoy so many guarantees against a return of persecution. It was evident that the two officers of justice did not enjoy an unmarred serenity. Did he actually think she would enjoy brute force, or was that merely an excuse? Additional rewards followed, including the renewal of his exchequer auditorship (though he may have continued to enjoy it since his first appointment) and ten pounds to his pension. Such are the evangelical principle of " doing as you would be done by the principle of justice, or " giving every man his own, and letting him enjoy it without interference "; and especially what More states as the abstract formula of benevolence, that " if it be good that one man should be supplied with the means of living well and happily, it is mathematically certain that it is doubly good that two should be so supplied, and so on.". Johannisberger, Steinberger, Riidesheimer, Marcobrunner, Hochheimer, Rauenthaler, Assmannsh fuser, and others - which enjoy the highest reputation amongst the vintages of Germany.. On the third Sunday in Advent 1329, and afterwards in public consistory, John had preached that the souls of those who have died in a state of grace go into Abraham's bosom, sub altari Dei, and do not enjoy the beatific vision (visio facie ad faciem) of the Lord until after the Last Judgment and the Resurrection; and he had even instructed a Minorite friar, Gauthier of Dijon, to collect the passages in the Fathers which were in favour of this doctrine. You're beginning to enjoy it, aren't you? The government agents who dogged him have given up chase for the so called tipster so he is free to finally enjoy his retirement. Sweden was also to enjoy her religion subject to such changes as a general council might make. I want to enjoy the rest of what I have, Gabriel. I enjoy those freedoms much like an interest payment or dividend, and I call it "my right" to free speech. Protestantism was introduced in 1568, and Magdalena, the last Roman Catholic abbess, died in 1589; but Protestant abbesses were appointed to the foundation, and continued to enjoy their imperial privileges till 1803, when Gandersheim was incorporated with Brunswick. He could make her enjoy being second mate. They would have some time to enjoy a late Christmas at home when they returned. I cannot tell you how much I enjoy the country. I tried looking into a few sources and everything comes up with the list. The mornings and evenings had been packed with chores, but there was usually time during the middle of the day to enjoy some time outside. I hope you managed to enjoy a few chuckles with some ideas over the holiday season. Since 1887 the city has declared yearly by increasing majorities for prohibition of the liquor traffic. Usually I enjoy seeing the gentle flakes and they cause me little aggravation with their accumulation as I seldom travel more than a block or two when I secure provisions. Each congregation had a plurality of elders, pastors or bishops, who were chosen according to what were believed to be the instructions of Paul, without regard to previous education or present occupation, and who enjoy a perfect equality in office. ), and although during the five centuries of Cassite control in Babylonia (c.1750-1200B.C. The teachers at the Wright-Humason School were always planning how they might give the pupils every advantage that those who hear enjoy--how they might make much of few tendencies and passive memories in the cases of the little ones--and lead them out of the cramping circumstances in which their lives were set. Ann always keeps her room clean. Thus provided for, he proceeded to enjoy life to the utmost, with the help of his wealth and liberality, his literary and artistic tastes. I love good sentences. "No, I will not do this to bait Kisolm, as much as I enjoy it," he clarified. I didn't take it that way, and Dad would have been the first to enjoy a touch of humor. districts, as well as the greater part of the Sierra Alta, are destitute of large trees; but the coast-lands on both sides towards Tabasco and British Honduras enjoy a sufficient rainfall to support forests containing the mahogany tree, several valuable cabinet woods, vanilla, logwood and other dye-woods. When I'm not diving I also enjoy badminton, reading and hill climbing. The AmaTonga enjoy a larger measure of home rule, but are under the general supervision of the civil commissioner. I can enjoy myself well enough here chopping; I want no better sport. You will be glad to hear that I enjoy Mathematics now. ASL Sentences Beyond the thousands of words in the Signing Savvy dictionary, we have hundreds of signed ASL sentences to help in your sign language learning. 48. Rail fans can enjoy sitting trackside, watching modern railroading and enjoying the historic connection with the Great Northern Railroad. They pulse with the vitality of language and they aren’t any longer than they need to be. In June of 1629 he brought the Dunkirkers to action, and they were severely beaten, but Piet Heyn did not live to enjoy his victory. Such privileges, even of an honorary kind, as the nobles did enjoy by law belonged to them, not as nobles, but as senators and senators' sons. We also have a large subsidized canteen which has theme days, which I enjoy. This divergence is partly explained by the difference of soil - which in Drente comprises the maximum of waste lands, and in South Holland the minimum - and partly also by the greater facilities which the seaward provinces enjoy of earning a subsistence, and the greater variety of their industries. Some of their powers of legislation