Consequential Damages and Liquidated Damages. Click on the eBriefcase link at the top right of the page to open your collection of pages. One of the biggest risks contractors and subcontractors face on construction projects is liability for consequential damages, although many of them may not even know about that risk, much less understand it. Consequential damages can include such things as lost profits and lost use. On August 4, 2016, the New Jersey Supreme Court joined a long list of states’ high courts when it affirmed a ruling that consequential damages resulting from a subcontractor’s faulty work constituted “property damage” caused by an “occurrence” under the property developer/general contractor’s commercial general liability policies. The presence of LDs in a contract typically means consequential damages for delayed completion are generally not recoverable since they both generally represent duration-related damages. I have worked on DOT projects where the LD amount was $50 per day and I have worked on sports venue projects where the LD amount was in the millions of dollars per event if events did not occur on time. The A201 mutual waiver clause has aggravated a perplexing problem — how to define “consequential damages,” the subject of the waiver. Such damages can be huge. Liquidated damages (LDs) generally represent an attempt made at the contracting stage to estimate and then agree (liquidate) to the amount of damages the owner will suffer in the event the project is not completed on time or certain milestones are not timely met. LEXIS 114 (App. Often owner/general MSA’s provide no termination rights for the subcontractor. For example, a 10% consequential damage liability cap on a $30 million contract would be $3 million. To protect against this sort of post-completion consequential damages risk, and other risks, be sure to include waiver of consequential damages language even if the contract has an LD provision. If the project is not completed on time, the owner will lose the benefit of that revenue and the contractor and responsible subcontractors can face liability for that loss of revenue, i.e., consequential damages. … You should know, understand and evaluate this risk on every project. “49 Consequential Damages: the Subcontractor will not be liable in any event for loss of anticipated profits, loss by reason of plant shutdown, non-operation or increased expense of operation of other equipment, or other consequential loss or damage of any nature arising from any cause whatever.” For example, a 10% consequential damage liability cap on a $30 million contract would be $3 million. buyer has rightfully rejected or justifiably revoked acceptance, consequential . The best way to … In other words, they are the result of special circumstances not usually predictable. Subcontractor’s Waiver of Consequential Damages is Enforced where the Waiver Clause was Incorporated by Reference from the Prime Contract. This mutual waiver includes: .1 damages incurred by the Owner for rental expenses, for losses of use, income, profit, financing, business and reputation, and for loss of management or employee  productivity or of the services of such persons; and. Beginning in 1997, A201 included a mutual waiver of consequential damages provisions which today (2017 version) reads as follows: 15.1.7 Waiver of Claims for Consequential Damages. Such damages can be huge. Consequential damages include, but are not limited to, lost profits, lost revenues, and lost business opportunity, whether the other party was or should One of the most negotiated issues in construction contracts are liquidated and consequential damages. Every contractor and subcontractor should consider and evaluate the risk of consequential damages on each project. The Contractor and Owner waive Claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this Contract. Every contractor and subcontractor should consider and evaluate the risk of consequential damages on each project. That cap can be anything the parties negotiate but in my experience it ranges anywhere from 5% to 15% of the contract value. Almost all standard construction industry contracts contain some form of waiver of consequential damages. Employment Law Briefing: New Year, New Administration, New Legal Changes for Employers, EEOC Issues Guidance Regarding Mandatory Vaccinations. In many contracts, the waiver of consequential damages is mutual. He practices law with honesty, confidence, and commitment, and routinely draws upon his 35+ years of experience to deliver innovative solutions and legal strategies on a wide range of issues impacting the state’s construction industry. In other words, “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.”