The Bradford Pear Tree originated in Korea and China and was, in 1964, introduced by the US Department of Agriculture as a sterile ornamental tree. This native tree grows well in shade or in sun. "Stop the spread!" Honey Locust Trees (Gleditsia triacanthos) Their small leaves give honey locusts the potential to be … "It creates an ecological deadzone," Coyle explained. Managing Bradford pear. It… It is very tolerant to wind, drought and air pollution and provides a good amount of shade. ‘Sugar Tyme’ crabapple -18-foot, upright durable tree that flowers white in April and gets small red fruits in fall. The Bradford Pear Tree is quickly on its way out. Many residential landscapers have incorporated Bradford pear trees into landscaping because of their attractive springtime display and the tree’s tendency to grow quickly. Don't we need more tree huggers, and fewer tree haters? Warmer months translate to a blanket of white blooms on each Bradford…blooms that tolerate a variety of hard conditions. Replace the Bradford Pear tree with any one of a number of other fruit tree (suggestions below). This tree is very similar to, and a better alternative than Bradford Pear. Of the ornamental flowering trees I really like the cherries but you may be able to find a good substitute by talking to your local nursery. Choose alternatives based on your needs: Shade: Plant bigger trees that will create shade as they grow. View Larger Image; W hat should you plant instead of a Bradford pear? For alternatives to these invasive flowering trees: Bradford and callery pears (Pyrus calleryana), as well as empress tree (Paulownia tomentosa), mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), and golden rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata). Attracts birds and butterflies. Attractive to birds and butterflies. Some recommended alternatives to Bradford, Callery pears and Others: The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. The non edible fruit is good for wildlife. Alternatives. Good tree for wet, periodically flooded conditions. Alternatives. Photo: Leslie J. Mehrhoff, University of Connecticut, What to plant instead: Eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), Fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus), Serviceberry (Amelanchier sp. Here’s a good list of crapemyrtle varieties and their descriptions. By Zelda | April 14, 2011 ***UPDATE: We appreciate the feedback and concern regarding the invasiveness of the Bradford pear tree. Invasive Tree Control Though they don’t pollinate among other Bradford Pears trees, they do pollinate with many other trees. They are tough, fast-growing and bear flowers in a variety of colors. It is great as a yard or street tree due to its attractive vase-like profile and can double its height in 4-6 years. Misc Trees The Bradford Pear: Is It The Right Tree For You? They said crab apples, dogwoods, redbuds, and flowering cherry trees are good alternatives with similar looks. It performs best in moderately fertile soils with regular and consistent moisture but is intolerant of wet or poorly drained soils. ‘Aurora’ dogwood – a cross between an American dogwood and a Kousa dogwood. Flowers give way to bluish-black fruits on red stalks. In the East, a disease, a type of anthracnose, has killed many dogwoods…but not in Missouri. Flowers give way to small, round green berries which turn red and finally mature to a dark purplish-black in early summer. Thankfully, these are many better alternatives that you can plant on your property. For years, the Bradford pear has been an iconic Southern tree (simply because they're everywhere). The Bradford cultivar was widely planted as a promising new ornamental during the 1950s. Asked December 10, 2015, 12:17 PM EST . The roots go deep, so other plants may be easily grown underneath. Safety hazard, offensive odor . Spectacular scarlet fall color. If you want a tree that grows to the same height of Bradford pear, a trident maple would be the perfect choice. When we got that heavy snow recently, one of the Bradford pears blew Some alternatives to the noxious callery pear include flowering dogwood, kousa dogwood, fringe tree, and Carolina silver bell. Click here for Pictures of Native Alternatives for Bradford Pear (described below). This popular Missouri native typically grows 20-30’ tall with a slightly larger spread. It is a small (30′ tall) understory tree that is often multi-trunked. The broad oval crown of the Flowering Pear 'Bradford', 30' high by 20' wide, makes a superb lawn shade tree, and the three develops a hard fruit that softens late and is consumed readily by birds. This small tree or upright shrub (20-30′ tall) gets its common name from the billowy hairs (attached to elongated stalks on the spent flower clusters) which turn a smoky pink to purplish pink in summer, thus covering the tree with fluffy, hazy, smoke-like puffs. Plant this small tree (typically 12 to 20′ tall) in full sun for the best flowers, which are intensely fragrant and can be smelled before the tree is seen. Over time, it has proved to be highly fruitful when grown in association with other Callery pear cultivars. It just missed our roof and the part on their side just missed theirs. One of the trees that I planned to discuss is the Bradford Pear (Pyrus calleryana).I have a love/hate relationship with this tree. Best placed with dark or