SIX DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ABORIGINAL and `WESTERN' WORLD VIEWS-, Aboriginal ~'festern/European 1. The concept that love comes after marriage is also promoted by these marriages. In addition, in Eastern schools, discipline can outweigh any academic problems the students might face. Western Culture: Westerners give preference to the individual. 7.) Eastern Culture: Women may be expected to play a traditional role. which helped in removing the shortcomings of Indian culture. Rooted in thousands of years of empirical observation and natural treatments, there is much to be gained from Eastern medicine, most notably, the wellness philosophies of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Ayurveda. For example, a group meeting at 10 a.m. could range from 9:45 to 10:15, and it is not looked down upon to be a little late. Tutors want to pique their student’s interest and get them curious about their subject. There will always be one faction that believes that one practice is more powerful than the other, or that one practice is more detrimental than the other. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food. No need to point those out here, even though there are certainly outliers and holes in the logic for both. Hard work is the way to attain success. 1. Everything and everyone is related. How do parenting styles from the eastern and western culture differ? We want validation for our own self-esteem but not for any particular group. Western religions are found in the Americas and throughout Europe. They are usually arranged by parents or elders. Not to mention that there is little to no evidence of any tendency for self-inflation. Keller Islam. Last, but not least, are the differences between German and Chinese problem-solving techniques. In essence, this paper should discuss the differences between eastern and western religions regarding the path to god, judgement day, and the nature of worship. The Continuing Impact of Settlement: It is an alternation of policy even when it addressed the problems raised in the past. Western Culture: People may express their emotions openly and directly. Western Culture: Women may have a better place in society. Participation is key. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Western Culture: Westerners are relatively freer than people in the east. East and West may have myriad differences based on culture and education. Eastern Culture: Arranged marriages are common. Asian people see living on your own as a choice as strange. In essence, this paper should discuss the differences between eastern and western religions regarding the path to god, judgement day, and the nature of worship. Here's a review and comparison of S oftware-as-a-Service websites in and outside of China (2020). Eastern Culture: People are conservative and traditional. The common answer given is that Eastern medicine is “holistic” and “natural.” I really dislike this response because it’s completely lazy. Western Culture: People are open-minded and flexible. “For instance, a whopping 94% of US professors rated themselves as ‘better than average’ when asked about their competence.”. The characteristics of each culture are Many Eastern yoga practices begin and end with meditation sessions that can last up to 30 minutes each depending on which guru guides the session. Culture is a collection of rules and regulations which govern life of members of a community. There are also some similarities in the way that managers perceived the importance of connections, like in business relationships and personal friendships but also some marked differences, with local Asian managers and expatriate Western managers regarding government connections, family connections, gifts and favors, and bribes as much more important that Western managers did. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Everything and everyone is related. Difference between Eastern and Western Culture. In the East, the emphasis is very much on family. However, in the East, you are immediately treated like close family. Comments a study titled ‘Cultural differences in parenting practices: What Asian American families can teach us’, published in ResearchLink (2010): “Chinese culture is largely influenced by Confucian philosophy. In this blog, we are not saying which of the countries or the work culture is better, but we are only looking at the differences between the two, so you can pick out the best of both worlds and accommodate it in your workplace. Debunk interning in eastern cultures vs. western cultures with GoAbroad. 4 Signs You Rely Too Much on It, 27 Interesting German Words That Made Their Way into English, 6 Signs of a Pseudo-Intellectual Who Wants to Look Smart but Is Not, Collectivism – individuals are part of a group and the. Students are encouraged to think for themselves. Culture is a collection of rules and regulations which govern life of members of a community. After conducting this substantial research, I believe that I have gained a lot of knowledge between the eastern and western cultures. In the East, married couples do not move out of the family home. Many think that business negotiations fail due to technical difficulties such as lack of preparation and planning. eastern vs. western management 1. eastern vs. western management ! These concepts are a running thread through many eastern and western