. Developer’s Commercial Liability Policy Covers Consequential Damages of Subcontractor’s Work By Betsy G. Ramos on August 7, 2015 in Blog with 1 Comment An issue that often arises in claims involving a construction project is the scope of coverage for alleged defective work of the contractor or a subcontractor. What I have found interesting over the last several months is that contractors, surety brokers and even surety … The last sentence in AIA’s A201 2007 section 15.1.6 demonstrates that a waiver of consequential damages The best way to think of such damages is in connection with an income-producing project such as a hotel, convention center, manufacturing facility, etc., from which an owner will derive revenue. Consequential damages are damages not ordinarily expected to result from a breach but are peculiar or special to the transaction between the parties. An example of the consequential damages risk can be found in the 1992 case of Perini Corporation v. Greate Bay Hotel & Casino which arose from Perini’s reconstruction of the façade of an Atlantic City casino. Perini was late in completing the project and while Perini’s initial fee on the project was only about $600,000, it was hit with an adverse award of $14.5 million in consequential damages arising from the casino’s lost revenues due to the late completion. When my clients are deciding how to manage this damages risk, I advise them to look at the complexity of the project, the quality of the design documents, the schedule and their contractual right to obtain time extensions. When it comes to construction contracts, contractors, owners, and even designers should be apprehensive about the prospect of consequential … July 9, 2015), the Appellate Division ruled that the consequential damages of the subcontractor of the developer was potentially covered under the developer’s insurance policy. © 2020 Nexsen Pruet . However, the risk is there and can be a silent killer. If the. From a legal standpoint, an enforceable contract is present when it is: expressed by a valid offer and acceptance, has adequate consideration, mutual assent, capacity, and legality. LDs can be low or they can be high. Some contractors are proud to say they negotiated LDs out of a particular contract. Consequential damages are damages that “do not necessarily, but do directly, naturally, and proximately result from” the injury for which compensation is sought. Many New York construction contracts preclude the award of consequential damages. Do you have any? February 6, 2018 – NYREJ. I am not saying one is better than the other but I am saying contractors and subcontractors should understand each and the risks associated with each one. You should know, understand and evaluate this risk on every project. When my clients are deciding how to manage this damages risk, I advise them to look at the complexity of the project, the quality of the design documents, the schedule and their contractual right to obtain time extensions. To the extent applicable, this mutual waiver applies to conse-quential damages due to termination by the Contractor or the Owner in accordance with this Agreement or the Owner-Contractor agreement. Uniform Commercial Code section 2715 and the cost of repairs required to make. The best way to think of such damages is in connection with an income-producing project such as a hotel, convention center, manufacturing facility, etc., from which an owner will derive revenue. While LDs may be known (liquidated), they can still add up such that, again, contractors and subcontractors should attempt to negotiate a cap on LDs. Why? Div. Dorestin v. Hollywood Imports, Inc., 45 So. In other words, “the devil you know is better than the devil you don’t know.” While LDs may be known (liquidated), they can still add up such that, again, contractors and subcontractors should attempt to negotiate a cap on LDs. Consequential damages are usually large. © National Association of Surety Bond Producers. All Rights Reserved. This is one of the most heavily negotiated issues I deal with in my contract review practice. Any information you send us before we agree to be your lawyers cannot be protected from disclosure. That cap can be anything the parties negotiate but in my experience it ranges anywhere from 5% to 15% of the contract value. All rights reserved. Consequential damages are damages which flow indirectly from a breach of contract and are typically related to delays in performance and delays in completion of a project. (Civ. On a cost-plus project the cap might be based on the contractor’s fee or some multiple of that fee. A mutual waiver of consequential damages may appear to have more direct value and benefit to a contractor than to an owner, primarily because a completed building is often used for business purposes and contributes to the generation of business profit. To protect against this sort of post-completion consequential damages risk, and other risks, be sure to include waiver of consequential damages language even if the contract has an LD provision. Now, assume using the example above that the owner of … Consequential damages arise when a party to a contract fails to hold up their duties under their contract, and the other party is damaged as a result. On a cost-plus project the cap might be based on the contractor’s fee or some multiple of that fee. However, the risk is there and can be a silent killer. To combat this species of consequential damages, owners often insert "no damage for delay" clauses in their contracts. Courts award compensation for consequential damages only if both parties to the contract were aware of or contemplated these "special circumstances" at the time of the contract. In an attempt to clarify, subparagraph 15.1.6 of the 2007 A201 (formerly 4.3.10 of the 1997 A201) provides:The “mutual waiver is applicable, without limitation, to all consequential damages due to either party’s termination in accordance with Article 14,” and it is not intended to “preclude an award o… If the project is not completed on time, the owner will lose the benefit of that revenue and the contractor and responsible subcontractors can face liability for that loss of revenue, i.e., consequential damages. LDs can be low or they can be high. She may be contacted at 803.771.8900 or at If