and administration they possess motu proprio in virtue of their position as diocesan bishops, others they enjoy under special faculties granted by the Holy See; but all bishops are bound, by an oath taken at the time of their consecration, to go to Rome at fixed intervals (visitare sacra limina apostolorum) to report in person, and in writing, on the state of their dioceses. Soon they would have two nephews to enjoy, and Katie could use the help. The four Palm Court rooms upstairs have bathtubs from which you can enjoy the sunset! In the latter division are comprised the two Vindhyan districts of Saugor and Damoh, Jubbulpore at the head of the Nerbudda valley, and the four Satpura districts of Mandla, Seoni, Betul and Chhindwara, which enjoy, owing to their greater elevation, a distinctly lower average temperature than the rest of the province. Although exceedingly near-sighted, Tennyson was a very close observer of nature, and at the age of eighty his dark and glowing eyes, which were still strong, continued to permit him to enjoy the delicate features of country life around him, both at Aldworth and in the Isle of Wight. The principalities were to enjoy commercial freedom, and the right of establishing a quarantine cordon along the Danube or elsewhere. 1. If you want to enjoy this evening, you'd better get that chip off your shoulder. When you begin editing and proofreading your text, start with larger problems, such as clarity and structure. Let us, the inhabitants of the Cape Colony, be swift to recognize that we are one people, cast together under a glorious flag of liberty, with heads clear enough to appreciate the freedom we enjoy, and hearts resolute to maintain our true privileges; let us desist from reproaching and insulting one another, and, rejoicing that we have this goodly land as a common heritage, remember that by united action only can we realize its grand possibilities. 28. If now the question be asked what purpose or aim a man can have, seeing that there is nothing of permanent value in human work, an answer is given which recurs, like a refrain, from the beginning to the end of the book, and appears to be from the hand of the original author: after every description of the vanity of things comes the injunction to enjoy such pleasures as may fall to one's lot (11.24, 25, 111.12, 13, 22, V. On the other hand Athens, like Corinth, Megara and Argos, was sufficiently far from the sea to enjoy security against the sudden descent of a hostile fleet. (for) " They watched the concert from the first row. " That isn't very often. Soon after Menasseh left London Cromwell granted him a pension, but he died before he could enjoy it. My goal has been to enjoy what I have left then …die. But in the corner, almost hidden from his fellows, one poor man was sitting who did not enjoy the singing. So the next time you get teased for being a television junkie, use these talking points to silence the critics. These ensure that manufacturers can enjoy the advantages of lower fuel bills and reduced environmental emissions without having to make any large-scale capital expenditure. Then again, many people would enjoy the attention. We enjoy each other's company and we have a lot in common. Ministers may be members of either chamber and enjoy the privilege of being allowed to speak in both. The high schools enjoy a notable reputation. Let's go over the different uses of all four conditional sentences (with examples)! Watching sentence examples. He created man to enjoy the bounty of His blessing. They would enjoy each day that had been given them as a gift. Enjoy a dusk cruise, a dawn chorus walk or watch the sunrise from a canoe. 1603, either in London or in Colchester. They are declared to be mendicants and enjoy all the privileges of the other mendicant orders. Many also came with yearning of soul to enjoy the bliss of God. Having live music from the quartet can really add to the celebratory atmosphere as guests relax and enjoy themselves. It has a handsome parish church and is the seat of a Greek Orthodox bishop. It is unnecessary to remark that in the British colonies the Jews everywhere enjoy full citizenship. The present world was a thing that men would neither enjoy nor master nor study. The lowlands, rising but a few feet above the Caspian, and subject to frequent floodings, are extremely malarious, while the highlands, culminating with the magnificent Demavend (19,400 ft.), enjoy a tolerably healthy climate. The native whites form the governing class, and enjoy most of the powers and privileges of political office. It was time for the Deans to talk, to enjoy one another, the first real time together since their May wedding and hectic summer and fall that followed their move West and the opening of Bird Song. She reaches out and touches the leaves, and the world of growing things is hers, as truly as it is ours, to enjoy while she holds the leaves in her fingers and smells the blossoms, and to remember when the walk is done. In the Moluccas, where the Dutch have had settlements for 250 years, some of the inhabitants trace their descent to early immigrants; and these, as well as most of the people of Dutch descent in the east, are quite as fair as their European ancestors, enjoy excellent health, and are very prolific. The fortunate monarch, however, had not long to enjoy his success; for Pizarro and his Spaniards were already at the door, and by 1533 the fate of the country was sealed. Fairbairn); in 1905 Cheshunt College, founded by the countess of Huntingdon, was transferred to Cambridge, to enjoy university teaching; whilst the creation of the university of Wales, the reconstitution of London University, and the creation of Manchester University, led, between 1900 and 1905, to the affiliation to them of one or more of the other colleges. 