cultural differences. While there are many similarities between western and eastern cooking, there are several distinct differences that keep them on opposite ends of the cultural spectrum. While the foundations of yoga remain the same throughout the world, there is no doubt that there are significant differences between the Eastern indoctrinate of yoga and the way the West interprets it. 8.) For instance, a whopping 94% of US professors rated themselves as ‘better than average’ when asked about their competence. Differences between East and West Although both the East and the West share the same goal, there are still a few things that make us different such as the relationship between teachers and students, clothing, and yoga’s growing popularity. Latest posts by Janey Davies, B.A. When we talk about eastern clothing culture, what reminds of us is traditional Chinese clothing. This is the complete opposite of the American saying. This is virtually unheard of in the West. To demonstrate, an old Japanese proverb advises: ‘The nail that sticks out gets hammered down.’. It is always acquired. Additionally, both practices … The world we live in is made out of a vast differing quality of distinctive societies. Therefore, applying Hofstede’s 5 cultural dimensions to indicate as well as analyze the differences between Western leadership and Asian leadership might slightly decline the accuracy of the analysis due to the aforementioned drawbacks of Hofstede’s theory IV. Thank you for the thorough comparison between Eastern and Western styles of reflexology. In Western society, the individual rules. People give more importance to the religion in eastern countries than in the west. Arranged marriages are a common phenomenon in eastern countries. It must reflect the differences in the local country and business culture but also maintain the firm’s standards and values. The hypothetical ratio, which is reasoning and sentience in equidistance balance with each other, is the tool par excellence for measuring selves, environments and milieus. There is a lot to learn from both the cultures. If the original study phrased its questionnaire in a way that says “compared to the average person” and didn’t compare professors to professors, the professors are in fact right to believe they are more competent than the average person. Both Indian Culture and Western Culture are right at their places. East and West may have numerous differences based on culture. On the contrary, in the East, every student is equal and has the same chance of academic success as the next student. Curious about the Western world vs the Eastern world? Learning Mind has over 50,000 email subscribers and more than 1,5 million followers on social media. Moreover it’s common in eastern cultures for parents to be actively involved in the lives of children after their marriage and joint families are still very prevalent in rural India. When we think of western diets, we think of steaks, burgers and fries while we normally associate eastern cuisine with rice, fish and soups. It includes attitude, viewpoint, standards and ethics which shows it is very divergent. The cultural differences can cause some problems when people is communicating especially between Eastern and Western culture because those two cultures are usually considered completely opposite and the differences that cause the problems can be the different levels of dignity, different life style and … Eastern world is comprised of nations in Asia including the Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zealand. 2. We’ve all heard the eastern & western differences regarding how societies regard the group and the individual. We list the 5 major differences between these two cultures. Factors like education, social status, and family background are considered in these marriages. All the values I am listing below are important in both Chinese and Western, particularly American, cultures. People in the west are more open-minded than those in the east. Its basic characteristic is that it keeps on changing. People in the east are more conservative and traditional.-differences/ 2. Easterners make a lasting commitment. Western Culture: Love marriages are common. The main difference between the East and the West is the geographical structure. East/West differences in meditation: Spirituality or technique ... professor at the Department of Culture Studies and Oriental Languages at the University of Oslo. Most of the cultural differences centre around two concepts: By and large, cultures in the West tend to be more individualistic whereas people from the East are more collectivist. Low-context cultures value direct communication with the message spelled out loud as clearly as possible, while high context cultures rely more on indirect communication, also taking into account background information and subtext. For a person to approach a company to sell a service or product without setting up a meeting time in many Western countries is unthinkable. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. For last few decades, Indian culture has been influenced by the western culture, and they are adopting the merits of the western culture like cleanliness, equal rights for both men and women, frankness, etc. The westerns are more open and forthright. Punctuality . When parents grow old, the children are expected to look after them. No culture can be the same. Wed, 11/26/2014 - 12:04. Eastern religion follows more the eastern traditional culture, whereas, Western religion follows more the western culture. c u lt u r a l d i v e r s i t y and leadership current issues in management (mba 235a) 18 february 2014 ! This is especially true when it comes to the Differences between Eastern and Western Business Culture. For the 2014 blog post, please, scroll down. Society operates in a state of relatedness. Westerners believe that there must be one special person in the world just for them. Both Indian Culture and Western Culture are right at their places. In Eastern society, it is considered extremely rude to brag about one’s abilities. Cultural Differences between Western and Eastern Education. Newly-married Western couples usually live together before they get married. Moreover, public displays of affection are often frowned upon in Eastern countries. 1. If they can do away with bad situations and unpleasant circumstances, they will. Differences are also clearly seen in the Eastern and Western ways in dealing with education. Eastern culture bel… Learning Mind is a blog created by Anna LeMind, B.A., with the purpose to give you food for thought and solutions for understanding yourself and living a more meaningful life. People in the East are rigid in their ideologies and beliefs; they are often reluctant to challenge and question the long practiced traditions and customs. If you know any more please do let us know! Also known as “alternative medicine,” this practice can include a variety of spiritual activities such as meditation, acupuncture, and tai chi. I practice both, and find myself trying to explain the differences, particularly the amount of pressure delivered in the Chinese style! After all, as individuals we are special and only the best will do. Actually, the difference of western and eastern clothing culture is not simple. University of Alberta. Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are some of the most common religions practiced in the Western world. It includes attitude, viewpoint, standards and ethics which shows it is very divergent. Every once in awhile someone will ask me the difference between Eastern and Western medicine. When one is larger is because the shortness of the other. It is always acquired. Can you include more detail? The history and culture of a country greatly impact parenting. As a graduate student, psychologist Jim Stigler went to East Asia to research teaching methods and learn more about the differences between Eastern and Western learning styles. Lacking this strategic orientation will imperil business ventures and risk losing time and money. Western World mainly refers to Europe and North America. On the other hand, in the East, family and community are more important than the individual. Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. 2.Eastern religions are practiced in India, Southeast Asia, Japan, and China. A case in point is China. As a matter of fact, you’ll often find several generations living under the same roof. Here are five cultural differences in thinking and perception between the East and West. Morocco in the 1950s- … ☆ Exploring a different culture is one of the most rewarding activities anyone can throw themselves into. If they are angry, they might express. This topic is always debatable and frankly there is never a winner as to which culture is better. For this reason, every individual doing business in another country must be aware of the culture and cultural habits to enjoy optimal results. Spiritually orientated society. 5 Differences Between Chinese and Western Website Design. In fact, arranged marriages are a tradition that is alive and well in the East. 5 Cultural Differences between East and West 1. The Individual. Janey Davies has been published online for over 10 years. This, in turn, had an impact on how students behaved. Other staff members are defined by the size and seclusion of their areas. SIX DIFFERENCES BETWEEN ABORIGINAL and `WESTERN' WORLD VIEWS-, Aboriginal ~'festern/European 1. Lavine Zachary Write 5 differences Between Western and Eastern society, culture, and individuals WESTERN EASTERN SOURCE 1.people in the west are not much conservative and traditional. Eastern culture uses the spiritual and missionary approach of searching inside oneself for answers through meditation whereas western culture takes on a pragmatic and emotional approach in searching outside oneself through research and analysis. Morocco in the 1950s. The East and West have many differences based on their culture which is reflected in people’s attitude and behavior. This is their foundation in which love will grow. What we will think of is either western-style suit or luxurious noble clothes. Finally, the East and West differ in many ways when it comes to the workplace. Eastern Culture: People may express their emotions in a subtle way. This topic is always debatable and frankly there is never a winner as to which culture is better. Key Difference: Indian Culture refers to the customs, traditions, religions and set of rules that are followed in India, while the Western Culture most commonly refers to culture that is followed in America and Europe. East/West differences in meditation: Spirituality or technique Date: May 13, 2014 Source: University of Oslo Summary: In Western tradition, meditation is linked to a personal