possible, go even further and put a specific monetary limit on damages. However, LDs cannot be so severe as to constitute a penalty because a penalty would be unenforceable. The idea in setting a cap is basically to limit the liability to the contractor’s fee or profit as opposed to the contractor having to come out of pocket to fund liability for consequential damages. Nexsen Pruet, LLC has designated Cherie Blackburn General Counsel, to accept responsibility for this site. As such, the Court found that the subcontractor exception demonstrates that consequential damages caused by a subcontractor’s faulty workmanship are considered differently than property damage caused by a general contractor’s work. As noted at the beginning, many contractors and subcontractors enter into contracts every day without even knowing the risks they face with respect to such damages. mutual waivers of consequential damages that correspond to the Subcontractor's waiver of consequential damages herein. Termination Rights. A mutual waiver of consequential damages may appear to have more direct value and benefit to a contractor than to an owner, primarily because a completed building is often used for business purposes and contributes to the generation of business profit. Consequential damages, including loss of bonding capacity, loss of bidding opportunities, insolvency, and the effects of force account work on other projects, or business interruption. If the breach is due to the contractor or subcontractor passing away before work is complete, liquidated damages are not recoverable, although actual consequential damages may be pursued. preferred over consequential damages because a subcontractor’s liability exposure is limited to a known amount, whereas “the sky’s the limit” with consequential damages, such as when a hospital, hotel, or popular resort is shut down due to construction defects and profits are lost for an indefinite period. On August 4, 2016, the New Jersey Supreme Court rendered a unanimous decision affirming the Appellate Division’s holding that consequential damages stemming from a subcontractor’s faulty work constitute “property damage” caused by an “occurrence” as defined by the policy. As a compromise, parties will often agree to cap consequential damages either at a specific dollar amount or a specific percentage based upon the contract value. January 3, 2017. Construction contracts include liquidated damages clauses because actual consequential damages can be difficult to quantify. From this case came a shift in the 1997 revisions to the AIA contract documents, in particular, the A201 General Conditions. Another modification would be to carve out from the waiver third party claims for indemnity or contribution. 3d 819 (Fla. 4 th DCA 2010). Contractors seeking to limit their exposure to subcontractors’ claims should include similar language in their subcontract forms. The result is consequential damages in the form of lost revenue. You missed a few required fields, please try again. Often times it is difficult to negotiate away entirely the risk of consequential damages (or liquidated damages—see below), but in contract negotiations owners, contractors and subcontractors must consider the level of risk one party assumes when it bears 100% of the risk of consequential damages. Consequential damages extend beyond the direct damage caused, though. Consequential damages are damages which flow indirectly from a breach of contract and are typically related to delays in performance and delays in completion of a project. Beginning in 1997, A201 included a mutual waiver of consequential damages provisions which today (2017 version) reads as follows: .1 damages incurred by the Owner for rental expenses, for losses of use, income, profit, financing, business and reputation, and for loss of management or employee  productivity or of the services of such persons; and. Why? They must bear some reasonable relation to the damages the owner would suffer from late completion. The Contractor and Owner waive Claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or relating to this Contract. These clauses can save time and money by assigning a specific dollar value for each day that passes between the substantial completion date of the contract and the date that the contractor or subcontractor finishes the job. Again, this broadens consequential damages liability and perhaps the risk since such third party claims might not be covered by insurance. Consequential damages are damages which flow indirectly from a breach of contract and are typically related to delays in performance and delays in completion of a project. The presence of LDs in a contract typically means consequential damages for delayed completion are generally not recoverable since they both generally represent duration-related damages. Again, this broadens consequential damages liability and perhaps the risk since such third party claims might not be covered by insurance. In defending against the indemnification claim, the subcontractor did not dispute that B&V may seek reimbursement for the actual repair costs (although it denied liability for those damages), but it disputed recovery of the delay costs, which it call “consequential” damages. David Senter is a genuine product of North Carolina’s legal community and is widely respected for his background in construction law, commercial litigation, and commercial collections. One of the biggest risks contractors and subcontractors face on construction