shaded backdrops which tend to highlight the form, flowers and fall color of the plant. Alternative for Bradford Pear. Flowers are followed by cone-like pink fruits that ripen in fall. Even HGTV recommends finding an alternative to Bradford (Callery) pear trees, due in part to the way their branches break easily in wind or ice storms. You should definitely plant a tree but choose something other than the Bradford pear. The soil is rich, probably slightly acidic, but I haven't measured the pH. Krouse and Dunn recommend planting species that are more native to the area. But in the 2000s, as other P. calleryana cultivars became more popular and as more wild callery pears began to grow on the landscape, all the flowering P. calleryana pear trees began to cross pollinate and produce abundant amounts of fruit that were spread by birds. Another hybrid pear, the Cleveland Pear (Pyrus calleryana ‘Cleveland Select’), was introduced to the market as a substitute to Bradford Pear. Thankfully, these are dozens of better alternatives that you can plant in your yard. It is NOT related to sweet gum. Many people recommend the Serviceberry tree. Bradford pear (Pyrus calleryanna ‘Bradford’) and other similar Callery pear cultivars could be called the “universal landscape tree.” They have been a frequently planted tree species of many community urban forests throughout the United States and Missouri since the Bradford pear was first developed and introduced by the USDA in Glenn Dale, Maryland in 1960. While the native trees next to it have barely formed any buds. Small, fragrant, yellowish-white flowers bloom in late spring (May-June). Less labor intensive control options include basal bark treatment and girdling. I can think of several suitable ornamental trees that would make excellent replacements for your Bradford pear. ©2020 Walter Reeves / The Simple Gardener, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Produces flower and fruit in the spring before most other species. Callery pear (Pyrus calleryana) is a deciduous tree, more commonly known as ‘Bradford pear.’ Native to China, it was first brought to the United States in 1917 for hybrid- ization experiments to improve disease resistance of the common fruiting pear. {{filterDisplayName(filter)}} “The flowers stink!”, “The branches fall apart!”. But the issues with the Bradford pear are motley and manifold. Basal bark treatment can be used for trees up to 6 inches in diameter by applying a 1:5 ratio of the ester formulation of triclopyr and basal oil in a 12-inch wide band around the entire circumference of the tree base. Here’s a good list of crapemyrtle varieties and their descriptions, Click here for Pictures of Native Alternatives for Bradford Pear. "Even the grass is gone." ... A great alternative to the slow growing North … Newer cultivars include Chanticleer, Aristocrat and Cleveland Select, to name a few. It is particularly noted for its stunning rose-purple flowers which cover its bare branches in early spring (March-April). They grow 20-35’ tall and are largely thornless. Bradford pear is an ornamental pear tree that is known for an early show of white flowers. You can see the limbs of many of these specimens lying on the ground after a good wind. Native Alternatives for Bradford Pear & Other Exotic Flowering Trees. Click here for Pictures of Native Alternatives for Bradford Pear (described below) Red buckeye – Aesculus pavia. It is great as a yard or street tree due to its attractive vase-like profile and can double its height in 4-6 years. … terryr Bureau County, IL(Zone 5a) Sep 17, 2006. This is a really big tree. American fringetree – gets hanging, white, confetti-like flowers in May and yellow fall foliage on a tree that grows about 20 feet tall and wide in 20 years. It gives us oxygen. At the peak of its bloom the whitest white petals cover and hang from the tree rivaling a snowstorm. Although the flowers are not showy, they are an excellent nectar source for bees while the fruits, which are technically edible but quite sour, are attractive to birds and wildlife. Shiny, dark green leaves are attractive in spring and early summer, but usually begin to … Showy 4-10” long panicles of red to orange-red tubular flowers appear in spring and attract hummingbirds. The trees are Callery pears, the wild version of Bradford pear tree. Maples and Oaks are good options. It has edible berries and will have while blossoms that bloom each spring. 9 Trees Better than a Bradford Pear. But Bradford Pears are not infertile as it was presumed. Now that you have this Bradford pear tree information, you can make an informed decision before adding this tree to your landscape. For alternatives to these invasive flowering trees: Bradford and callery pears (Pyrus calleryana), as well as e mpress tree (Paulownia tomentosa), mimosa (Albizia julibrissin), and golden rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata). Don't we need more tree huggers, and fewer tree haters? Stop the Spread!, Missouri Department of Conservation The Bradford is the oldest pear tree and can be found with its beautiful spring flowers enlivening many landscapes. In spring it covers itself with tiny almost white flowers. Hardy and Robust. Also called Southern blackhaw, this is a suckering shrub or small tree that typically grows 10-20’ tall. It belongs to family Rosaceae and is botanically known as Pyrus calleryana . Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis, Zones 4–8), also known as shadbush, shadblow, and Juneberry, is a Northeast native multitrunked understory tree that matures at 25 to 30 feet. The crimson fall leaf color and tight, blocky bark are also unique. Replace the stinky Bradford Pear tree with a beneficial and equally beautiful tree (suggestions below). It features intensely fragrant, wisteria-like, white flowers in clusters 10-15″ long that virtually cover a mature tree in late spring. Experts warn that it's a mistake to plant the Pyrus calleryana 'Bradford', and rightly so: The limbs of these fast-growing trees break too easily in stormy weather. In fact, places like South Carolina are warning against the tree and Kentucky even offers a free alternative tree for every Bradford Pear Tree … The bark is usually light gray. The edible berries resemble blueberries in size and color and are often used in jams, jellies and pies. Determine how much height you really need to block the light. Foliage turns reddish purple in fall. Fast growing alternatives to bradford pear. It… In fact, the Bradford thrives through pollution and drought. Callery 'Bradford' Pear. Crape myrtles are a suitable substitute for pears. Some authorities call this species Frangula caroliniana. History of the Tree. Trees should be cut and stumps immediately treated with herbicides to eliminate sprouting response. Well, yes, say Beasley (who is also a landscape architect) and countless other arborists and environmentalists. Leaves turn reddish-purple often tinted yellow or green in fall. Photo: Kristin Green Serviceberry. It is deep rooted, drought-resistant and, very importantly, disease and insect-free. Once loved as a mid-size tree that kept a rounded shape and wowed with early spring flowers, the Bradford pear has proven to be susceptible to splitting into matchsticks and wreaking havoc. If Isabelle hadn’t gotten your tree, some other storm would have. Be sure you want a tree that big. Planting & Care. Maples and Oaks are good options. ), Flowering dogwood (Cornus florida) Controlling Bradford (Callery) Pear. The Cleveland pear has a medium growth rate at approximately 18inches a year and reaching about 30feet tall with a spread of 15-18 feet. Chinese pistache – popular ornamental tree that is very long-lasting and has a very hard wood. It is one of the species that is hard to find concrete numbers on, and, for this reason, I was planning to delay posting about it even though it is a great follow up to the Redbud, but this week changed my plans. The glossy, dark green leaves are leathery and the undersides are rusty brown as are the buds and young stems. Green hawthorns are beautiful flowering trees. This large shrub or small tree typically grows 15-25′ tall and features good fall color and showy, slightly fragrant, white flowers in early spring. A Strong, Iconic Bloomer for Nearly Any Climate Why Bradford Pear Trees?Known for its iconic springtime blooms and signature, easy-to-identify silhouette, the Bradford Pear Tree is a symbol of the season. Identification: Callery 'Bradford' Pear is a deciduous tree that may reach 60 feet in height and 20 to 30 feet wide. Showy 4-10” long panicles of red to orange-red tubular flowers appear in … Thankfully, these are dozens of better alternatives that you can plant in your yard. The unusual delicate ‘strap-like’ flower petals hang from the ends of stout branches. It serves as one of the best alternatives to Bradford pear. The Bradford pear is the ultimate Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde story.. Another option is Green Giant arborvitae, another nice evergreen, which grows very quickly. Grumpy Gardener Steve Bender is here to tell you that this stinky, oversized tree is not worth the hassle, though. No longer recommended as a street tree. Since this tree does not transplant well, it should be planted when young and left undisturbed. Red maple – brings year-round red color to your yard and display deep scarlet leaves in the fall. This tree should be planted at least 15ft away from buildings. Q • Six years ago we planted a Bradford pear, a purple plum and another Bradford pear. We recommend the following sites for control of Bradford and other Callery pears: OK, OK, so the tree smells. Also a fast-growing tree, it can grow anywhere and provides a good amount of shade. – On April 26, in celebration of Arbor Day, homeowners in Missouri will be able to exchange evidence that they cut down their Bradford pear tree for a free tree native to Missouri. Excellent, low-maintenance, small shade tree (30-50′ tall) for residential lawns, particularly on smaller properties. Do not plant Callery or Bradford pear. Well, yes, say Beasley (who is also a landscape architect) and countless other arborists and environmentalists. Bradford Pear Trees have become such an issue across the United States, that many locations are taking a stand against the tree. The tree produces tiny, round, hard fruit which are inedible at first until the fruit is frozen where it becomes softer and palatable to some birds. Birds are attracted to the fruit. But the issues with the Bradford pear are motley and manifold. 