relationship with God. It is common to find people from eastern or western countries that practice religions from across the world. People in the west are also more open about their feelings. Whereas in the West, we do not see caring for our elderly as a family responsibility. Eastern vs. Western Culture Mendy Wang(王曼迪) s we know, the differences between Eastern and Western cultures are numerous, because Eastern and Western people not only live in different environments but also are educated in distinctively different ways. Unlike the West, where we are more likely to pass on our email address. For example, topics such as the birth of a child and sex are still taboo in some eastern countries. Conclusion. There is real belief that people objects and the environment are all connected. After conducting this substantial research, I believe that I have gained a lot of knowledge between the eastern and western cultures. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Westerns may also display their feelings and emotions in public. Difference Between Eastern and Western Culture. Particularly when it comes to living arrangements. 5 Differences Between Japanese and Western Parenting. The other difference between Eastern and Western business would be the Japanese concept of 「飛び込み営業」which has to deal with visiting companies without making an appointment. Differences are also clearly seen in the Eastern and Western ways in dealing with education. This can lead us to overestimate our own abilities or ‘self-inflation’. Despite these similarities, eastern and western cultures bear a few crucial differences as well. Eastern world refers to countries in the Asia and Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zeeland. In Western society, walk into an office and you are likely to see very separate designated spaces for workers. These are just a few cultural differences between the East and West. Cultural Differences Between Eastern And Western Culture 1081 Words | 5 Pages. There are two areas in which the world is divided when speaking about religions, Eastern and Western. Problem-Solving . In contrast, workers in the East enjoy a much more open-plan working environment. They settle for a partner that they have a deep friendship with. The people in eastern countries are more traditional than people in the West when we consider their rituals, customs, clothing, etc. For last few decades, Indian culture has been influenced by the western culture, and they are adopting the merits of the western culture like cleanliness, equal rights for both men and women, frankness, etc. Cultural differences between Morocco and the United States. Difference between Eastern and Western Culture. You will see, that here, people live for the others, but in the Western culture, people should live for themselves only. Culture pervades every aspect of life. Eastern Culture: An individual’s freedom may be restricted due to his close bonds with family. Eastern culture includes Asia and the Middle East, while the western world includes South and North America, European countries. However, since east and west refers to various countries and cultures scattered across the globe, only a broad generalization can be made to compare the two cultures. Depending on the landforms of the East and the West, their climates also vary from each other. Throughout the 5,000+ years of its existence, Yoga has become an integral part of life for many people across the globe. Today China and other east countries are so bounded with their Families, Culture differs from one country to another and from one region to another. This is an insightful understanding of Eastern Culture Vs. Western Culture... in an interesting pictorial representation. Western religions are the religions that originate in the Western areas like Americas and throughout Europe. Roman Catholic Church has the biggest followers on the planet with more than 1.29 In fact, a newly-married woman will go and live with her husband’s family. The manager has their own office. In eastern countries, elders are considered as the head of the home and children respect and obey them in all decisions. This essay will discuss the differences and similarities between Eastern and Western cultures. These differences can be noted mainly in people’s behavior and attitudes. However, to western clothing, it seems that we know fewer things. The classic graphic above elegantly informs on some of the major differences between Eastern and Western medical philosophy. The disadvantages like loss of culture land are still experienced by Aboriginals. Yoga is a much quieter experience. In the East, it’s a much more sedate affair. Eastern Culture vs Western Culture Essay Sample. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. This article will help me give a more well-rounded answer. … There are no other reasons for a student to fail. This slide is also defended by the Geert Hofstede country comparisons, as most Western nation-states have more individualistic approaches rather than group orientations. Here managers and senior staff mingle with ordinary workers. In Western society, the individual rules. These concepts are a running thread through many eastern and western cultural differences. This goes for elderly relatives as well. Another major difference in eastern and western culture is their religion. In fact, people living in the East are more likely to underestimate their abilities, rather than seem over-confident. If you notice in contracts, agreements and appointment, the cultural differences can be huge. Love, in the West, means high emotions, a rollercoaster with huge ups and downs. She has suffered from a panic disorder for over 30 years, which prompted her to study and receive an Honours degree in Psychology with the Open University. Its basic characteristic is that it keeps on changing. But people in the east might cover it for the sake of diplomacy and politeness. ! Western culture is recognized by any part of the world as a culture in Western Europe rather than America, not Australia, and not Eastern or Southern Europe. These differences can be noted mainly in people’s behavior and attitudes. Family come first in the East. Of course one can't generalize everyone into these 'categories 'but the drawings do capture the essence of cultural differences between the western and Asian cultures , in a snippy entertaining way. We want that one person that will make us whole. Rituals and customs of different communities may also differ according to these religions. Chinese vs. Western values. This is one of the major differences between eastern and western cultures. Learning about another country’s culture can reveal why one’s own long-held and trusted beliefs about best practices are often different. Eastern and Western cultures differ with one another in a wide range of point of view. People trust that they’ll chance upon love through circumstance. Misha Maruma. Family plays an extremely important role in Eastern society. Here are five cultural differences in thinking and perception between the East and West. In the East, potential partners must have family approval. East and West may have numerous differences based on culture. Thanks! They don’t give up when their relationship hits a rocky patch. West is freer and more flexible to make decisions on his/her own than in the east. The main difference between eastern and western culture is that people in the east are more traditional and conservative than the people in the west. 2. However, this also means that individuals living in the family home may have to compromise. In Western schools, students are contributors to their own education. And this has consequences for society, the workplace, family, even relationships. If a student fails, the school or institution is blamed. It is possible to see the difference … Eastern Culture: Easterners give more priority to family and elders. Eastern religions are practiced in India, Southeast Asia, Japan, and China. Eastern culture has a circular view of the universe that is based upon the perception of eternal recurrence whereas Western culture has a linear view of the universe that is based on the Christian philosophy that everything has a beginning and an end. In the West, the focus is very much on individual achievement and fostering natural ability. For example, in the West, we admire the ‘self-made man’. Janey uses the experiences of her own anxiety to offer help and advice to others dealing with mental health issues. Eastern world refers to countries in the Asia and Middle East whereas Western world refers to North and South America, Europe, Australia and New Zeeland. Eastern culture includes Asia and the Middle East, while the western world includes South and North America, European countries. Cheng Hing Han, experienced executive whose expertise is helping businesses break into new markets, has shared his view on the main differences between Western and Eastern business cultures, in a speech at Singapore Management University (SMU). This may be true, but they still like the old-fashioned use of business cards. Overall, Eastern cultures have a more flexible view on punctuality than Western nation-states. System based on belief and mysticism. Therefore, concepts like arranged marriages are not common in the west; they marry for love. Islam: Jensen. Differences in human resources approaches between Eastern and Western countries reflect the differences in their respective sub-cultures. The Importance of Time. People are more conservative in eastern countries rather than in western. The Importance of Time. Business looks different in Canada than in China. When it comes to business communication and decision making, both East and West have different points of view and stances. Differences And Similarities Between Eastern And Western Religions. Conclusion. They are not merely recipients of an education. French People- Isaac Swain (who is not French) History of Morrocco - Maggie Stroud. However, if they do, it’s certainly not the school’s fault. There is a lot to learn from both the cultures. Additionally, with the rapid development of economy, there are significant differences between traditional families and modern families in China. Defended by the Geert Hofstede country comparisons, as individuals we are special and only the best will do than! Are no other reasons for a student to fail greetings, apologizing and thanking place indirect... Refers to countries in Asia and Middle East, married couples do not move out at a age... Policy even when it comes to business communication and decision making, both East and the Middle East, couples!, psychological, or treatment are relatively freer than people in the East ll often several... 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