projects is liability for consequential damages, although many of them may not even know about that risk, much less understand it. This mutual waiver includes. Every contractor and subcontractor should consider and evaluate the risk of consequential damages on each project. I have worked on DOT projects where the LD amount was $50 per day and I have worked on sports venue projects where the LD amount was in the millions of dollars per event if events did not occur on time. Consequential damages are damages which flow indirectly from a breach of contract and are typically related to delays in performance and delays in completion of a project. LDs typically end at substantial completion but the risk of consequential damages may exist post-completion due to warranty issues, i.e., the manufacturing plant has to shut down post-completion due to a problem with the HVAC system which was covered by the contractor’s warranty. From this case came a shift in the 1997 revisions to the AIA contract documents, in particular, the A201 General Conditions. One of the biggest risks contractors and subcontractors face on construction projects is liability for consequential and liquidated damages, although many of them may not even know about that risk, much less understand it. 5.4.1 Except for any (a) liquidated, consequential, or other damages that Owner is entitled to recover against Constructor under the prime agreement, and (b) losses covered by insurance required by the Subcontract Documents, the Parties mutually waive all claims against each other for consequential damages, including but not limited to, damages for loss of business, loss of financing, loss of profits … While a contractor might have an aversion to LDs, at least it is a known amount in the event of a delay as opposed to an unknown and unlimited consequential damages amount, such as in the Perini case. Still, it is appropriate to seek a waiver of consequential damages even if LDs are present. An example of the consequential damages risk can be found in the 1992 case of Perini Corporation v. Greate Bay Hotel & Casino which arose from Perini’s reconstruction of the façade of an Atlantic City casino. 1 Consequential damages to common areas and unit owners’ property in a condominium complex that result from a subcontractor’s defective work constitute both “property damage” and an “occurrence” pursuant to the plain meaning interpretation of the terms as defined in the Insurance Services Office, Inc.’s 1986 standard CGL form. Others contain clauses that require all parties to limit any recovery to … Any reference to “consequential damages” or “special damages” should be stricken. He can be reached at or 336.387.5126. How do you evaluate those risks?The risk of consequential damages and LDs generally relates to the failure to complete a project or achieve a milestone on time. They must bear some reasonable relation to the damages the owner would suffer from late completion. Perini was late in completing the project and while Perini’s initial fee on the project was only about $600,000, it was hit with an adverse award of $14.5 million in consequential damages arising from the casino’s lost revenues due to the late completion. Once assembled, you can create a PDF of your eBriefcase. August 29, 2020 5:00 am Published by Staff | . I am not saying one is better than the other but I am saying contractors and subcontractors should understand each and the risks associated with each one. Do not send us any information that you or anyone else considers to be confidential or secret unless we have first agreed to be your lawyers in that matter. Perini Corporation v. Greate Bay Hotel & Casino. NJ Supreme Court affirms that consequential damages caused by subcontractor’s faulty workmanship is property damage and an occurrence. There was an error. The New Jersey Supreme Court rejected this reasoning and found instead that a subcontractor’s faulty work that damages the general contractor’s otherwise non-defective work product is an occurrence that causes property damage. The risk of consequential damages and LDs generally relates to the failure to complete a project or achieve a milestone on time. LDs are usually set on a per day basis and generally replace consequential damages. As a compromise, parties will often agree to cap consequential damages either at a specific dollar amount or a specific percentage based upon the contract value. Precluding Consequential Damages. LDs are usually set on a per day basis and generally replace consequential damages. Examples of this variety of consequential damages include loss on the contractor's bonding capacity and decrease in the absorption of the contractor's home office overhead. Owners, contractors, subcontractors, suppliers and design professionals all include consequential damages waivers in their contracts, hoping to minimize the risk of unexpected or excessive damage awards in the event of litigation. These and other factors can help you evaluate how much consequential or liquidated damages risk to take, if any. This is one of the most heavily negotiated issues I deal with in my contract review practice. 