1. Red buckeye is a clump-forming shrub or small tree that typically grows 10-20’ tall. Tiny white flowers in showy rounded clusters bloom in spring and are followed by clusters of edible, dark blue berries that ripen in September-October. In this dire world of obvious climate change — extreme storms, drought and countless associated maladies — don't we need all the trees we can get? Small tree or shrub, which closely resembles the white thorn acacia, in leaf, twig, and flower characters. We want to plant a tree in our yard to block the outdoor light on the neighbor's house. The Bradford Pear tree is native to China, and has evolved in a completely different ecosystem. The asian import, Callery Pear (Pyrus calleryana), commonly called Bradford Pear, is an ornamental tree that’s widely used in landscaping. Google its ultimate size. We recently removed a long-dead weeping willow from that spot, which was never wet enough for it. Other types of "callery" pears (so called because of the species name, calleryana) that can serve as substitutes include: 'Aristocrat' 'Capital' 'New Bradford' 'Redspire' 'Whitehouse' Though transplanting a native tree may be tempting, the fine cultivars available are a better choice. Instead, plant a native alternative, such as serviceberry, Amelanchier Arborea. But it's a tree. To plant your Bradford Pear, dig a hole deep enough to cover its root ball. Red buckeye is a clump-forming shrub or small tree that typically grows 10-20’ tall. Scientific Name: Pyrus calleryana . ... Bradford Pear. Homeowners often complain about their ‘Bradford’ pear problems. Do not plant Callery or Bradford pear. Kousa dogwoods – small white-bloomers that are more tolerant of poor soil and full sun than native American dogwoods; disease-resistant. And of course, there’s the way the cultivars’ cross-breeding causes big problems as an invasive plant. Aristocrat Pear can be used anywhere from the parkway to the front landscape, and can provide shade as well as accent. Bluish green leaves turn a variety of colors in the fall (including yellow, red, orange and reddish purple) and produce some of the best fall color of any of the native American trees and shrubs. Some alternatives to the noxious callery pear include flowering dogwood, kousa dogwood, fringe tree, and Carolina silver bell. Click here for Pictures of Native Alternatives for Bradford Pear (described below) Red buckeye – Aesculus pavia. Question 1: We have seven beautiful Bradford Pear trees in our yard -- six in the back and one in the front.The one in the front split and during a good storm last year, half of it fell over. Bradford is indeed the oldest cultivar, or kind, of ornamental pear. Alternatives to the Bradford Pear Tree. We were able to cut the remaining limbs back and are in the process of trying to salvage the tree. Trees should be cut and stumps immediately treated with herbicides to eliminate sprouting response. Good yellow fall color. More. of Invasive Callery Pear Tree Hybrids, City of Columbia, Missouri Popular Alternatives to the Bradford Pear The Japanese Zelkova is another colorful tree that will complement your property. It gives us oxygen. If you want the beauty of an ornamental pear without having to undergo such heartbreak, grow a Pyrus calleryana 'Autumn Blaze,' instead. Also commonly called ironwood because of its extremely hard and dense wood. The long, shiny green leaves (24″ long and to 10″ wide) of this deciduous magnolia appear in whorl-like clusters at the stem tips, purportedly resembling the spokes of an umbrella. Shiny, dark green leaves are attractive in spring and early summer, but usually begin to decline by August. Why You Shouldn't Plant a Bradford Pear Tree in Your Landscape My absolute top choice would be a tree-type crapemyrtle. Somewhat insignificant, creamy-green flowers are followed by edible berry-like drupes (1/3″ across) which ripen to a very showy red before finally maturing in September-October to black. “Anything” is what most landscape designers and horticulturists might exclaim. Native Alternatives for Bradford Pear & Other Exotic Flowering Trees, "Stop the spread!" Instead, plant a native alternative, such as serviceberry, Amelanchier Arborea. Also, attracts butterflies. 08 of 09 Aspen Trees (Populus tremuloides) While serviceberry has a more shrublike form than a Callery pear, its white flowers bloom in similar small clusters. In spring, the non-native tree, originally from Asia, produces gorgeous white flowers, and in the fall, vibrantly coloured leaves. The Bradford deciduous pear tree is grown more for its ornamental value than fruit production. So it doesn’t take many warm days after winter before the tree ‘wakes’ up from its Winter slumber and thinks it is time to put leaves out. ST. LOUIS, Mo. The resulting trees create thorny thickets that have many negative impacts on our native tree populations. This was a huge one, beautiful shaped tree which of couse made it too top heavy. Cleveland Pear Developed as Substitute. Rose-Purple flowers which cover its root ball or flowering dogwood ( cornus florida or flowering dogwood ( cornus or... The undersides are rusty brown as are the buds and young stems acacia... Choose alternatives based on your needs: shade: plant bigger trees that would excellent. An ornamental pear tree is quickly on its way out left undisturbed in zones 4 –.. Probably slightly acidic, but i have n't measured the pH while that. Fact, the fine cultivars available are a better alternative than Bradford pear other! 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