74. But such laws and such acts only embittered political passions and greatly encouraged the adherents of Prince Peter Karageorgevich, who, having married the eldest daughter of Prince Nicholas of Montenegro and living at Cettigne, was supposed to enjoy the support of Russia. He kept open house for visitors; he had printers close at hand in Geneva; he fitted up a private theatre in which he could enjoy what was perhaps the greatest pleasure of his whole life - acting in a play of his own, stage-managed by himself. Read the following sentence. And why not enjoy myself? It was obvious Donald, and to a lesser extent Dean, would enjoy steeper, longer and more challenging runs. Love Court Mean. 5, 6), and then enjoy the blessings of the Messianic kingdom under the Messianic king (xxiii. To enjoy the society of the learned, he went first to Mosul (1189), and afterwards to Damascus. She sat in the corner, watching my every move. And he will find he is capable of adding far more value than as a set of eyes watching a screen. The policy of indulging his tastes and helping him to enjoy. His rule was popular and-beneficent; and though during the mutiny of 1857 his attitude was equivocal, he continued to enjoy the favour of the British government, being created G.C.S.I. We remain committed to running a bookshop where it's possible to enjoy the serendipity of real book browsing. "I'm sure Destiny will really enjoy it," Carmen said. the Fowler, in spite of the opposition of the German king, Conrad I., and ceased for a time to enjoy a separate political existence. Her novels still enjoy great popularity in Poland. In his powerful defence of establishments against the voluntaries in both Scotland and England, in which his ablest assistants were those who afterwards became, along with him, the leaders of the Free Church, he pleaded that an established church to be effective must divide the country territorially into a large number of small parishes, so that every corner of the land and every person, of whatever class, shall actually enjoy the benefits of the parochial machinery. He did not enjoy it long, dying on the 28th of February 1869. I hope [you] will enjoy the Thanksgiving very much. Maybe he was glad to have her out of the house so he could enjoy some privacy. Though the Ornitholepas australis (Targioni Tozzetti, 1872), found on the tail feathers of a bird, represents only the cypris-larva of a cirripede, it still shows one of the many facilities for dispersion which these creatures enjoy. braceing the day, enjoy bracing walks along the nearby beaches, framed by dramatic peaks. Diablo's gate was smooth, and in spite of her injured ankle she began to enjoy the ride. The ten mosques and madrasas of Yarkand, although poorer than those of Bokhara or Samarkand, enjoy wide renown in the Moslem world. EXAMPLE SENTENCES FROM THE WEB Even the sentinels had left their posts in order to enjoy the festal occasion. I hate life and enjoy nothing better than picking fights with the biggest bouncer after too many pints. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. He went to London early in the year to enjoy his triumph, and found himself at once a personage in society - was called upon and invited out by lion-hunters, was taken to Windsor by Lord Rockingham, and had the honour of supping with the duke of York. The people of the principalities were to enjoy all the privileges that they had possessed under Mahomet IV. I really do. She reaches out and touches the leaves, and the world of growing things is hers, as truly as it is ours, to enjoy while she holds the leaves in her fingers and smells the blossoms, and to remember when the walk is done. Master the art of sentence-writing and you can paint vivid word pictures that people will rush to read and share. Marriage retains certain traces of the original system of capture; but Druse women enjoy much consideration, and are comparatively well educated, dignified and free in their bearing in spite of their close veiling. 4. Scotland hotels explore breathtaking natural beauty Scotland hotels with online reservations, enjoy the beauty of Scotland. I am a " sad anorak " because I quite enjoy EuroVision. Zaki did not long enjoy the fruits of his perfidious dealing. The verb like enjoy, mind, etc. Or maybe they wanted you to stay in the hospital a little longer so they could enjoy some peace and quiet while you're away. Southern Italy indeed has in general a very different climate from the northern portion of the kingdom; and, though large tracts are still occupied by rugged mountains of sufficient elevation to retain the snow for a considerable part of the year, the districts adjoining the sea enjoy a climate similar to that of Greece and the southern provinces of Spain. South of Sao Paulo the tablelands of Parana, Santa Catharina and Rio Grande do Sul enjoy a temperate climate, with an abundant rainfall. Happy people enjoy what they have.. A greedy person cannot enjoy his life well.. One cannot enjoy one’s success unless one has tasted failure.. The society of the powers and privileges of political office sweden was also to enjoy injured ankle she began enjoy. Of Sallust and Tacitus could appreciate and enjoy a butterfly bonanza every,... Suppose I do, then sentences small Jewish settlement ( especially in Christiania ) are! 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