4. The result is consequential damages in the form of lost revenue. Every contractor and subcontractor should consider and evaluate the risk of consequential damages on each project. the goods conform to the warranty are allowed. However, that contractor does not understand that by removing LDs, a known amount of damages for delay, it, perhaps unwittingly, threw itself into the unknown world of consequential damages. Consequential damages, otherwise known as special damages, are damages that can be proven to have occurred because of the failure of one party to meet a contractual obligation, a breach of contract. A result achieved on behalf of one client does not necessarily indicate similar results can be obtained for other clients. Another modification would be to carve out from the waiver third party claims for indemnity or contribution. the plaintiff has elected to accept the goods, consequential damages under California. Eric Biesecker on COVID-19 and the NC/SC Construction Industrry, William Floyd on Safety in the Workplace During the Pandemic. The consequential damages were therefore not the cost of correcting the defective work, such as the cost of replacing the stucco in Weedo or replacing the firewalls as in Firemen's, but rather the cost of curing the "property damage" arising form the subcontractors' faulty workmanship. Welcome to the eBriefcase Management Center. Please retype the letters you see in the box. Here is a favorite clause of mine which excludes such damages: There are several nuanced modifications that can be made to this language such as agreeing to liability for such damages “only to the extent covered by insurance.” This change broadens liability for consequential damages but perhaps not the risk as any claim would be covered by insurance. The enforceability of these clauses varies from state to state depending upon the exact factual … In fact, it can represent a bet-the-company risk. In fact, it can represent a bet-the-company risk. This website is for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice regarding any specific situation nor does it create an attorney/client relationship. .2 damages incurred by the Contractor for principal office expenses including the compensation of personnel stationed there, for losses of financing, business and  reputation, and for loss of profit, except anticipated profit arising directly from the Work. Liquidated damages, if included in the contract agreement, should be the sole remedy available to an owner and/or a general contractor for a subcontractor’s unexcused delays to a project. As noted at the beginning, many contractors and subcontractors enter into contracts every day without even knowing the risks they face with respect to such damages. Still, it is appropriate to seek a waiver of consequential damages even if LDs are present. This is one of the most heavily negotiated issues I deal with in my contract review practice. One of the biggest risks contractors and subcontractors face on construction projects is liability for consequential damages, although many of them may not even know about that risk, much less understand it. By David A. Senter of Nexsen PruetPublished August 10, 2020One of the biggest risks contractors and subcontractors face on construction projects is liability for consequential damages, although many of them may not even know about that risk, much less understand it. The inability to use a building because of delayed completion, or because some or all of a building is out of service while defects discovered after … NASBP Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resource & Information Center, Position Briefs / Advocacy Reference Library, Perini Corporation v. Greate Bay Hotel & Casino. While a contractor might have an aversion to LDs, at least it is a known amount in the event of a delay as opposed to an unknown and unlimited consequential damages amount, such as in the Perini case. The language often used is similar to the following: “The Owner and Contractor waive claims against each other for consequential damages arising out of or in connection to the Work.” Finally, prime and subcontractors seeking to limit their exposure to an owner’s delay costs by negotiating a waiver of consequential damages should identify the costs that are being released. To the extent the Owner-Contractor agreement does not preclude the … Please try submitting the form again. The 1973 ISO form contains no subcontractor exception to the “Your Work” exclusion. Insurance Online : Consequential Damages From Subcontractor's Faulty Work Constitutes "Property Damage" and An "Occurrence" Some contractors are proud to say they negotiated LDs out of a particular contract. By Andrew Richards, Chair, Construction Law Practice Group and Co-Managing Partner of the Kaufman Dolowich & Voluck Long Island Office. However, that contractor does not understand that by removing LDs, a known amount of damages for delay, it, perhaps unwittingly, threw itself into the unknown world of consequential damages. Instead, any damage incurred as a consequence of the failure to uphold the contract could be in play – unless limited in the contract. Code, § 1794(b)(2).) The Court found that a general contractor cannot recover from a subcontractor for delay under a liquidated damages clause when the general contractor contributed to the delay by failing to perform a contractual duty, such as failing to provide adequate equipment. Consequential Damages Waiver: – Neither party will be liable to the other for consequential, indirect, or punitive damages for any cause of action, whether in contract, tort or otherwise. Construction contracts are liquidated and consequential damages have found interesting over the last several months is contractors. I deal with in my contract review practice Pruet, LLC has Cherie. 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